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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. I assume you HAD to find something that was "wrong" with that study because otherwise the truth would have been to harsh wouldn't it
  2. Tell us a bit more What have you tried so far? What is your diet like? What is your lifestyle like? Smoking, Alcohol? Any other conditions? (allergies?) Anything else we should know?
  3. No, it is not done because it is unethical. Like I said you can't design a study observing who gets sick and who doesn't as a goal. The NIH would never grant something like that. There are hundreds of people who believe that earth is flat and that Donal Trump is a lizard overlord, this argument is pointless. Nice strawman A study of 2 people is irrelevant. This is why systemic studies & meta analyses exist. You need to pool data of hundreds of thousands of people to get the ideal picture because it is VERY difficult to statistically assess the outcome. Eskimos are carnivores because you can't freaking grow a a vegetable garden where they live? Btw if you bothered to research on inui, you would know that they have horrible health, early heart attacks, early death and significant atherosclerosis. Look at this https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2981096/. Higher incidence of heart disease, more diabetes, more progressive atherosclerosis, higher blood pressure, higher cholesterol. 8/10 people in the world will die of heart disease so get your facts straight and stop spreading misinformation. Meat-based diet is a perfect way to shorten your lifespan, destroy your gastrointestinal microbiome, increase cancer risk, increase depression risk and destroy your health beyond repair. Please make sure you are not doing this just to be "different". If you can't digest plants, this needs to be fixed. Low fibre diet will cut your longevity by 30%.
  4. His diet & lifestyle will be of primal importance in neurodegeneration. Majority of the evidence suggests that repair of central nervous damage is extremely difficult but it may be possible over some time. Know thou that if there was tissue necrosis, those area may permanently be destroyed. The brain is however extremely plastic and may find ways around the scar tissue. It is important that your husbands remain active. Daily. Physical activity stimulates brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the same way that lifting weights helps to grow muscle. It helps the brain rewire itself. Make sure his motoric abilities are challenged and tested. Take different walks, ask him to stand on one leg, close eyes and balance. Dance with him, challenge him to try things like yoga (if his health allows it), explore new interesting ways to get your cerebellum (coordination centre) engaged. Create mental challenges, play scrabble, chess, logic games, cards. Talk to him, show him photos of old times, make him remember very hard. Thse areas can come to life again. Stimulates his senses with known smells, tastes and revisit places. Discourage him from consuming social media and looking at screens but do promote visual & mental training of any kind. Even snakes & ladders or ludo is great. Secondly, he needs to have his vitamin D checked & optimised, that one is extremely important for neuromodulation. Zinc is another one, a key component for neuroplasticity Adequate protein in the diet but make sure it comes mostly from plant sources. Adequate fibre is essential. For example research on Parkinson's patients show that the greatest destruction in the region of the brain called Substantia Nigra (responsible for dopamine production) atrophied the most in patients with lowest fibre diets. Make sure his diet contains lots of green leafy vegetables & wholegrains. He needs sources of B vitamins & magnesium to support cerebral ATP production. Green Tea appears to be able to aid neuroplasticity to some degree and some may herbs like Gotu Kola and Gingko as they stimulate microcirculation in the brain capillaries. He may benefit from supplements like: phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylinositol, gotu kola, lion's mane, Coq10 for mitochondrial regeneration, And finally, I'd encourage you to maybe look up a book specifically on this topic. On neuromodulation, neuroplasticity. Perhaps something from Joe Dispenza. Definitely worth finding a specialist in post-traumatic neurodegeneration though, they will know much more. All the best!! EDIT: the most obvious also, make sure you guys get on the top of why the aneurysm happened. COmmon causes are high aortic pressure in the brain and atherosclerosis as well as arterial stiffening. If his blood pressure is over 120/80 you need to get that under control as well as if his LDL cholesterol is high. There are many natural ways to do that, plant based diet being the most effective. Have his blood sugar tested (HbA1C) that can contribute to arterial damage as well.
  5. @Intraplanetary you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about friend
  6. @Intraplanetary OFCOURSE you won't find an interventional study showing that meat causes disease. It is unethical and illegal. You would need to lock people in lab environments, restrict their diets, control everything they eat & do. You CAN'T design a study that will observe whether people do or do not develop a negative outcome. It is unethical. This is why studies on cancer can be so debatable. You can for example look at a population of 100 smokers who have been smoking for 20 years and see how many develop lung cancer, in retrospection. But you can't design a trial where half the people smoke and half won't observing who gets cancer and who doesn't.
  7. That's a BOLD statement!!!
  8. Have you ever been diagnosed with hypogonadism or hypopituitarism? Sounds like it worked perfectly for your situation but for a healthy person that sort of hormonal cocktail could easily turn out to be fatal. Hope it works for you over long term.
  9. I admit that this is something I have not exposed myself to so my judgement may be clouded and partial.
  10. I'm not talking about chugging pills that suppress immune system and that sort of stuff. The nutritional science goes way beyond that. It is naive to think that just because something is "natural" or "new-agey" it is also safe and good in the long term A lot of what you know is because somebody has bothered to look at it and study it. You and me both brother but one can empower self-healing mechanisms of the body also by following procedures that have been tested & verified. not talking about modern medicine here - that's another level of heresy.
  11. Sounds like the question is whether you should start feeding your body properly or not. The answer is probably yes
  12. The good thing about his books is that he pushes people towards eating more wholefood diet & recommends a bunch of really good supplements. If you are a typical American or European coming from a standard diet devoid of any nutrition, you feel reborn on his protocol. You'll have more energy and probably be happier which may lead to saying you've "detoxed yourself" where in reality you started feeding your body some real food and are feeling normal for the first time. The ghost, source & the other stuff surrounding his book sells in the eyes of people stuck in lower SD stages who want to believe in that stuff. Most of his advice is pseudoscience and it is mesmerizing how much the guy can get away with. But then, science is self-limiting in every aspect so what do we know...
  13. Wow, that's really impressive. Many hours must have been put into creating it! Love the atmosphere you created especially the wind, gives it an impression of blissful solitude
  14. This could possibly be suggesting that the underlying issue has not been removed. Maybe it would be helpful to work with a herbalist alongside the carnivore to help you include some antibacterial and a gut cleansing protocol. If that is successful, you'll definitely be able to consume more plants.
  15. Grab a generic academic nutrition book. Something academic, boring, non-flashy that explains basic nutrition, biochemistry etc. Something that objectively reviews evidence. Most commercial books on nutrition are biased as f..
  16. @ShardMare what sort of tests have you had so far?
  17. Damn I would like to have something like that on my morning runs just saw you are an Icelander? Man, I am really envious. I know it gets cold as hell but the country is so beautiful and pristine. Waking up, taking freezing shower and a freezing run sounds like a nice Viking lifestyle
  18. Holly shit, can you see aurora where you live? Oh man that's been my dream since I was a kid! Just read your journal for there first time and it's so inspiring. Do you feel like you've now adjusted to the 5am wakeup? It is fascinating what we can achieve we some good dose of determination & tenacity. Well done!
  19. Look into the symptoms of GERD. Any of those seem related?
  20. doesn't sound like someone who would have gone through years of nutritional training & research It is true that there are many supplements on the market that are not regulated, contain shitty ingredients and metal binders but it is not true that all of them are useless. There is very strong evidence suggesting that taking vitamin D in months where sunshine is insufficient makes a tremendous difference to the general health of the population. Most people are so incredibly deficient in vitamin D that you can't get that back even by sunbathing daily or eating liver. There are cases when supplementing is extremely important. It is not just to have your levels on a certain number but it means your risk of cancer & autoimmunity drops several hundred times. This not a joke, vitamin D deficiency is extremely problematic and unless you live in south Europe or tropic countries you need to supplement throughout the winter.
  21. @Bojan taking your mom of her medicine may kill her. Stop being ignorant and accept that you don't know what you are doing. Research & learn. People are not sharing these tips with you for shits and giggles. You can give yourself end stage kidney failure of you do this wrong. You glomerular filtration will shut and you can die. You are not being a rebel, you are being a fool
  22. It's not about creating a paranoia but since our world has become so toxic it is a sane idea to learn where the worst source are and where your major daily offenders come from. I think for most people switching a bunch of cosmetic products, filtering water and avoiding large fish is very doable. You don't have to read or participate in these conversations if you find the information shared useless.
  23. They mention other sources of contamination as well thou. It seems some wine carriers would have been made of lead often, cosmetics as well medicines. I can imagine a lot of iron smelting in weaponry, armours, jewellery, in shipyards and in housing would expose lots of people. Lot of people & slaves would have also worked in mines, that would be a massive source But yah, a speculation
  24. wow, what a golden nugget. Never heard about this