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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. It can definitely help if you have blockages in your throat chakra or if you hold in a lot of stress but it will probably come back unless the underlying cause has been eliminated. It may also be associated with denial of emotional expression such as denying yourself laugh, hate, yell and other forms of verbal expression. You may try some of Joe Dispenza's chakra meditations or just conscious body scanning & release of tension. Start by deliberately tensing all muscles of your jaw, neck and lower face and then release just so that you know what it should feel like. Perhaps some face gymnastics may help as well. There are some exercises as well such as lying belly down on bed and letting your head & neck hang of the edge. Good luck!
  2. I like to use one occasionally, it's a nice investment. You can diffuse essential oil throughout the night to help you sleep better. DOesn't have to be large, a small device to put on your bedside table is enough and they have a timer that switches them off after couple hours.
  3. You would have to assume that the person is on raw vegan diet for the rest of the week thou which they won't be Most people who regularly (once a week is regularly) eat at Mcdonalds will already have a lot of other fried meat, dairy, fried eggs and probably lack of fibre in the diet. All of this combined is a recipe for colon cancer in your mid 40s.
  4. Yes absolutely! All the time. But it is a different kind of anxiety. In my world, it is partially fear of failure, partially fear of being an imposter and partially a fear of not being good enough. Maybe few bits and pieces of other things as well but yah once you really care about something you may often feel anxious before you ship your product.
  5. Describe your symptoms and ask if you could have some blood tests done. Usually, they will also run the liver & kidney panel automatically.
  6. Yeah it's definitely possible. High growth factor content stimulates your skin cell to multiply more rapidly + dairy is proinflammatory + you may actually be intollerant to it. Many people lose the ability to digest dairy over time which is why problems often develop that were not there say 10 yrs ago. This is very individual thou. Finally dairy is extreme insulin stimulant which multiplies the effects of growth factors because they bind to same receptors ?‍♂️ None of these effects go away even if you buy the most organic milk because this is tied to the chemistry of the milk and the biological intention to help baby cows grow fast. Organic is just free from antibiotics
  7. Hey there and welcome to the forum! This is a powerful realisation. I've had one such couple years back. Make sure to stay openminded to the unorthodox solution and listen to your intuition, perhaps deep down you already have all the answers and only need to tune in Anyways, I hope you'll find the answers you are looking for
  8. cut that macho shit out and open your eyes...
  9. Seems like your life is missing a deeper purpose. What's your greatest vision for your life? What are you going to do? Why are you here? How are you going to help humanity, the animals, the planet? Do you have a dream that makes you cry when you think about it?.....Out of fear (because you don't know how you're ever going to achieve it) & out of joy (because it is so grandiose) at the same time? Or do you waste your time trying to persuade everybody that life is shit and that it is pointless because everything is one and nothing makes sense? Be careful not to fall into zen devilry with this sort of mindset. Find your greatest passion in life and channel all this unused energy into that. Don't rest until you have found it.
  10. Its a bidirectional relationship and one can be caused without the presence of the other. Not every woman with imbalanced hormones becomes obese and not every obese women has to have imbalanced in hormones. Obesity is multifactorial and often caused by at least 50 other factors. But you seem to be getting on the right track. You may consider experimenting with myo-inositol & Agnus Castus (Chasetberry). Definitely bulk up your fibre intake to at least 60g per day to help you remove your oestrogen metabolites and cruciferous (brassica) vegetables every day for oestrogen balance. Also not sure what sorts of tests have you had but possibly requesting something like HbA1C (long term blood sugar balance) could give you some indicators. Additionally, although this is not cheap, Dutch Testing can reveal some insanely useful information for women about their endocrine panel. Good luck!
  11. Was hoping for that yes I think I should have selected RW in the end rather than let the stupid hat decide. It has been in dumbledore's study stuck for too long and got a bit senile....
  12. Slytherine oh my god fake test, fake news, conspiracy, hoax, china
  13. I'd suggest you get some good cookbook, something with lots of good reviews and try out one new recipes every week.
  14. @Loving Radiance something like that yeah, hard to imagine it being very enjoyable or particularly healthy thou
  15. You may consider requesting blood test for B12 deficiency. How is your blood sugar, has it been tested anytime recently, do you have any personal/family history of blood sugar problem?
  16. Think about how much effort your gut has to involve to process this stuff. Digesting all those eggs & sausage takes tremendous amount of energy from your body, an energy that already is a bit low. Sausage can take 6 hours to digest where oatmeal is out of your stomach in 45 minutes gently massaging the intestines as it slides down, slowly giving away glucose to your cells. Not too fast and not too slow. The fibre in this meal ensures that your insulin is not spiked rapidly and that your cells get a gradual influx of glucose to turn into readily available energy. When you burn carbs for energy it is clean, easy and fast. Yes you can use protein but it is like burning posters to make a fire. It stinks, it smokes and it does not feel right. Let me know if I can be of any further help
  17. @electroBeam Thanks so much for sharing. What I am missing here is just more volume, more calories, more good healthy complex carbohydrates and more fibre. Try an experiment: for the next 7 days start your day with oatmeal made of the following: 80g of dry oats cooked in 400ml liquids (combined water & oat milk) 40g nuts, 2tbsp of seeds, 1 banana, 1 apple, 1/2 cup blueberries. See how that makes you feel and what that does for your energy levels. I get the egg = protein argument but there is too little fibre to hold it long enough and without carbs you're burning protein for energy. Crates ammonia and all sorts of rubbish byproducts that your liver has to detox and that can give you a bit of brain fog
  18. @electroBeam hey mate what is your diet like? Give us a sample if you wouldn't mind
  19. Not a female opinion here, hope you don't mind but the below may help you One of the most important things on PCOS is blood sugar management. I don't want to make any assumptions as I don't know you but the majority of women with PCOS have a degree of insulin resistance which drives hormonal imbalances. Diet generally is extremely crucial here, it has to be low in proinflammatory foods, low in animal protein and predominantly plant-based. Also not sure if this is relevant but in case you carry on some excess weight, that could be a complication here as well....hope saying this won't come as an offence I don't know if you are taking any medical drugs at the moment but if not certain herbs such as Agnus Castus, Black Cohosh or Raspberry Leaf could be helpful to help you balance the LH/FSH ratio. Oestrogen dominance is sometimes relevant here (dutch testing can confirm that) and in such cases consuming loads of brassicas, flax seeds, tofu and other phytoestrogens will be super helpful Coffee does seem to make PCOS worse for some women and so does dairy due to high content of bovine oestrogen and growth factors ( can stimulate growth of cysts). Sugar should also go. And finally stress is a huge contributor as well as lack of physical activity
  20. Fluoride is actually really helpful in toothpaste, it helps keep your gums healthy and your enamel strong. You don't absorb molecules of fluoride through your oral mucosa so just try not to swallow it. It would not be needed if humans did not consume so much garbage & sugar but right now it is great protection....kinda like why fortifying salt with iodine spared tens of thousands of Americans growing a goitre. It is not ideal but sometimes we need to protect the herd health. There are certain foods that contain large amounts of fluoride especially processed foods (can't remember which these are) you may want to keep an eye on that, the tiny amount in toothpaste is harmless.
  21. Is it possible for you to start preparing your own meals? This will make the greatest difference. Maybe you can also prep some for your parents and help them make healthier choices so that the whole family thrives. If they see that healthy dishes can still be tasty they will become more accepting to your decisions. Just a thought.
  22. I am not too familiar with US testing but I believe DoctorsData have this option. There's gotta be other labs where you can send a sample for contamination testing but it will probably cost you.
  23. totally! I've now replaced my entire gym with a pair of 1kg dumbells & skipping rope. Back to my times as a kickboxer years back, love it. For some reason this sort of workout has always been my most favourite. Bunched with loads of burpees, jumps, pushups & sprints. Easier done outside but also possible inside (except the sprints
  24. Liver & Kidney tests would be a good start fo these. Seems like you may be having some detoxification/elimination challenges. Food intolerances as well if you can get them.
  25. Very individual and dependant on your genetics, environment, climate, diet, lifestyle, stress levels etc. Best to experiment on yourself and see what works best. There is definitely no one approach that works for everyone here.