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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. Terrible idea. You don't want to be stimulating your growth factor receptors any more than necessary The smooth muscle in your arteries is very sensitive to growth factors so you can give yourself vascular thickening -> increased Blood pressure -> more work demand on heart -> heart enlargement -> possible risk of serious complications. Also should you develop a bunch of cancer cells in your body, they are very sensitive to growth factors and that could turn out to be pretty nasty if your immune system doesn't catch it on time. HGH is no no no. Sleep well, exercise & manage your stress levels to optimise it naturally
  2. I feel the majority of my day is spent doing stuff. Reading, researching, writing, on marketing etc but I would like to add a time where I'll plan, retrospect & take a high-altitude overview of all the minor tactical tasks to adjust & reassess. Do any of you add this to your day? How do you go around it? What worked for you? What time of the days works best for you to do this? Any tips greatly appreciated! Thank You
  3. @Waves thanks so much man, I've finished watching the first videos and subbed, this guy knows what he's talking about. For now I am on 1 small journal but I can see the advantage of getting one more, a bigger one perhaps. Cheers! @aurum I seem to be the most receptive when I walk hence that's my best time to listen to podcasts but I actually need to sit, with headphones in isolated room to be able to plan & strategies I worked with life coach 3 years ago when I was trying to figure shit out for myself and was trying to see what I want to do with myself. For now I'll try to go without hiring a coach but it is not something I exclude for the future. Thanks for your input bro! @mandyjw thanks Mandy I may give the walking & thinking another try since many of you recommended it. It's always been sit down & think for my but maybe that was never the most optimal way
  4. how did they test this? what metals did they check?
  5. @Hello from Russia Sounds quite complex, I agree from what you say that this will go beyond simple blood sugar dysregulation, may as well be a delayed onset immune reaction to antigens in the food passing through permeable intestinal walls but I can't really tell from the limited amount of info, would need to spend few hours asking questions. Any chance you can get food sensitivity testing done? Yes this is also a possibility
  6. Nah you're fine, phytic acid is actually not all that bad. It reduces the toxic effect of animal iron, improves blood sugar balance, protects your bones & even possibly reduces cancer risk Phytic acid is actually very protective although it can bind Zinc that's true. But to minimise it just cook those legumes really well until they are mushy Hehe indeed, well, I feel the same way about many "spirituality" discussion going on around here. @EmptyVase grab a generic nutrition book. See what's available in local book shop. Something a bit more academic and less sensational. You don't want anything biased towards veganism or paleo or Mediterranean. Maybe you need to order that kind of book but it should be more of a textbook and less of an attempt to manipulate you to follow a dogma. @Hello from Russiait could be the glycemic load of the rice especially if we are talking about the generic white rice, that can do that to you. If it was heavy metal overload, it will be constant night & day never changing brain fog although it may get worse during periods when liver is more active such as after waking up. If it is transient (comes 7 goes) then it is blood sugar related. Replace your rice with a better high fibre variation and see if that fixes it
  7. I think @integral already knew the answer already and was just teasing
  8. Green tea definitely. ECGC is too powerful to be taken as an extract, can easily turn pro-oxidant. I like to start a day with a green tea and let it cool down while I do the 20 minute morning meditation. Makes for a nice ritual What @Villager Albert said, some vitamin C source to improve bioavailability so few drops of lemon may do the trick or some green teas are already sold in a bag with dried lemon peel.
  9. In my opinion, this is why people have such great results following your content. Most of us want to be told that we are lazy slobs and don't mind. Maybe people who get offended are not meant to hear this
  10. Hope you won't betray your nature doing that. People are attracted to your style because it is unique, direct, honest and in your face. Make sure that what makes you unique does not disappear for the sake of attracting more viewers
  11. @SgtPepper thanks for sharing, I'm slowly starting to get a vision of what it will look like for me. I do daily planning as well at the end of the day but this is more of a tactical planning, like what I am going to focus on the next day. I feel I need to dedicate 60-90 minutes at least once a week to strategic planning. I am missing the bigger picture in what I am doing. Really appreciate you sharing the routine @Average Investor thanks man, the idea of retrospecting in nature speaks to me the most. I'll start looking around for a perfect place. Thinking of starting with 1 session per week and see how it goes form there. @blankisomeone I'm with ya on running, my favourite runs are in the evening when the weather is gloomy, foggy & misty and streets are deserted, has very therapeutic effect but I can't plan & strategies during long runs, it's not the most comfortable time to be honest maybe if your stamina is particularly good, I'm not the best long-distance runner. Up to 50 minutes is tolerable I'd say.
  12. @Nahm how does this look for you in a practical way? Do you use a white board? Do you draft stuff that comes up during the day or schedule say 1 hour and dump all during this time? I can see the great value of this. Some of the most productive times in my life are air flights, those 3-4 per year it's like 3 hours of peak concentration. I can't get this anywhere else. Will see if I can identify some way. Perhaps a bench in the park or some isolated spot. Thanks for this ! Do you structure this time somehow Leo or just see what comes up? I think I will experiment with doing something like this. Spending this time in nature really resonate with me, thanks for the idea. Thank you for the inputs. Yeah, I do use a notebook but I feel like I'm still learning how to use it properly. For some time I was trying with One Note but it just doesn't cut it. I also have a small (a5) moleskin but this is more of a planner & diary than a journal. DO you keep a separate thingy for this or is it "all in one"?
  13. @Advocate It's mostly about not becoming dependant on something. I would say 9/10 people take CBD for anxieties or other forms of neurological hyperexcitation. It helps but it does not make the root cause go away....and what it it stops working one day? It's the dependence factor that is most scary. And then CBT is an extract of an extract kinda like pharmaceuticals although it sounds more "natural" the only role is to stimulate a bunch of endocannabinoid receptors, again effect similar to how certain drugs (e.g. modafinil, adderall etc) work. None of it is the solution but it gives the person suffering an opportunity to regain their peace of mind so they can work on the underlying issue I think this is how we should approach all-natural remedies.
  14. Well done bro keep it up!! ?
  15. @Nahm @aurum may have deep & powerful insights. What helped me personally get over few things was this book I got recommended by someone if you can find it locally maybe.
  16. Gut & the brain are powerfully connected through the vagus nerve and anything you experience mentally could manifest itself systemically as symptoms. I believe many diseases have started as a chronic stressor or some sort of trauma earlier in life.
  17. @PurpleTree maybe some of it but don't let that become a limiting belief. I don't know much about things like spiritual or energetic healing but there are always a variety of ways one can go around their healing. Where do you live? Maybe there are local healers or experts that could help you
  18. I can't speak for Eren's motives. Some people prefer to remain plant-based without associating themselves with veganism because they are well aware of the dogma & judgment that come along with that. You can decide not to eat animal products for other reasons
  19. Mind you this was not a topic of vegan ethics and animal cruelty. For some people, eggs may create a bridge in transitioning from animal-based into a more plant-based diet and you need to show appreciation for that. Rather than judging someone for "keeping eggs in the diet", the focus should be put on their initiative to eat fewer animals and more plants which is not always easy to do. Not everybody can go/wants to go vegan but if the majority of people would eat 80% plant-based diet, the world would be a better place than if 20% of people eat 100% vegan and nobody else gives a fuck.
  20. @PurpleTree can be candida but can be other non-specific things. Is there anything else that would make you suspect fungal overgrowth? (white tongue, itchy annus, lots of digestive problems, nail fungal infection etc). I wouldn't go for any antifungal protocol unless I was absolutely sure that it is present. They can be very aggressive. There are a variety of stool tests you may try such as Organic Acids or maybe your doctor can test for the presence of candida Albicans.
  21. @PurpleTree fungal overgrowth is common or weakened immune system. Nutritional deficiencies: zinc, protein, vitamin C could be possible Stress Could also be a deficiency of certain essential fatty acids. Maybe hypothyroidism Might be more but this is what I can think of from the top of my head. May need more info from you. Feel free to pm me if you'd like us to dig deeper in this
  22. Yes pure carbphydrates but again not all rice is equal. If you go for brown rice, wile rice or red rice you are getting the complex carbs that act differently to the typical white rice. The other whole grains (quinoa, millet, amaranth, buckwheat) are also good. General rule of thumb when picking rice, flip the package and take the one with the highest amount of fibre per 100g. @Opo cholesterol molecule is easily oxidised due to a double-bond in its molecular chain and it can become oxidised LDL which can be quite toxic inside your arteries. Same thing with any fried meat actually. The vitamin E in eggs may be somewhat protective but since most people fry eggs on volatile cheap plant oils, I believe this makes no difference. Not worth the risk imo
  23. Oh man I'm so jealous of all the organic produce you guys have over there. The selection is nice in here as well but hard to find organic frozen stuff. Looks really nice!
  24. No covid is not airborne, more people would be sick by now if it was, tens of millions probably. You are totally fine to live in the same building with other sick people don't worry. Just keep a 2-meter distance and follow the general guidelines.