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nah, I've been in relationship for 10 years, this stuff doesn't interest me anymore but was genuinely curious if girls get attracted to these sorts of cheesy lines (no offence at all)
Definitely not a good idea. Your immune system will be weakened and liver a bit overworked. Give it 2 more weeks.
this is like the most cringy stuff ever Does this really work?
Wow thanks for raising this post. It has never even crossed my mind but now seeing I can get student membership, I'm gonna test the 30 day trial.
Too many spammers and drug sourcing links attracted to this topic, locking it down.
seems like a title of your new pickup book
@Average Investor cool stuff! Seems like you got it all under control, keep up the great work. I found toxin solution pretty amazing read but it is not something I'd put someone on unless I see a lot of non-specific symptoms that have been checked by doctor and got no solution. Maybe if you are generally happy you don't have to go all the way although maybe it can't hurt I do occasionally apply certain bits of the book to people I work with for example when helping them with gut issues but never tried putting anyone on the full thing. Joe Pizzorno the author is one of my favourite health authors but most of his other books are kinda manuals and guidebooks for practitioners so not sure if that would be interesting. Joe collaborates a lot fo Michael Murray ND who has a bunch of really good books. The duo has been collaborating for decades and their latest collection of evidence is coming up end August "boy oh boy!!". You can look into work of Elson Haas, he has a big ass book called "Staying healthy with nutrition" which is kind of a nutrition bible. Chris Masterjohn has a lot of geeky stuff on his website and in a new book about nutrients. I'm always trying to be careful with biased books such as: paleo solution or vegan solution or similar and would preferably go for something blend, boring, a sort of academic guidebook that has no bias and no agenda besides reviewing the evidence. This way you are getting the latest research (there is nothing worse for academic than being called fraud by other academics) so you'll definitely get the best of evidence. What I mean is go online and search for something in terms of "Human Nutrition" and see what comes up. Hope that helps
Michael569 replied to iceprincess's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
It's probably because they have been living in a sterile environment for many decades. Japanese are extremely fussy about wearing masks, constantly disinfecting, keeping a distance from other people and generally living in semi-quarantine for many decades. You have people who's sole jobs are to disinfect streets, door handles, glass windows every single day. When I was in Japan in 2016, we were one of the few people not wearing face masks. Their collective nature where most people are taught to think as a part of a larger organism makes it easier to pass measures down. People are less likely to challenge the authority or to openly criticise the government. They also probably have a government made of experts and not from useless businessmen and frauds like many western countries. This is the case in Singapore as well, the leading authority is made of people who actually know what they are talking about -
@Average Investor Your diet is very healthy and balanced. It is probably one of the healthiest meal diaries I've ever seen. Great variety of complex carbs, plant proteins, essential fats, fibre and micronutrients. I doubt any major deficiencies are present in there. I however agree with @flume that maybe a larger variety would be good. It seems to me like the diet is too......hmmm.."functional" ? You are obviously very keen to balance all the key nutrients which can clearly be seen and I suppose as you plan these you are thinking "this is for the omegas" , "this is for zinc", "this is for my protein" etc. ...do you know what I mean? But maybe..(and this is just my feeling) there is the pleasure & enjoyment missing a bit? There is nothing wrong with serving aromatic curry with coconut milk sometimes. Wholegrain pasta with homemade pesto and baked vegetables, baked white potatoes with rosemary, vegetables and some homemade sauce, healthy pancakes, warm wholegrain bread with some peanut butter & cocoa spread....I guess more savoury food is what I mean. I am guessing this based on the fact that I used to do that. I would always look at food as fuel for the optimal health function and nothing else. Savoury or not, it did not matter. This was in my vegan times and.... I think I was very unhappy, snappy, judgemental and always looking to fight with everyone who would challenge me. At some point in my life I was doing OMAD for a month and I would just dump the ungodly amount of food in my belly after which I felt like a baby xenomorph was about to slide through my gut. Subconciously I would try to justify to myself that this was good and that the fruit smoothies mixed with lot of vegetables, whole grains, legumes, protein powder and broccoli and all nuts and seeds was fine...because people on youtube said so and I was getting ridiculous growth hormone benefits (which is not entirely true btw but sold as great OMAD benefit) Anyways, to sum up, maybe some more savoury aromatic food. More hot delicious meals with lots of spices and flavours even if they would sometimes contain ingredients like white potatoes and rice. This will support your microbiome by growing larger diversity of Bacteroides and firmicutes. You will feel more balanced, more grounded and possibly even more happy and you'll be sure your body is not missing anything. I know OMAD is a big topic on this forum but sometimes spreading out meals throughout the day can benefit out metabolism, our microbiome, our circadian clock and hormone levels. Fasting may still be practiced occasionally or just allowing 4-5 hours between meals is enough to switch on your gut's Migrating Motor Complex. Plus having a food that you genuinely enjoy stimulates the production of glutamate, serotonin, endorphins and stimulates your endocannabinoid receptors...basically you become more positive and happy about life. But all of this is just my subjective perception and opinion and none of it has to apply to you Your diet is really really good already so just make sure it is also making you happy and fulfilled. A meal should always be a combination of efficiency and pleasure otherwise we just become nutracutical neurotics...I used to be that for a very long time. Hope none of this comes up as judgement or criticism
I am very similar in that. Idle socialising drains my energy faster than any physical activity. Maybe it's all about finding the people worth spending time with? The ones that will challenge you to grow and that will share common values and interests? There is no harm in cutting out "friendships" that are based on talking shit and drinking.
Look up a diet called "Low FODMAP" and try it for 2 weeks, if your symptoms disappear, you have something called Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), if this is confirmed, it would be best to work with gut health specialist to guide you through the protocol. Oregano and Berberine are powerful antimicrobials but high FODMAPs may need to be eliminate for 6-8 weeks while you do antimicrobials and prokinetics. Once your small intestinal bacterial balance is optimised, you can return back to normal. A good test for this is methan/hydrogen breath testing. If these don't help, a stool testing should be done. Preferably Organic Acid test or GI Map Also regarding the food intolerances and headaches, more often than not the problem is not "intolerance" per see but an increased gut permeability that allows molecules of the food to pass through which triggers immune conflict. Lot of people diagnosed with food intolerance only have a leaky gut and once fixed they can eat everything again...unless allergic which is a different scenario. But again, best to find naturopath , nutritionist or functional medicine practitioner who specialises on gut and work with them. Good luck
She should work with an autoimmune specialist, someone who works in functional medicine or naturopathy. Lots can be done to slow even stop the progress but they need to figure out her root cause. With lupus, it will probably be a combination of genetic susceptibility, environmental exposure, stress, gut problems and deficiencies in nutrition. Hope she will find a solution that works for her best. It is important she finds this person quickly before the condition gets chance to damage her eyes, kidneys, heart and nervous system. Or she will end up on immunosuppressants for the rest of her life.
very low in protein - lack of protein will have a dramatic effect on your mood because your neurotransmitter production will suffer high in simple sugars - causing rapid insulin spikes, this will impact your mood and cognitive performance missing fruits & vegetables - this will impact everything missing healthy essential fatty acids from nuts, seeds, avocado and (optional) oily fish - also related in mood and brain function missing complex carbs - wholegrains, sweet potatoes, squashes etc fibre is extremely low - this will slow down your bowel movement and starve your microbiome. It will also impact systemic metabolic function and energy production. The more your starve your gut microbes the worse your mood will become and at some point you'll end up with foggy brain and depression. This may be premature conclusion but your diet is severely lacking essential micronutrients, fibre, healthy fats and protein. You will be depriving your muscles and brain of essential factors that they need to function. I have seen this before when nutrition deprivation has been causing indifference and disinterest in life. Lot of essential cofactors are needed to turn your food into ATP (energy) all of these you are most likely lacking. It would be helpful to work with nutritionist or dietitian to help you out. Remember that your body is made of trillions of cells that have to be nourished to function optimally. Every food you eat alters your genetic expression at any given day. A good start would be to eat more, more regularly and add much more colour from fruits and vegetables. And honestly, cutting eating window and doing something silly like OMAD is the last thing you need. If anything you need to start eating more calories and more food to properly nourish your body. Depriving your body of further food will cause further decline of energy and mood. You'll give yourself early eating disorder.
I hope you'll find the answers you are looking for. Godspeed
@supremeyingyang ok but where does the "need money" end? How much do you need till you can start working on your development into higher stages? Some people can make due with little money and for others, there is never enough. People may need to climb to green to realise that they are in shallow materialism so that they can start taking steps to get out of that otherwise you remain trapped in rat race until you collapse of an early heart attack. So no, I don't agree that you need to leave 9-5 to leave Orange. It's all about how you manage resources available to you at that time.
I don't agree on this point. One can transition to higher stages even when being in 9-5. Even stage turquoise needs to pay bills however you can use the salary and the resources of the company to help yourself grow and when ready to transition into higher consciousness career but Yellow guys can easily work as a sales rep for big Corpo, they just won't see themselves as the "key, ambitious and highly successful senior sales executive" but as someone who is buying his time till they are ready to transition.
Congrats! I remember this section was the most gratifying part of the LP course. Felt good having it all clear on one paper
animal organs have no place in human diet
This is based on a single study from 1988. Since then OMAD is becoming a modern form of an eating disorder. The reason for this HGH increase is because the body in starvation is becoming resistant to the effects of growth hormone and the liver stops producing IGF-1 (growth hormone mediator). So the brain "shouts" louder sending more growth hormone. It is not necessarily that there is a superior effect of starvation by making you a Hercules with godlike amounts of growth hormone. Fasting causes the brain to go into emergency mode sending more growth hormone because its effects are not being mediated. Kinda like when diabetic produces excess insulin, it does not mean that his pancreas has become superior. It means the effects of insulin are not being "heard".
Your ratio of Omega 3 : Omega 6 fatty acids is very important for brain performance, especially the lomng-chain fatty acids EPA and DHA. Neuroplasticity is energy dependant and requires lots of different components such as zinc, DHA, EPA, phosphatidylserine, COQ10, lots of different amino acids and B-vitamins. Most of these can be found in different foods or made from other things. The only one that may need to be supplemented if diet is predominantly plant-based is DHA. Blood sugar balance is also extremely important for brain performance.
Urine contains toxic metabolites from the liver, it may contain traces of heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, environmental toxins, BPAs and other things the body has struggled hard to remove. We know this because urine-testing is one of the ways we can test for heavy metal toxicity and many other toxic elements. There is a reason why the human body has perfected its elimination system over 100,000 years of evolution. Sungazing can result in permanent retinal scarring and atrophy. Fovea centralis is the most fragile part of your eye if you damage that, your eyesight is done for. Please be extremely careful with these "natural therapies". Studies on people hospitalised for acute eye injury from sungazing can be found in the US medical library. It pays to be open-minded to natural therapies and not be too scientific and rigorous but there are boundaries on the natural side of healing as well and one may easily enter into the realm of woo woo where anything goes.
whoops sorry, typo...should say "low GI" thanks !
It's not necessarily that it is bad but I wouldn't go for it in a growing male. For example a lot of young men take finasteride and dutasteride to help them stop balding. They work but what they don't realise is that these things can also give them impotence and completely fuck up their libido. Reports have also been made of suicidal tendencies and complete erectile dysfunction. Saw Palmetto is fairly safe for all men but I'd keep it more for someone with BPH in advanced age. For a young guy, chances are it is genetic and if not, DHT can be balanced through diet by avoiding animal hormones and animal based IGFs such as dairy and meats in larger quantities. DHT can also be controlled through flax seeds, good zinc intake and good fibre. Again these are more about balancing than stopping such as when somebody takes drugs or very high SP concentrate. Can't comment on topical ones, I'd say that's safer option.
It may be hereditary which means there is nothing you can do about it. Might be worth looking at hair of your dad and your grandfathers. I started balding when I was 15 and now at 30 it kinda stopped but left me with a bit of horseshoe pattern. My dad lost his hair by the age of 35 and so did his dad. My diet was also very bad as a kid extremely high in low GI carbohydrates so that definitely contribute to it. Excess DHT was already mentioned above. Note that DHT is NOT bad. It is the most potent testosterone that helps your tissues growth, helps your reproductive system mature, your bones to strengthen and helps you to grow taller. As a growing male I wouldn't recommend you take supplements to stop DHT (like saw palmetto) because this is your primary growth hormone till the age of 21-24 and I wouldn't mess up with it too much. DHT can be problematic in older men when it can accelerate prostate growth but for a young teenager, I'd rely more on balancing it through diet rather than taking 5-alpha reductase inhibitors (stops DHT from being produced). So instead of supplements, try these: Make sure your diet is not filled with barbecued meats, lots of dairy, fried foods, pizzas, croissants, sweet coffees, donuts etc. Eat wholegrain and low GI sources of carbohydrates. Avoid products from white flour that contain a lot of sugars. This also includes white potatoes and white pasta. Wholegrains are your new friend. Also sugars, sweets, candies will drive that as well. Get a good amount of your protein from plant sources. Make sure your diet is very rich in legumes, vegetables and fruits. The fibre will help you detoxify and eliminate used DHT rather than recycling it. Aim to have 3 bowel movements per day to prevent hormonal recycling. And finally cut alcohol to an absolute minimum, don't smoke and don't use marihuana.
The problem with chronic anxiety (especially the one that has lasted years) is that it creates structural changes in your brain especially in the centers like prefrontal cortex and hippocampus that control your rational side, reasoning, cognitive abilities and memory. Anxiety can become very hardwired if it was poorly managed (antidepressants while being mildly effective make this problem worse). After years their brain will be extremely sensitive to even slightest stimulus and a lot of their subconscious thinking pattern will operate on autopilot such as " this environment has given me anxieties before and it will do again" "the last time I felt this emotion it gave me anxieties "...and it will. They need professional support to unwire that. Brain is extremely plastic and can be reshaped and reformed but it is not easy. CBT is pretty amazing for this but they should work with somebody who knows what they are doing. Your friends also needs to cut all stimulants out of their life, but also sugar, alcohol and all low GI food. They need to balance their blood sugar very gently. Their diet needs to be rich in zinc, selenium and a good amount of protein. (these help stimulate BDNF, the key neuroplasticity factor) They need to make sure they sleep well. I would cut out all horror and thriller movies as well. A lot of earthing with bare feet, tree-hugging, herbal adaptogens and bach flower remedies can help with the negative energy. They may benefit from adrenal support formulas. In times of worst panic attacks, very very slow abdominal breathing. 12 seconds in 12 seconds out through nose into the belly. And few drops of lavender essential oil on neck, near nostrils and on temples.