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distraction distraction distraction
Gundry is a clown of the medical community. He blames legumes for causing autoimmune disease and suggests people to avoid any lectins-containing foods although these have been proven time and time again to prevent cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, help lower cholesterol levels and balance blood sugars and promote longevity. He sells overpriced supplements to "block lectins" lol. There is definitely a lot to learn in his books and coming from SAD diet one can definitely become healthier but many of his claims are retarded and unscientific. In the end it feels like the one beenfiting the most is his bank account.
reading "Way of the superior man" will clarify a lot for your and strip of a lot of cultural garbage and preceonceptions about musculinity that western culture holds.
I've been browsing Linkedin recently after a long time and realised I've completely lost interest in so many things I used to Follow and subscribe to and now it has become an issue to lead a meaningful conversation about any of them. This makes it often difficult to socialise, share interests and have general conversations. teambuilding, networking, socialising news, media, politics, business, finances tv shows, pop culture, movies, even most documentaries, porn movies, video games, my corporate job and everything related to it watching any kind of sports on TV or talking about them The ego would like to think it is getting above all that, becoming more spiritual and conscious but I kinda sense that that is bullshit. Perhaps it's just that these things have now become so absurd and Orange-saturated to a point of you wither loving it or being completely discusted with it. Anyway, was wondering if any of you guys experience the same and whether you have any insights?
All animal products, fermented foods, unwashed vegetables picked straight from the earth (with the soil still on them), nutritional yeast. Some sources claim algae as well but this one is still debated as they call it "B12 analogue". It mimics the molecule hence may sit on B12 receptor but does not really do the work... (all of this may be BS, I'm still quite unsure about this one) Also there is some being produced by gut microbiome provided that you have a good balance in there. Nutritional research (if you believe in it) does not support the idea that this is sufficient so it is probably a good idea to either supplement, eat some animal products or eat a lot of fermented foods. Either way not getting a stable source can get you in a lot trouble and cause irreversible damage to central nervous system.
@ivankiss fair enough, perhaps you need to do a wider circle to be eventually pulled back or will make a foreign country your permanent home one day. I am because I have found my purpose in here and took initial steps towards being able to embody it fully later on. This makes me feel like I am not just drifting in the wind. I would not have been able to do in my country.Once my re-education is finished, I may go back and see if I can implement what I have learned. However I feel a pull-back as I don't think I'll ever feel like I trully belong here.
Wondering how much of the eastern tradition you would experience or whether it comes with 24/7 buffet, high-speed wireless connection, gym and jacuzzi
Ex-judo, Ex-muay-thai, life-long fitness freak here What are you looking for exactly? Muscle? Functional strength? raw power? Endurance? Speed? Agility? Longevity?
Muscae volitantes ? Does it feel like "it" is running away whenever you try to focus on "it"?
I feel for you bro, got similar situation although we live in UK with my girlfriend being the only friend I have here. Are you really happy where you are or does something deep inside tell you that its time to go home? I think we all have a tiny voice inside us that really knows what we want. Call it an intuition perhaps. Try to open yourself up completely to it in your meditation sessions and maybe something will be revealed to you
@ajasatya thanks for the insightful post. I am not at the stage of being able to drop everything. I feel like my life purpose is too unfulfilled to do that. Unless perhaps it would be a short term reset with coming back with a new perspective on things. I think I would be able to do that. Perhaps a form of solo retreat is needed. @ValiantSalvatore, that was a very practical reply, I think there are some helpful tips for me to try to implement. I've also noticed disliking hedonists and materialists and have become very judgemental towards Orange even though deep in my heart I understand why they are so and that they can't be any other way at this stage of their life. yeah I feel like I'm slowly heading that way as well. Been getting rid of a lot of useless junk I accumulated over years. Feels very relieving. @LastThursday I see your point. Exactly this is what's happening. The feeling that there needs to be "meaning" that we need to be "interested in shit", follow the popculture, know about politics, show business, know about latest gadgets...you are right it brings a lot of suffering. The more I "want" the more I suffer, it never ends even if you could swallow all the wisdom of the world in one tablespoon. Thanks for the insightful response!! I don't think I am ready to "stop wanting " or "stop caring", my spiritual development is far far away from that but I could definitely try to learn to let go and direct my attention to more meaningful things. @Yellow_Girl glad I'm not alone in that thanks for your support. @DrewNows thanks for the insight mate. There is definitely some retrospecting for me to do, perhaps its time to get back to journalling.
@bejapuskas there may be raw though I've never seen one in a general store. Most all roasted. Also there is smooth and crunchy but that only means it has been spinned longer/shorter duration, guess the longer it spins the more it gets heated and rancid. Secondly once you grind nut to a butter it starts to oxidise like crazy with you exposing its surface area to outer environment and breaking the polyunaturated bonds. And thirdly, peanut butter is so calorie dense with bad balance of Omega6 : Omega 3 that it is much better to just consume raw peanuts...cant imagine it being any helpful in weightloss. Perhaps as a transition from Nutella...I'll give you that
How did peanut butter make it to the top of the list? A mix of roasted low quality nuts in a cocktail of oxidised fats, AGEs and free radicals
Being Yellow does not mean you skip over all stages and dump everything they have to offer. To me, your post seems a bit too mechanical, lacking a breath of humanity, empathy, compassion and just the general soft skills that make us human. Perhaps you have skipped over green too fast and may need to go back re-connect with people and savour some more joy of socialising, caring, and being more joyful and playful like a child before moving on? Perhaps you are judging everybody around you for not being as evolved but make sure that is not just your ego thinking it is better then everybody else and that prevents you from properly connecting with them? Even at stage yellow, SD can still be a big ego-rollercoaster of competing with other people. Orange will compare muscles in the gym, purple will compare amount of scalps and skulls he took from his enemies, blue will compare honorable badges for service to the country....and yellow will compare evolution on spiral
@Valach your body is cleaning itself all the time. The liver works hard 24/7 to detoxify anything that your body sees as harmful and helps excrete that in urine or poo. I wouldn't suggest you go on a cleanse fasting before you re-mineralize and replenish your body's antioxidant defences and vitamins because the process called" Liver Phase I and II Detoxification" requires so many minerals and vitamins, it may be useful to first start removing the bad stuff from your diet such as trans-fats, junk, sweets, cookies, sweetened drinks etc and start getting in more fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes and lean meats. Once you have made an initial adaptation, and filled your body with nutrition (at least 3-4 weeks of clean eating), you can try few weeks of light eating of mostly raw vegan diet to move some of the toxins around and help your liver detoxify the body. This will go deeper and may help cleanse deeper tissue. Another sewage system is the lymphatic system that also helps to clean tissues and that is best moved by exercise as it needs work of skeletal muscles to move stuff around. A lymphatic massage is also helpful for this as well as some lymph-stimulating herbs. WARNING: a systemic detoxification should be guided if you have never done it before and ideally you may want to work with naturopath or a Functional Medicine doctor to support you especially if you start moving around accumulated heavy metals and environmental pollutants stored in fats cells. Basic things you can start doing before doing a deeper cleanse: start exercising to move that lymph around. get rid of all processed junk, sources of trans fats and oxidised fats, sweets, deserts and any pre-packaged processed foods. if you eat dairy, eggs and meat consider purchasing them in highest quality possible, organic/ free range focus on eating more fruits (up to 8 portions per day), vegetables (mixed portion with every meal), nuts (raw not roasted), seeds, legumes, wholegrains Get at least 7.5-8.5 hours of sleep that is not interrupted and ideally in an environment as close to pitch black as possible find ways to reduce any mental stress Get out more, get sun exposure, walk in nature. Nature is filled with positively charged ions that help to neutralise many free radicals in your body. Hug a tree for an hour, take your shoes off and walk bare-feet, whatever feels right if you have the opportunity to bath in sea or ocean, that is the best of all.
Primal movement is quite fun, I've been experimenting with that lately. Puts you on all 4 by replicating movements of various animals includes a lot of handstands and skill moves. It is excellent for muscle endurance, strength, agility, spinal flexibility and for mind-body coordination. There are few videos on youtube, perhaps check it out. But generally our western type of exercise is often unnatural and unhealthy. Blasting your adrenals in a crossfit session may give you a short term benefit but at an incredible cost over a long term to your radical scavening defences, joints and hormonal glands. If you want to follow path towards longevity do more bodyweight practices, slow deep-breathing controlled movements such as tai-chi, taoist style exercises, some jogging but not excessive and focus more on every day 30 minute practice over 3 times a week deeply depleting HIIT workout.
Power Director is a one-time purchase around 60$ that is quite decent for beginner. Adobe Premier Pro probably rules the video-editing industry but the monthly price is quite high. @John Lula if he is going to monetise the channel, cracking may not be the best idea
Most of all you have to eat regularly and in caloric surplus if you are to grow muscle ,because hypertrophy is on the very bottom of your body's priorities unless a severe stress and significant change in environmental conditions demands a rapid growth of additional muscle mass but that would not be reflected in bigger biceps, more like broader chest or tights and more efficient oxygenation of muscle tissue. So eating right, regularly in excess with around 2g of protein per kg of bodyweight. Whether you get the protein from plant or animal source is a personal choice but a good balance is probably wise. There are no miracle meals. Protein powders are a good additiona but your primary source needs to be the food. Secondly unless you put a lot of mechanical stress on the muscle , the diet won't do it. That means at least 5 days lifting heavy weights.
Perhaps find a Green company that is looking beyond the realm of its bank accounts and market share. All companies need to profit but some aim higher then other. Don't become Jordan Belford type of salesman working for Fortune 500 enterprise.
purple: The spirit of the Forest desires that tonight a virgin girl has to be sacrificed and eaten by the tribe to keep the evil spirits away.
Take sabbatical from current 9-5 for next 12 months to put more focus into my life purpose. And probably some would go towards a bit of backpacking
lol now that's what I call adding some Orange kindle into a Blue fire. Actually, this may be the best advice on how to start escaping blue dogma once and for all.
Some foods have phyto-oestrogenic effects meaning they sit on oestrogen receptors but most of them do so very very very short time, just enough to occupy the space so that the real oestrogen that is 100s more powerful does not get to sit on the receptor. These would be foods like soy and flaxseeds. I believe dairy to a degree as well but that is due to bovaine oestrogen which is actually too powerful for human and not necessarily beneficial. Boosting oestrogen levels generally may not be a best idea as that can increase your chance of breast and uterine cancer (I am assuming you are a woman) that is unless you are not postmenopausal.
Limited time offer should be your first red flag.