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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. I am very far from enlightenment but am indeed stuck in regular 9-5 dependant on single income. For past 2 years I have been re-educating myself and gathering what Cal Newport calls Career capital so that I can transition at some point within next 24 months. Looking at it like wage slavery was painful so I adopted a view of "this is the type of life I chose because I did not know any better in my teens and early youth. This job allows me to study, to invest in my health and food and without it I would not be able to afford spending the money towards my Life Purpose and making some investments I had to make".
  2. The question is, "do you value your health enough to make proper choices in your daily life?" If not you will continue to slip into eating junk. Approaching you eating time with full mindfulness can help solve a lot of your problems. A practical tip would be to start batch cooking, buy couple glass/plastic trays and carry your own food to work. You can cook a giant pot of lentil stew with sweet potatoes for around 10$...food for thought.
  3. You might be interested in energetic and frequency of foods. Living food delivers the highest frequency to the body especially things like sprouts and fruits. I believe these can be beneficial to trying to achieve states of higher consciousness rather than zero frequency dead flesh but haven't really done much research into this so take this as an anecdotal claim.
  4. Excellent book, prob the best I've read this year.
  5. Here we get into realm of infectious disease, antibiotics and global Pharmacological industry which is a topic of its own but I couldn't agree more.
  6. @Emerald Tis was so enlightening on so many different levels!! I had no idea that this has been going on. Perhaps subconsciously but never fully acknowledged it intellectually. And now looking at most females I know it seems it is either one or the other, sometimes a mix of both resulting in a neutrality with masculine dominance. Right on the spot ! So so true, especially in the corporate world where I am just now, you can really tell that some who took the first road above struggle much to fake it. The other seem more natural but appear like an icicle. Cold and emotionless icequeens that men fear. Rarely you'd see an executive being a feminine person..that prob doesn't even exist. Thank you for taking time to write this, I think this deserves its own separate post
  7. Excellent post ! After reading David Deida's work, couldn't agree more. I think we should have a same post on women for all guys here to read. @Emerald I think you would be the perfect person to raise something like that on here
  8. There are heavy metal tests you can do who look at functional heavy metals (iron, copper potassium etc..) and toxic heavy metals (mercury, arsenic, alluminium..). These are not cheap but if you are genuinely concerned, get yourself tested first before you engage in any cleanse protocol. Also, should you decide to try a chellation therapy, it would be wise to work with someone who knows what they are doing because removal of heavy metals can seriously harm your elimination organs if done wrong or ended prematurely. Once you start moving these molecules from your deep tissues, you have to make sure that the process is taken all the way to the end and your urine/kidney filtration frequently monitored.
  9. Is it truth that devices like wireless router, wireless headphones, phones generally, notebooks emit particles that alter your chromosomes and may cause many nasty cancers? Like brain or breast in women. Has anyone studied this topic any deeper to give an insight?
  10. I think you already know the answer & the technique. Gradually increase your meditation time. Your expanded consciousness will not slip back so easily as it once used to. There is no other remedy. Acknowledge them, name them,put them on the paper and then burn through them for hundreds of hours of meditation day in day out.
  11. Do you have any purpose / vision you are working towards?
  12. @Rilles ok, since you obviously missed the entire point, the comment was refering to the fact that "some things are genuinely unpleasant" in a sort of sarcastic way....if you ever read the title of this thread.. But since you took my comment literally....I'm not a supporter of the circumcision but it can be helpful for men who suffer chronic genital infections or phimosis. It should not be done on babies or for purpose of religion thats fucking sick.
  13. There can be significant medical benefits of STD prevention and reduced transmission of pathogens but you missed the point with your SJW comment
  14. try getting circumcised without anasthesia
  15. I think you may find reading "so good they can't ignore you" helpful
  16. There are two types of cholesterol High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) and Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL)...actually there is several more such as VLDL but those are usually not as crucial. I know you will probably say something in terms of "research is crap, it is paid and hence it makes no sense" but some of the major observational studied, epidemiological studies (on massive groups over decades) as well as cohort studies (looking forward at a certain group without interfering too much) show that elevated LDL constantly leads to higher risk of heart disease (number 1 killer of humans in the world) and metabolic syndrome (a pre-heart disease pre-diabetes state). I am NOT saying that cholesterol is bad. In fact I think we need some in our diet to support production of steroid hormones...which is challenging my current lifestyle but the problem is excessive cholesterol (above 600mg a day) , the problem is oxidised cholesterol (such as when you fry or roast) that acts as free radical and damages your vascular cells. And te average human being constatly overeats on cholesterl and saturated fats, both of which have been altered, oxidises and turned rancid. This is when lowering is a good idea.
  17. Nothing wrong with it as long you actually CAN fall asleep Your body will be flooded with adrenaline and cortisol after a physical exercise and your nervous system excessively stimulated, which may make it a bit difficult to fall asleep. That's why they say not to exercise 2 hours prior to your bedtime, but this is very much individual.
  18. @raingurl wow, this was some time ago. Some of my opinions would have changed since then but majority probably not. Glad you find it helpful, all the best on your healing journey!
  19. not true, all these foods are associated with lower risk of Type 2 diabetes, ESPECIALLY legumes due to their low GI/GL content. Actuallya high saturated fat content in meat is more likely going to make you insulin resistant. Even super high fructose fruits like figs and bananas are protective from T2D and have successfully been administered to pre-diabetic patients so that's not really true. If we talked about processed starchy carbs like pastries ,. that's a different story with clear link to insulin resistance fair enough Lots of marketing and corporate push going on here but don't forget that herbal medicine has been around for over 6000 years, way before marketing was a thing. Some of the greatest healers have always relied on herbal remedies among other methods, supplements are just that taken by orange to turn into profit because herbs cannot be patented
  20. Plant paradox is an elimination diet that bashes on foods supporting prevention of cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes a metabolic syndrome, the menace of western population. These are the foods you listed as harmful: lentils, beans, fruits and Whole grains. Gaundry's diet has been challenged many times and many of his claims are easily disputable. Coming from standard diets, one may get some help but eventually most people are unable to reintroduce these foods even once the gut has been "healed" it is exactly the same for carnivore diet. And to top it up, Gaundry is selling a large scale of supplements that he is trying top push on buyers of his book. It is a perfectly orchestrated sales pitch that is not supported by research and only serves short term. Btw, he was talking about CFS which has nothing to do with autoimmunity in most cases. Most people are chronically tired because their lifestyle is chronically terrible missing out basic nutrients supporting Glycolysis, Kreb's cycle and basic muscular function. It is NOT a disease (with few exceptions of mitochondrial dysfunction and other conditions where CSF is a secondary syndrome) EDIT: agreed on B-complex. It is not a solution but sometimes a megadosing is needed to get people back to optimal levels back after that food needs to be the sole supply.
  21. Maybe you have started of way ahead of your capabilities. I think we need to lean in towards our discomfort just a little bit every single day but pushing it too far may burn you out in long term. You may need to reconsider that you are not yet ready for this and need to take a step back for couple months and years, accept something that will be "just enough" challenging to slowly improve your skillset and then you may come back to this type of enterprise when you are ready.
  22. Besides a lot of nonsense we learn communication, empathy, sharing, how to speak to girls and boys, how to behave towards elderly, often grow friendships that last a lifetime. A home schooling may deprive you of many of these. I think trashing on all education is a bit exaggeration but there is indeed a lot of BS that is going on especially in the highest cost universities. Also not everyone will be able to become conscious and enlightened, many simply don't have the right environment and exposure to be able to ever perceived it. For these people proper education is essential.
  23. You should have allowed for your circadian rhythm to adapt naturally. I wouldn't rely one external support because if it gets taken from you you'll end up worse of. Body will adapt just give it more time. Try to stay awake throughout the day for as long as possible and the bodyclock will be pushed the right direction. Exposing your retina to the daylight will block the release of melatonin throughout the day and keep you awake. it may require couple days but you would adapt eventually.
  24. If you wanted a natural L-Theanine from Green Tea leaves where it originally resides, you would probably need an apple-sized capsule because there is so little of it in there. So synthetic is the most likely form you will get. What you smell are probably all the thickeners, emulsifiers and stabilisers to keep the capsule together. If its bothering you , there is a product on UK market called "Unplug", I believe @Charlotte might be able to share some of her experience with it. This contains L-theanine along with magnesium and many adaptogenic herbs.
  25. Yeah I'm in the same boat. Everybody wearing these says "oo but its safe..it has been tested".. right. I don't buy it, same reason I'm not ever wearing wireless headphones. Getting enough exposure to wireless already without adding a 24/7 bluetooth tracker on my body.