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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. I feel the same way about my native language (Slovakian) it probably comes down to exposure, maybe you just spend so much time speaking and thinking in English that you somehow trick your brain into thinking that this is the actual native language. Despite not being born in an english-speaking country, all my thoughts and mind-processes are in English. It's kinda hilarious. Also I think English does kinda sound better than many other languages but that's just subjective perception.
  2. Keeping your blood sugar in check is in my opinion one of the most important aspects of cognitive function throughout the day. That means avoiding foods that are mostly based on simple carbohydrates (white rice, white potatoes and all sweets and sugars) and replacing them with wholegrain alternatives. This prevents insulin rollercoaster. Also having 3 regular meals instead of binging10 times a day will help as well.
  3. As someone who is trying to create a career in that industry, I have come to realise that you have to niche yourself. There is just no other way. The market is oversaturated with Dr Bergs and Josh Axes who cover everything but also nothing at the same time as none of these guys will pull you out of bad health condition...their advice is just kinda ok but not deep enough. Being a "know-all" practitioner or creator just doesn't bring the yield anymore. My only advice would be to find your perfect listener, identify his challenges, create an Avatar of who he/she is and tailor videos to them. Example: Maybe you want to target men in their 20s who are looking to improve their cognitive abilities as they go through uni? Once you know the audience you can tailor your keywords and your search optimisation. On the other hand, I'll say that this is something I'm still figuring out for myself so by no means am I speaking from position of knowledge or authority on the topic. EDIT: it's all about being found. Once you have the audience, you can go 365 again as health is never looked at in isolation but the million $ question is "how do you attract people"?
  4. Excellent post! Every act is an act of love or a call for love.
  5. The outside light is actually very important. The retina once exposed to daylight send a message further down to hypothalamus to trigger cortisol release and that keeps you awake. Daylight exposure also stops your melatonin production, it makes you more awake and more productive. Early day daylight exposure is essential for regulation circadian rhythm, sleep and mood. But some people are sensitive to light indeed so that needs to be accounted for.
  6. @montecristo I read your entire response. Agree with some points and disagree on others but to carry o with this we'd have to start pulling research and throwing it at each other which is just a huge waste of time as we both have our own beliefs and know what works best for us. I admit, my knowledge of evolutionary biology is poor, it's not something I've ever looked into although it gets thrown around a lot. I do appreciate us exchanging the information and I'll do further research on several topics you've mentioned. I especially want to do a deep dive into saturated fats as there is extreme amount of conflicting research there. As such I'm dropping the conversation at this stage Thanks for the great chat!
  7. I don't care what individual people are saying. Expert Opinion as a form of evidence has the lowest value in the evidence hierarchy. If we are going to discuss nutritional evidence, you need to go fro the top of the evidence hierarchy which are systemic reviews & meta-analysis. I haven't looked myself but you are unlikely to find any of those indicating harmful plant components what would have been shown on thousands of people. Where there is a LOT of systemic trials following hundreds of thousands of people eating plants and their health improving or them staying disease-free. LPS is NOT the cause of disease. LPS is a coating of gram-negative bacteria that is detected by something called TLR-4 (toll-like receptor) basically an "antenna" of the innate immune system if you will. In normal consequences LPS is caught and destroyed by the immune system without you ever realising. When LPS make their way to the bloodstream problems start. This is because there is a degree of intestinal permeability. This is not caused by plant antigens. This is caused by intestinal inflammation, sugar, poor diet, antibiotics, stress and toxins. LPS is being thrown around as the monster but in fact it has been in our guts since ever. Same as harmful bacteria have. Btw I am not denying the existence of oxalate, salicylates and lectins. I am saying they are irrelevant if your gut is healthy. If you can't tolerate them it does not mean plants are wrong, it means you have some gut healing to do. Yes, the gene is called BC01. I don't know what are the statistics of population-wide polymorphisms but can't comment on this unless you do. If this was an issue we would see a drastic amount of progressive blindness in people eating the least animal products which we don't. A lot of people like to throw around MTHFR polymorphisms as some sort of disease wherein itself it's just another useless genetic marker that the academic research has abandoned 10 years ago because it is irrelevant. if you don't think you need polyphenols I encourage you to stop eating all plant-based foods and see how your body starts to age rapidly. I agree, we don't need them per se but we don't live agricultural simple lives anymore, the world has become stressful and toxic and these compounds are helping us to detoxify, to improve antioxidant defences and protect cells. And when few people claim that plants are bad because they are bad for THEM and their messed up guts, does not mean it is the case. It is very sad that people like Mikeila and Jordan Peterson have more influence on nutrition of public than does 50 years of nutritional science.....marketing is powerful tool unfortunately. The world has never been as toxic as it is today. Each of us is exposed to 100s of substances that not even our parents were. The environment is changing and humans have adapted to protect themselves. I am not for long-term supplementation of anything but sometimes it helps to pick support our health till the person learns how to eat better and protect themselves better. We didn't evolve to eat cow steak either. We would have evolved to eat organs, eyes, bones, carilege, brains, hearts. Tell me how many people eat those things? We even have to pasteurise milk because it is so contaminated ...this is a joke. Right....you would believe individual person's anectodes but when somebody gives you a story of 100,000 people followed for 12 years that's just a cherry picking and isolating. I agree that studies are often dogmatic, nit-picking and limiting but not all of them focus on single nutrient. Epidemiology looks at a variety of factors and you are unlikely to found a long term large population studies telling you how plants are harmful. Agree but a healthy microbiome can. Those who let their doctors destroy their health by drugs need to find way back to health. Modern medicine is not doing humanity a great service when it comes to treating chronic disease Again we are in the topic of messed up gut. Gut that can't prevent harmful molecules passing to the bloodstream, a gut that can't produce sufficient enzymes and acids. This is not the fault of plants. This is the most likely result of horrible lifestyle and in very rare cases bad ....maybe bad genetics. I have never looked into evidence of our ancient ancestry diet so can't really clarify my statement on this. The toothless crazy peasant farmer was much healthier than the fat diabetic lord. In UK , I have visited several mansions were once famous landlords used to live profiting from the UK's exploitation of the world. Long story short, these people had terrible health because they only ate meat, butter and eggs. Their peasants had poor health as well because there was no medical cure...you got flu you died. Poor dental health would be seen even today if we didn't have top-class dentistry, expensive toothpastes, brushes, flossing and antibacterial mouthwashes. The poor farmers also started because they had to pay tribute to the king and the lord and often ended up with rotten crops or hypothermia....having 10 kids and nothing to feed them didn't help either. We have moved on from this long time ago. agreed, we have endogenous antioxidants such as glutathione, SOD, catalase etc but in the world we are today, those are not enough because we use up a lot of glutathione to get rid of toxic pollutants (I know I keep throwing this around but this is a significant factor) Having additional chain-breaking antioxidants from plants (despite them being weaker than glutathione) is helpful and protective. They do not turn into prooxidants, that's what becomes when people start taking vitamin C from supplements...those kinds of antioxidants are a disaster. You can reverse insulin resistance on any diet as long as you cut out all the pro-inflammatory crap. Saturated fats stiffening the phospholipid bilayer surrounding cells are a great contributor to insulin resistance of cells but it is more complex than that. Lack of exercise is a significant factor as well, probably one of the greatest.
  8. Tic Toc is exactly what the decadent society had to create because everything else is too emotionally difficult and requires emotional labour...even reading Instagram posts. It could not be any other way..... We are looking at a generation of severe ADD with completely and utterly destroyed ability to focus for over 8 seconds and tictoc is exploiting that...brilliant move, I applaud the creators. @Jacobsrw absolutely spot on !!
  9. Rubbish low consciousness music isn't going to perpetuate your consciousness practice but hey...maybe you need to go through that, to listen to this stuff for few months just to get over it and be prepared to move on. While you do it, pop couple hundred beers, smoke some marihuana, bang a bunch of girls, get in a street fight, buy expensive oversized clothing that does not cover your butt and live the gangsta paradise. If there is a phase you think you need to go through you cannot logically bypass it, it will be a loose brick in your foundation wall. Same as a Christian monk cannot become enlightened before he sleeps with all nuns, flips the head of the church off, gets wasted couple times, embezzles some of the church's resources just to get into green.
  10. This topic has been discussed on the forum a thousand times. beta carotene can be converted to vitamin A. Yes the conversion is poor and you need to count the Retinol Activity Equivalent but a single sweet potato has 300% of Retinol Activity Equivalent (vitamin A) because it has 1400% of beta carotene daily requirement so this is irrelevant D - fair enough, but 30 minutes (bare skin from waist-up) of sunshine gives you 10,000 IU less on cloudy day K2 - healthy microbiome can produce all you need plus some conversion between. Plus conversion from phylloquinone (k1) to menoquinone (K2) is a natural occurrence in the gut. Again, conversion rate is a bottleneck but if you eat enough left greens and legumes no problem again B12 - granted, needs to be supplemented. Antigens in plants are irrelevant. If this was a concern we would have died out 10,000 years ago. Steven Gaudry wrote his anecdotal nonsense called Plant Paradox based on this so that he can sell 2,000 $/annual worth of garbage supplements. Any chance you got that information from him? Plants are largely protective from inflammation. Meat and animal products contain no polyphenols and antioxidants where plants contain thousands of varieties. Health goes beyond individual micronutrients. Our pre-palaeolithic bodies are not adapted to be consuming animals several times a day. People who have problems digesting plants have an undiagnosed gastrointestinal problem, most likely increased permeability or enzymatic dysfunction. Meat is unlikely to cure that.
  11. @Deepak sadhwani tempting conclusion but when you break it down: 1. all subjects were obese assuming coming from typical junk diet , any controlled protocol will make you lose weight. Once anyone stops eating junk their lipid profile and blood sugar will absolutely improve. Vegan diet, paleo diet and carnivore diet designed in an experimental setting would produce this 2. everyone was taking high-strength multi formula + siberian ginseng (why would they need an adaptogen?) 3. This was a therapeutic-keto diet, meaning this was designed by a dietitian, this included lots of nuts, seeds, healthy plant fats and fish. Even greens, and low GI salads...this is the "good keto". Most people I know that follow "bad keto" eat a lot of fried meat meat and burgers, no fruits, no vegetables, no fish and no legumes. They never make it into ketosis because they keep eating carbohydrates and just end up riding insulin. This is what I mean by metabolic disaster. 4. the study was 24 weeks long which is 6 month. Long terms is 15 years. There are currently no systematic reviews of ketogenic diets because all the older studies only focus on epilepsy. This is my main concern with keto, yes it works in shorter term because it eliminates a lot of junk but where is the evidence between ketogenic diet not accelerating atherosclerosis in 20 years...we just don't have that data. The long-terms studies we have on saturated fats are not as gentle and there is some significant correlation starting to come up once you stop reading individual studies but start focusing on systemic reviews and meta-analysis which pool all available studies. 5. serum glucose is not a reliable marker of long term blood sugar balance. Once you stop eating carbohydrates your insulin naturally declines because it is simply not needed anymore since liver is now making the ketones with help of glucagon and cortisol. You need to use HOMOiR and HbA1c for long-term information on glucose management which they didn't. Some of the data we have (unfortunately only on rats) shows that high fat diets completely dysregulate insulin sensitivity and once glucose was reintroduced they could not mount sufficient insulin response. I believe that it works well for you, it does for a lot of people because they eliminated gluten and lots of problematic foods which may have as well stopped their autoimmunity. Hope you can make it work in the long term EDIT + high fat diet are horrible for your prostate as a guy. Menwith the highest consumption of fats (Over 40% calori intake I think) have drastically increased risk of their prostate growing earlier and more rapidly
  12. Thank you for sharing your story, this is very encouraging! Have you done anything in terms of your lifestyle & diet that you think was helpful as well>
  13. All types of fats are somewhat important. We need omega 3s, omega 6s, some saturated fats and some monounsaturated fats. The high-fat diet have only been around for a short time and we do not have the long-term data on what they do. The ketogenic diet is an elimination diet designed to mask symptoms of ongoing issues such as insulin resistance. Keto can help people with schizophrenia but that doesn't mean it is a healing diet. If someone eats carbohydrates and crashes completely while feeling fine on keto there is an underlying issue that has not been addressed. Keto diets work fine in short terms but eating so much animal protein and saturated fats will become a metabolic disaster.
  14. eh...wasn't aluminium use linked to breast cancer risk? I think it has never been confirmed but for some reason most of the tumours are in the area closes to the armpit. I assume OP is a guy but heavy metal application in regions with high lymphatic activity is unlikely to be the right solution.
  15. @herghly if you want to learn more about toxic sources and how to protect yourself consider purchasing Joe Pizzorno's book https://www.amazon.co.uk/Toxin-Solution-Products-Destroying-Health/dp/0062427466/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=toxin+solution&qid=1588853309&sr=8-1 the guy is one of the leading naturopathic authorities merging the scientific and natural approach. His books on natural therapy are just brilliant.
  16. Yes, the long term addiction is definitely a concern. This is same when people take antidepressants that work on serotonin reuptake inhibition. They work but once you cut them, you can expect severe withdrawal. If you are looking for natural dopamine spikes first of all look into your lifestyle. Cut out all garbage processed sugary foods. I know for students it is not easy due to limited budget and time but see what you can do to cook your own meals. Eat a variety of plant-based foods including fruits vegetables and legumes to make sure your body has enough building blocks to be able to create all neurotransmitters it needs. Nutrient deficiencies can create neurotransmitter bottleneck where your body can't produce as much as it needs and this shows in mood changes, anxieties and lack of effortless attention. A lot of processed foods (pizzas, biscuits, deliveries etc) have chemicals such as msg in a theme that act on your dopamine receptors and your glutamate receptors basically giving you pleasurable stimulation. Cutting out Instagram, video games and video binging to detox your mind will definitely help. More reading and less watching. Exercise is a natural stimulator of endorphins and dopamine in a healthy way. So it exposure to sunshine. If you need to work on your concentration, consider activities that get you in the flow and that naturally absorb your attention effortlessly such as: meditation, practising tai-chi, taking martial art classes, doing something like painting, drawing, dancing, conducting music, pottery, photography, musical instrument, stargazing, birdwatching, treahugging whatever seems to be the right thing for you. Don't rely on chemical alteration, that's gonna backfire on your really bad. Nofap may also help to resist neurotic desire to masturbate when one is bored or stressed. If you want any herbal alternatives, green tea and tulsi are a nice combinations, some adaptogens may also be helpful.
  17. yeeeeah....no I'm gonna spice up the legumes and chickpeas instead haha
  18. @Hansu I think at 3-6 per week you could start getting overboard, 2-3 seems about right, but do some research on the frequency and see what's best Ideally you should go for the tiny fish predominantly like sardines and eat them with bones to get a good supply of calcium and glycine. Eat them with a lot of vegetables and legumes to speed up colonic transit and reduce mercury absorption. Add to that a tablespoon of flax oil (non-fried) to get your EFAs covered.
  19. @Hansu with fish it is important to avoid the large carnivorous fish including tuna, octopuses sharks. Small fish like sardines, anchovies mackerel and salmon have relatively low mercury load because they don't eat other fish and their lifespan is shorter. These 4 also have a high Omega 3 proportion. I think I'd also avoid the bottom-dwellers (shrimps, shells etc) because all the sediment and pollution often sits on the bottom of the sea/ocean although many people eat them for their high zinc content. But fish is not a necessity and can be replaced by eating flaxseeds every day (for ALA) and adding an algae oil to get enough EPA and DHA
  20. Chewing gums seems to have a somewhat stimulating effect on digestion which can be good or bad depending on the perspective. For conserving energy and longevity, you want as little insulin spikes throughout your day as possible. For people who have poor digestion, chewing 15 mins before food can help start their digestive juices flowing. Chewing on parsley od dandelion leaf can do that as well. Regarding teeth, cleansing, it could work by mechanically picking bits of food from areas between your teeth and maybe cleanse the roots of your teeth from plaque deposition. But not sure.
  21. Its a dopamine reuptake inhibitor so helps with steady focus and steady attention...same as heroin just milder and less toxic. That in itself raises a potential red flag of severe withdrawal once you stop taking it...but doesn't have to, Adderal does. Also you need to be careful if you take other supplements or drugs these things contraindicated with many things. Have you been diagnosed with ADHD?
  22. I think there is a bit too much stimulation from some of those but if you lead aa cognitively demanding lifestyle guess that's ok. Adrafinil is a stimulant of adrenergic receptors, basically nervous system glutamate stimulant that will keep your smooth muscles locked and tense. Caffeine is also glutamate stimulant of the central nervous system where L-theanine is more GABA stimulant (calming) so there is a bit of "thug-of-war" going on. I am surprised why they still put caffeine and L-theanine in single pill where they work on opposing receptors And then the micosupplement is an immunostimulant. Kinda like putting your immune system on steroids. I am not convinced a healthy person needs to do that. Don't get me wrong mushrooms are absolutely brilliant for healing some diseases but not sure I'd take them just for the sake of it. Also unless they were grown on specific trees like birch but only grown on wheat in warehouse, they will just become expensive carbohydrates so that's something to check with the manufacturer. Sorry, not being a hater just an opinion I'd keep the nootropics when you need them the most and keep the mushroom if you get sick but daily stimulation could potentially lead to chronic fatigue.
  23. No tips just came here to say good luck with your gains mate! You already know what to do
  24. only 15% of people DO NOT have MTHFR polymorphism (mild to moderate mutation) of some sort. It is extremely common. That being said you could be something called "heterozygous" where you would have inherited a slight default gene from both parents which would disrupt your methylation cycle and could lead to: 1. deficient production of dopamine, serotonine and adrenaline 2. homocysteine buildup (this can be tested) But before you go testing yourself ensure that your dietary intake of B12 , folate and B6 is fine. Also ensuring a good intake of essential amino acid and zinc is essential. Alternatively, you could try a B-complex that includes: B12 as methylcobalamin, B6 as Pyridoxal-5-phosphate and B9 as 5-methyltetrahydrofoltate. Usually these things are called something in terms "methylated B complex"