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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. I cured my allergies with some herbal remedies and medicinal mushrooms not sure if that counts. They have been present for 15 years and since last April, I haven't had a single allergic reaction.
  2. Most likely psychological indeed. Some deep-work needs to be done to uncover the trigger. Establishing good meditative practice would be the first step Joe Dispenza has an incredible meditation on energy centre activation https://drjoedispenza.com/collections/meditations-english/products/blessing-of-the-energy-centers-i-1-cd maybe that could help to "unlock" any energetic flow that has been stagnant, perhaps a glandular weakness or simply an unwillingness to let go? Bachflower remedies can be quite helpful with subtle soul-healing. Australian Bush Flower Essences have few that could help: "Calm & Clear" and "Purify". Journalling to put down any thoughts and concerns.
  3. Thanks for sharing. I think this definitely needs to be the first step for you to address. We don't often realise it but getting deliveries we have no control over the content of salt, sugar, saturated fats, oxidixised cholesterol, rancid oils that have been re-fried 100 times that day, additives, msg, hydrogenated trans fats. All these things will be impacting your body on cellular level. Each cell in your body is wrapped in a fatty coating called phospholipid bilayer, this is kinda a protective layer that the cell selectively allows substances to pass through. This layer is dependant on the type of fat we eat. If we eat too much-saturated fat from animal foods, the membrane becomes stiff and the cell starts having trouble communicating with the "outside world". This is also a predisposition for insulin resistance. If the cell becomes too resistant, it cannot accept nourishment and starts malfunctioning, the mitochondria struggle to produce energy, we become sluggish, tired, brain fogged....do you see where I am going? And so, I'd challenge you to remove all the takeways from your diet and take full responsibility for your meals. You could buy something like a Mediterranean cookbook or some sort of plant-based book. Learn few batch cook recipes and start putting them in practice. You want foods with less oils, less calories, less friend animal flesh. Half of every plate should be only mixed vegetables, than add legumes or other wholegrains, and a clean source of protein. Replace any carbonated and sweet drinks with water. Just by doing this, I bet you'll start to feel more energised in few weeks without needing private testing. It does not have to be a neurotransmitter problem, I would pinpoint it down to cellular level where cells struggle to produce sufficient energy and work optimally. Good luck !!
  4. PUA is a community of boy-men who try to succeed with women by being fake, manipulating, shooting from hip giving insincere compliments and dropping cringy lines. It is a mechanical approach with some success rate with girls who are dumb enough to fall for that kind of stuff. If you want to succeed with women, embrace both of your masculinity and feminity, find your purpose and your drive in life, be genuinely confident in your abilities but also don't be afraid to become a jester and make fun of yourself. You have to strike the balance between being serious and playful. The alpha-macho men that most PUA strive for will always fail in the long-terms and these guys get taken over by the beta-males who spent decades working on themselves, their spirituality, their emotional intelligence and their life purpose.
  5. Can you give a few examples of these fast foods? Do you eat these on daily basis?
  6. Most of Joe Rogan's audience is heavy stage orange. Your typical success and money-driven westerner striving for gains, money, sex, expensive cars, watches and all the fancy stuff. Joe is a good bridge for a dogmatic stage blue person over to Orange but no further. I don't believe he has a lot of Green or Yellow in him although he is fairly good at pretending to. Maybe in future but his audience is not ready for Leo and likes of him unless they would chat about finances, sex and stages of orange personal development
  7. Tell us more about your lifestyle and your current diet. Neurotransmitters get impacted by these a lot and maybe there are things you can do before burning 500$ on private testing.
  8. Some asthmatics experience this when feeling overwhelmed, possibly even during sexual arrousal. You should get your breathing checked by your doc. Could also be a hypersensitivity reaction, similar to allergies that gets triggered by non-allergic stimulus...can happen. Hard to say, keep an eye out on it and get it investigated if it becomes too bad.
  9. eh...that's a bit of reductionist thinking.
  10. By "weight gain" I assume you mean lean muscle mass so in order for that to happen you need to be in caloric surplus every single day. I think 6kg in 5 months is a very realistic plan and you can probably pack on even more if you are relatively new to the gym. Protein intake is essential. Up to 2g/kg of bodyweight coming from a variety of sources, plant or animal is up to personal preferences. Animal flesh is higher in protein pound-per-pound but you need to be wary of all the other things dumped into animals these days. Also, don't go too crazy with protein powders and BCAAs because an excess of that stuff can be very harmful to your elimination system and acidifies the body. Some fat accumulation is likely unless you are genetically a very vascular body-type the ones that only accumulate muscle. I'd probably create an account on cronometer.com or myfitnesspal and keep an eye out on your caloric intake. Overall try eating eats least 400-600 calories in excess of your daily requirement to keep in a state of positive nitrogen balance (more protein coming in that is being used). If you are to be gaining mass, you will be utilising a lot of energy so it is important to eat a large variety of vegetables, whole grains and legumes to sustain intake of all cofactors required for muscle synthesis such as B-vitamins, magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron etc. A mistake that many guys who bulk do is focus on macros only but protein and carbohydrates is not the full story and many end up relying on coffee for energy because their body has no supply of essential micronutrients for energy production. Sleep is another essential thing. Your pituitary releases its largest spurt of Growth Hormone at night somewhere between midnight and 4 am I think. This is also when your damaged tissue will be repairing as there will be constant chronic state of micro-inflammation due to micro-tissue destruction at the gym. And final is a mechanical overload. You have to be training very hard on a very consistent basis in the gym. Work with a PT to create a good plan, one that will not burn your adrenals in couple months but that will be challenging enough to challenge your muscle mass. Include a lot of big lifts and compound movements as well as a variety of isolated movements towards the end. A lot of people do push, pull, legs split, some do singlee bodypart per day. For me 2 bodyparts per training worked best but you'll have to find what works. Minimum of 4 sessions per week is probably a good start and make sure to keep the duration of each to 60 minutesd max.
  11. I am in the UK and this is still a common practice Americans are not that special when it comes to being dicks.
  12. Not necessarily. Food combining is not problem for most people unless you go and eat steak with apples. Your combinations seem quite healthy, more on the complex-carb end. There is not that much protein in lentils to produce any severe reaction with quinoa but you can test them separately and see if that helps.
  13. If it was on and off probably not a lot but I'd cut all the supplementation at least 48 hours prior to the test. Best to ask the practitioner.
  14. You can start by supporting your gastric acid production. If that doesn't help you can investigate deeper to the intestinal level. 1. Proper chewing sits on the top of the chain. Chewing produces salivary amylase which digests carbohydrates. Disconnect from all videos and media and solely focus on eating. Chew until the food turns into a shapeless consistency in your mouth. Take smaller heaps and eat slow. 2. Try doing 5 minutes of deep abdominal breathing before every meal. This stimulates vagus nerve get away from nervous system activation and more towards digestive process. 3. try reducing the lentil doses to get your microbiome adjusted to it. ANd cook them until they are effortlessly squashed between fingers. 4. If none of the above works ,bitter herbs stimulate gastric acid production. You can look into artichoke, or gentian tincture and drop few drops on your tongue 10 minutes before eating. Alternatively you can do 1 tbsp of apple-cider vinegar before meal with water. See if any of that helps. If not, let us know and we can look into further things.
  15. Need a bit more info: do you get constipation/diarrhoea? Does your poo seem to have a normal shape? (not liquid and not too hard & bulky) do you react to every meal? How long has it been going on? How long after the meal does it start? How are you with vegetables, legumes, fruits Are you allergic to anything? Do you have any known food sensitivities? Do you also get pain in your abdomen? Acne? other skin conditions? Do you cook the lentils or buy canned?
  16. Hi, Are you a medically-diagnosed coeliac? Have you been tested and confirmed? I think at your position if you can afford it, working with a nutritional therapist would be a good idea to help you create a tailored nutrition plan around gluten avoidance and to replenish your iron stores. You are likely to get a wide polarity of opinions online but your diet should be tailored to your needs.
  17. This is extreeeeeemely common corporate behaviour. Often this is not necessarily the HR person's doing but rather an incredibly complex hierarchy of approvals and administration protocols. But the devilry goes both ways and a lot of peacocky primadonnas in corporate sector treat recruitment agents like shit once they get slightly more experienced and can become picky. So accept that this is what it is. It is not right, I am not defending the system but it is what it is. Knowing that, you have several options: 1. play along with the game and continue job hunting even after you've received a copy of your contract. This creates a lot of corruption though because you basically risk taking away somebody else's chance. 2. refuse to play along in which case you need to develop yourself enough to be able to start your own small business. This is the hard path but more rewarding. 3. Chance the sector and start working on re-educating yourself. Not all industries are dicks like that. Perhaps you are just going for the most obvious opportunities (the analyst, consultant, the coordinator, the senior/junior and all this shit. If you feel stuck, consider buying the Life Purpose course. Some companies are genuinely nice and caring. Banks, big pharma, consulting companies (the ones selling "air" such as PWC, KPMG...) and all the similar devils will treat you like shit. They have many options and they don't see you as a person. They don't value your personality neither your creativity. They see "an asset" , so expect to be treated as such despite receiving a better salary than most places out there.
  18. Money is not happiness however money can help you get closer to that place. Ultimately happiness comes from being and from not needing. The moment you stop needing is the moment you become happy. To get there though, most people need to go through a lot of personal and spiritual growth that money can help you get. If one is in bad relationship, horrible stressful work and has no life purpose, happiness from being is hard to get to. I think we need to have all our foundational blocks of Maslow's Hierarchy in place before truly getting to that "being" levels. Finding one's life purpose can be most helpful in this endeavour.
  19. Don't suffer alone, there are people out there who could make an incredible difference to your life. Your depression may be physiological or psychological hard to say. A good naturopath will be able to identify the cause and then tailor a plan for you. They can look at your lifestyle, stress, diet, relationships, emotional health etc. Give it a try. Or life coaching can be extremely beneficial.
  20. I found "Emotional Intelligence 101" to be quite useful.
  21. @LfcCharlie4 great post, thanks. I've read the whole thing and agree on most points. Let's close it here and agree to agree on most points and agree to disagree on few points @Anna1 soz for hijacking the post, back to you.
  22. @LfcCharlie4 I agree that most people will get very good weight loss results with IF because there is only so much calories you can cram in the eating window, it is simple reduction of caloric intake which is the number one goal of weight loss, can't disagree on that. But is it an efficient long-term strategy? Will you do IF for the rest of your life to sustain the weight loss? What happens once you stop and get back to regular eating. We've seen patients in the clinic who did exactly this...weight came back and along with it anxieties of weight gain so they went back which only created vicious cycle and eating disorder, suggesting breakfast to these people was met with same reaction as if I said "I would like you to eat a bowl of dog-poo every morning"> Beginners first of all need to learn how to eat properly, what foods to eat in abundance and what foods only occasionally. Orthorexia and eating disorders are more rampant than ever these days. People are completely scared of carbohydrates and fats so they end up relying on protein for their nutrients eating chicken and vegetables. Even fruit is the new boogeyman. Restricted eating starves microbiome, it sends starvation signals to the body, stimulating the production of Reverse T3 in Thyroid which just slows everything down. Once someone who has been on IF for a while gets back on regular eating the weight starts adding up...the body is constantly trying to avoid a period of starvation and when there is a risk, it will pack every calory it can. Only by regular eating is your metabolism receiving the signal that food is abundant and that weight does not need to be packed and stored around the abdomen. Occasional fasting such as once a week is great to allow your digestive organs to enter autophagy, mop up cellular debris, repair damaged DNA and save some energy to put where it needs to go. I'm not gonna argue about the incredible benefits of not eating, there is the place for that when healing your stomach, healing ulcers, intestinal inflammation, in cancer and other disease but the fast should be an occasional thing rather than the daily pattern. I am open to being wrong of course. Tried the IF, tried 24-hour fasting. Personally, regular eating works the best for me and that is how I've achieved greatest weightloss years ago. Regular meals with slightly reduced portions and regular exercise. We are all the same of course and genetics play a role as does the environment and cultural eating patterns. Btw I agree that prolonged cardio such as 1h on a treadmill can be very detrimental. You want to build lean muscle mass which is metabolically highly active and burns shitload of energy. HIIT is great metabolic shock as well to induce progress in weight loss where weightloss was stuck but should not be done too fast because it produces too many free radical byproducts which taxes kidneys.
  23. Well said ! Women are not supposed to intermittent fast too often, or at least not skip breakfast, it wrecks their hormones. Skipping breakfast puts you into cortisol overdrive. Cortisol steals progesterone because they share the same production pathway and over time hormonal problems as well as reproductive problems may develop. Regular consumption of 3 balanced meals with dinner being the smallest + daily activity including 15,000 steps is the way to weigh loss. IF is a fancy short-sighted strategy that never works long term and can cause more harm than good.
  24. Lol Bobby's Perspective, the carnivore diet has probably given him some parasite in brains...the guy is quite delusional
  25. Would be interesting to see what they tested. Doctor will often look at TSH but that alone does not tell you much. Other than that, there could be a cardiovascular thing going on, something with poor oxygenation (perhaps low iron?), for some reason your body might be getting rid of too much water. Very hard to guess without some testing. You could try working with a functional doctor and look into some tests. I'd defo avoid surgery before investigating further.