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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. I think Naturopathy is an amazing blend of the traditional and herbal medicine with the modern evidence-based medicine and nutritional science. Functional Medicine is also pretty neat.
  2. good stuff by @Shiva Based on the current amount of evidence soy is beneficial for females. It reduces risk of estrogen-driven cancers by balancing amounts of endogenous estrogens, reduces post menopausal bone loss and flushes and has been shown to improve overall wellbeing even libido. I would always make sure it is organic and would stay away from highly concentrated sources such as soy protein. When taken as wholefood in form of tofu, miso or edamame, soy can be quite helpful. But ofcourse, there are better, healthier foods as always such as your fruits, vegetables and all sorts of other beans and lentils and nuts.
  3. I'm currently in a state when I try to get away from corporate & finance sector but since I had to break in at one time as well, here are few tips I found helpful; throughout the years Try to get a good internship in high ranking company, probably one of Fortune 500 if you can. You may need to work for free for half a year before you will be either recruited for full time or let go. Even if let go, you will already have your initial business experience. Working for free sucks but the initial experience is a must. Attend a lot of career affairs and collect as many flyers and business cards as you can. Speak to recruiters, get their business cards and most of all, have your own professional business cards to share Polish your Linkedin really really well. Neat professional photo in a suit, nothing fancy. Don't put too much detail on your job history but not too little either. Same goes for CV. One page MAX, no bullshit. Focus on achievements instead of writing essay about how amazing you are. Don't copy anything you find online, especially not the popular CVs that appear on Linkedin but create your own unique style. Make sure you add any personal achievements on your CV. Most of the recruiters were more impressed by my sports accomplishments in martial arts than my university degree or past experience. Don't lie during your interviews. A good recruiter will catch you quickly. There is nothing wrong with slightly exaggerating your accomplishments but if you start making stuff up such as listing projects you have not worked on, you will be caught up quickly. Add a tailored covering letter to every opportunity you apply for. Check it 3 times to make sure there is no reference to any previous job. There is nothing as offputting as seeing covering letter that is a copy-paste from another application. Recruiters hate this. If you were in room with 30 other candidates for the same place, why should they choose you? Think of few reasons then put them on your covering letter. In the end, I have to mention this even though you didn't ask. While there is amazing money to be earned in the corporate sector, it is an very vicious and traitorous place where people are dishonest, greedy and ruthless. They are not evil people but this is the way they have to be to survive in this game. You may be setting yourself up for an environment where you have to suck up to people to be successful and even that doesn't guarantee anything. So be absolutely sure that this is what you want to get into and be prepared for an environment that is anything but kind and respectful.
  4. Congrats on figuring stuff out
  5. it is normal and healthy to feel this sort of attraction. However, taking action on it while being in another relationship is not. Guys get attracted to a new woman probably 50 times a day. It only takes a couple seconds for us. And yes with some people you can feel a deeper level of attraction such as what you describe. However, if you feel that your current partner is naricist who is holding you back (the message I got from what you wrote) perhaps you should reconsider if you are in the right place. As painful as it is, these nudges from your intuition and subconscious mind cannot be ignored otherwise you'll start getting anxiety attacks. Explore these feelings in a session of meditation and let yourself feel them deeply. Once you have processed everything, let your rational mind decide what do do.
  6. dude, the kind of adjustments dentists can make to your teeth these days, literally anything is possible. Granted....you will pay and you will pay a lot. But if this is something that's giving you hard time, save some money and get it done
  7. Look at it this way, you have a mid-life crisis in your early 30s. That's amazing! Most people have these kinds of realizations in the early 50s when they have been invested too much into their career. Let this be your new chapter in life. From what I read it is clear that you are lacking a clear life purpose and a mission for your life. But this can be found!! There are Life Coaches in most bigger cities around the world and lot of these guys can help you out. I worked with life coach for 3 months and it cleared a lot of mental obstructions for me. It is not cheap but can you really afford to ignore your calling for th rest of your life? Secondly, if you can spend the money, I would HIGHLY suggest you buy Leo's Life Purpose Course. This was one of the best investments I've made in my life. It not only painted a clear picture of what I need to do with my life but also provided initial tools to start and helped me understand myself and my values. Arm yourself with patience and good habits while you do this. Exercise, eat well, meditate, sleep enough and when you feel anxious to go out in nature and let it purify and ground you. take your shoes of and hug a tree if you have to You are still a young man but you can't afford to wait any longer. The path WILL NOT uncover itself for you. You have to find it yourself.
  8. Not really. Fluoride is indeed toxic in higher amounts but the doses you get from brushing are next to nothing. Not to mention that you don't swallow the paste...or at least you shouldn't. Secondly, while your gums and the area under tongue have some ability to absorb liquids, the time that the toothpaste spends in the mouth is too short for any significant absorbtion and I am not sure if the molecule of fluoride is small enough to be able to pass through the oral capillaries anyway. There is a lot of fuss around toothpaste yet people keep consuming dairy, polluted meat, drink 5 coffees a day, eating crackers and roasted barbecued animals......and none of this concerns them. By the way when you said "calcified pineal gland" I would assume the issue is mostly calcium not fluoride? Oh and there is no scientific evidence for the harmful effect of fluoride toothpaste and most of the papers are pointing out to beneficial effect for tooth decay prevention and periodontal disease.
  9. I would try to identify teachers in your current area and speak to them first. Think of your local judo an aikido sensei, any kung-fu masters, Tai-Chi masters, or perhaps a local budhist centre that is not managed by a manager but rather a yogi. Lot of these people have been trained in eastern tradition before they migrated to the west. They might be give you tips or you can train with them for some time to be sure this is what you really want to do.
  10. nope, but you are the one questioning the safety and practicality of teethbrushing. And since there is nothing like personal experience, perhaps you should test the theory on yourself and let us know how it went
  11. This is a decent blend of adaptogenic herbs, nervines and some cleansing herbs but the amounts you are likely receiving in 2 caps per day will be very weak. For a herbal therapeutic dose, you would need to be taking something like 2-3 grams of individual herb 3 times a day which would turn costly if taken by such supplement. Most herbs work the best when taken as tinctures because this prevents oxidation and the formula is more potent than dried powders. Is there a particular respiratory condition you are looking to cure? If so, my suggestion would be to work with a qualified hebralist or a naturopath and have them brew a strong tincture for you. You need a highly concentrated dose, not worse than 1:3 ratio and to be taken over few weeks. At the same time, many respiratory conditions require immune support, nervous system support and could be down to other body systems struggling. I would be EXTREMELY careful with anything that stimulates testosterone production or you may end up with acne, hair loss and in few decades prostate problems if you overstimulate the DHT pathway. Are your levels low? Have you been checked? PLEASE make sure you get tested before embarking on any testosterone boosting protocol.
  12. The hormones in animal food raise your natural circulating levels of steroid hormones. For women these means spiking Oestrogens. High unbound estrogens have been linked to uterine and breast cancers. For men this means promoting a conversion of Testosterone to DHT by stimulating the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase. This has been linked to potential prostate growth and prostate cancer. Dairy has times and times been shown to raise levels of Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 by stimulating the production of Growth Hormone in pituitary gland. IGF-1 stimulates something called a "mitogenic pathway" which is basically a cellular replication stimulating cell growth and replication. This in excess has been linked to some cancers by excessively triggering mTOR, PI3K and many other pathways that should not be exploited beyond the needed amount. In whey you are getting massively multiplied amounts of concentrated animal proteins, that you would normally take in from a slice of cheese or a cup of milk. Not to mention most Whey comes from the cheapest non-organic sources filled with antibiotics and pesticies. There is only so much your liver can detoxify before toxins start to accumulate. If you are someone drinking a lot of coffee on top of that, your liver Phase I detoxification pathway will often be compromised resulting in lot of recirculating reactive toxins which is not good either. And finally, high amounts of animal protein have been linked to the deterioration of kidney filtration function. This was not observed by plant protein intake. So whatever you decide to do, caution is advised. Remember that health > short term gains.
  13. why don't you stop and see what happens?
  14. Folks this was a 2017 post My current opinion on Carnegie and his book is that this is a piece of manipulative and exploitative low consciousness trash that profits on people with no life purpose and no vision in life.
  15. For those who read it -> Just finished the book. I don't know if it's just me but the message I took from this : "Fake growth. Be fake, be a pretender. Pretend like you give a shit about people's lifes so that you can manipulate themand get your way." Or am I missing something?
  16. Headspace, the phone app is a pretty decent thing to get you started especially if you struggle with meditation. Also, there is a a lot of really good Life Coaches around here. Find someone you can resonate with to help you polish your busy schedule and help implement some productive habits. It is necessary to remove any activities and habits that do not serve your spiritual growth and sometimes it may mean making radical changes in career.....happened the same for me and many people in here. Like @flowboy said the real growth comes when done alone, in the solitude of your bathroom or bedroom or on a retreat. A busy life is an ultimate excuse that people in this city use but when I looked closely at my own once "extremely busy" schedule I realized there was a shitload of time I was wasting unconsciously, lot of unconscious media browsing, netflix, partying, restaurant eating, wasted hours in gym of walking on treadmil (gym is amazing but one can waste hours doing unproductive stuff here), reading crappy books about manipulation, time travel, vampires and warrior knights, idle socialising (friday night getting shitfaced with friends or just catching up for beer twice a week), talking with people for hours about completely useless topics like TV series and so on...
  17. Dark Souls? The protagonist in DS spends the eternity collecting souls of the banishes ones in his endless search for redemption. He is forever haunted by the past the present and the future and no matter how many times he dies, he is always brought back losing a little bit of his humanity (or perhaps an ego?). There is something about Dark Souls that depicts the endless search for imortality and longevity that our society is so obsessed about. We avoid it, run away from it, close our eyes and pretend that we are immortal. In seeking longevity and avoidance of death we spend thousands of dollars on beauty clinics and miracle foods. On a surface it is just another hack&slash game but one easily gets sucked in the nihilistic and absurd atmosphere of a world that has no purpose and no meaning. One is and always has been alone and every battle is a battle uphill against imaginary foe...Death
  18. she starts by saying she is a CEO of 2 companies. The company 1 is an undeveloped blog. Company 2 is a link that points to the same blog lol. She said she is free of medication yet she admited to taking medication in next video. She says she read thousands of research papers and that's how she new the carnivore diet is right for her. She then denied any debates saying she does not care about the science behind nutrition because she knows deep inside that her Lion Diet is nonsense. Her father openly bashed on medication and encouraged people to take their suffering yet he is not going to rehab because his SSRIs fucked him up.... is that enough?
  19. @Anna1 all the best on your journey
  20. Peterson's daughter looking to sell her death-promoting riddiculous diet has shamelessly pointed out that her dad has been lying all along about his health. This family is riddled with lies and delusion and it is time for their awakening. Mikheila has been lying about her diet, lying about her job and lying about her health conditions. Yet tens of thousands of people keep following her. Some people seeking their peace of mind will go to extremes to promote their agenda.
  21. While it is none of my business to comment, I think you do realize that that is a starvation diet. There is something called Basal Metabolic Rate, this is the rate of calories your body burns in 24 hours if you just decided to lay down and breathe. This does not account for the energy needed for digestion, exercise or any cognitive activity. For a regular female weighted around 60kg, that would probably be around 1,000 calories. Anything below that is a starvation diet where the body is not receiving enough calories (and most likely nutrients) to maintain its BMR which can be dangerous in a long term. Starvation diets slow down your metabolism, dysregulate your endocrine system by spiking your cortisol while lowering oestrogens which often results in loss of period, hair loss, skin problems and bone density problems (the latest only if kept for years). A hypocaloric diet such as that one you mentioned will not be sufficient in protein, essential fats and most likely fundamental carbohydrates to sustain the production of ATP (energy currency). You may also start seeing symptoms resulting from lack of magnesium, calcium, zinc, selenium, essential vitamins and phytochemicals that are contained in variety of food. The best diet is no-diet. It is the one where you eat when you are hungry and stop before you are full. 3 times a day eating the meal of a decent size that is mostly plant-based and contains things such as: nuts, seeds, legumes, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and if you eat animal products an oily fish every once in a while and few eggs from the sustainable source per week. Animal products are not a necessity though but most people prefer to have some. But in the end, your body is your own temple to govern and all of these are just opinions of random people. Just please make sure you do not harm your body by underfeeding it to achieve a goal that is purely driven by pressure of media, instagram and low-consciousness of masses.
  22. @OmegaBrite how does Omega 3 impact sleep lol? You know, you could have at least changed your name before trying to sell your supplements here.
  23. How does one get back in touch with this? I feel I lost my creative touch in years of corporate work.
  24. one does not lose weight to fit in smaller casket Still, happy that you found something positive in the illness. are you still doing this?