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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. is the opposite sex infected with Smallpox?
  2. inherently that would be a manipulation on its own Orange will vaccinate the whole population and push its ideology of pandemic, Green will cut hands for using plastic and push its agenda of global warming and Turquoise will contaminate waters with 5-MEO and talk about saving humanity....whats the difference?
  3. @Leo Gura I think most people who do stock trading don't give shit about helping society or contributing to the world in any way whatsoever. It's all about "me me me me me me". I tried bringing up the topic of "contribution" to bunch of Orange colleagues..was called a naive hippie and treehugger a lesson learned.
  4. purchasing manager for unconscious finance company after graduating in business & marketing. <---- series of wrong decisions
  5. Great for cleansing bowels, constipation, treating haemorrhoids and diverticulae, better skin health, weight loss and to boost ensymes, antioxidants and phytochemicals. Reducing risk of most cancers especially collorectal with all the fibre. Also great for someone with heart disease or pre-dbaietic states. RF be helpful for rebalancing your Yin&Yang towards more Yin for someone with lot of repressed anger, toxic masculinity and lots of extreme Yang problems. It is more cooling hence calming and soothing to the mind & body. Over long term, management of some nutrients can be problematic especially zinc, calcium, protein, essential fatty acids (unless sufficient nuts are eaten) some B-vitamins. Underrating is a common problem. Hormonal issues could occur from low EFAs and protein. Loss of muscle could happen but not necessarily has to as long as one is active. And the lack of warming foods especially in winter could be challenging.
  6. Unless this is addressed, no amount of therapy will help. Remove the root cause, symptoms will dissapear
  7. Sleep is for the weak !! Stop being bunch of crybaby bitches!!!
  8. @wk197 we need a bit more. Tell us about your diet, stress, lifestyle,. relationship to your work, environment, activity levels...
  9. Do you feel that your work is alligned with your values? If you don't know your values... do you feel like there is "something more out there for you"? I assume if you have to ask, the course is good for you. Read "So good they can't ignore you" as @Knock suggested. Nobody is born with skills he/she needs. They are gained through deliberate practice in hours, months and years. The book also gives very practical tips for career navigation and disputes the popular "passion theory" saying that "you just need to grow some balls and follow your dreams" which is nonsense. Can you save some money over few months?
  10. @GreenWoods he gave up on coaching long time ago unless there was a new update. The link you sent was probably hidden but not deactivated. @StarStruck type in "life coach" and name of your city. There are decent coaches all over the developed world and most of them offer 30 min introductory session. Can definitely be good way to start if you feel stuck.
  11. Broccoli is one of the most healing and detoxifying foods there is. To maximise its benefits, chop it in small pieces and let it sit for 40 minutes before cooking to activate Sulforophane and Indole-3-Carbinol. Also definitely go organic if you consume it at such massive amounts.
  12. Done it couple times in the past, its quite fun. Definitely not as uncomfortable as that woman makes it look like. These days i'm not convinced anymore that its that good for healthy individual as you may potentially be flushing your intestinal microbiota and leaving space for pathogen overgrowth.
  13. Few random food tips: Beetroots - eat them 30 mins pre-workout (2-3 heads) to boost production of Nitric Oxide and muscle endurance. They contain Beetaine (TMG) that can also be helpful in reducing Homocysteine for someone with ↑ risk of cardiovascular disease. Blend them mixed with dark colour cherries to minimise the impact of free radicals produced during training. CAREFUL: it may colour your urine red, this is fine and not dangerous. Cruciferous Vegetables (espec. broccoli) - chop them and leave sitting for 40 minutes before eating. This will ensure that Glucosinolates will mix with ensyme Myrosinase and form an incredibly potent compound called Sulforophane. This is a cancer fighting, inflammatory inhibiting superstar. It also improves your liver Phase II detoxification. This reaction also helps produce Indole-3-carbinol, another potent cancer-fighting compound. Pistachios - highest natural melatonin content Maitake - this is a caffeine for your Immune System such as T-Cells and NK cells fighting pathogens. Powerful enhancer of immunity. Can be very helpful in state of acute illness. NOT to be taken by someone with autoimmune disease as it may make it worse Tomatoes - contain carotene called Lycopene. The more cooked they are, the higher the available Lycopene content. Powerful inhibitor of prostate enlargement and Matcha - Interacts with cellular inflammatory pathways (COX -1 and COX - 2) and helps suppress chronic inflammation. Also helpful in ↓ Monoamine oxidase, an enzyme that breaks down dopamine and serotonin when docked in their receptor. And finally suppresses growth of cancer cells and stimulates cell-induced death (apoptosis) so they don't grow beyond their normal range.
  14. All Hail the Kingdom of Feminine!! What you talk about is toxic masculinity. You remove Yang from Yin or vice versa and the universe collapses.
  15. Emotional Inteligence 2.0
  16. Make sure to get a PT if you are starting in the gym for the first couple sessions. I see many new guys doing horrible exercises that will mess them up, using wrong weights that are too heavy putting ego in front of form. Don't be that guy, play it smart, think long term health > short term gain.
  17. It is "better" in this particular meaning, a wholegrain pasta would be event better but when we zoom-out it is still dead, processed food with zero nutritional value. To make transition to healthy diet start by having 3 regular meals and 2 snacks and add 2 cups of mixed vegetables as well as a source protein to each of your meals. One you achieve decent caloric intake and regularity, start polishing the individual plates, playing with halthier source of fat, protein, adding fruit etc..
  18. lol they are not called superfoods because they give you superpowers. These things work on different systems and if you are generally healthy you won't feel anything. For example to someone suffering from IgE mediated hypersensitivity, getting something like Reishi will make an incredible difference because they stop release of histamine. If you don't have any allergies or insomnia Reishi won't make any difference. Also Fish Oil won't do shit if your diet is good but for someone having Arthritis caused by Omega 6 dominance they make a difference. They are means to be used for certain purposes for people with chronic disease , malnutrition etc.. Other thing like blueberies, gojiberries will have more of a protective effect against free radical species which may potentially slow down your ageing but it is a benefit you will notice in 20 years. If you want immediate effect, only toxic substances like preworkouts will do the trick but they'll leave you messed up and chronically fatigued
  19. @kag101 There is at least 3 red flags in what you wrote but I am not going to argue any further. I do wish you all the best and hope you will find what you seek.
  20. @Yannik as long as it doesn't become a NEED but remains a "nice to have" its prob alright You seem like a guy who is keeping it all well together so you will know if it become a crutch rather than an extra kick.
  21. @non_nothing https://actualized.org/life-purpose-course this helped me figure it out
  22. If you enjoy it keep it up, just make sure that "I enjoy it" is not masking "I have so little energy that I can't survive the day without relying on external stimulant to drain energy from my body to keep me going". It can be hard to admit and coffee being so tasty does not make it any easier
  23. That's why there is no right answer to the question you posed. There are also deeper questions you can ask such as: "how is what I do helping people and serving humanity? " Does this way of living allign with my values? -> I am getting a hint that there is some clashing which is why you raised this thread because you feel it...but that's just me projecting on person I don't know cause that's prob what I'd do.
  24. What does your intuition tell you? Does it fell right doing what you do when you look deep inside?