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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. Most people have the mindset of needing to do some sort of low-grade, useless job just to be "employed" otherwise they feel worthless. It is a learned sheep-behaviour pattern. While it is necessary to have an income and be self-reliant it is equally important not to end up in some sort of corporate trap just because you are scared of finding what you are passionate about. So don't listen too much to this sort of scaremongering but also make sure you don't use self-deception and poor excuses to be lazy.
  2. have you had your thyroid investigated?
  3. I did, he's a good chap but a bit too fear-driven and ego-driven with all the lifehacks. Lot of unacceptance going on there. His diet and lifestyle advice are brilliant thou, I'm just picking up a lot of shadow in background
  4. Once the epiphyseal growth plan calcifies, no more growth is physiologically possible. Look up a condition called Acromegaly to see what happens to someone who's body stopped growing but get strong pulses of Growth Hormone. Unless you are willing to get the surgical procedure that includes breaking your bones and joints, it is not possible. Be extremely careful with any growth hormone inducing procedures ...you cna give yourself cancer if you start stimulating excessive cell growth. Accept the cards you've been given and turn it into your strong suit. Height is not that important if your personality and consciousness levels are inline.
  5. Sometimes just enjoying the ride without trying to control for too many variables can do that for you. The more we obsess about things the more we feel out of control and out of balance. You can call it "chakra imbalances" and you can call it "endocrine disruptions". Medically speaking everytime you obsess about controlling stuff in your environment, your cortisol is spiking and you are being put into mild-to-medium "fight or flight mode". This is stealing nutrients, and inducing systemic inflammation in your tissues. Cortisol is damaging cell memebranes and causing buildup of free radicals that are like a teenage gang destroying everything around them. Chronic cortisol also damages its own receptors and leads to kinda vicious cycle. If you want more "hippie" outlook than chronic obsession will put you out of inner balance, disrupt your chakras alignment and surround you with negative energy. This will lead to a scarcity mindset and lack-perception inducing disease and unhappiness. Sometimes getting away from all the madness can do a lot. Dumping a toxic corporate job in exchange for lower-paid job out in the coutryside or creating one's source of passive income to have time spending with family, in garden, hiking and being on sun. Divorcing a toxic partner can add a couple decades. Additionally not obsessing about food being this and that, vegan, cholesterol free, keto...what have you. Opening ourselves up to all food choices but making sure some remain "special treats" where other become part of daily choices (mainly those you mentioned above). Taking things slow, socialising, being childish and playful, not needing to manipulate, lie scheme will add many years to longevity. I have no proof for this but also ejaculating too often, in my opinion, shortens one's lifespan. Especially ejaculating during masturbation.
  6. Important to point out that many of these blue zones have had rapid decline in longevity over several decades, probably since around 1980s with introduction of more meat, more dairy, more fast foods and influence of industrialised societies. The concept is beautiful but unfortunately same as the "traditional Mediterranean diet" which is pretty much 98% gone with exception of a few greek islands, blue zones are a dying concept. Their original idea of diet can still be used which you have described amazingly in the post.
  7. I think you could if you included bee pollen as well but since honey is mostly glucose at some time you would start hitting micro-deficiencies. For all that glucose to be turned into ATP (energy) in mitochondria you need a lot of other cofactors that are not found in honey so despite all that energy it is possible you would start running into symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. Scurvy would also be a possible development as well as beriberi. And than honey has no protein, no essential fatty acids, no calcium, very little magnesium, no fibre so lot of other potential issues down the line. Can't imagine it being to good for your teeth either.
  8. Great and extremely practical list ! Thanks for taking time to post. Love the part about homocysteine, there was a lot of controversy after a Cambridge (or was it oxford? ) study came out showing that vegetarians had high occurence of stroke. Most people guessed this to be cholesterol problems from eggs but in reality this was homocysteine accumulation that was not being cleared out as it needs B12, folate and B6 to be turned into Methionine and to S-Adenosyl Methionine...very interesting stuff!
  9. Cheapest of the cheapest meats chargrilled on open fire creating a lovely cocktail of carcinogenic molecules on its suface. There is few things worse than kebab. At least they give you salad with it which is nice
  10. Hollistic practitioners usually cannot diagnose. Have you had a stool-testing done? Just asking because I've seen leaky gut overdiagnosed simply based on symptoms.
  11. cronometer.com is pretty good for nutrient tracking. The data is pulled from evidence-based sources. You can setup your own values based on where you live and the usage is free. Don't have any recommson fitness, apps. Way too many of them out there. When I started getting into fitness, I used to have simple notebook and pen, worked he best for planning and self-feedback.
  12. I sense a "shadow" in your post. Seen similar patterns in previous posts that you made. Perhaps I am just speculating but seems like there is something in there that keeps you getting into these relationship cycles that end up hurting you. Perhaps disconnecting as you say and doing a little bit of internal "demon hunting", shadow work or NLP might be able to uncover something you have suppressed deep within. Buchflower remedies can be helpful with bringing this out as well. But I might be wrong as I don't really know you at all.
  13. You have to find your own micro-nisch. If you go very broad such as having a "motorcycle channel" or having a "men's health channel" you won't get lot of view cause there are channels stealing all the views already. Those markets are oversaturated on youtube. Think about something extremely specific and specialised. Such as "how to be a good beekeeper in southeastern Bulgaria during Summer"...that's a silly example but you get the idea.
  14. still waiting for the "how to get hot witch girlfriend " video ...
  15. This usually comes down to habit. You can retrain your body to be able to accept breakfast. Because if you skip it than most of your calories will be taken from lunch onwards and that's when chronobiology starts messing around. Basically the earlier you eat, the more calories out of that food will be used to shun into muscle and liver as glycogen rather than fat. The later you eat, the more insulin resistant your muscles become and the more gets shunned into fat stores.
  16. 1. Offer to buy healthier alternatives. Make your own cookies without eggs and sugar with nuts and oats. Buy a 90% chocolate, instead of icecream make your own from frozen bananas and cherries and coconut milk. 2. Second tip, what was already said, put a picture of someone that inspires you inside the cupboard with the sweets, as long as your mom is ok with it. Or a small mirror that will put you out of autopilot and remind you that you are strong enough to resist. 3. Have a big bowl of fruit always available in your room. Whenever cravings hit you, grab an apple or two and if that doesn't help and you still want to indulge, go for it. This way you'll be making healthier choices and also nobody has even been harmed from munching on fruit.
  17. Coronavirus is actually a really naive and undeveloped virus because there is a high chance of death once infecting. A "survival" virus will not kill its host but will learn to live with it for the rest of his life leeching of the host but without producing significant symptoms, such as , Herpes, to a degree shingles and other. HIV Virus will probably get to that stage as well in couple hundred years. So for Coronavirus to not be exterminated it has to morph into something less lethal that will be considered as non-harmful such as rhinovirus (the flu virus) that all of us carry but it is extremely rare that it kills someone.
  18. Let's see if we can break this down on physiological level. Stress induces production of noradrenaline, adrenaline and cortisol from adrenal glands through HPA Axis stimulation --> in long term cortisol has been shown to 1. reduce immune cell proliferation 2. reduce secretory IgA (your gut's immune defence) 3. induce chronic inflammation possibly due to destroying cortisol receptors in amygdala & hippocampus and disrupting its own negative feedback (this is also associated with persistent depression which destroys immunity even more) 4. Separate tight junctions in the gut leading to more inflammation and possible autoimmunity --> meditation was found to reduce cortisol secretion as well as adrenaline secretion which will reduce risk of all above So technically, yes meditation helps the immune function.
  19. It could be a neurological issue that you got when you were born. Tics are usually associated with unregulated hyperexcitation of certain nerve branch. You could probably get assessed by a neurologist Blood sugar management is usually quite effective for prevention of neurological episodes with severe problems like epilepsy so perhaps it can help with ticks? Other than that, minimising stimulants like coffee, redbul , ephedrine etc. These will make it easier to deploarise your nerve cell membrane and trigger excitation. Sleep is important for healing neurons. Also it could be related to anxiety and stress, have you seen it worsening when you get stressed? Acupuncture could really make a difference for you as well as some herbal remedies, could be that you need help withcalcium balance management, maybe a bit of parathyroid support and some upper circulation. Good naturopath could perhaps help with that. Also, have a look at this. This is a dietary approach to Tourette's but one of Tourette's symptoms is ticks so it is possible some of those may be applicable universally. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1367493517748373?url_ver=Z39.88-2003&rfr_id=ori:rid:crossref.org&rfr_dat=cr_pub 0pubmed
  20. One habit at a time otherwise you'll overwhelm yourself and fail to follow on any of them. I'd say diet-wise, it will be to eat regularly and avoid skipping meals. The first meal of the day to be the largest, lunch, smaller and dinner smallest. This simple habit is where most people who struggle with weight management and consistency already fail. Experimenting with one meals, fasts, meal skipping etc...blood sugar becomes completely bonkers, insulin is overdrive and nothing changes.
  21. Why would you do that? Sore throat is not a disease, the body raised the inflammation because it is fighting a pathogen in that area. Drink few green vegetable juices throughout the day to support the immunity with vitamin C and antioxidants to mop up all the dead cells and free radicals. Can't see how weed would be helpful
  22. This part is what will deplete your energy reserves faster than anything. We see coffee as a divine drink that energises the body but in reality every cup takes away more than it gives. What it gives is a kick to the adrenal glands to hypersecrete adrenaline, noradrenaline and a bit later cortisol. What it takes are lots of nutrients needed to go into this overdrive, it acidifies organism and increases need for calcium taken from bone to buffer the acidity , it creates addiction in the brain and tricks body into thinking it needs coffee to function optimally. If you can get it down to single drinks and replace it with green tea. Over time your energy levels will actually improve.
  23. damn.......I recall playing NBA on PS2, Kobe would always be one of my favourites chaps. Him and Lebrone. Life is fleeting and uncertain. One day you could be on the top of your game and the next minute everything is taken from you. He lived life to the fullest doing what he loved and doing what he did best bringing joy and tears to millions of people across the world. This tragic event will put him in the hall of fame next to Michael Jordan for many decades to come.
  24. Time to start saying "no". Even to people you like and with whom you are close. Consciously or not, people will try to push you into their agenda, activities and than make you feel bad and guilty for not participating. Once you spot this kind of mind game either confront them or cut them from your life.
  25. If you have a business that you are trying to market or are trying to approach certain group of people with a message,instagram is a grat tool. Most people use it for self-promotion, and ego masturbation so that's a risk. As long as you don't start following bunch of crap but only what is relevant to you, Instagram can be useful even educational.