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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. Funny how these threads always end up in pro-vegan and against-vegan polarisation. Vegan Gains has turned a lot of people towards healthier lifestyle and has shed more light on the way human beings treat animals than anyone else on youtube maybe besides Freelee and Durianrider years ago before they become the sprite-promoter and the hairy jungle girl. Yet his militant and inconsiderate approach has given rise to many opponents of the moment and have also alienated a lot of people who would have otherwise been attracted if they came across someone like Derek Simnet instead. JP at least has the common decency to always say that his approach is "not a medical advice " and that he is not an expert where his daughter is just selling flat-out lies and misinformation to people. Elimination diets are effective in many cases and have been widely used for a variety of conditions but the one thing in common is that they are finite. Usually up to 3 months. With the exception of coeliac disease and gluten. Anyone selling a life-long elimination diet is either deluded themselves or does not have their client's/patients recovery as highest priority and hence is just trying to make money of them. Protocols for the autoimmune disease have to be tailored to each individual person and can only be done after fully understanding the person, their life, their background, their medical conditions, pharmaceutical history and any aggravating factor. Immediate reduction of symptoms after days is clear sign that disease has only been suppressed not healed as healing of something that has been developing for a decade does not happen overnight.
  2. I wonder how do we escape 5G in years to come unless we can all move to a mountain reservoirs somewhere, the coverage will dominate the entire country. Lots of lobby and petitions going against but they probably won't be able to stop them in the end.
  3. You can't. People will project on to you even if you are the most generous, loving and kindhearted person. There is always something they will project. It is the Don Quijote's battle against windmills. Thank them for their opinion but make nothing of it. It is easy to separate genuine constructive criticism with the intention of uplifting the other that comes from the place of love and caring and criticism or projection that is just shooting from the hip. This form bears no value and depicts current emotional and spiritual state of the person projecting rather than something you did
  4. careful with vitamin D megadosing. Vitamin D increases the production of ACE2 protein that the new SARS coronavirus 2 uses to enter the cell. Taking 150,000 IU unless you suffer from extreme osteoporosis along with calcium and K2 is actually a bit dangerous as there is a chance of toxicity.
  5. There is a rare condition called aquagenic urticaria where your skin reacts to water basically. You should speak to your doctor and see what they think. I have no idea how that is treated but could be like @pluto said due to chlorination.
  6. I think NAC is more therapeutic than preventative. For people who either have a glutathione deficiency, cancer, toxicity or any other condition that is devastating their antioxidant defences, NAC can help as long as the other amino acids for glutathione synthesis ( glutamate, glycine) are present. Or if there is a genetic snip on a gene responsible for glutathione production. In terms of prevention or supplementing "just in case" you would probably be better of ensuring you eat a sufficient amount of dietary protein to have all glutathione precursors as well as cofactors (B6 and few other, don't remember anymore)
  7. Robert Morse ND talked about this in many of his videos, he says that the only true colour is blue and brown, he says everything else is distorted by body being unhealthy and storing excessive mucous in the cranial area. I don't know how much I believe that but what if.........
  8. @remember but ofcourse, the basic precautions come first. I think most of us have already received all there is to receive on that side. Now we are looking deeper what else we can do in case our first line of defences (social avoidance / hygiene / face protection) fail. For a lot of people this is a learning curve. agreed
  9. Reset the board and start from the scratch. Ask yourself, "What is the one most important habit I want to adopt right now?" Once you know the answer ask yourself: "What are the practical step for me to start implementing it every day"? Draw a roadmap: It could be something int terms of: 1. Define the best time of the day : 7:00 every morning 2. Define the length: 15 minutes for a start 3. Define the place: My living room sofa 4. What do I do to prevent distraction: turn off phone, close windows and blinds, switch off my PC And finally, what worked for me was: "what happens if I skip a day?" This year, I have set myself a penalty of sending £20 to an organisation I hate if I skip my meditation. I have not skipped a single one yet, proud to say. And stay on this one habit for 1-2 month. Once you feel you have achieved consistency, you can look into implementing another. As mentioned by guys before, don't try to start too many or they will all fail and create a lot of pressure. It is also important not to compare yourself with others and when people say they have all these awesome habits etc....many of them are just full of shit.
  10. This is not quick money, Chris is extremely well - educated PHD researcher. All his articles and videos are properly referenced and you can read the research yourself. The stuff he talks about is high-end nutritional science. I do agree that a lot of shit products are popping up but this product is fairly amazing is you are a bit more geeky personality who wants to understand how the virus gets in the body and hijacks your immune system defences and some evidence-based tips on what you can do.
  11. Being overweight or obese is the most common cause worldwide for sleep apnea. But looking at your picture, I suppose that's not an issue so further investigation in the sleep-clinic should be done. Sleep apnea is no fun so start by working with the professional institution and ensure there is nothing else going on. Have you had any investigation whether it is the obstructive or central one? The later could be neuroological, or related to ongoing cardiovascular disease or respiratory condition. Best get that all investigated.
  12. Let's share some tips on how to keep yourself healthy. Statistically it is likely that many of us will contract the virus at some point however a healthy adaptive immune system will be able to launch a massive immune response triggered by your T-cells and B-cells with the ability to replicate billions of antibodies within hours of exposure. Outside of the typical hygienic protocol, there are things that you can do. Note that these are prevention tips, they will not prevent you from contracting the virus if you go running around kissing other people. If you have symptoms of virus always work with your local health authorities. Elimination - the key of health The first line of disease prevention is a healthy elimination. Any pathogens encountered by your immune system are either destroyed and "eaten" by cells called phagocytes or end up having antibodies attached to their "active sites" to prevent further movement, kinda like shackles.... either way, the residue has to be eliminated from the body. This happens either via lymphatics, kidneys and your bowels through bile. So ensure you stay well hydrated with water and herbal teas, not coffee. At the same time, aim to have 3 regular bowel movements per day. If your bowels are sluggish, you risk the reabsorption of toxins and eliminate pathogens in the intestinal tract. Most people have a degree of intestinal permeability (leaky gut), so this is even more important. Ensure daily intake of 50g of fibre, if possible go above it. Be careful with pastas and glue-like substances that slow down your digestion. Go easy on red meats, dairy, fried and barbecued meats, sausages and eggs. All of them increase the production of polyamines that may putrify in your gut and cause reabsorption and re-opening of "packaged toxins" sent from the liver to be removed. Probiotic foods and probitoic supplements can help with gut motility. Note that if you have ongoing digestive problem (eg. SIBO , IBS, IBD), consult probiotic supplements with your doc as it may make the condition worse. Detoxification - the myth and the reality Despite a lot of nonsense on the internet, the only organ able of detoxification is the liver. The liver undergoes two phases of detoxification that are extremely dependant on each other. They ensure that all used up hormones, and biological molecules as well as toxins and destroyed pathogens are made into less harmful and into water-soluble. Liver detoxification is extremely dependant on nutrient intake, most of all: B-vitamins, magnesium, vitamin C, choline, multiple individual amino acids, glutathione (internal antioxidant) and many plant chemicals. So a sensible intake of mixed variety of vegetables and fruits as well as healthy sources of amino acids is viable. All of these can easily be received even on 100% plant-based diet even raw diet. Alcohol is a toxin and carcinogen impacting both phases of liver detox and needs to be cut out completely. Same for ciagarettes and any unnecessary medications. gentlemen, do not push oral contraceptives on your wives and girlfriends !!!! If you do you are a dick... Foods specifically shown to enhance liver detox: cruciferous vegetables, allium vegetables, rosveratrol (red grapes and berries), ginger, rosemary, dandelion, artichoke, gentian, ECGC (green tea not extract), lemons, apples, mung bean sprouts, beetroot, aspargus, curcumin, all fruits and berries. NOTE: avoid any shady detox supplements, pills and fake products, these may give you toxic doses of isolated compounds. Food and herbal spices always always always come first. Any high concentrates should be properly researched first and tinctures supplied by a qualified herbalist or a naturopath. Sleep This goes without saying. Lack of sleep will devastate your immune response by upregulating cortisol which suppressed adaptive immunity. Get those 8 hours if you can. Exercise Lot of advice these days is about avoiding gyms but daily exercise should still be part of the regime. It helps to move the lymphatic system and eliminate any pathogens that have been quarantined in lymph nodes. Excercise strenghtens your immune system, improves elimination and detoxification. Stress Stress is another devastator of the immune system. Daily meditation and other coping techniques are good strategy to cope. Adaptogenic herbs, magnesium, L-theanine can all be helpful as well. Zinc - Supports production & replication of your immune cells and antibodies. ZInc is a cofactor in many immune, bodily and enzymatic processes. Most seafood and meats are rich in zinc as well as legumes (cook them well) , sprouts and nuts/seeds. If you struggle, it is fine to take a supplement of Zinc Citrate (up to 30mg per day). Vitamin D (25-hydroxy vitamin D) Essential cofactor for immune system finction. It improves your immune system function, antibody production, lymphocyte production and prevention of autoimmune disease. Aime to get daily exposure to sun, if you are in a country where there is non, consider daily intake of 2000 international units of vitamin D3 supplement or a sublingual spray. Take it with meals in the morning. Good luck and stay safe!
  13. UPDATE ON THE TOPIC There has been some recent research showing that Vitamin D increases the amount of protein called Angiotensin-Converting-Enzyme2 (ACE2) This protein plays a role in the body's self-regulation of blood pressure. However few members of the coronavirus family including SARS can actually hijack this enzyme through "backdoor" and use it to enter the cell. Yes vitamin D plays still a role in immune system but at this particular case it is a double-edged sword. Watch Chris Masterjohn PHD's latest video for more info on this. So I guess I am stopping Vitamin D supplementation in the highest peak of the crisis. Get sunshine instead where possible. Stay safe folks !
  14. Wow, you are a beautiful woman!
  15. @Charlotte and you Charlotte, hope your self-quarantine is not too painful London is turning into ghost town I am not convinced by these like I used to be anymore. Personally , I think spirulina is not good for humans as it is not regulated and has become cheaps pond scum, same for most blue-green algae. With chlorella, I am kinda on the fence, used to be big fan of it. You can still find companies who are extremely cautious about the cultivation such as Sun Chlorella in Kyoto but as per the benefits, I think you just have to consume ungodly amounts to get that effects. And even then, heavy metal detox is a topic shrouded by a lot of mystery. Some people say chlorella is great, some say is is dangerous because it moves the metals around but then does not eliminate them. What if they end up in your organs once moved? Or brain if the blood-brain barrier is a bit leaky...which I think is in many people. But I don't really know, lot of people specialise in heavy metal removal from body so look some of them up and see what they have to say @DrewNows @pluto any insights on heavy metal removal? It is a good source of iron, some vitamins D and few other nutrients but nothing you wouldn't find in beans and greens. @LfcCharlie4 good stuff, thanks for sharing
  16. I think video gaming has an extremely bad reputation where spending 8 hours binging on ""educational crap"" on netflix is not. People are quick to judge others without looking at their own devilry. And maybe I am just defending my own addiction but I still like to enjoy a video game binge every now and then. As long as you continue working on yourself, working on your life purpose, your education and raising your consciousness, there is nothing wrong with video gaming. I'm not talking about 18 hours of counter-strike, that's pure brainwashing. There are nowadays some incredibly beautiful and rich video games. These can help you improve creativity and even come up with new interesting ideas. Lot of games help you improve your strategic thinking, planning, resource management, improve your shorter term to long term memory and help you relax after a stressful day. So don't let it become an uncontrolled addiction taking over other areas of your life but also don't feel guilty for occasional binge
  17. I know where you are coming from The role liver plays is literally take the toxins and break them down and attach to a carrier so that it could be sent to elimination (this is called detoxification). Afterwards these get to either kidneys or the bowels to poop or pee out. Lymphatics are housing immune B-cells and lymph nodes that trap harmful pathogens and these are than moved into bowels. If you opend someone up you could observe these connections. What I see that word detox is being thrown around with a lot of trashy supplements as a miraculous healing process where it is just chemical dismantling and excretion. The role of liver goes way way way beyond this and like you said it is a manufacturing plant for hormones, enzymes, blood proteins etc etc. I think it has over 500 functions. .
  18. impossible to say without testing antibodies for TPO or thyroglobulin or TRH. Unlikely statistically speaking...yes, impossible? ....no. Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if that was driving your brain fog and immune reactions as well. Try to experiment with gluten-free diet for a month and see what happens. By getting in more Omega 3 rich foods. You need all: ALA, EPA and DHA which are found in different foods/supplements. Fish oil is good for non-vegans or combination of flaxseed oil and algae oil for vegans. On the top of that 3tbsp of ground flax and 3tbsp of chia every single day. If you are not vegan, oily fish is great just ensure it is ethically sourced and not more than 3 times a week. At the same time, arachidonic acid is high in muscle meats, eggs and dairy so ideally more fsh and less of these. More of healthy fats from nuts and avocados and less crosissants, margarines, cackers etc to reduce your trans-saturated fatty acid profile.
  19. phew...I think you should definitely work with a qualified practitioner mate, there is quite a bit going on. It is hard to assess the full scope without spending 3 hours talking about everything, past illnesses, past medical treatments etc. What I see from above: * High TSH indicates irresponsive thyroid - depends on who you talk to it may not be enough to diagnose hypothyroidism but enough to look into treatment options. They only tested TSH and T4 though which does not tell whether there are antibodies and potential Hashimoto's * Your lipid profile is all over the place - Omega 3s are extremely low and Arachidonic Acid the lowest metabolite of Omega 6 is very high. The ratio of Arachidonic Acid to EPA is not good either. I think alongside other you will need to megadose Omega 3s for some time. Again, work with someone on this to get the correct dosing. * nutritional deficiencies - surprisingly iodine is good but lot of the other ones are very low. * Homocysteine - if this was UK it would be ok, still it is not awful and getting in enough B12, Folate and B6 may help push it down * Dopamine - I'm a bit confused about the levels on the report. But according to them it is low, this could easily be due to lack of nutrients because you need quite a few cofactors to convert Phenylalanine all the the way to Dopamine * Adrenaline - this one is very low. I don't know how accurate test are for adrenaline. It is a shame they did not measure cortisol. But we could suspect some adrenal exhaustion or just lack of cofactors. Adrenaline is made from the same pathway as dopamine and if yiou struggle with building blocks, either pathway will be stopped. *antibodies - towards the end, I see IGg antibodies to "Tarwe" (gluten?) seems like you are reacting but IgG testing is not 100% reliable. I think you should find someone you trust. A functional doctor or nutritionist and work with them. It may take a couple months to fix some of these things such as the lipid profile and thyroid but better start earlier than later. Also I think you need further testing for thyroid antibodies, organic acids and maybe adrenal profile but this should be supervised by someone who knows what they are doing. Good luck and let us know in some time how it went
  20. that's the core of prevention right there All good stuff in culinary doses. Not fan of megadosing through capsules.
  21. Do you remember your homocysteine levels? This is a tricky indicator because some people have genetic snips that make it more difficult for them to convert homocysteine to methionine in a metabolic cycle called methylation. If you are going to supplement, there are some specific supplement, B12, B6 and folate are absolutely necessary although some trials showed that once homocysteine is too high, these alone are not enough to drop it. The ideal ways to get these is B12 as methylcobalamin, folate as 5-methylfolate and B6 as pyridoxal-5-phosphate. At the same time if you eat a lot of animal protein (especially muscle meat), I would look to reduce as these contain a lot of methionine and also not go too crazy on protein overall as a lot of ammonia is being produced from that which taxes methylation. The hypothyroidism will naturally make you more sluggish and brain-fogged and it is very possible that this is due to nutritional deficiencies especially selenium, zinc, vitamin A and vitamin D. Btw did they test thyroid antibodies for Hashimoto's? Do you know what thyroid values they looked at? Did they test iodine? I think it might be worth taking those tests and working with a nutritionist or naturopath to help you create a good dietary and supplemental regime. Don't go buying cheap supplements as I think you may need more specific, preformed doses that can be hard to get right just figuring on your own. Good luck!!
  22. Let that boredom and the desire to run out purge you and unleash your inner demons. Embrace the boredom and learn to love it. Maybe this is what humanity needs to retrospect and to consider the consequences of our daily choices. Most of all don't be stupid and if told to stay home, do so (within reason) this reduces the load on hospitals and the need for acute medical treatment.
  23. Please be careful with sungazing. Just because the early sun does not irritate your eyes as much does not mean your retina is not being exposed to overwhelming amounts of UVa and UVb. I agree that we need a little bit of exposure to eyes but you are likely to get that just walking around. Gazing straight at the sun is very foolish and dangerous. The tiny vascular supply in the retina and your optic nerve are extremely sensitive to free radical damage which is what sun exposure creates. Unless you want to end up with progressive blindness or cataracts, I'd suggest you thread carefully and do a proper research before undergoing such an endeavour. Please stay safe and don't believe everything you see on the internet. Here is a case of a woman experiencing something called "solar retinopathy" She was exposed for 2 minutes only. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3604317/ Another case of severe damage after prolonged exposure https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1209815-the-human-fovea-after-sungazing/ this person had a development of necrotic (dead) tissue in the fovea, which is the area with highest concentration of retinal cells.