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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. I would start with looking at your diet and overall lifestyle before grabbing a lot of supplements as the issue could be as simple as some minor nutritional deficiencies or imbalances on some of the metabolic energy cycles. Any nutritional deficiencies will be driving hormonal and neurotransmitter deficiencies so it is always important to look at whether the individual cells of the body are well fed. 1. if you are consuming a lot of foods with high glycemic load (white rice, white potatoes, sweets, pastries, white bread) those will give you a nice insulin rollercoaster destroying any cognitive capability 2. caffeine can do that 3. dehydration 4. lack of individual micronutrients from fruits and vegetables 5. imbalances in your dietary fats as every brain cells needs to be surrounded by a lipid layer made of all essential fatty acids and phospholipids. If you are someone who does not consume sources of healthy fats and there is a lot of saturated fats deposited in this are it may actually give your brain mild insulin resistance 6. protein deficiency can cause a reduced production of different neurotransmitters that help your brian synapses communicate with each other. Protein from diet is also needed to create acetylcholine, phosphatidylserine and other essential elements allowing brain cell-to-cell communication. Ideally, you'd get that protein mostly from plants. SO before you burn a lot of money on tests and supplements make sure your diet is spot on, that you sleep well, exercise daily, hydrate well and avoid being in chronic state of excessive stress.
  2. Acne is not an issue of the skin but like@Roy said it needs to be targeted from the inside. You can use calendula oil, azelaic acid creams, tea tree oil (5%) or things like that but surface cleaning is just mopping around leaking pool. Acne is mostly caused by typical western diet of high GI carbs, sweets, chemicals in food and dairy. So opting out for wholegrain alternatives like sweet potatoes, brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat etc is a good idea. Omega 3: Omega 6 balance should be optimised. Consume lots of fruits and vegetables of different colour, they have compounds that can downregulate the rate that skin cells replicate themselves and also downrate inflammation in individual pimples. There is also a hormonal component of too much DHEA, Testosterone, and DHT but hormones can also be regulated by consumption of phytoestrogens: Flax, tofu and brassica vegetables and lots of fibre to detoxify these hormones better. If the lymphatic system is stagnant that could be contributing to get a lot of exercises especially the type that makes you sweat more. Basically you want to prevent rapid spikes of insulin as that stimulates IGF-1 a growth factor causing increase skin growth rate and often that leads to inflammation on the skin. You can use the best acne cream in the world if the diet is not spot on, they will keep coming back.
  3. Have you actually tried taking the Myers Briggs Test? It's available online. It is unlikely that everything in the character description will fit for you but at least 50% should depending on where you source the information
  4. INFJ would like to have their own thread
  5. Agree, lots of good stuff out there. And some new supplements are absolutely amazing and work beautifully but nothing should be used forever. You take a supplement to like quercetin or curcumin to correct something and then carry on with eating normal food. Everything that is to be used indefinitely (with the exception of rare genetic conditions or mutations) is selling people short
  6. @Username if something has known side effects, and Metformin has a LOT, why would you decide to eat that in the first place. Drugs.com list nearly 300 potential interactions including other drugs, foods and supplements. Metformin basically blocks natural processes that are designed to produce energy in the cell. Most diabetics end up with neuropathy and severe atherosclerosis at some point which suggests that these interventions fail in the long term. With so much pseudoscience and nonsense in the world of nutrition, more and more people are afraid of food and try to cram they're eating windows to as little slots as possible. So rather we are reaching out for toxic drugs and supplements. But hey, to each what makes them more happy, we just need to stop listening to people who clearly have an agenda. No pharma company will profit from people eating vegetables.
  7. @Username Berberine is fine but not sure I'd rely on a pharmaceutical drug for longevity.
  8. Isn't metformin only on prescription for people with type 2 Diabetes? I don't think taking it as a supplement is a smart thing to do. It is accumulating in your cells and messes up with mitochondrial energy production.
  9. never heard of him yes, i heard about that. Sad story, they were a great company but I wouldn't buy from them again. I was also surprised to hear that Vega and SUn Warrior were quite contaminated. I Vivo Life is the only one I trust at the moment. I don't believe that. I think we just don't have data on large-scale populations because heavy metal testing is expensive, controversial and often pseudoscientific. At least 20% of Americans are probably over the healthy toxic limit simply because of the polluted and fluoridated water and industrial residues. Europe is no better either. Yes, that sums it up nicely
  10. @WisdomSeeker Aim for what is sustainable and for what promotes your vigour, energy and longevity. Anything that leaves in pains and cramps the next day and that makes you end up nearly vomiting is detrimental and harmful. ALthough lifting weights is good prevention of osteoporosis so a bit of that is not bad. I used to be huge fan of CrossFit, no workout was good unless I ended up on my back, gasping for breath, completely soaked through with sweat after 20 minute workout. Prefer activities that involve your whole body, pushing, pulling, squatting and working on joint mobility and functional strengths. Practice handstands, bridges, different variations of pushups and pullups. You can learn some thai-chi, shadow boxing is also great fun. Occasional HIIT is fine to flush the arteries and move around the lymph properly but make it sustainable. Exercise doesn't have to be in PNS, just make sure most of your day is. I like what Derek Simnet does or Kasey on Vegetable Police has the Monkey STrength program which is both funny and challenging. Jeff Cavaliere (Aathleen X ) has a Xero bodyweight program, that one is pretty damn good as well although Jeff is a bit too much on the Orange side where Derek is Green and Kasey more Yellow
  11. @LfcCharlie4 I am not bashing on sports at all. I love sports, have been practicing martial arts since I was 7. What I was bashing on is the desire to be the top of the game simply for the idea to be "the best". And then navigating one's life around that in a very unsustainable way which often ends up in abuse of illegal substances If you ever watch a karate master performing Kata, he does not care if he is the best, he is 100% focused on each move and he does this because it is an art and his gift to humanity. Physical activity needs to be sustainable if it is something you will be unable to do once you are 60, it is not the right thing to do. It has to be lifelong sustainable. Cricket definitely is
  12. @UDT thanks man but I'll probably pass
  13. "Healing the shame that binds you is pretty good" - there are few very effective techniques mostly aimed on the wounded child inside each of us
  14. I don't think occasional video gaming is that bad as long as it relaxes you or may support creativity. It is not different from binging on Netflix series although lot of people demonise gaming while wasting 4 hours a day watching crap. Don't let it become an addiction though and observe how gaming makes you feel. If you end up angry, frustrated and unhappy those are clear signs that it is not doing you well
  15. Ah I see. If a positive result comes back, the book is an amazing manual on how to do it safely Good luck!
  16. Every detoxification protocol should first be based on opening up your elimination channels especially the gut. Assuming that most people who have toxicity issues also have gut problems (dysbiosis, increased permeability of gut walls and inflammation) if you start detoxifying without cleaning gut, opening up kidneys and unburdening liver you can end up with lots of problems. I would recommend Joe Pizzorno's: Toxin Sollution Btw are you sure it is caused by heavy metal toxicity?
  17. @Lyubov Before you take supplements or herbs for testosterone always get tested. Every guy I have ever worked with who assumed he has low testosterone, had good levels so make sure this is not coming from a place of insecurity. Anyways, few basic lifestyle & diet tips to prevent "testosterone stealing" by other hormones or processes Exercise especially lifting heavier objects or lifting yourself e.g. callisthenics and lot of bodyweight work. (Avoid) over-exercising, long sessions of cardio and marathon runs. Proper Sleep (largest spike in growth hormone) (avoid) Smoking including weed - destroys libido and natural testosterone (avoid) Alcohol - same as smoking (Avoid) excessive salt (Avoid) exposure to environmental endocrine disruptors (too complex to break down here, look this up online) (Avoid) irradiating your testicles by putting a cell phone in your front pocket or putting a laptop on your lap or standing next to microwaves when being used. Stress management Regular Sex raises testosterone temporarily. Masturbation doesn't. Obesity and being overweight results in conversion of testosterone to oestrogen by the fat tissue Sufficient intake of healthy fats overall (building blocks for steroid hormones) e.g. Nuts & Seeds (raw) High intake of fruits & veg (necessary cofactors for steroidogenesis) Regardless of what you will hear on typical men's health forums, I would avoid excessive consumption of meats, dairy and eggs especially red meats, processed meats, chargrilled meats, anything that has been burned or barbecued is incredibly harmful and damaging to sperm and sex health. There is a common misconception that meat products make you more manly which is nonsense. However some oily fish is fine and can be beneficial. Foods rich in Zinc can be useful Supplements (use cautiously and test tested first). Don't use any of them if you an have ongoing medical condition!!!! In such case discuss with a ctor first. Tribulus Terrestris Pygenum Africanum Panax Ginseng Maca Withania Somnifera Alpha-Lipoic Acid - this is more for sperm health. CoQ10 - also more for sperm health and motility
  18. @WisdomSeeker I think the desire to be a top athlete defeats the entire purpose of raising one's consciousness. It is a neurotic desire to be the best which can never be maintained. Either your body breaks down from all that free radical damage and you crumble or you simply age and younger men get better, you can see a lot of this in ageing athletes. Either way being an elite athlete usually makes for a pretty miserable and painful retirement. The more one has been stimulating himself/herself throughout life in any way the greater the ageing body has been taxed, scarred and damaged beyond repair. It is not a longevity strategy at all. + add to that dumping down tons of animal proteins and enhancing substances, creatines and all this garbage and you have a stage 4 chronic kidney disease in your late 30s
  19. @WisdomSeeker any activity that involves moving puts you in Sympathetic activation. Some more (running, lifting) than other (walking) but most do. Even the typical western "yoga" is often more stimulating than relaxing ...ever seen all these girls doing yoga with heart rate monitors? that's a joke. Nah man, once you start trying to monitor these things you'll go crazy....just observe how you feel throughout the day. If you are tired and lethargic without having done anything then you need to get more active. If you feel completely burned and crashed after your workout, you have gone overboard and caused more damage than benefit. Monitoring PH is pointless as the body has internal homeostatic mechanisms to do that. Cortisol should naturally decline throughout the day unless there is some sort of disturbance in there. If you want to do vigorous monitoring of things like VO2 max, exhaled Co2, glycogen depletion etc you need to hook yourself to a metabolic lab for a couple of thousand dollars. Just follow the rules of healthy lifestyle, sleep enough and eat when needed without overindulging and you'll be fine
  20. Only as long as they are not stealing your energy and enthusiasm. If they ar genuinely interested to grow and they are helping you to grow then yes. If this is a type of toxic one-sided relationship where take just take, take take and its all about them then in that case it is time to cut some strings.
  21. in a juice? that would be the end of me !
  22. @WisdomSeeker short term activation is actually required. Human mitochondria need to be exposed to small amount of stress constantly to be able to replicate and maintain antioxidant defences. Also short term stress from high-intensity activity improve blood sugar balance, blood pressure, moves lymphatic system so that's great. Its when this gets overwhelming that you start having issues such as being stuck in anxiety states for days. But SNS and PNS often overlap and it is not as simple as switching from one to the other in a matter.
  23. PNS stimulates it, SNS steals it. When you are in Sympathetic dominance and cortisol is increased, it will actually "hijack" testosterone production by stealing Progesterone & Pregnenolone needed to go towards DHEA and Androstenedione. Instead majority of steroids will be used towards the cortisone pathway.
  24. Might be worth doing a bit of tracking in cronometer.com for few days. That can be a good way to find out. It's not an urban myth but also it is more complicated than that and probably beyond the scope of this chat anyways