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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. once you are done with that, get Don Miller's as well. I can't recommend it enough!!
  2. I think carbs have a horrible and undeserved reputation. This is because a lot of people (and uneducated "experts") link them to the word sugar. Yes, there is a tremendous value of adding more vegetables to your dish. Up to 50% of every plate should be veggies in fact (or fruits with breakfast) On the top of those veggies I'd still add a proper source of carbohydrates with some energy as vegetables have very little calories and will leave you hungry. This source should be with low glycemic load (forget about glycemic index, it is useless ). Glycemic load is the only true marker of how a portion of carbohydrates impact your insulin & blood sugar levels. So instead of "simple carbohydrates" which are highly absorbable highly processed ones (white pasta, white potatoes, white rice, white bread, sweets, cereals etc) use "complex carbohydrates". These are high-fibre starchy foods that digest slower, have a higher content of nutrients and offer value beyond just calories. These are legumes, whole grains, sweet potatoes, whole grain bakery products, whole grain pasta etc. Btw regarding fruit, there is no reason to be afraid of it although don't necessarily have to eat 10 bananas in a row. If anyone ever tells you that fruit is bad for your health, run away with fingers in your ears yelling as loud as possible. They have no idea what they are talking about and your health is not their priority. Hope that helps
  3. There are 2 books I'd recommend to you to help you polish your marketing. These helped me in my currently very early stage as well. 1. Don Miller - Building a Story Brand 2. Seth Godin - This is Marketing Seth Godin has a way of addressing a market that ridiculous you. "It is not for them". The product was never meant to be for them, they are not your customers, they are not your ideal client hence their opinion is not important....at all. It's ok they laugh. It's ok they ridicule you. You have to find your tine niche market who will be interested in what you have to offer. Maybe that means starting all over on social media? When you try to talk to everybody you usually end up talking to nobody.
  4. love it, turns regular oatmeal into chocolate favoured heaven
  5. I've seriously been having a lot of my stubborn paradigms shattered throughout these episodes
  6. @Vipassana may your journey be peaceful & prosperous
  7. Having spent time in Jail will deny you 90% of job opportunities in developed countries. You may as well tattoo swastika on your forehead @Mikael89 dude you can't be serious ↑
  8. It is possible that we have indeed originally evolved to be Frugivorse, perhaps in the times of the earliest hominins but over time we have adapted to consuming other types of foods as we migrated to different regions with different climates. It is no longer ideal to be frugivore unless you live in a region with fruit available throughout the whole year such as Caribbean, south-east Asian, Oceanian islands etc. Living in Canada and eating Mangos in Winter is anything but natural despite having the advantage of long-distance shipping. You have to consider that even the fruit is carrying certain information and if that does not allighn with the requirements of your body in a certain climate, you will not thrive. This is where following the advice of Chinese medicine and adjusting diet based on the outer temperature and matching seasons is a good idea. I think our epigenetics, our microbiome & our digestion has been adapted based on what our ancestors would have consumed hence there is no one perfect diet for anyone. Some populations may be able to tolerate much more animal products while others that would have bee traditionally plant-based may develop diabetes really quickly if they increase their animal food consumption. Native Americans develop diabetes much much quicker when moving to Standard American diet than for example descendants of Irish, English & Italian who would have historically been better adapted to a diet of high fat, high meat & less fibre. We all have our individual nutrigenomic profile that has been developed over thousands of year of our ancestral history. If this is interesting for you to study consider looking into Nutrigenomics & Nutrigenetics
  9. Damn, I'm sorry to hear that man. It is possible that once your dad has cooled off, he will come to apologise and things may return to where they were but something tells me if this happened because of a grill, you haven't seen the last of it. What is your financial situation? Could you stay with another family member for some time? Or maybe find a joined rent with a friend? What are your professional skills like & education? Maybe finding a job in a place that is still considered essential such as gastronomy, commuting services or one of the governmental institutions could be an option. Is there anything you could teach online? Do you have any skills that people would be willing to pay you for?
  10. Listen to your heart & follow your intuition
  11. You may consider downgrading your current job for something less stressful. Then use that time to work on trying to identify your true life purpose and to understand what it is that you should really be doing with your life. Life Coaching can help you with that Leo's LP course is brilliant There are also books about finding your authentic LP. I think without really knowing what you are here to do and what your greatest vision for your life is it is easy to fall into the trap of job-hopping, getting attracted by more money or more power and eventually realising you have slipped into a trap in your 50s that you can no longer leave. The sooner you do this the better
  12. I've seen a lot of this in the election thread
  13. Hey George, Don't think I've seen you around before (till I saw your comment on my journal). Welcome to the forum! You've come to the perfect place to find answers & help. If you can burn some extra £, the life purpose course can be life-changing. I bought it 4 years ago and it has been changing my life ever since. Today I am close to the point where I can leave my regular job and can transition to the new thing, all thanks to Leo's teaching and him showing my the way through those videos. It was one of the best investments I've ever made. It is possible to burn out even if you are passionate. Perhaps the work-life balance hasn't been set properly. A passionate person who really wants to make a difference can easily burn himself out so I wouldn't take that as a sign but if you'd like to explore other journeys, the LP course I mentioned can show you the way Keep us informed how you get on.
  14. Just out of curiosity, are you trying to heal something or is it for purely spiritual purposes that you juice cleanse?
  15. it was reopened by a spammer offering Brazilian butt lifts
  16. Yes! Exactly! Self-starvation is causing so many problems these days, masked as super energy state which is just adrenals running on hyperdrive. Good share, thanks.
  17. See this is exactly what I meant when I said in @Average Investor's clothes post that we are freaks (no offence btw)
  18. @fridjonk I think there is a natural progression to these things. If you think about it many of us on the forum are freaks. Taking cold showers, jogging at 5 am, meditating for 60 minutes, filtering waters, doing powerful breathing techniques, fasting, experimenting with herbs etc....this is not common for the majority of the population. So I think it makes sense that we take our freakish obsession even deeper and explore other areas that could be preventing us from becoming our most powerful self (as cringy as that sounds) and if there are some hidden corners worth looking into then why not This, of course, assumes that first, we get the basic shit sorted such as having a stable routine and a normal diet, not being obese, lazy & having our finances handled.
  19. Regular practice of deep abdominal healing helps to calm down the central nervous system. So 2 sessions of 15 minutes deep abdmonal breathing (4 seconds in 4 seconds out) Avoiding caffeine and any other stimulants is a must Practicing peaceful mindfulness exercises like Tai-Chi, hatha yoga or simply mindful walking in nature can be very helpful Certain supplements & herbs can make anxiety worse: do you currently take anything? Some drugs can also induce anxiety Gut health & microbiome are quite important modulators of the mood, e.g. if you have a high history of antibiotics that would have added massively to anxieties Adrenal health can be relevant for example of you have a history of high stress, or if you have low blood pressure, history of depression etc. Insufficient thyroid function Certain nutritional deficiencies can contribute to it Excessive amount of animal protein, sugar, salt & fat can contribute to internal chronic inflammation Lack of sleep Heavy metal toxicity Alcohol, Tobacco & recreational drugs can make it much worse Lack of life purpose & fulfilment in life. Lack of love & understanding. Feeling isolated, abandoned or having been isolated & abandoned as a child. Living in a "cage" type of life or just simply feeling hopeless are MAJOR drivers of anxieties. having been bullied, traumatised, not having processed bereavement or a grief. All of those will drive anxiety if those emotions were not processed & tackled. Learned helplessness or certain subconscious learning patterns that are generally unhelpful (e.g. associating certain stimuli with anxiety) can become relevant over the time Healing of anxieties starts with trying to identify the cause which is where a healer, a naturopath, nutritionist, herbalist, homoeopath, reiki healer, acupuncturist or whatever seems like the best match for you could provide a really really great value. If this is something you've been struggling with for a long time, there is no shame in seeking the help of a professional in your area.
  20. Not a lot of data has been gathered on this topic so far and we don't really know how much of this stuff is transdermal but generally: * organic cotton, hemp, linen would be the best. As little colours as possible. When possible go for 100% (not mixed with polyester) * anything containing polyester, or that sticks to your body (e.g. a lot of the Underarmour/Reebok functional clothing) may have chemicals that can sep through but I still like to use them for my outdoor workouts, just don't walk around in that stuff for 24 hours * as a guy for example underwear is very important and you should wear the shorts as loose as possible as to not reduce circulation and increase temperature in testicular area (kills sperm count) * for girls I think it is a terrible idea to walk around in the yoga pants all the time. Loose linen pants are ideal.
  21. did he draw your blood? That's the most inaccurate reading, you need to take 5 samples of saliva throughout the day to see discrepancies. Blood cortisol is tightly regulated so it is unlikely to show anything unless you suffer from Addison's or Cushing's. But based on what you say it seems like a combination of multiple things. Might get better if you start eating regular meals and larger portions or work with a nutritionist in your area. The sensitive gut could be contributing as well but hard to explore that over messaging like this
  22. I think, in a way it is better to be single than being in a bunch of toxic relationships with needy immature girls (or boys). On the other hand, a conscious and deeply spiritual relationship is possible. You can decide to enter ina relationship to grow each other and create an environment where both share openly and both help the other to grow Read the "love" chapter in Road Less Travelled The way you talk about having a girlfriend is kinda like having a car to maintain. Costing money, costing time, costing effort. I wonder if this comes from the way your parent's relationship worked? Or maybe something else you've seen as a poor role modelling? A highly conscious woman does not need to be maintained with gifts & money. The type of woman who requires regular gifts and stuff is the one that will leave you for some asshole with more money and an expensive car. You don't need that sort of person in your life, they are dysfunctional and you can't fix them. Try to think about the relationship in a higher way, less materialistic perhaps. Those relationships can be created & there are couples out there like this. You just don't see them as much as you see codependent toxic trashy relationships.
  23. Sometimes this can be an indication of low adrenal function. Is something like Cortisol : DHEA testing available in your area? Usually this is private testing. Did anything come out of any of those tests? What did they test in your thyroid profile? Btw if you are chronically tired, fasting is definitely not a good thing to do.
  24. Have you maybe been assessed for osteoarthritis or RA? Could be that there is something else going on