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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. ever been checked for the hyperactive thyroid gland and/or Grave's disease?
  2. @LfcCharlie4 I don't recall the numbers Chris Masterjohn recommends but anywhere up to 50mg is perfectly safe taken before sleep. Just don't use zinc picolinate or oxide. Pumpkin seeds, nuts and all legumes are pretty good sources. There is also phytic acid in legumes so soaking and cooking properly seems to help. But as always, food comes before supplementation although in current pandemic, having a bit of help can be helpful I take 22mg of zinc citrate from Lamberts few times a week. Allergy Research also have a good, I think 30mg Zinc Citrate. Most whole unprocessed foods have a degree of them. Wholegrains are very rich as well. So are nuts and green vegetables I think. Healthline will probably have an article on best sources. I think that's just a British genome You guys burn fast because historically this region has always had lack of direct sunlight. Nature never intended to give you TAN to make you more attractive, it was always your skin protecting itself from oxidative damage. The looks are just the bonus. With light skin you absorb more UvB for vitamin D production and overall need less time daily to get the proper dose. At the same time, you will get more damage from burning than people with darker skin tones so take care with that . Btw people who booze sunburn quicker than those who don't but this damage was somewhat mediated by drinking berries smoothie before sunbathing and boozing. I recall reading a paper on this some time ago. You can get one of those small bottles like they serve in Pret and fill it with some ultra berry thick smoothie from a bag of blended blueberries before you go. Than just hide it in jacket and drink it in the middle on the night on the loo so that you don't get the "weirdo" looks from your mates. Can help to negate some of the damage. I think going fully raw every once in a while for few days can be helpful. But if you are a good vegan your liver is already likely to be less taxed overall as long as you are not missing any important nutrients.
  3. @LfcCharlie4 The interesting thing with alcohol is that the more you drink the "better" your body becomes in metabolising. By "better" I mean the liver upregulated the production of Alcohol Dehydrogenase and Aldehyde Dehydrogenase, two enzymes that are breaking it down into Acetaldehyde and Acetate. This is to protect from cellular damage alcohol does. The same thing happens if you become a regular user of the heroine. Some things you can do to improve your detoxification pathways if you are going to indulge (btw you got the basics pretty much covered above) start easy, let your body upregulate the two enzymes first. Your first night out should be a bit easy. Going all in may overload your liver's capacity and give you pretty nasty hangover optimise your zinc status, zinc is a cofactor for both alcohol dehydrogenase and aldehyde dehydrogenase. So maybe load on some zinc or make sure you eat zinc rich foods regularly. up all your B-vitamins as you'll be peeing them out during hangover. Liver also burns through them quickly when there is a lot of ethyl alcohol present. ensure your elimination is smooth with 3 bowel movements and at least 6-8 urinations so that all metabolites are getting out and nothing is reabsorbed. boost your chain-breaking antioxidant status. This means fruits, veg, legumes, greens. You can load on fruits and black grapes (resveratrol) before your night of drinking to supply the body with the protection it needs. I wouldn't necessarily rely on the antioxidant supplement, those things are pretty dangerous and harmful imo drinking 300ml of pure water between each pint/shot and loading on another half-liter after you come back foods that specifically support one or more of the 3 phases of liver detoxification: broccoli (broccoli sprouts ar more potent), lemons, apples, asparagus, beet, mung bean sprouts, dandelion, nettle, parsley, coriander, milk thistle (tea is preferable to milk thistle supplement or tincture), resveratrol from red grapes, If you drink, don't drink on open sun and DONT get burned. This will require your glutathione to be spread apart to remove burned cells and take away essential antioxidants from liver. Some people also have genetic snips in genes coding for certain antioxidants (SOD2 in my case for example) for them this kinda of cellular damage would be pretty nasty. Also don't eat fried and barbecued food on your night out (I know this isn't easy when you are in the mood :D) again, stealing NADPH from liver. if you want to take this a bit further, remain on 100% raw vegan diet for 24-48 hours post hangover to minimise load on the liver by removing all animal protein. So to summarise it if you drink don't eat junk, don't get burned, drink a lot and eat mostly fruits and vegetables afterwards
  4. @LfcCharlie4 I didn't read any previous comments so not bashing on anybody's choices OP was asking if alcohol is bad, well, unfortunately, any amount is bad but I agree that is is a part of social gathering so one needs to be cautious with the amounts drank. No alcohol is the only safe amount thou. Anything else is just unnecessary stealing antioxidants that could be used to repair DNA
  5. There is absolutely no benefit to drinking alcohol whatsoever. A lot of people still believe that red wine is somehow healthy. This is tragic marketing implantation in the minds of the young who are trying to excuse their functional alcoholism. Alcohol is a neurotoxin and a carcinogen. It pulls nutrients from your body, it depletes glutathione and other antioxidants, it messes up with blood sugar balance, damages your arteries and hormonal balance. Whatever problem anyone has they claim alcohol helps to "solve" they are deluding themselves and this will bite them in the ass one day.
  6. I'm pretty sure if you picked 10 random people on this forum, 8 would be struggling with some sort of chronic condition. Just because somebody has a health issue on their own does not mean they have nothing to offer you in terms of useful health information. You would be surprised how many health influencers have undiagnosed or hidden conditions. They live in fear that once people find out about it, their audience would just abandon then. Btw what's wrong with vegetable soup?
  7. thanks man, I'll look into their resources.
  8. The typical western "yoga" is actually a pretty good way to become more flexible in a fairly natural way. No need to attend classes, those are just hives for ego and sexism. Find some decent teacher on youtube and follow whatever they do a couple times until you are confident enough to do it yourself. This type of practice has very fast learning curve so you don't need to spend a lot of time observing others. Then take it outside, take your shoes off and combine it with some nature exposure, some earthing and some sunshine Afterwards you may do some actual yoga.
  9. There is your response Whatever is keeping you in the state of fear and anxiety has to be addressed. Maybe some shadow work needs to be done to identify the cause of your subconscious fears? Could be a repression of some sort? Radical Honesty by Dawn Blanton talks about this quite a bit and so does Gabor Matte in "When the Body says No"
  10. I assume you meant to say Your "brain"? Yes, it is, it is made mostly fats: docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) a 22 carbon-chain fatty acid with 5 double bonds and Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) a 20 carbon chain fatty acid with 5 double bonds. Butyric acid a short chain (4 carbons) fatty acids that is fully saturated. They are "fats" but of completely different molecular structure and property. It is important to distinguish between saturated and unsaturated types of fats and than between length of chain and bond saturation. I am not bashing on ketogenic diet. It can be the only way for people with epilepsy and schizophrenia but an unmanaged ketogenic diet is a cardiovascular disaster. I've seen keto followers eat gigantic chunks of butter claiming they are doing a healthy thing. Stripping human diet of fruits, legumes and most vegetables and calling is healthy is a very peculiar thing. BTW human milk is 3-5% fat and around 1% proteins and 8% carbohydrates including Human Milk Oligosacharides. Most of the fats are medium - to - long-chain fatty acids. If there are any saturated fats in maternal milk it will be very tiny amounts. The rest of the consistency is water filled with immunoglobulins and growth factors to create the newborns adaptive immunity. Careful where you source your facts
  11. Not sure if I would classify butter as "healthy fat". SCFA are easily obtainable from fibre-rich foods like legumes. The gut bacteria process the non-soluble fibre and create the short-chain fatty acids. Eating too much butter or other heavy sources of saturated fats can actually have a quite damaging effect on your microbiome. Most people eat too much of Saturated fats as it is.
  12. His birthday is every day, in fact tens of thousands of time per day all over the world. Happy birthday to all 8 billions of Leos!!
  13. how long have you been taking Ritalin?
  14. You are in the wrong career my friend! You better start finding your life purpose before that ship sails or you'll end up on antidepressants like half of the US
  15. Why would you even watch this? This is just another mass entertainment to make people feel better about themselves by watching people who are sick....just wrapped in some nicely copywrited jibber jabber.
  16. Was your TSH above 2.0? A lot of people walk around with subclinical hypothyroidism never put on levothyroxine because they don't make it into the textbook values. Do you recall your T3 value? DId they find any thyroid antibodies? This is a REALLY interesting combination. As far as I know clomiphene is given to women with PCOS, with amenorrhea or with anovulation. I've never heard about it being prescribed to a male. How is it combating reversed T3? Clomiphene regulates LH and FSH which regulate Oestrogen. Are you sure this wasn't given for something else? DOes your doctor think you are producing too much oestrogen? That would make sense. You could be aromatising all your testosterone into oestrogen, Lot of men have this issue. Reverse T3 you'll see raised in periods of prolonged starvation and stress. Have you done any excessive fasting or gone through a rough period recently like bereavement, accident or so? Liothyronine is basically a synthetic T3. It's interesting, in UK you would only get T4 at best. Was your T3 low? Regarding supplements: were you prescribed DHEA? What is OPC?
  17. Seconded. Gymnastic rings are an amazing tool. Painful and hard but you will see results quicker than with TRX or rubber bands. The core is at the centre of every exercise as you try to stabilise them which is an added benefit. And you can do a lot of beginner moves as well as highly advanced ones.
  18. Having a doctor with permanent erection operate on you will make you reconsider leaving your quarantine!
  19. Needing to be a "star" is a pretty orange trait to me already. High consciousness people don't need to be the "top", the best and the most popular. The alpha machoism is a self-limiting vicious circle that never ends. Once you are alpha, all betas will be looking to steal your crown. It is a life in fear and neurotic desire to be the best. It can never last. You can become incredibly good in a sport without needing to be a superstar. Lot of highly conscious people do.
  20. probs not waste 10,000 hours on video games
  21. Anything above 1.5g of Sodium (not NaCl) is more than 99% of people will need. Research on sodium is fairly conflicted with a lot of deliberate misinformation. Even lot of the large systemic studies have been looking at "recollection of data" rather than measuring people's intake in a lab. This is industry-prefer way to test as recollection (e.g. people write how much they THINK they ate) is usually headings towards underestimation rather than overestimation. A true study on effects of sodium require 24 hour urine monitoring for several weeks and to this day only a handful of such studies have been conducted as they are time consuming, expensive and quite restrictive to the participants. Also you cannot use people who are ill, diabetic or have kidney disease as they will skew your results. Another popular tactic for industry-funded research. This was a nice systemic review https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/jch.12877 of very few studies that met the criteria IN SUMMARY : health was improved as sodium intake was decreased. The group who faired the best in terms of cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular mortality was the group with the intake of 1.2 - 1.5 grams of sodium (which translates to 3-4 grams of salt). Anything above 1.5 of sodium generally is unnecessary for majority of the population and as your numbers go higher, you are risking a self-harm.
  22. In Eastern Europe where I grew up, people would often take cold showers simply because it took ages to heat up water with the ancient heating boiler system. It is still considered completely normal to only take cold showers in the morning. Lot of people go to swim in rivers in winter or just lay in the snow. I think the cold exposure not only builds your immunity but also resilience to stress and increases your pain threshold. I remember when my grandfather challenged me to stand barefoot in snow. I was crying after 30 seconds, he stood there for probably 5 minutes and than just got bored. .....or maybe he just had early diabetic neuropathy in his feet...
  23. It was not naturally the food per see but the methods of adaptations. Eating meat had a lot to do with it but it was the hominid needing to learn to hunt, to track the pray to observe its behaviour to come up with strategies for separating the weak animals, creating tools, adapting new shelters etc. It wasn't the fruit and it wasn't the meat necessarily, it was the entire evolution, the change in climate and the constant need to adapt. If there was a thread from a neighbouring tribe, defence strategies would have to be considered, people would sleep in shifts, there was always someone guarding the fire. Reductionism such as saying fruit grew our brains is usually missing the large picture.
  24. The only way to minimize the risk of vaccination is not to get vaccinated. That being said, The cases where vaccination has a negative consequence are so rare that it is nearly impossible to establish any correlation. If vaccination was causing disease in the majority of people, it would have been picked up a long time ago. Medical doctors can report the occurrence of new diseases to the government in the same way all COVID19 cases are reported. These data are compiled and managed so if there is suddenly an increase in children having a certain disease in a certain area at a certain time, there will be an investigation. Yes, there are the rare occurrences of suspected autism and people developing the disease they were vaccinated of but you are looking at less than 0.001% cases. There are lots of rare genetic occurrences where people simply develop certain diseases because their genes have been mutated in prenatal state, maybe the mom was exposed to excessive mercury or lead or there was a familiar mutation that after 1000 years took hold and developed into something rare. There are people who can die from eating bread and nuts and other never have symptoms. What I'm trying to say is that we cannot discredit the component of individual physiology and that some individuals are just so weak, ill and immunocompromised that a vaccine may kill them. At the same time children born by caesarean section without breastfeeding or children born to traumatised mothers have increased risk of autism, and schizophrenia. Now if a kid born through c-section that was never breastfed and put on a cycle of antibiotics right after birth gets vaccinated with DPT and develops autism, how are you going to figure out what was the cause. You can't. The point is that vaccines are useful and they have a purpose in medicine. Eradication of many diseases was largely due to vaccination development. Same as antibiotics they have saved hundreds of millions of lives but they should not be abused such as giving newborns 10 vaccines or using antibiotics on someone coming with common flu....that is an atrocity. The amount of aluminium in a single vaccine is so slight that you should be more worried about cooking with older utensils, using aluminium cans, putting tomato sauce on a pan, eating fish and seafood, eating factory-farmed food, pesticides on cheap fruit & vegetables, living within a mile from a busy street, drinking water in a city from a tap, using paints, sanitisers and cleaning chemicals, using deodorants, perfumes and cheap cosmetics....the list goes on. We can go crazy over a few heavy metals in a shot of vaccine yet completely disregard all the other sources. I'm not going to disregard the point that vaccines are a multibillion industry with heavy lobby and a lot of hypocrisy and devilry by the big pharma. But we shouldn't dump everything in single bag. Not all the discoveries of modern medicine are harmful. People can die from eating too much magnesium or turmeric .....
  25. Let it go. It is not your responsibility to cater to everyone's feeling and emotions. He did deserve an explanation and provided that you gave him an explanation, any immature response such as "radio silence" only portraits their levels of emotional development. Move along with your life