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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. @Leo Gura what do you see as the number 1 factor holding people back from Yellow?
  2. I don't know man but the side effects list seems quite long https://www.drugs.com/mtm/modafinil.html#SideEffects. I know you didn't ask but optimising your sleeping before taking "focus pills" would probably be wise. Whats preventing you from getting proper sleep in the first place> Aternatively you could try L-Theanine, it is a natural amino acid found in green tea. A dose around 150-200mg should give you very calm but alert feeling. It is not addictive and it does not make you drowsy like coffee does.
  3. Don't think you are being paranoid, could be that you are genuinely more sensitive to chlorine and its effects...I used to get very bloated when I ingest some swimming water by accident and noticed also that it massively worsened my allergic response. Was one of the reasons why I quite swimming a year ago even though it is a brilliant full body cardio training. 1. They even did some studies around this and seems it depends even on what time of the day you take the swim. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25604467 couldnt find the full text. 2. Treated water may worsen asthma of people who already suffer from it https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25158052 3. Same for allergies https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30586974 4. Chlorinated water causing damage to lining of respiratory tract in children https://www.atsjournals.org/doi/full/10.1164/rccm.201210-1866LE .....possibly this could be what you got as well. It's not ideal. But if they didn't do it you would be swimming in a cesspool of bacteria, parasites, shit and piss I think the drying has something to do with chlorine being acidic and pulling hydrogen out of your skin so you lose some fluid balance.... Anyways, the take home message would probably be try to find a similar activity which does not include chlorinated water since its giving you a lot of issues. There are also non-chlorinated pools which are treated with less harmful substances so perhaps look those up as well Or just get a pair of gymnastic rings or TRX, hang them on a tree branch next time you walk your dog and do a quick 30 minute full-body workout on fresh air
  4. @universe another possibility is that you already had a virus/bacteria in you but it was kept by your immunity. And when rigorous swimming reduced your immune alertness (all vigoruous exercise does this because of the oxidative and inflammatory micro damage) the pathogen awoke and started spreading. Perhaps you've caught that in one of your earlier sessions. Also there are other ways for bacteria to get in besides ears, I personally tend to accidentally swallow at least 1dl of water when swimming, don't have the best technique... I think some cryptosporidium or giardia are commonly found in waters that are not properly chlorinated....sometimes even that doesn't help. Anyways best go get yourself checked, ask to get some blood testing and inflammatory markers done and if they are willing also an EKG and X-Ray of your chest. All the best mate !!
  5. @Charlotte glad they replied and gave you a date although I wish they could take you in earlier. These student clinics do have a long waiting list unfortunatelly . Wishing you all the best, I know you'll get to the well-ville eventually
  6. First guess would be that the dizziness could be a Labyrinthitis (inner ear infection). These are very commonly caused by swimming.They may not necessarily be able to see this on manual examination because there is only so deep they can get....but this doesn't explain the chest tightness. But it is also possible that the infection has spread down the pharynx into your breathing apparatus and is affecting the lungs which is the cause of chest tightness and diziness (insufficient oxygen distribution) or potentially even heart as a pericarditis which would have very similar symptoms. You better make your way to see your doc and ask to have bunch of tests done. I'd exaggerate a little bit so they do all the proper tests. If they give you antibiotics suspecting respiratory or cardiac inflammation you better take them !
  7. This may not necessarily be truth, for example green will see world hunger as a serious problem but it takes Yellow and Turquoise systemic thinker to be able to potentially create strategies for implementing initial local plans. Green will mostly bitch about it and post on facebook or lie in front of walmart trucks.. Otherwise those a solid set of points and very valid for moving up the spiral. Very important to consider the dark side as well, I think this is what keeps many people stuck that they are unable to see limitations of their current state and will put a lot of struggle and energy towards eradicating them.
  8. thats the guy. He is not particularly popular on youtube. In my opinion (from couple videos I watched) he is a narcicistic psychopath and I can't understand all the fuss about him but perhaps I am being too closeminded for his teachings.
  9. By knowing what your values are and there finding a way to incorporate them at your work. This driver's values could be security/stability, being social and doing service for others...all those more or less he gets "ticked" at his job so he is happy and that reflects in his performance.
  10. interesting post ! I believe I've seen some hint of it with some people but only when there was a white wall behind them. Could just be my mind playing tricks but I would have sworn there was something in there.
  11. have you tried any herbal inhalations? The one where you boil a water in a pot , add some herbs and than cover your head and the pot with towel and inhale the steam...I don't know which herbs tbh, you'll have to look those up but this could help break down some of that mucous.
  12. Have you been checked by a cardiologist? Sometimes tinnitus can be caused by atrial fibrilation or irregular conducting pattern of the myocardium. Also see a neurologist, they should be able to test for any neuron excessive neuron firing. From the natural perspective, Gingko and magnesium have been shown to have some limited evidence towards helping with tinnitus so perhaps check those out as well.
  13. You need to be at a certain level of conciousness to realise that there is something like a Life Purpose, what most would call fantasy, you would call potential career. Although many do either stumble upon their life purpose without knowing or have been driven since youth towards something greater than the 9-5 slavery, without calling it Life Purpose.
  14. there's plenty for us to watch for next 6 months, take a break as long as you need man
  15. Good post, got me thinking a bit about my routine which is largely habitual and less about enjoying it, that's the mindset I've always had about working out. Perhaps its time for a slight makeover
  16. @Key Elements It is sad that mainstream medicine does not consider Diabates being treatable. But maybe that's what the pharmaceutical system wants, Diabates is a multibillion dollar industry. Aftersome point medicine will not do it. In the beginning they out them on metformin or other but once the disease has progressed and cells are very resistant, they need a big dose of insulin that is released very fast. And also these poor people are being told to eat whatever they can as long as they get the insulin which is not truth at all...thats when you see all the loss of sensitivity in limbs and twitches all over the body. It is a terrible life once you go down the medical route but for most that is the only option.
  17. Well the hot water helps some of the healing elements in the herb to get out but the amount is very limited and the boiing heat may actually kill a lot of the herb's compounds. Most herbalists consider herbal tinctures with alcohol the most powerful way to extract its healing properties. Ideal ratio would be around 4:1 from wildcrafted herbs that have been dried properly in correct temperature.
  18. While there is a great degree of scheming and rule bending going on everywhere, generally those who are part of Organic associations such as "Soil Association" in the UK do really have to undergo rigorous process, get tested randomly, have to submit a lot of reports and use very standardised agricultural practices. Of course this is not 10% and there is always ways to go around but generally organic should mean your food is cleaner.
  19. the insulin resistance (type II) can definitelly be reversed. What you can't revers is the neuropathy, damaged nerves and arteries....at least i haven't heard about it being possible but could be wrong. More and more nutritional therapists are proving that Type II can be nearly cured with lifestyle interventions.
  20. @The Don true...once dormant in trigeminal nerve, Herpes never goes away but we all also have candida, we all have tiny tumours growing in our bodies all the time, we have so many dormant viruses and bacteria just waiting to unleash hell that it would make your head spin buddy BUT....they are all held in quarantine by your immune system, constantly under surveillance of wandering macrophages, T-Cells, B-Cells, NK Cells etc...your personal army ready to die for you at any second. So do your best to support your immunity. 70% if it resides in your colon so treat the little buggers well and you won't have a problem with Herpes breakouts or any of other nasties. Dont drink dont smoke, eat a lot of fibre and wholefoods especially fruits, take cold showers every once in a while, stay hydrated, keep active and minimise the stress. The immune system can handle incredible amount of pathogens before you see first symptoms.
  21. Please share your story if you have ever tried Tai-Chi Would you recommend it? What is your experience? Thanks
  22. Seems like your circadian rhythm is all over the place and you need to teach your body a proper sleeping pattern. I hope it goes without saying that any coffee, black teas, redbulls, recreational drugs and green teas need to go....they might be too stimulating for you. Some people are naturally extremely slow caffeine removers, this could be you. Try to follow the following in exact order: Start by going to sleep at exactly the same time every day. Could be say 9pm and force yourself to lay there and breathe deeply until you are able to fall asleep at least a bit. It is important that this time is fixed so that your body starts to learn. Buy blue light blocking glasses and start wearing them 2 hour prior your bed time. At the same time start switching of all your electronics, no more peaking on instagram, facebook, youtube not even reading on your tablet....reading a book is preferable. Put your phones on airplane mode and switch any unnecesary lights, blinking or similar things. 1 hour before bed time dim all artificial lights, only light few candles in your home to have enough life to avoid bumping into the walls. (OPTIONAL) 30 mins before bed, start doing a 20 minute stretching in form of yoga. Observe that this is what your dog would naturally do before going to bed. Many animals do this. I don't know the science behind this but it seems this helps put us at sleep. Just 10 mins before bedtime sit at the edge of your bed and do a deep abdominal breathing after which you will make your way straight to the bed. Make sure that curtains are shut as much as possible. EXTRA TIPs: Consider buying pistachio nuts, they have one of the highest naturally occuring melatonin and have 2-5 around 2 hours before bed. Also if possible invest in curtains that give you 100% darkness, these can be installed and they do make a difference massively. You may need pitch dark for your body to leave the serotonin pathway and start going down melatonin pathway.
  23. Agreed, there is army of people thriving on this type of diet healing anything from arthritis to diabetes. So are people on plant based, keto, paleo, raw...you name it. The interesting thing is that it appears that these people are afraid to introduce plants because it triggers back their symptoms. Kasey on Vegetable Police has introduced grapes and his gut got fucked up again, I think something similar happened to Jordan. This tells me that meat diet is a masking diet, like pharmaceuticals and the core issue remains unattended. But I am open to being wrong, absolutely. Carni has only been around for relatively short time so we don't have a lot of evidence as to how this effects longevity however we have solid data on preferably plant based diets (with some meat) that show very positive benefits. Guess we'll have to wait another 50 years till some solid evidence is presented from observational studies that are most likely already going on.