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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. Buckwheat - exceptional food! High content of copper, magnesium and B-vitamins as well as fibre and decent protein. Millet - takes time getting used to and longer to cook but it is a decent meal. A goitrogen thou so make sure to cook it properly. Cuscus - not really. It is a processed grain, rapidly absorbed with high GI. I'd go for other types of wholegrains like brown and wild rice, quinoa or oats.
  2. I think this is actually a person I would put on antipsychotic drugs...at least few of them. He is a potential danger to the neighbourhood and from what you say may as well be beyond help in his current state of mind. He needs help but for that to happen he needs to be grounded....may be in this case means being turned a little bit more into vegetable for some time.
  3. This video should explain everything very clearly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qaVGR68FKY Indeed it does, thanks a lot!
  4. @JonasVE12 thanks for tips! So do you kinda bend over your tongue backwards trying to go as far as you can back inside the throat while touching the upper hard palate?
  5. Fascinating stuff, thanks for sharing ! I call this Day 1
  6. Okinawan diet is not even close to what it used to be anymore boys With more macdonalds and chicken nuggets in their diet, the rate of heart disease and cancer has actually increased. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/101053950301500S03 For decades the age ratio has been declining, arteries have been clogging and people dying younger and younger. There are now far behind other, healthier prefectures. But the idea of the original Okinawan diet is absolutely brilliant, shame these places are nearly wiped out as all blue zones are declining.
  7. the duration of the life purpose course ...which was about a month for me. But if you are asking about the practical side....well that takes years in most cases.
  8. Medical doctors recommending adaptogens? Wow, seems like there is some progress being made in the modern medicine. I think Siberian Ginseng is the best adaptogen to start with. Get a 1:1 ratio tincture and perhaps mixed it up with some Ashwagandha later on. Good luck!
  9. By listening to your intuition. It will protect you from all devilry and falsehood you hear from the mouths of unconscious people.
  10. Thank them because they mean well. They lead their life to the best of their knowledge and ability and want to share some of their life experiences with you. In their eyes they did not piss it away, they did what their parents taught them and what people around them did to feel normal and accepted. Believe it or not but most people even thee days don't have a life purpose or a gran vision in their life. If most of us weren't told (such as by Leo) we wouldn't either...I definitely wouldn't have. Remember that everybody you meet has a lesson to teach you. Don't be ignorant but try to identify what is is. The burden of the younger generation is that we are arrogant and think we know best.
  11. Your body should be producing all the steroid hormones you need. If it is not, something is wrong and you need to get yourself checked before you embark on any testosterone-boosting protocol. The risk here is that if you increase your androgens to drive up testosterone a large portion of that will go down the DHT pathway as well by activating 5-alpha-reductase . And the more DHT you have the higher your chance of developing prostate cancer, male pattern baldness and acne. Unfortunately this pathway is not regulated on negative feedback loop so you may end up overfeeding DHT. At the same time, you increase the risk of driving more of that down the Aromatase pathway as well which may stimulate the production of oestrogens essentially making you more feminine. The later is less likely to happen though. To naturally increase your testosterone production, start lifting weights and doing more physical activity. There are some herbs and medicinal mushrooms (e.g. Cordyceps, Maca, Ginseng Panax, Chlorophytum Borivilianum and other..) that can help you regulate endocrine system. Engaging more in sexual activity helps as well Please do a proper research before experimenting and especially don't experiment yourself if you don't want to end up with testosterone-driven cancer in 30 years.
  12. This could be one of the potential reasons. Do you feel more stressed than usual? Beets can act as vascular relaxants and antiinflammatories but that shouldn't drive your insomnia. Hard to say from the limited information above. It could be due to late eating, electronic exposure, high cortisol, stimulants etc.. Anything else new in your life? I am not too familiar with Reiki but if you learn to manipulate your energetics, maybe that could be doing something but hard to say. Reiki should be more grounding and calming as far as I know.
  13. Muay-Thai fighters in Thailand kick banana trees until it is cut in half. I've seen this with my own eyes when I head the pleasure to train in Muay-Thai gym once during visit to Krabi and the surrounding region. These guys play hardcore, no covers unlike most western gyms. You can find a gym with a really hard large bag and practice on that
  14. the point was to force the UK government to start taking action against climate change such as reducing transport emissions, increasing city tax for people who own vehicles, looking at water supplies, waste disposal, recycling, plastic and basically all the "hot topics". In that aspect I absolutely agree and get it. We need that kind of protest and rebellion. But stopping the only means of public transport for people who do NOT own cars and who are too poor to be manipulating the system.....well sends a wrong message and renders this whole movement riddiculous.
  15. Wait, you mean THE CAMERA??? It's coming and it will be mindblowing! @Leo Gura what's the update on the new hyper-gear?
  16. Not a success story but I took the LP course in early 2017 and things have been moving the right way since then. The message was clear: To study health & nutrition to help people regain their health and take control over their wellbeing. So I started studying a naturopathy in the same year and in August 2020, I'll finally be qualified after 3 years and be able and legally allowed to start working with chronically ill people. Currently still in a corporate environment to be able to pay the bills but getting ready to make the next move at some point next year after graduation. Ideally, I'm planning to set up my own clinic and see clients privately The self-promotion and marketing side freaks me out as that is something I have no idea how to do. Overall I have strong faith that this will all work out eventually.
  17. I'd say start by making up your mind about what it is you really want. "If one does not know to which port one is sailing, no wind is favorable." So it seems like smoking is masking a) anxiety b) food cravings. Food cravings may come down to blood sugar dysregulation. Eating the wrong food at wrong times. Eating junk your blood sugar skyrockets and drops subsequently leaving you with further cravings. This would be causing you to overeat because your blood glucose and insulin are riding a rollercoaster together. To optimize this it is wise to eat foods with lower glycemic load, eating regularly but avoiding sweets and processed foods. Implementing more plant food sources, more whole grains and legums, these are perfect foods for blood sugar regulations. However if your cravings are due to boredom or stress, that's a different story. You can work with a nutritionist on this. Anxieties are a bit harder to tackle but it has been discussed many time all over this forum. You can try various abdominal breathing techniques, daily meditation is a must and then observing and investigating your anxieties. If yous say it is about a long commute....well perhaps you should consider changing that. There are some adaptogenic herbs such as Siberian Ginseng or Ashwagandha that may help you as well. Try them in tinctures not capsules. Otherwise finding ways to cope with commute. Audiobooks are good. Guided meditations are perfect as well.
  18. @Hansu exactly! In years of sedentary jobs and activity negligence, man is forgetting how to do basic movements. I see guys who cannot sit in deep squat, guys who cannot touch their knees, stand on one leg with eyes closed and who cannot do basic bridge arching from the laying on their back. We are losing the neurological connections between the brain and the body by not using our motor skills. I believe exercises like these not only deploy a lot of muscle but train your whole brain by re-creating new synapses and connections potentially strenghtening the existing ones. So be a child and play instead of being serious like everybody else A shammanic/tribal drumming music to your ears while doing this will give you an extra boost
  19. You can do a lot to expand your longevity just make sure you don't get hit by a cab thinking about your next raw-vegan-green-healthy-not too blended smoothie. It appears the greatest challenge is how to stop cellular oxidation as that is one of the key precursors of aging. A traditional life in the western city is burning your candle from both ends unless you can learn how to Zen-it pretty early in life. I imagine eating from your organic garden on the top of large mountain, with an occasional fish caught from a pristine lake nearby 4 times a month, staying away from all the chaos and devilry of the big crowded placed going ommmmmmm 3 hours a day you could hit 150 at best. Otherwise getting close to 100 is definitely possible by optimising lifestyle, nutrition, stress levels and activity.
  20. The way this works is that lot of these foods will cause the "chyme" (the mixture of semi-digested food substance leaving stomach down duodenum) becomes more acidic than it should be and the body needs to deploy a lot resources to balance this in the small intestine because this environment needs to be alkaline. So a lot of time we have to pull precious positively charged ions (e.g. calcium) from our internal stores such as bones and arterial tissue. ,...hence also the potential link between dairy and osteoporosis. So we say that soem food is acidic. It is not necessarily that the food itself is acidic but how it may disrupt the precious balance inside of your gut
  21. this is a bit different but Primal Movement is an interesting way to deploy a lot of your muscles and joints in sorta natural way, kinda getting back to our monkey ancestors by doing a lot of compound movements, walking on 4 etc.. I sometimes do it in the gym after workouts, its fun There isn't awfully lot on youtube but you may find some basic tutorials. Very good for mind/body coordination and the agility.
  22. This goes hand in hand with "how do I stop caring about what do people think about me" and the the uphill battle coming with it. First of all, it is important to acknowledge and accept that this is what you do without demonising yourself. Most of us, no matter how developed or conscious, still care about what do people think about us so we go around needing to impress others...it is extremely difficult trait to get rid of. It helps to realize that in the grand scheme of things people don't really care. Everybody is constantly worried about what do you and others think about them, whether they look good, whether their face is clean, hair neat, clothes clean and they may seem to judge you but at the back of their mind they are worried about themselves. Also realise that no matter how hard you try to please others, there will ALWAYS be something they don't like. Some practical steps you can try: consider reading or listening "the art of saying NO" Start by becoming aware of your tendencies of needing to impress people. Just observes yourself and every time you catch yourself, just say to your self "ah, there goes another one!" If you want, you can mark them down at the end of each day and collect all your neurotic tendencies in excel. Then you can ask yourself on each "Why am I doing this? " and "How am I benefiting from doing this? " also observe yourself how you judge other people who probably just as you are trying their best to get your approval. start rejecting people's proposals and offers, reject parties, birthday offers, wedding invitations. Reject offer from colleague to go for lunch, reject to donate , say no to the person stopping you on street try to expose yourself to mental pressure such as: taking forever to choose at the coffee shop, pretend you cannot find your debit card in supermarket and delay the entire line, stand on the wrong side of escalators, stare at people until they have to look away, talk to stranges
  23. The amount of sleep we get has been optimized by evolution to ensure the body is able to repair any damage done during the day on the cellular level, process emotional distress, rebuild some energy supplies and various enzymes. If you were to be awake for 24 hours straight, it makes sense that you would sleep the remaining 16 as there would be more damage to repair, metabolites to detoxify, skin cells to replenish and so on. But in that case, a new superior species would have to evolve as us humans on Earth would probably not survive long needing to be awake for 24 hours. We would probably need bigger brains, larger livers, larger adrenals, larger and more powerful digestive system adapted to eat 6-8 times a day and mitochondria able to cope with energy demands of 24 hour cycle. Imagien the corporate 16 hour workshifts although that is not unusual even today...
  24. Force yourself to do nothing for 30 minutes every day. Just sit on a chair and observe. And no thinking and day dreaming as well, it is ok to drift away as long as you pull yourself back again. Needing to do "stuff" is an addiction. If you are not used to it then sitting for even 10 minutes will feel like torture but that's one of the way how to start fighting your demons Daily meditation is the other, more obvious ones although the 2 techniques are more or less the same.
  25. Do you have a sedentary job? You may benefit from a standing desk, that stuff works wonders for some people Also obvious as that sounds make sure you sit well, without hunching and ensure your screen is always on your eye level in front...not on side that forces you to be in half-twiseted position. For me, it helps to put a small pillow between my lower back and chair to prevent hunching. Avoid any werd twisted, sitting-on one leg positions and sit upright with both feet grounded and straight neck. Check if your bed has not turned into a sem-bowl, my old bed used to be like that. Your mattress needs to be relatively firm. Also, check if your n pillow isn't too high, sometimes one really slim pillow is better. Are you doing any heavy lifts in the gym that could be causing it? I would probably avoid deadlifts aheavy squads until it is fixed and do a lot of hanging of the bar, handstands and yoga as recommended above I would also consider buying rubber bands and looking up some exercises for back mobility. It may be that your frontal muscles are stronger than some of your back muscles such as rhomboid major and minor as well as some of the long muscles protecting your spine that are usually neglected so your body is being pulled forward when you stop being conscious of your posture. And finally..if nothing else helps you may consider trying to get an MRI as you may genuinely have a toren muscle or ligament or have an damage in your spinal column that would not show up on physical examination.