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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. You don't "find" the right partner. You find A partner and over time as you work on the relationship, help eachother grow and prosper, you become each other's perfect match. You learn to love each other's imperfections and differences. Of course there has to be a degree o sexual attraction and primal chemistry between the two of you otherwise everything else falls apart. However, if you feel like you are compromising too much of your potential because of the relationship either due to lack of physical attraction or lack of your partner's interest in mutual growth and development, it is very likely that you can do better. Just don't get trapped in the need to find the perfect girl as that's how you end up alone.
  2. Consider buying a cookbook and try 2 new recipes every week. Once you exhaust what you like, buy another one. There are lots of recipes online but i personally still prefer cookbooks Seems like you already make a lot of good choices just need to add a bit more variety.
  3. Hi Pablo, My heart goes out to you. I think you are already doing a lot to get back in well vile. A post on cancer has recently been opened here, check the latest history on the health forum, lots of tips have been shared. Try looking up dr Robert Morse he probably has a video on NHL or generally on blood/bone marrow cancers. See if what he teaches resonates with you and if it does, consider giving them a call Dr Greger in his book "How not to Die" where he describes top 15 global diseases has a chapter on Blood Cancer, perhaps check that out as well. Remember that this is a public forum so any advice (including this) is biased but definitely explore multiple perspectives and see what resonates with you deep within. At the same time don't forget to consult your oncologist on any natural treatment you wish to attend. Medical advice has to come from a reliable source. Good luck buddy!
  4. You may be forcing the joint in an unnatural position when too much pressure is being put unequally on the tendons holding the joint so it is starting to re-adapt. I don't know if that's a good thing or bad as you may be weakening the tendon so maybe try to explore other ways of sitting when meditating or use an extra cushion under your butt.
  5. One of the challenges of becoming a yoga practitioners is that (as Cal Newport said) it takes a month for a newbie to get to a bottom-rank of yoga qualified professionals. Because the learning curve is extremely steep here, it does not require years to become genuinely good at yoga but rather something around 3-6 months. To breakthrough, you'll have to bring more than just stretching exercises. Unfortunatelly in the west, most of us don't really know what true yoga is so it has become a fitness exercise of who can lick their own but and who has more expensive clothing. If you can create a bridge between this and true spiritual yoga and bring your clients over to these teaching, you may have a lot of success in the practice although that won't be as easy as having a stretching studio with a "spiritual music" from youtube.
  6. a lot of people study the rich because they are looking for a get rich quick manual. A shortcut to become Richard Branson in 2 years instead of 50. A lot of the very rich people were in a sense lucky either by starting during a technological vacuum or having an access to abundant material or natural resources. Having said that, they are all incredibly hard working people with a lot of discipline and dedication. It is helpful to study their success habits and mindset but at the same time I challenge you to study their neurosis, they inadequacies and selfish tendencies to abuse natural resources and other people for their own profit and achievement. Be as generous as he might today, in his youth people like Warren Buffet required that thousands of people lost massive fortunes for them to earn the money they did from stock exchange. They were ruthless, aggressive and did not hesitate to step over others. That was same for most technological ex-CEOs of our time.
  7. We all get cancers cells growing in us, in fact, hundreds of cells every hour grow out of their normal range but in most cases, this gets picked up by the immune system and these cells quickly get flagged by antibodies and destroyed & removed by various immune cells such as macrophages and NK cells. So we can speculate that cancer is an insufficiency of the immune system to do its surveillance work. Perhaps its because it is occupied elsewhere clearing toxins and inflammation as a result of lifestyle and environmental triggers or there simply aren't enough immune cells around ...which is again likely a result of lifestyle. Cancer takes decades to develop in most cases so it often means making bad decisions for decades not once or twice. Eating acidic foods, not exercising, not detoxifying in any way, being filled with negative emotions, living in polluted cities, living off coffee, alcohol and junk foods. The body can handle a lot but even the most genetically gifted and resilient of us have a breaking point. Modern treatment for cancer is basically nuclear warfare for our immune defenses, our tissues, organs, bones, and all cells. It is effective in many cases...but for how long? The standard rating is 5-year survival but we know that tumors take longer than that to develop. Once you fall out of their statistics and die in year 7 you are no longer considered a "fail treatment". Unfortunately, there are no statistics for healthy diet & lifestyle as a cancer treatment as there is no major corporate profit to be had from people eating broccoli.
  8. carrots - yes because of the bitterness. Apples contain most of their fibre and phytonutrients in peal so I wouldn't get that off. Heard some people eat kiwi and bananas whole but that has to taste funny. I'd keep the tomato peel as well, lots of nutrients bound there
  9. @Ibn Sina might be able to help?
  10. I would never sleep with a random woman who messaged me online. Because: 1. It can be a scam or autobot message. Ever got one of those? "There are 20 women in your area who are dying to meet you" 2. You don't know how many guys have "been there". You may be risking a serious STD with these women and I wouldn't rely on condom as 100% protection 3. its shallow and cheap and fucks up your perception of true deep relationship and sexual connection.
  11. I believe that in most cases when a passion is followed the financial independence will become a side-effect. Unless you chose a market field where there isn't a lot of demand or that is oversaturated such as like becoming a global plastic cutlery supplier. Just make sure that the highest vision of your life purpose is not to make a lot of money. That will always backfire on you. The goal needs to be higher than that. Think about contribution and how will the humanity benefit from your life purpose. If a bus runs you over tomorrow, what gifts will the world be robbed of?
  12. Agreed with @Sunny J Gupta I bet there are people who have so much control over their ejaculation that after a long period of nofap they can still control it, but for most this does not work. The longer you abstain the quicker you cum. You can regulate this by masturbating only when there is a possibility of having sex. Some of the longest living Taoists in china were virgins or had very very few sexual intercourse experiences so for a complete absitenence sex has to be ruled out. From the very physiological and evolutionary perspective, semen retention is not a sound strategy as the sooner you can ejaculate the higher the chances of you passing your genome without the risk of being interrupted by a wild animal or a more masculine member of your or other tribe. I think we still have this deeply rooted inside of us. Kinda like when female bodies appear more "radiant" during ovulation when they are the most fertile, Many experience higher libido, their breasts appear enlarged, skin clearer and hair more shiny. Their bodily smell is more intense to attract males. We can try as hard as we want but in the end our biology fucks with us
  13. Isle of Skye, Scotland from a recent travel
  14. @kieranperez i think.....just to make sure this is not a physiological issue, you may want to consider checking in with your doc. To rule out any respiratory or cardiovascular abnormality. Also since breathing is largely a neurological phenomenon most of all, there could be an issue there as well..such as when somebody has a hand tremor, often it comes down to neurological problem. Not saying it is any of the above....but just to be sure that this has nothing to do with any of the organs or systems in the body. So that you know that it is something you can deal with through practicing letting go and deep breathing exercises.
  15. S U R V I V A L
  16. Deep abdominal breathing all the time. Autopilot does a very poor job with this.
  17. Make sure you don't force the memory for the purpose of "need to know". I find that in the West people read a lot of stuff just to appear knowledgable in front of peers or to pull out a party-fact her and there. If your subconscious mind knows that this wisdom only serves the ego, you will struggle to remember. Having said that, one of the most powerful ways to move short term memory from your hippocampus into long term storage in cerebral cortex is sleep, especially REM sleep. Getting sufficient, undisturbed sleep after you have read something that should be retained will boost your long term memory like nothing else. Depriving yourself of sleep will make a lot of that inaccessible. Some a short review just before sleep could be a useful strategy
  18. @F E A R L E S S Awesome list, thanks for sharing! Most of those can be achieved on a well balanced diet enriched with some cruciferous vegetables and decent sources of protein. CoQ10, ALA and Creatine can be lower on plant based diet diet but healthy cells should be able to produce their own in sufficient amounts. I wouldn't go supplementing any of those unless there is a metabolic deficiency such as severe mitochondrial damage or a genetic snip Can't agree with Nicotine though, it is a systemic toxin which is rapidly absorbed and triggers the autonomic nervous system. It is also related to at least 4 types of cancers (and this is not because of the inhalation of tar and cadmium from cigarettes although that does not make it any better).
  19. What do you mean by "gaps"? Do you hear any wheezing or sort of "gurgling" sounds when you breathe out? Like as if tiny bubbles were formed? Can you breathe normally when you lay down? Does your chest feel tight also when you exercise?
  20. Men with wounded self esteem and little self-confidence do this. These are most of the macho pretty boys that girls fall for. Conscious men do not seek one night stands but a high quality relationship where they and their woman can grow and enrich each other's life with divine masculine and divine feminine. Perhaps you just haven't managed to find one of those
  21. ^ This! I've have had 50 minute restless and itchy meditations and I've had 20 minute deep and mindful meditations
  22. yeeeeah.... that enough should be a huge question mark by itself
  23. Are you sure about this? Propecia stops the conversion of Testosterone to DHT. Assuming the OP is a female, this can lead to buildup of testosterone and trigger something like PCOS and excessive hair growth. The risk of permanent infertility is (according to drugs.com) 10%. Minoxidil is a vasodilator used for high blood pressure treatment. It increases risk of abnormal ECG readings and pericarditis. Both of them have a shitload of side effects alone, prob wors combined.. I am pretty sure that this is not the MOST effective way although I do not know of best natural way, this seems like taking too much risk without addressing the cause which may be linked to OP's lifestyle or diet.
  24. I'd definitely check Athlean X on youtube. He is one of the biggest fitness channels and his products are brilliant. If you like his style, consider this program. https://athleanx.com/xero
  25. Understanding that people do what they do to ultimately be happy. What seems crazy to me may be completely normal to them because that's the way the have been brought up and they don't know any other way. Since this realization I have not been able to get angry at people.