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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. I watched Radbrat play it but didn't like what I saw. The combat does not feel alright, the fights are all the same, you try to hack stuff and if it doesn't work you are shooting everyone with guns that suck so you have to waste a whole magazine on a single dude. The graphics and motion capture are insane but the playability seems to suck. If you want an intricate shooter with a deep story that will bring you to tears as the story evolves try Metro Exodus. I was never a fan of the Metro series but this one was wonderful. The playability is the best I've seen in a shooter. Beautiful graphics, detailed environment, amazing combat experience that feels very natural and organic.
  2. Guys, please let's try to prevent this topic spiralling into a heated flamewar
  3. Are you holding on to anything? Do those objects, memories help you avoid pain? Lot of people are hoarding objects as a form of addiction or escapism. There is nothing wrong with having sentimental moments and keeping around reminders of happy times as long as they don't burden your soul to a point that they prevent you from growing spiritually.
  4. I have pondered this many times. While we have no practical tools to measure this or research methods I do believe that certain foods have frequencies and these can get taken in your body. Where fruits and vegetables are high frequency, dead foods like meat and processed grains are low frequency fods. I still don't know to what degree I believe in this or not, just kinda entertaining the thought. In a more biochemical way, the animal would have peak levels of adrenaline and cortisol at the time of their death and we know that receptors for stress hormones are positioned nearly in every tissue. In muscle tissue high density of catecholamine (adrenaline, noradrenaline etc) receptors are present. So is it possible that those stress hormones are still present in the steak? Possibly yes, dunno but I wouldn't discount it. For me personally, I feel lighter on plant foods but I am genetically well adapted to high carb diets (tested myself) so others may need more fatty diets or heavier meaty ones. We are all unique blends of biochemistry and energetics
  5. attracting too many bots, closing down. @GroovyGuru hit me up if you'd wish to have this reopened
  6. @Preety_India I agree with some of your points and disagree with some as well. I think you have to consider that us mods are still regular human beings and we are prone to making many mistakes before we learn how to "police" the forum in a just and fair manner. Especially those of us who are still new to this. It is possible we have banned few people who were not necessarily spammers? Yes possible. We come from different countries, cultures background and upbringing and all of this we take on when we evaluate what action to take. Where one of us would give mere message warning , another would shoot 10 warning points because we have a different moral compass. Many of us are 4-8 hours spread apart in different time zones, that impacts how we work as well. At the same time there is a lot of stuff going on that regular users often don't see and without mod policing you'd soon be offered sex product, viagras, sex toys, drugs, cocaine and all sort of crap from bots across the world. Can a "civilian" be hit in the mids of this crossfire? Yes definitely! Should you at any time feel one of us treated you unfairly...or anyone reading this. Please reach out to another moderator in confidence and ask for a second opinion.
  7. @Enlightenment This is for MAJOR depression thou. That's the suicidal type where people unless sedated, can end up taking their life. For MDD antidepressants work well. The problem is that most people suffer from mild-to-moderate depression. Research shows that when compared with placebo even the most effective antidepressants like fluoxetine actually don't produce a lot of long term results. And when compared with herbs like St John's Wort, Saffron or 5-HTP there is actually very little difference (for mild or moderate). None of the herbs are effective for major depression thou. I think generally the drugs are used so that the doctors cover themselves in case the patient tries to kill themselves. If you, as a doctor, don't prescribe antidepressants and the patients commits suicide, you will lose license and can end up jailed if they prove that it was your fault. This is basically why all these toxic drugs are prescribed very often. Same for statins and diabetes drugs. Most of it is medical system covering itself and creating a sense that there is no other solution. A lot of people take these drugs for years and nobody ever investigated. It becomes part of their life, they learn to associate with the disease and they become the disease. I don't know if you ever knew a depressed person but they become The disease. The anxiety becomes the centre of their life and they will not let you help them even if you want to. This is partially why working with mental health is extremely difficult because most people don't believe it can be treated.
  8. I totally agree with you. People are panicking because they feel helpless. If the government was handing out vitamin D free tests along with a free prescription for vitamin D for those with deficiency and a multivitamin complex to people along with some guidelines around hydration, eating, exercising, some guided stress releasing exercises that would be way way way more helpful than creating a herd of vaccinated sheep.
  9. a clean high-quality wild-caught salmon (not the orange pale sick one but the dark red one) does have quite a lot of beneficial properties. Besides loads of DHA and EPA you have high density of mitochondria, lots of carnitine, creatine, carnosine, iron, B-vitamins and other things. Maybe not a nootropic as just giving your cells a lot of balancing essential nutrients. But I agree, too expensive to consume regularly. Also loads of tryptophan that convert to melatonin or serotonin while sitting on your GABA receptors will do that
  10. Any sort of online tutoring or teaching of mental skills etc. Language teaching, math sessions. Not sure what skills you have? You can also sell stuff online as a middle man. That can supposedly earn nice money
  11. Awesome stuff guys!! Didn't expect so much engagement. Well done ya'll. Mine would be to find and focus on second area of my professional development. For now it seems either life coaching or CBT Second goal is to be able to leave my 9-5 job next year. Keep them coming. I love to read these stories.
  12. putting some solid work into your self-development, good stuff man !!
  13. First of all they have to be physically attractive. The guy doesn't care about any of the other stuff if there is no physical attraction. We look at her face, her eyes, her jaw line, lips, breasts, tights and buttocks. We will scan every aspect of her body before we even being to show an interest in her personality. It is extremely shallow but guys are wired that way. Sometimes there can be powerful mental chemistry between a guy and the girl when they feel on the same line and feel they could talk for ages....but if there is no chemistry, forget it. Relationship dies or the guy will cheat. Secondly, I think what girls are looking for is not the macho trait but the confidence, the humour and a bit of cockiness. He needs to be a bit playful and childish but not too much to giver he a signal that he is looking for a mother in her, that's like giving her a slap across the face on the first date. Looks come a bit later. Mr nice guy makes for a better father but if he is boring to be around she won't be attracted at least not in most cases. But ofcourse there are exceptions to both
  14. make sure to take your shoes off as well as you're at it let the energy flow freely from both ends
  15. Is there anything you are ignoring? Eventually, any addiction is an external escape from an internal pain
  16. @SirVladimir man i must have spent a whole year of my life exploring Skyrim world ?
  17. "Do you think there's treasure here? Something to make J'zargo a powerful wizard?"
  18. @SirVladimir "Greetings traveller, may I interest you in some if my wares? You notice a subtle twitch in the eye of the merchant followed by several more . You know you have come to the right place. This man has seen the BEYOND.
  19. I live in London but Slovakian by birth , @bejapuskas is Czech so bunch of us non-UK boys representing the smaller countries of eastern & central Europe
  20. Hey man thanks for sharing, I'm excited to follow your journey from the start. Keep us updated regularly
  21. man, my heart goes out to you... I've been in big corpo for 8 years now, slowly tunnelling my way out but it is not easy once you've spend years getting the wrong sort of education. Couple of things I've learned how to survive in this world: know who the big animals are, the executives. Be nice to them, even a bit of kissas, compliment on their achievements and show a bit of an interest in their life, given opportunity. They will like you because it strokes their ego and usually won't give you hard time NEVER EVER ask for more work then you have. Don't offer to help on projects just to show enthusiasm. You'll create a label of "yes man" and people will abuse that, Not only that but they will tell others who encounter a problem to go and talk to you You will find working at corpo gives you often lot of time to work on your own stuff. The work in these places is often on hold as you are waiting for stuff to come back to you. As long as you have some sort of fancy excel or outlook opened and seem busy you can spend hours doing you own stuff. This way I've graduated from my naturopathic school.... and not a single person every found out. Most emails landing to your inbox are bullshit. Anything that does not start with "Hi <your name>" I usually ignore and in 99cases out of 100 it was fine. If it wasn't, just say "sorry must have missed your email, got hundreds to go through" or some shit like that Know what the absolutely important things are, important calls and important [people to get to know. There will be bunch of meetings you ALWAYS have to attend even if it is to seem interested and it is encouraged you participate on these. Oh and finally always have something you are currently working on. Even if its not moving.Just to be able to talk about stuff Now is this a low consciousness advice? Yes Is it a bit shady? totally. But hey look around you, corporate environment is built on lies, manipulation, scheming and deceiving. EVERYBODY lies. If you don't want to work overtimes or be seen as a fool you have to play that game. Now I'm only giving you this advice because I think that you are not suited for this environment...so you have to fake it like I do just to get out of there alive, with some good money and be prepared to hit your life purpose. So all of it HAS TO BE means to an end...to some bigger goal. Your vision that you can't follow yet because you don;t have the starting capital or the experience. And as such you may find the info above helpful to not burn out in that place...
  22. quite PARANORMAL alright
  23. Well done, congratulations !! A dollar earned by doing what you love feels better than 100 dollars earned by selling your soul.