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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. its a mix multiple polysaccharides which are slow to digest, trigger very low insulin response, promote satiety and improve overall blood sugar balance. Some of them you don't digest (insoluble fibre) and they act as brush, sewing through your colon, soaking all sorts of stuff (e.g. toxins or dead bacteria) on the way out. The other bits are the soluble fibre that are consumed by your gut bacteria and converted into something called short chain fatty acids (SCFA) that are like your mini mood & immune-boosting natural steroids. I'd suggest, if you are not used to them, start with red lentils. Those seem to be the easiest to digest. Your gut needs to adjust to legumes slowly so if you get too bloated, cut the dosage and soak even longer. no harm in that better boiled than fried
  2. I recall we had a carb vs no-carb discussion in the past so I won't try to convince you of anything but will just lay out information that may help you decide. SOY The most controversy on soy is that it contains phytoestrogens, plant molecules with the similar molecular structure to human oestrogens. As such they have been given the reputation as endocrine disruptors even blamed for contribution to breast cancer. To this day there is absolutely no research suggesting that this is true however we have a large amount of data that show that phytoestrogens are protective from cancer, osteoporosis and endocrine complications. Yes GMO is an issue but the best way to consume soy is to go for fermented products & organic. So don't eat green soy beans but go for tempeh, tofu, miso, natto. All amazing sources of protein & calcium. Clean, save and with no harmful effects. And no soy doesn't cause men boobs. It is also very protective of prostate cancer for men. LEGUMES The only risk of legumes is that if you eat them raw they contain lectins which can poison you. But who eats raw legumes? After 10 minutes of cooking all lectins are gone. The cases of legume poisoning are rare and nearly always come from people trying to eat raw kidney beans. (a raw meat can equally poison you) The evidence on legumes is that they are protective from cancer, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, asthma and so much more. Excellent food for anyone suffering from high blood pressure or cholesterol and exceptionally beneficial for the gut microbiome. There is so much beneficial stuff in legumes that they should be on the top of any superfood lists. Regarding carbs, yes beans are carbs but they contain mostly high fibre complex carbs. These types of carbs DO NOT make you fat. It is nearly impossible to gain weight from legumes not even if you overeat. They are actually recommended for weight loss. Seriously I wouldn't worry about legumes at all. Just soak them for 20 hours and make sure you cook them until soft. Or just buy canned and those are 100% safe and ready. Hope that helps
  3. @Preety_India OMG wow this is basically a Marshall Law. I'm so sorry to hear that. And I thought we have it bad here . But hey, it is what it is now so still super important to stay active. At least 30 minutes of day of aerobic activity of some sort will help you keep your mood up. All the best! Hope it won't last for too long
  4. Same question as @datamonster Why no legumes & soy Eren?
  5. Yeah pretty much. I mean, give it a try and see what happens
  6. Do you have a pullup bar somewhere around you? Try to hang on it every day in this pattern: Hang for as long as you can -> 30 seconds break -> then jump back on and continue hanging (complete 3-4 sets like this) No need to do pullups or contract your latissimus, let the ligaments & joints strain a little bit
  7. @Neorez I'd recommend trying to find the underlying cause of your anxieties. CBD can be helpful in the short term but there are now many reports of long term complications including psychosis & hyper allergenic reactions. I definitely wouldn't stay on it for more than 2-3 months until you can work on the root cause.
  8. @Matt23 Matt the risk of supplemental glutathione is that it is really poorly absorbed in the gut. Liposomal somewhat better but you may achieve better results from consuming foods rich in cysteine, glycine and glutamic acid (building blocks of glutathione) or taking some NAC. But just increasing glutathione may not be good enough as systemic detoxification requires more targeted & aggressive approach. Are you looking to use the glutathione to boost your immune defences or looking for systemic detox?
  9. Yes I know, because you are juicing your adrenals as you do that. I've experienced it as well when I experimented with IF for 6 weeks last year. The amount of energy I received had nothing to do with not eating or some miraculous energy increase. By starving your body your levels of adrenaline & cortisol are spiked throughout the day. Same way if you chug 3 espressos. Fun, short term but possibly detrimental long term The OP said he is chronically tired, the last thing you want to do when fatigued is to start starving yourself. Yes, you will get an initial spark of energy but after some time as your adrenals weaken he'll probably slip into fibromyalgia or CFS even depression from no longer having the catecholamine support to elevate his mood. Fasting also slows down the conversion of your thyroid hormones. T4 conversion to T3 becomes more sluggish and you produce more reverse T3. For someone already fatigued this could present even more difficulties. Intermittent fasting is something you can experiment with if you are 100% healthy with fully functioning metabolism but it is not for fatigued person. I'm not disputing benefits of therapeutic fasting (say 24 hours once a week) but chronically going through this is asking for trouble and wrecked metabolism.
  10. The panic will do more damage to your immune system than any virus. Fear cripples the immune response. Start getting that Vitamin D back in place (as we talked about earlier) Eat well, sleep enough and don't forget to get in a bit of exercise, helps keep the immune system up. Garlic, onions, oregano, thyme & mushrooms are all good immune boosters. More of all wear a mask when you leave the flat and wash your hands regularly, don't touch surfaces in the building and don't touch your nose, eyes or mouth before you've washed your hands when coming from outside.
  11. Lucky you still having gym opened 3 times/week is a good start. Make sure to allow yourself 2 days off per week as well.
  12. You seem to imagine prison being this nice zen environment Perhaps in Northern Europe. In the rest of the world, you'll get your teeth smashed so that you can't bite anyone's dick off and get HIV if you are not careful and let your soap slip too often.
  13. The risk of melatonin is that it is a hormone and whenever we supplement hormones we risk interacting with our natural secretions (e.g. pineal melatonin). It can be helpful in the short term but in the end, it is best to try to find what's causing the impaired sleep. I've noticed in my life that if I eat within 2 hours prior to sleep or use a computer after this period, my sleep is broken that night, perhaps I'm very sensitive to the blue light, it may be individual. Also, getting a sleeping mask or proper pitch-black window blinds can make a tremendous difference So see if there are these small things that could be driving the bad sleep. Also, a cup of coffee takes around 6-9 hours to completely dissolve and leave so the 6pm coffee may still be in your system in midnight preventing adenosine binding.
  14. @Preety_India Yes, 5000 International Units every day, in the morning with food Then try to see if you can get another appointment & blood test after 4-6 weeks to see how you're getting on.
  15. This is perfect! I think you would definitely benefit from at least 5,000 IUs for up to 3 months. It is a perfectly safe dose. Perhaps start with 5,000 IU (125 mcg) and check with your doctor in a month. If you don't get above 30 after a month, go for 10,000 (250mcg) and test a month later. If you are below 40 at the end of month 2, I'd consider 20,000 for a month and getting tested again. Ideally you want to get at least on 55, ideally 70-80. Once you start getting to 60s, drop the dose to a maintenance one which is 2,000 I know this seems like too much but It's just at that low level, the potential health consequences of long term low vitamin Dcan be very severe and chronic because with Vitamin D so low your immune system is very very crippled, slow & inefficient. Bone health could be impacted very severely as well after you'd hit menopause and lose the oestrogen protection.
  16. @Harikrishnan nah you're good. Send some to us in the cold Europe ? @Average Investor same here in UK. Get it whenever you can and no harm in helping yourself with a supplement when needed. thanks bud ? just launched the web last week still polishing and editing as i go.
  17. yes!!! This was the most "IN YOUR FACE" bit of the whole book for me as well. Second one being that SEO is a pyramid scheme and a waste of time
  18. Andy are you sure there isn't something else going on for you mate? I'm not saying it is impossible but it is really hard to imagine toxicity from 50 mg (2000IU) especially only after a week. It takes months to develop toxicity even at 20,000 IU (500mcg)
  19. Can't give you the answer without knowing your levels. 2000 IU is a good maintenance dose. 5000 may be high if your levels are already good but does not have to be. Finger prick Vitamin D tests are fairly cheap and can be ordered online or pop a visit to your doc and ask for testing.
  20. For people who are low in Vitamin D (e.g. being between 10-30 ng/mL) they may need to take 10,000 IU for a a month or two to get to at least into 60s. If you want to get them to 80s (optimal value) they may need to take 20,000 for a month. You can also get there by taking 5,000 but it may take you half a year. When we say megadosing usually these would mean doses above 10,000 IU. But I would ALWAYS test before taking more than 2,000 IU (50mcg) daily as the risk of toxicity is very real indeed if your levels are already too high. Vitamin C supplements have questionable efficacy and the evidence does not support that they are superior to just eating vitamin C rich fruits and vegetables. In my opinion vitamin C supplements are only useful when you get sick otherwise I'd always rely on food. Toxicity from 50mg? This doesn't seem right, at least not after a week. This is 2000 IU a very small dose that can be easily taken year long. It is likely there was something else causing that. You'd actually get these from lack of vitamin D not excess. Not enough. 400 IU are too tiny of a dose to make any difference.
  21. It may be also things like copper or chloride but yah maybe other things. I think in Germany you can access a report about your water quality. I was working with someone else in Germany and he sent it to me. But (in my opinion) everybody should be filtering their water. It is just not worth the risk considering a monthly cost of a filter is 10 euros (or less). Think about all the shit that gets in the underground water sources and that most of your drinking water (at least where I live) is being reused. I wonder how efficient are we in separating molecules of antibiotics, pharmaceutical drugs, certain heavy metals, drugs etc. Is all of this getting out? I doubt it What about microplastics? It has been found even in snow which suggests that evaporation is not sufficient to clear the water of everything anymore. The least you can do is to buy a Britta with 6 filters and change a filter every 4 weeks. if you think about it, countries with the highest consumption of dairy (US, UK, Germany, France) also have the highest rate of osteoporosis despite their average calcium intake going way above the recommended 1000mg (US) and 750mg (UK) More important than JUST calcium is to get your vitamin D checked as well as have a stable in taking of Vitamin K (leafy greens, lentils etc). This is because calcium metabolism is regulated by your parathyroid gland and in this process, Vitamin D also plays a significant part. If vitamin D is low you may also be peeing our more calcium and that could create nasty complications if kidney stones as well later on. A lot of osteoporosis treatment focuses only on calcium but you need all the other ones as well. Vitamin D deficiency is a global problem especially in developed countries where we spend less & less time outside.
  22. Osteoporosis is one of the most multifactorial conditions there are but the general consensus in naturopathic medicine is that it is a lifestyle disease caused by our western type of lifestyle. Here is few things to keep in check: 1. Physical Activity - I would say this is the main one for prevention. The activity should include mechanical strain such as weightlifting, gardening work, bodyweight training, some sort of manual work regularly that involves either direct pressure or repeated bouncing (e.g. roap skipping, box jumping, jogging). Basically, anyone exerting a pressure of your skeletal muscles on your bones. 2. Diet - calcium, boron, manganese, magnesium, protein, Vitamin K2 - make sure to have good sources of all. A balanced diet will usually do that. 3. Vitamin D - EXTREMELY important for bone density. You want it somewhere between 60-70ng/mL. Test it if you need to. 4. Alcohol and Tobacco - bad bad bad bad 5. Alkaline Diet - a typical acidic diet rich in meat, dairy & sugar is awful for bone health. Despite popular claims dairy is NOT associated with reduced osteoporosis risk. You may of course consume it but do not make it your sole calcium source. There are many good plant-based sources 6. Your microbiome plays an important role here as well. It appears there is a communication between microbiome and the osteoblasts and osteocytes of your skeleton and damage microbiome may be linked to worsening of bone density 7. Some drugs like PPIs or corticosteroids can make it worse. Also, drugs designed for osteoporosis patients such as BPs or AAs are not all that effective. 8. sugar, soft drinks & junk food are also very bad Btw it is unlikely you feel your bones weaker, this is not something you can feel which is why it often goes undetected until a fall or injury happens
  23. I wasn't suggesting you do You don't need carbs to survive, at least not a lot....but your body prefers them as a source of energy. So if you can get them from high-quality sources I mentioned, the better. Just try swapping your white rice for brown rice and see if that one thing changes your energy levels. I bet it does. @Superfluo then it is a dogma I am proud to hold