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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. https://cronometer.com/ Set your age, weight and height and it will do the hard work for you. I don't know of any online free platform that does the job better. The nutrition information of all foods are trustworthy and verified against various governmental bodies https://cronometer.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360018239472-Data-Sources
  2. Lentils , beans and oats??? Oh cmon !! Legumes are THE MOST nutritionally dense food on the planet (pound-for-pound) Oats are beautiful blood sugar balancing food with exceptional effect on high LDL cholesterol
  3. Growth factors, bovine sex hormones, heavy metals, chemicals, thickeners, additives, colourings, sweeteners and all sort of crap.
  4. Old topic, attracting too many spammers
  5. Frozen is a usually better alternative with berries. Often picked at peak of ripeness and flash-freezing preserves most water-soluble vitamins. Minerals are always retained. I always just add them to a bit of warm water and this way you defreeze and wash at the same time. Takes a bit longer but you'll save money on buying frozen berries. You also minimise all the additional handling and picking as frozen once packaged don't get touched by anyone. Don't bother with vinegar, you cannot really remove pesticides from the fruits, it is located inside the structure of the berry and can't be removed. Benefits of berries outweigh the cost of any pesticides so it is still a good idea to eat them. Have organic if possible but if not, non-organic are still ok.
  6. Reading either (or both) of the two below can help you crack this conundrum. Don Miller's - Building a Story Brand or Seth Godin's - This Is Marketing Essentially it is not about what you know or how knowledgable you are but what people are willing to pay you for. There can be a big gap between the two. Basically you need to find your own niche market and create an avatar of your ideal client. The person who will travel countries to go and see you. The one who will love everything you produce and spread the word to other people. It is a grandiose goal to want to serve everyone and to change the world and while the intention is good and genuine it may as well be a pipe dream. I am not saying "don't be a dreamer", rather I am saying "start small and build up" Think about what is the smallest viable market you can serve and define them perfectly and clearly. That is a good start. Always remember that the goal here is to serve other people. You are providing a service that is specifically for them. It is tailored exactly to their needs and requirements and because they are your ideal client, they will love you for it. If somebody doesn't like it and they criticise you, that's ok...it was never meant to be for them. Those people are not your market and their opinion does not matter. Anyways, rather than listening to me read the above books, these guys are geniuses in conscious and honourable marketing.
  7. I think what Tim Ferris sees is that fruit is just a bunch of sugar wrapped in colourful peels. He can't be blamed for this because this is not his expertise but he shouldn't be bashing on nature's most healing foods just because he has an uneducated opinion on it. There is a difference between sucralose (white table sugar) you get in mars bars and chocolate and the types of sugars you get in apple. I think most people afraid of fruit fail to make this basic distinction. In nutrition, when we say sugar we mean glucose, the smallest and the most foundational unit of carbohydrate molecules. Glucose is essential for your body to create energy. Your brain prefers glucose (although it can also run on ketones) and so do your muscles and most cells. Glucose is the easiest source to burn. It is a clean fuel that does not create a lot of waste residue such as when you burn protein for energy. As such fruits provide the cleanest and most rapidly available source of energy. But besides some essential vitamins a& fibre that you can indeed get from vegetables, fruit contains cocktails of phytochemicals and polyphenols. These cannot be found anywhere else at least not in such amounts. These are substances we buy in pills nowadays because we believe we can isolate them and used them to our benefit, although that is rarely the case. You would have heard of examples of these: resveratrol, quercetin, anthocyanidins, proanthocyanidins, malvidin, kaempferol, carotenoids etc. There are hundreds of these and we don't know most of them. These chemicals can act beneficially to different systems in the human body. They heal tissues, support brain, strengthen immunity, clear out cholesterol, dump inflammation, strengthen the heart muscle, get rid of free radicals..... You won't find any phytochemicals in animal foods so focusing solely on macros and micros is missing the whole picture. There is also the energetic/vibrational component of fruits. I don't know too much about this but it appears that fruits also feed the energetic body, not just the physical one and we know that lot of diseases that cannot be traced to physical imbalances are caused by a wounded energetic body. I know this sounds pseudoscientific and I can't really prove this in any way but I do believe this to be the case.
  8. @Enlightenment wow nice find! Never seen such a comprehensive comparison. What's their source?
  9. And losing your health as well I'd say. Anyone who tells you fruit is bad for you because of sugar is completely clueless about nutrition.
  10. You need to make sure that the drug is out of your system before you engage with psychedelics. If you quit cold turkey you may slip into pharmacological crisis by not allowing your monoamine reuptake to self-adjust after having been manipulated by the drug. Work with your doctor and reduce your doses slowly. You also need to be mindful of the fact that psychedelics may interfere with venlafaxine's detoxification in the liver as these substances often compete for certain liver enzymes including CYP3A4. It takes around 4-6 weeks for the drug residue to be completely clear out once you discontinue. If your doctor is openminded enough he can help you withdraw through something like St John's Wort but DO NOT self-prescribe as you may end up delusional with something called "serotonin crisis". Always work with the specialist.
  11. BNDF is always at work in your brain otherwise you would not be able to remember a single thing. All sorts of physical activity raise BDNF even gardening. Sleep is absolutely crucial for it and so is overall reduction of stress. Stress depletes BDNF and disrupts new sensitive neuronal connections. Good foods to focus on are those containing phosphatidylserine such as: legumes, edamame, sunflower seeds and oats. I think there are other. Choline rich foods are helpful as well in synaptic forming
  12. what's his argument against it?
  13. Endotoxins are not some evil byproducts. They have always been there and will be there. They are just natural waste created by dead gram-negative bacteria in the gut. LPS are never a problem if your gut is healthy. Secondly, fibre helps to clear them out by bulking them in stool and fibre also reduces the chance of your gut becoming inflamed and leaky which will cause LPS transmigration through the mucosa and the gut wall and systemic inflammation -> this is a culprit of lots of modern diseases. You start depriving people of low GI carbs and fibre, you are asking for some serious trouble. If you can't process fibre, your digestion is messed up.
  14. I'd search on Reddit or Quora. Somebody else somewhere might have had the same issue.
  15. MAOI inhibitors (regardless of what they are called) are powerful medical drugs. This stuff is used to kill symptoms of people who cannot function, not to give you any profound experience. I am seriously getting worried with how many people on the forum are getting dependant on medical drugs (carrying fancy names e.g. modafinil which is pretty much Adderall). Most nootropics are the new antidepressants given cool names, labelled in a different way and freely available. This is not self-development but addiction-forming.
  16. Two days ago I conducted an experiment on myself. Ate only food with high glycemic index. Started the day with croissant and coffee and for lunch I ate white pasta with tomato sauce. By the time it was lunch, I could not keep me eyes opened, had to take a nap for 2 hours. I've never ever had to do that before What I'm trying to say, make sure your diet is not heavy in: sugar, white bread, white rice, potatoes, jams, too many bananas and dried fruits and fizzy & sweet drinks. Also if you are generally low in protein that will kill your energy,
  17. Tread carefully! You are allowed to express your opinion, you are not allowed to offend other members
  18. There is something else you can try. A growing scientific evidence is supporting the fact that allergies, asthma and many other hypersensitivities are due to an imbalance in a segment of the adaptive immune system called T-Helper cells (TH-cells). There are two side to this: 1. T-helper Cells 1 (TH1) are your intracellular immune boosters against bacteria and viruses as well as tumours. 2. T-Helper Cells 2 (TH2) are your extracellular defenders against things like fungi and parasites. ] In normal state, these should be balancing out approximately every 12 hours. In conditions like asthma, allergies and autoimmunity it is believed that the immunity can get "stuck" either way. Autoimmunity is called TH1 dominant condition and allergies & asthma TH2 dominant condition. Now that you understand the concept (and I'd encourage you to research this more to see if it makes sense to you) there are few things you may try experimentally and see if they help. If, like me in the past you feel like you have tried everything and nothing helped you are mostly likely experiencing TH2 dominance. This is pretty much how I cured my allergies in April 2019 and haven't had a single episode since. There are few products that can help: 1. Strong complex of medicinal mushrooms including Reishi. Reishi are crucial but it seems they work best when accompanied by other products like Lion's Mane, Maitake and SHitake. You have to make sure the mushrooms are not grown in the warehouse. Find a company that practices wild cultivation otherwise they are useless. 2. Resveratrol has a potency to reverse TH2 dominance (I'd leave this as last option) 3. Thorne Research has a product called Moducare, this seems to be a powerful TH1/TH2 rebalancer 4. Turmeric & Ginger seem to have some effect but this may not be strong enough and I don't know what amounts to use. I'd suggest you start with Moducare or The medicinal mushrooms complex. At the moment I don't know of any other products or drugs that can do this. Antihistamines are symptom management because allergies are not caused by histamine release, that's just a consequence. Sometimes the immune system needs a powerful kick to get back on balance and these products can deliver the punch. BEWARE: if you suffer from any autoimmune disease DO NOT use any of the products above, they can give you massive flareup because autoimmunity is TH1 dominant condition and all of the above can stimulate TH1 cells excessively. Good luck! Feel free to pm if you have any questions about this
  19. MDD is special case. People don't tend to be suicidal for so long but you have mild depresive disorder which is extremely common and these people would have been on SSRIs for a decade or more very often. Not uncommon to be on same drug for few decades. Think about statins. Most people who get prescribed in late 50s pretty much remain on them till they die.
  20. I read this book but to be frank I found it unnecessarily complicated and quite hard to read. Maybe that just tells about my level of ego development. But there are definitely better online sources than the book itself.
  21. @Enlightenment most studies on antidepressants take maximum of 8 weeks. Where we know that it takes 4 weeks for stuff like fluoxetine to even start working. There are no systematic long-term studies. You need data that follow people on antidepressants for 10 or 15 years. We simply do not have that sort of data and short-term studies are pretty much pointless because lot of people fall straight back into it once they stop using. No pharma company will bother to design long-term study because it costs millions of dollars but also because FDA will accept it as long as they can prove that the drug is at least comparable to the most effective drug already on the market.
  22. The following acount of treatment of Charles II of England is a case point: First, he was bled of a pint of blood. Then his shoulder was cut and eight ounces more of blood was extracted by cupping. Then followed an emetic, a purgative and another purgative. Next, an enema in which they used antimony, sacred bitters, rock salt, mallow leaves, violet, beet root, camomile flowers, fennel seed, linseed, cinnamon, cardamom seed, saffron, cochineal and aloes. This enema was repeated. In two hours, another purgative was given. The King's scalp was then shaved, and a blister raised on it. They gave him next sneezing powder of hellebore root; they sought to strengthen his brain by giving him powder of cowslip flowers. Purgatives were frequently repeated. He was given drinks of barley water, licorice, sweet almonds, white wine, absinthe, anise seed, extracts of thistles, rue, mint and angelica. When these did not cure him, they gave him a poultice of burgundy pitch and pigeon dung, to be applied to his feet. More bleeding, more purging; they added melon seeds, manna, slippery elm, black cherry water, extracts of flower of lime, lily of the valley, peony, lavender and dissolved pearls. When these did not do the trick, they went at it with gentian root, nutmeg, quinine and cloves. When this failed, he was given forty drops of extract of human skull. Then they forced down his throat a rallying dose of herbs and animal extracts. Then some powdered bezoar stone. Alas, after an ill fated night His Serene Majesty was so exhausted that all the physicians became despondent. And so, more active cordials, and finally pearl julep [a heart tonic] and ammonia, were forced down the royal patient's throat. Then he died. This is a current psychiatry medicine
  23. Leo when will you turn actualized into profiteering machine like you said in Ego part 2? Why not do your videos on yacht in bahamas? Everybody needs to sin occasionally don't they?
  24. @Lyubov You may need to exaggerate your symptoms a little bit more to get your way. This is because medical tests are paid through insurance company (unless you live in country where you pay them) so doctors have to make decision who gets them and who doesn't. At least this is how it works in UK. See what they can do and then take it from there
  25. If you are mostly symptom free you are unlikely to get more than basic blood work (red, white blood cells,iron, platelets,b12) maybe thyroid. Most doctors don't test for heavy metals or testosterone unless they suspect hypogonadism or something like that. You may need to look into private testing for those. Vitamin D is useful to know and so is homocysteine imo