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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. Is life coaching being taught in the university? I'd be surprised if it was. Psychology will give you great foundation to understanding human psyche but I think having an additional training on how to motivate people, inspire them, help them identify their value and strengths..not sure if this would be part of the university syllabus. Life coaching, i found, is not so much about knowledge as about getting people to change their way of thinking and perception on their reality. Of course knowing about shadow work and NLP and other techniques will be very helpful as well.
  2. Check in with your doc, this sort of persistent headache should be examined.
  3. Why not try to tackle the binge-eating in the first place? Lot of people use IF to cheat on healthy lifestyle but it rarely a successful long-term strategy.
  4. I found thats it is not as much about "the advice" per se but about how you present it. You have to consider the person's ego, their spiritual development, their current mood, their relationship the advice-giver and many other things. Some people will not accept advice from someone simply because they don't like their face or something about them, perhaps a spot on the shirt. It is also important not to overwhelm or write too much but give a simple advice and be opened for more questions, if none come, don't push it. They may still come back after they have contemplated their relationship with you and the relevance of the advice to their own existence.
  5. You know cough is not necessarily a disease itself, it just means your body is pushing mucus out of your lungs. The question is why is it being produced in excess? It seems like your body is either fighting something in the respiratory area or there is too much pollution where you live or you have just entered a period of cleansing and the body is pushing out waste. Do you have any other symptoms? Like fever, headaches, joint pains, fatigue..?. You could try looking into some immune boosting remedies. Any of the below could help: Echinacea Purpurea - if you can find a tincture with ratio of 1:1 get it, otherwise 1:2 or 1:3. In UK I only know one company that does 1:1. A lot of echinacea on the market is pathetically weak. If the bottle doesn't give you the ratio, don't buy it. A proper high quality echinacea will leave a nasty taste on your tongue, if it doesnt it is useless and won't work. Astragalus - you could combine astragalus and echinacea tincture and take them both for 2-4 weeks as an immune boosting protocol Medicinal Mushrooms - Reishi are an amazing adaptogen and Maitake &Shiitake are very powerful immune stimulators. Alternatively you could get a medicinal mushroom mix. Either the mushrooms or the herbs, I am not sure I would combine them due to possible interactions. If you are currently on any meds, than they may interact with herbs.
  6. @Cocolove ofcourse but a personal lab will charge you. I don't know where you live but here in UK for example you don't pay for doctor tests. Ofcourse there is medical deductible from salary but that is non-negotiable.
  7. St. John's Wort is nearly as effective as most of the most potent SSRIs. However, NEVER take them together or you may end up delusional even suicidal. SJW is a beautiful alternative to people who don't want to be medicated. SJW is only effective in mild to moderate depression. For severe depression, you should look up a medical help. Thought I'd also add that neither SSRI nor SJW fix the root cause of the issue. Both only slow the reuptake of serotonin so it stays attached to its receptors longer , making you feel happy for longer. It is always advisable to identify a root cause of the depression which may as well be emotional or spiritual.
  8. @28 cm unbuffed .....ah I thought this would have something to do with a digital storage and not some sort of mental superpower. I'd rather have my entire heritage, history and all memories forever lost with my dead body than having it sit in some sort of corporate data processing unit
  9. @28 cm unbuffed perhaps but that was not the core of OP's post was it? This was about physical ageing. Never heard about memories being transferable either, curious to have a look if you have some interesting articles.
  10. Don't want to play the hater here but it is not possible for humans to stop ageing. The very oxygen we breathe is killing us very very slowly with oxidative damage. You can improve your health and lifestyle and that will often fix many issues such as the ones you mentioned. And 4 years are not a long time to spot and significant signs of ageing, you need at least a decade for that. That being said, you can definitely prolong your life and even achieve extraordinary longevity if you spend your whole life doing the right things while minimising the harm done by bad food, stress, pollution, excessive sitting, smoking etc.... and there have been uniquie individuals in history of humans that made it over 120 but these people were in most cases genetically gifted with incredible immune system, antioxidant defences etc. Thinking you have stopped ageing is a bit naive P.S. I am talking about a physical survival of the physical shell, we call the human body. I am not talking about the spiritual side of all of us being a single unity of consciousness and none of us can die because none of us are real and you are me while I am you. This was purely about physical survival
  11. If you can, why not. Your doctor should be able to do a full blood count including ferritin and B12. Go to them and see you have become vegan but feel tired all the time. Otherwise they won't do it.
  12. This is a shout out to all who care about preserving the environment and reduce the drastic ecological damage the wildfires are causing. There are many organisations you can donate to to support the cause, every little bit helps! I know donations will not fix the devilry that we humans are causing but perhaps we can save few koala bears or someone's home https://www.theintrepidfoundation.org/australian-bushfire-appeal https://quickweb.westpac.com.au/OnlinePaymentServlet?cd_community=NSWRFS&cd_currency=AUD&cd_supplier_business=DONATIONS&action=EnterDetails http://akr.org.au/ https://www.wwf.org.au/get-involved/bushfire-emergency
  13. What others have suggested, never keep it all to yourself. Find someone to talk to who can guide you through the traumatic experience and help you release the pain and make peace with what happened. There is no shame in finding a therapist or a coach to help you out. There are also some herbal remedies that can help in emotional healing, forgiveness and moving on. Bach flower remedies seem to be quitehelpful with that. A good herbalist would know All the best !
  14. In materialistic orange circles....maybe. More conscious people are not necessarily bothered by someone not having a girlfriend or shit load of cash. Personally I get discouraged by self-help experts flashing their millions, cars and trophy girls. To me, that is an undeveloped child that is just starting to get their materialistic needs met. That being said, what is preventing you from getting a better-paid job? In terms of girlfriend, she shouldn't be there just as an icon for your social validation. A relationship needs to go further than that.
  15. @28 cm unbuffed I think only you know answers to those questions. Will you ever be completely ready? Absolutely not. Should you start your channel already? Probably yes You'll probably learn along the way and it is expected that first videos will be low quality, we don't strive for perfection but to put ourselves out there and share what we have to share with whoever is interested. Lot of people are not bothered by the quality as long as you have something interesting to say. And ...I mean what's the worst that will happen...you won't get a lot of views. So what, most channels never do. You can tweak your content and carry on. You don't need millions of views. In my field, I am qualifying to become a nutritional therapist. Got around 7 more months to go till I am legally licensed and qualified to work with people. Till that it's mostly forums, instagram, practicing on family and friends and stuff like that. I'm starting to read about marketing and how to create business plan, manage clients, creating my first handouts etc. I think it is important to just go ahead and test the waters. You don't need any qualification for youtube channel and if you desire some, you can get it along the way. Create first few videos, post them online and see what the response is. Always be open to any feedback and don't expect perfection.
  16. Bought the course 3 years ago and since then I have been making tiny tine steps every day towards my transition. At this stage I am nearly ready regarding knowledge however need to work out how to make this shit profitable and how to market myself. Overall the LP course was probably the best investment I've made in my life.
  17. OK but what does any of that have to do with preserving the nature and the environment. The collective consciousness can only be changed on the individual level by every single person working on their own shit. Studies on large populations are as biased as any other. Where are the people recruited from? How many drop out? What was the incentive for participation? How many never got interviewed? Did they recruit people from entire australia? Did they only send questionnaires or talked to all the individual participants What are the statistical methods they used. I am pretty sure that 80% is a massively exaggerated number. There are organisations that genuinely care and that are concerned. You can choose to support these. Enough damage has already been done. I choose to support those who are willing to fight the devilry even if it is on local level.
  18. Could you be a bit more specific? Have you been diagnosed with anything in particular? What are the symptoms you are experiencing? Sleeping can be disrupted by many factors and it is hard to pinpoint it to anything without more info.
  19. @Raptorsin7 it does, there are few in there and he also has other books with exercises.
  20. Devils trying to cut corners, always backfires in the long-term. At the same time, which one of us has never pirated a video game, movie, watched game of thrones on free online streaming sides etc... The collective damage is there whether one admits it or not.
  21. you know fruits are way more than just fructose and water and few vitamins right? There are thousands of phytochemicals that each influence different systems in the body, feed cells, feed the mitochondria, scavenge free radicals, suppress inflammation, stimulate enzymatic production...oh boy I could go on and on
  22. The book "healing the shame that binds you" talks about how to talk to the inner child and how to heal any internal wounds. I'd highly suggest you read it.
  23. Good insights! Many addictions stem from lack of purpose. However there is a huge degree of past trauma, abandonment and bad parenting, especially in the drug area.
  24. with so many available fruits out there, who not go for a variety rather than mono fruiting. Bananas aren't as high in Potassium as people think anyway. But to get a best variety of vitamins and phytochemicals go for the whole lot