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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. this post is 2 years old folks the guy probably doesn't even come on here anymore
  2. Life purpose course taken in early 2017... Why? Well why not?
  3. Cheers mate ! I am myself still confused by a lot but I think in this field it's not about "what's right" but "can you hold multiple percpective that contradict each other for long enough to modulate your own pathway?"
  4. What time do you usually go to sleep? Just wondering if you are cutting your sleep short or going to bed really early.
  5. True there is some decent SF content but still a high monounsaturated ratio, probably as much as 50% that would rancidify quickly...but maybe not
  6. @Swede Excellent points over there ! @RobinOntwikkeljezelf Generally you want to fry as little as possible. Plant oils (especially nut and seed oils) are the worst for frying because they rancidify quickly and become free radicals (molecules that wreak havoc in your body, "steal" electrons, render other molecules uselesss and have potential to damage DNA cells). Frying produces acrylamides (in carbs) a known carcinogens. Frying meat also produces PAH's (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) which when inhaled are again carcinogens If you have to fry, use saturated oils (coconut, palm, animal fat). That being said you can use nut and seed oils but put them on top of your salads, don't fry on them. Bear in mind that 1 tbsp of oil has 120 of mostly empty calories give-or-take EDIT: you'd be surprised that for most meals you don't need to fry on oil and can only use water. For meat products you probably do but for any plant foods, water is as good, it only takes a bit longer and you have to make sure to splash in some more every now and then to prevent burning Wholegrains > processed grains. Gluten is only damaging if you have sensitivity to it or are Celiac, otherwise there is no evidence to suggest it being harmful although abuse of it may trigger some gene expression over years in those genetically predisposed and start causing problems. You are better of making granola yourself. Just mix (with hands) bunch of chopepd seeds, nuts, oats and some banana to keep it together and bake them for 25 minutes on 180 degrees and you got yourself sugar-free, chemical-free granola Don't be afraid of seeds & nuts, your body does not use polyunsaturated fats from these foods to store in fat reserves (unless you significantly overeat), they are used to stabilise your cells and produce steroid hormones....saturated fats are more likely to make you fat . Of course doesn't mean eating 200g of nuts every day, a handful is perfectly fine.
  7. What @pluto said. All of it is junk and should have no place in human diet anyways. Thanks for sharing though !!
  8. That's a very Yellow approach to veganism, well done ! Acceptance does not equal ignorance and one can still take part in making the world a better place without becoming a bleeding heart and pain in the ass of other people.
  9. @bejapuskas It's definitely worth the investment if you can spend the extra money. AX-2 also comes with a daily abs-shuffle which is absolutely brilliant, not sure if that's feature of AX1 as well. I don't follow Jeff's meal plan, that is one thing I don't agree with him the ungodly consumption of animal foods 4 times a day. He does have a plan in there but it's more of a "side product", the training plan was the key for me. I don't really follow any meal plan, I mostly use Dr Greger's Coockbook for meal preps and just try to make sure to hit all my micros, eat regularly and stay in slight protein excess on my workout days.
  10. Wow I never realised so much work goes into vlogging! That's a lot of time spent on one video
  11. Matcha is an incredibly therapeutic herb. Good for focus without the spiking impact of regular coffee. The dose of caffeine is just perfect to naurally raise your levels of alertness without the anxiety and jittery effect. Not to mention it was shown to reduce chronic inflammation and radical damage, protects the heart, reduces LDL cholesterol, protects against diabetes and joints from degradation and may help with depression as well. Haven't tried the other ones.
  12. @Viking Yeah I probably would. You can approach it with "newbie's perspective" as if you were doing it for the first time. Make sure to take proper notes and re-read them after the end of each week or month. This way you'll extract way more than just your life purpose statement.
  13. A general nutrition guidebook would be a good start to learn about Micros, macros, a bit biochemistry, enzymes etc. Anything titled Nutrition with some boring picture on top would do. On the top of that you may pick a simplified anathomy to learn about how different systems in the body work and interact. Knowing this helps to udnerstand nutrition better I find. I'd probably stay away from any sensational book (anything titled Vegan, Paleo, Raw, Fit ..) because there is always a conflict of interests and a bit of manipulation of available data. Go for a generic academic book.
  14. Perhaps it was not the right time indeed I'd say probably start all over once you get to it. It needs time and proper contemplation to "bear fruits"
  15. human's cant digest fibre, but our microbiota can...well that is if your gut is not messed up or purely adapted to digesting animal flesh, in that case you'll end up bloated and in pain when eating a bowl of grapes like all these crazy carnivores on Youtube. Everythign else in plant we can absorb, the micro and macronutrients, the phytochemicals, the enzymes etc.. Throughout most of our times humans and our ancestors were foraging for fruit and very rarly if they got lucky a short period of high protein meat diet usually followed by plants. If you look at populations that eat high animal diets like Inui, you see horrible horrible, health. Granted that veganism is an ideology that is targeted by marketing and when done poorly can be extremely harmful even deadly. There is a lot of evidence that supplements work lol, when was the last time you checked? You take D-vitamin depleted people give them supplement and their levels go up and their symptoms disappear. Food is superior to supplements thoughthat's true.
  16. @Viking Agreed, an actions is needed. I do envy you that you are already conscious of these things at young age....I was so so lost even when I was ending UNI, had no idea what i wanted to do with my life and never knew pursuing passion could be a thing. If nothing else, then perhaps consider taking the Life Purpose Course, for me that opened and entirely new dimension..that is if you have the money. So then you can start slowly thinking how to move with your degree towards what is meaningful.
  17. Perhaps lack of general drive is why you don't want to wake up in the first place? Do you think you could work on changing this?
  18. If you don't trust her methods than don't work with her. She may not be the fit for you. On the top of that it seems like you are looking for confirmation of what you already do rather than finding a new way to help you out. maybe you need to drop everything you have learned and come out as a "blank paper" empty-handed with no expectations. Psychadelics bear a stigma that professionals are afraid of because it may harm their reputation and practice...she may still be regulated by a "blue" institute that sees no difference between 5MEO and cocacine. Additionally, bear in mind that you are not just paying for the 60 minute session. You also pay for: her education: past and current expenses put into running her clinic: rental, utilities, taxes etc.. her branding / image the more reputable the more expensive her past experience - this will allow her to ask you the right questions and filter through bullshit methods that don't work and find efficient ones that work for you
  19. @bejapuskas congrats on your progress ! It is not easy to adopt all these habits at the same time. The best fitness tips for exercise I got was after I started following Athlean-X on yotube. I realised that for years I have been using wrong exercises and often not even doing them correctly. Jeff Calaiere, the founder is incredible and has 100s of amazing videos. It may be worth buying one of his paid programms such as AX-1 if you need some structure and motivation. I got AX-2 now and can;t praise it enough. In terms of diet, you can get a lot from books but perhaps having one consultation with a nutritionist to make sure your needs are covered is not a bad idea. There is a lot of "self-hacking" you can do by adding things like B-vitamins, beet, some mushrooms, maca, rhodiola etc that have all been shown to boost performance but generally diet comes first.
  20. what pills are you taking? do you mean B12 supplement? You could genuinely be under-eating, this is a common problem with many vegans. Do you know your protein intake and general caloric intake?
  21. you cannot generalise on that. This depends whether they are mono or polyunsaturated or saturated. You are right in saying that most vegetable fats oxidise when cooked but why cook on oil in the first place. Most dishes you can perfectly easy prepare on water or use a saturated source such as coconut oil. Agreed on pig lard, saturated fats are definitely the best choice when having to cook on them...we have other, less gross choices though. All fats have same properties whether coming from animal or plant , what changes is the amount of double bonds between carbon atoms. Plant fats are deposited in the cellular walls that protect the cell from radical damage. They are also use to produce eicosanoids, signalling molecules that have antiinflammtory and anti-coagulating properties. There is very little of those in animal food. your liver makes 1000 mg of cholesterol per day using the ensyme HMG-CoA reductase. Unless you are on Statins or have genetic defect of this ensyme your needs are covered. EDIT: when most people say "choelsterol is good" they don't realise they are not getting "clean cholesterol" such as from boiled eggs but an oxidised, rancid cesspool of free radicals called "oxidised cholesterol" that comes from animal foods that have been processed on high heat such as pan-frying. This causes damage to endothelium of your artheries and forces body to send LDL choelsterol to fix it -> in long term this leads to atherosclerosis. So, I agree that normal cholesterol such as from boiled egg or raw meat (gross!) is not that bad but most of what is eaten generally is a free radical because most people can't stomach raw meat or not even boiled. Not the entire cell is made of fat, majority of cell is actually made of protein (the nucleus with DNA, endoplasmic reticulum, the cytoplasm that make smajority of cell body is actually strands of protein and some minerals like zinc) however the double layered membrane surrounding the cell (phospholipid bilayer) is made of fat indeed , mostly polyunsaturated and monounsaturated though mostly coming from plants...there is a degree of saturated fats as well that make it more stable and a little bit of cholesterol to help with transport of substance. If there is too much saturated animal fats, this wall becomes stiff and you end up with insulin resistance a.k.a type II diabetes.
  22. the traditional food pyramid is a joke basing majority of your calories from pastries, rapidly absorbable carbohydrates and processed grains simply to make sure people are not starving. It is not a model to thrive but to achieved your minimal RNi and avoid premature heart disease ending with a heart attack for as long as possible. There are many alternative interpretations if it but what you mention is probably semi-carnivore diet or Paleo. Keep experimenting just keep an eye on your cholesterol intake and the amount of deep frying and oxidised fat you consume. Boiled > fried. Whenever someone says they feel like shit on plants but immediately get better on animals, that's a dysbiosis red flag for me....but that's just personal opinion. Hope this diet works for you and gives you more joy in life !
  23. Make sure your profile is on Linkedin, well polished with professional photo and all the background information. You can make yourself "available for job" by paying a premium (around 25$ monthly I think) this will mean recruiters are more likely to see you and you spot the new opportunities earlier. A small "job-seeker" badge will be added. Other than that, always make sure to add a covering letter that is specifically suited for that position. Check your grammar thoroughly using something like Grammarly and make sure there are no references to other jobs you applied for and forgot to amend. What @Shivasaid, look for internships, they are good entry positions to get in a reputable company and if they like you, they may keep you.. Your CV should not be longer than 1 page. Remove any reference of elementary and high school and only mention University and any relevant experience you've had. I'd also NOT use a photo on CV, it takes split of a second for someone to dump your CV because they don't like your face..or something on it. Start the CV by adding few sentences about yourself, writing in 3rd person..not to brag but to bring up the interesting facts and any achievements. If you have any personal achievements such as previous success in sports make sure to point it out. To this day my 5time national champion title in Judo has impressed every interviewer especially if they are a bit competition minded even though the last one was 10 years ago And finally, focus on positions that are not older than 7 days, anything older (unless it is a specialist job) would have been bombarded by 100 CVs and ad that point you'll just be wasting your time. Linkedin" Job Seeker" content also allows you to see how many people applied before you and how do you rate against them Good luck ! The first one sometimes requires a lot of patience
  24. @brugluiz there is a lot of deforestation going on in Brazil, so perhaps there are some green companies trying to protect the ancient forests like anti-logging agencies, environmental companies etc...might be worth looking into. I wouldn't trade a tropical climate for cold /dark northern Europe