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Everything posted by Michael569
They should theoretically work. Not necessarily by protecting your eyes but by protecting your pineal from late-night blue light that will interfere with melatonin secretion and prevent you from falling asleep. Best protection for eyes is to cut down on screen times, do eye "gymnastic" exercises and eat lots of green leafy and orange veggies
Gojiman is a great guy. I believe he is genuinely honest and really wants to help. Unlike most other "orange-dressed-in-green" vegan YouTubers. The concept of SIBO has been around for a while but medicine is still not catching up. They don't test for it and they just dump it under IBS because they have no idea what it is, how to treat it or how to test for it. Good thing is that this is where functional medicine is catching up fats. People can not do hydrogen/methane breath testing and if confirmed low fodmap diet combined with herbal antimicrobials, prokinetics and gut-sealing protocol seems to help. But it is tough diet and generally the protocol is not easy at all because it is extremely restrictive.
oh boy if it only was that easy......thyroid disease of any kind does not have to have anything with thyroid at all. It just becomes the first "victim" or larger systemic issue that usually starts in the gut, especially autoimmunity.
Folks, Leo's health has been discussed several times before and he made a 2 hour video yesterday please go watch that https://www.actualized.org/insights.
Chances are that this is psychological induced by years of porn watching. You have acquired unrealistic expectations for your sexual performance and probably for your partner's looks as well. Work with your partner on this slowly, make sure the environment is relaxed, not too much light, some nice music and maybe an essential oil. Give each other a massage and make sure none of your is travelling the world in their mind. Both need to be fully present to the moment. Regarding orgasm, some girls are more able than other. Maybe she needs to relax as well, if she is subconsciously stressed or shy, she will hold back. Lots of techniques on what to do down there can be found on the internet Make sure your foreplay lasts anywhere from 20-40 minutes and giving her a massage before that to help with blood circulation can help as well. Performance anxiety is a real thing but it can be worked on with patience. Meditation can help you. The way of the superior man by David Deida is a good read as well. ......oh and stop watching porn
Heard that selling stuff for real money in WOW is much easier when your virtual character is semi-naked female than being a male hero. This stuff goes very deep indeed
There is no easy way to do this and it will break her heart. If this feels like something you really want to do, bo honest and tell her everything. Tell her why you are doing this and do not leave out any details. She deserves to know the full truth. Expect a lot of crying and a very strong emotional reaction from her that will last a while. At the same time, it seems like what you have going on is a good and mature relationship and maybe you need to find a better way how to manage your life around it without it interfering. Do not destroy something that works just because you want to go and bang bunch of girls you don't know. A lot of pick up macho guys are subconsciously seeking what you already have so be careful what you go for. Just make sure this is not driven by a neurotic desire to sleep with a lot of girls. A high-quality relationship (in my opinion) goes beyond shallow sex adventuring.
It's all about feeling that you can open up 100% with the person without being judged or rushed. But it's also about agreeing with their style of work and sometimes a client and therapist are just bad match for whatever reason. You can always tell him when you don't like his approach. While he is the therapist you are the one who gets to decide what is acceptable and what isn't.
He DOES NOT need to get used to you, he needs to go along with whatever style you as a paying client (the boss) choose. A hallmark of a good therapist is that he can adjust to client's needs and can go along with whichever way the client desires to go. This is not easy at all but to me it seems like he may think this is about "him" and not you. A lot of therapists make this mistake by making the therapy about themselves. You can also see this on their websites and Instagram profile. The Therapist IS NOT the hero of the story. It is the client and if he doesn't see it, you should stop paying him in my opinion.
Know your values, your strengths and have a powerful vision in life. Follow your passion and use your greatest gifts and talents to help the humanity, the planet, the animals or the nature. And make sure your definition of success isn't "having a lot of money" or "being famous".
Amazing herb for female health. I think we are far from knowing all its health effects but it is THE queen of reproductive health for ladies....when sourced responsively.
Extra virgin olive oil for cooking has the best results when compared to others on cooking. Or don't use oils for cooking at all. I've stopped a long time ago.
Interesting systemic analysis from 2016 looking at 24 papers studying the topic of "coconut in relation to cardiovascular disease (CVD)" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4892314/ KEY FINDINGS Alarming & statistically significant increase in LDL (bad cholesterol) for butter & coconut oil equally. Note that cholesterol itself is not "evil" but raised LDL usually indicates a progressive dysfunction in the arterial system usually including a lot of inflammation & oxidative damage. An overall increase in Total Cholesterol (LDL + HDL) HDL (good cholesterol) slightly increased but not enough to offset the harmful effect of high LDL (in most studies) Increase in Apoliprotein E (some but not all) - this is a marker of progressive arterial dysfunction. coconut oil seems to be as dangerous as butter in its impact on cardiovascular health LIMITATIONS: most of these studies were relatively short (up to 6 weeks) most of them had very small samples not all of them had a control group we do not have long term (years) data on coconut oil and risk of CVD we don't know anything about participants and their overall health markers or their state of blood sugar balance TAKEAWAY Maybe we should start questioning the proponents of the health benefits of coconut fats. Just because it is plant does not mean it is good. Despite what we hear evidence shows that extra virgin olive oil is the best oil to use for cooking. This is because of its extreme content of antioxidants that protects from development of lipid peroxides. EVOO consistently scores the highest when tested against other plant and animal oils. Or just don't use any oils whatsoever and cook on water. Seems like that is the safest way to navigate and to spare your cardiovascular system of unnecessary shock
Michael569 replied to Nemo28's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
People operate on learned behaviours. Jealousy, disguise and scheming is just a survival game, these people don't know how to survive in the world in any other way, they've never been told otherwise. They are not bad or evil. If you were born to their families, you would have been the same. In a way, they are victims to large systemic problem. -
I'm merely pointing out to the myth that coconut is NOT healthy. At least not the fat part. The water is great but it is not worth exporting over the entire world...but that's for another topic. Most people know that butter is horrible so many will avoid it yet coconut is still seen as some sort of miracle superfood which needs to change. Too much unhealthy garbage out there already
@Username Eric Berg is highly biased. He seels an entire range of keto supplements and so naturally will be looking for evidence to support his bias. He listed 3 studies. The above has included 21 and we are talking about the systematic analysis here, the highest link in the pyramid of the evidence hierarchy. There are health benefits such as MCT absolutely but if anything has been proven to (across all studies) raise risk of heart disease I'm gonna say it should probably be looked at with a lot of scepticism. Saturated fats are no doubt one of the greatest contributors of heart disease but they are not the full picture and for some reason the results of cholesterol & saturated fats studies are incredibly different. Like across the board....and the raising suspicion is that this is because people's microbiome differs so much. There is something in our guts that seems to be making difference why some people get massive spike of cholesterol & triglycerides after just few fat heavy meals and others don't. So I'd say we'll know more ion years to come.
I think this is the most useful application for coconut. Apparently it also works well as a lube @Red-White-Light pretty much
not unless there are bad migraines, rashes, sensitivities etc. Things that stand out.
Thanks You could consider an alternative approach. Instead of dieting and cutting our sources of carbohydrates why don't you try regular eating but start exercising regularly with the aim to increase muscle mass. More skeletal muscle will help you burn fat because muscles are highly metabolically active and burn more energy even at rest, where fat tissue is highly pro-inflammatory and the fatter you have the easier it is to gain even more. As you gain muscle, you will be losing fat and even if your weight remained unchanged and your BMI would tell you "overweight" you will start tilting your body composition to healthy & athletic. Remember that BMI is a non-specific marker. It does not account for athleticism and muscle mass. It is a predictor of cardiometabolic risk for general population, people that are overweight and do not exercise. So you could gain muscle, lose fat, remain at, say 75 kilos (165pounds), but build a strong and resilient body with high metabolic activity. You could start by purchasing a set of adjustable dumbells (6-16 kg), a bench, a skipping rope and TRX and getting your hands dirty with some proper weights and some HIITs. Lots of youtube tutorials on how to start lifting at home in the pandemics. You don't need the gym for that. Athlean X, Scott Herman, Buff Dudes are good youtube channels that also have beginner videos. Alongside that, you may consider switching your carbs sources from high GL (rice, sorghum) to low GL (buckwheat, quinoa, sweet potato, oats, amaranth, wholegrain pasta, wholegrain bread) that are higher in fibre, protein and overall nutrition. You can also increase your intake of legumes. These foods produce more satiety, are healthier and it is impossible to gain weight from them because your body just cannot extract so much energy from them as it can from white rice. Otherwise, if you start cutting carbs, your body may start relying on protein for energy which means muscle atrophy and potential metabolic stagnation. You can also slip in depression because long fasting windows and starvation rapidly raise your adrenaline & cortisol levels. Once you get out of that kind of starvation your body will save energy single calory and rapid weight gain would follow. A typical yoyo effect Anyways, sorry for the long post but hopefully some of it helps
Maybe the issue is you seeing them as Tier 1 (inferior in a way) so you'll end up trying to speak like Tier 1 which sends confusing message and they see through it because to Tear 1 people that comes naturally. For example if Yellow guy comes to Orange girl trying to sound all cheesy and corny she'll send him on his way. If a proper Orange guy comes in being all cheezy and corny she'l love it. Why not look for a woman at higher state of consciousness? They are rarer but the relationship will be more mature and you guys will challenge each other to grow together.
if I may ask what is your height and your overall body composition? Are you more lean? More vascular? Or more short & a bit chubby?
I think it is good to start optimising your pre-sleep hygiene, having a pre-sleep ritual and avoiding any substances that could be interfering with sleep Try to have max 2 cups of coffee per day with the second no later than 2 pm Make sure to switch all electronics (including wifi) 3 hours before bed consider purchasing blue light blocking glasses if you have a lot of LED lamps 30 minutes before bedtime you can just walk around the house with a soy candle in your hand. I do that sometimes. Helps to avoid all melatonin-disturbing lights. Exercise during the day Avoid eating 2 hours before bed time Take a herbal tea such as chamomile or lavender 1 hour before bedtime Meditation before bedtime helps to calm you and give you restorative sleep Avoid reading academic or difficult books before bedtime, I found that massively impacts my sleep in a negative way. It could also be connected to the place you live: too much light, noise, Also consider that your bed sheets shouldn't make you too hot. The body needs to cool down by around 3 degrees to fall asleep. Make sure to remove all clocks and phones and visible time from your room If nothing of that helps, you may consider seeing your doctor. Could be hyperthyroid issue, anxiety or depressive state or something else. Nightmares may also be unresolved issues and suppressed trauma so that may be a part of the puzzle but start with the points above
A lot of LM products are grown on wheat somewhere in a warehouse which eventually just becomes an expensive carbohydrate that has no biochemical properties and is just turned into energy and heat. Make sure you buy from a specialist not just any supplemental company. Make sure they grow it on trees such as birch or somewhere where they would normally grow. If your seller is one of the big supplement companies who specialise on everything, 90% chance you bought useless product. The only company I know of is Hiffas Da Terra in Portugal, did a training with them last year and their cultivation and packaging practices are incredible. Bet there are others out there but haven't done my research so can't recommend any.
Seems like your liver is a bit sluggish.