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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. Oh man totally. What you eat and how you eat makes all the difference in the world. I've seen it happen over and over again ?
  2. Did it in 2016, the best investment of my life. I did one video per day. In the morning when the world around me was the quietest. Gave me a lot of inspiration and motivation to wake up. Make sure to take lots of notes. I had a specific thick journal designated just to the course. I still have it and refer to it every now and then yes, buy it and start
  3. @neutralempty @Village cmon boys shake hands, let the feud die None of you are changing opinions anyway.
  4. Try this: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Letting-Surrender-M-D-David-Hawkins/dp/1401945015/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=letting+go&qid=1609021344&sr=8-1 and this: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Untethered-Soul-Journey-Beyond-Yourself/dp/1572245379/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2IXVAS6YSSLFW&dchild=1&keywords=untethered+soul&qid=1609021383&quartzVehicle=184-743&replacementKeywords=untethered&sprefix=untethered%2Caps%2C182&sr=8-1 may help shift the perspective a bit
  5. I wouldn't stress too much about it if you are otherwise healthy. Do you have any persistent fatigue or brain fog? Your body is always attempting its best to detoxify so make sure to eat a good diet with an abundance of fibre, hydrate well, filter your water and avoid eating junk and whatever residue there is you will get rid of That being said, if you have time, it would probably be a good idea to get rid of that last one.
  6. I go to church few times a year (whenever I am in my home country) with my grandma and these few times I dedicate to silent observation. The church is indeed a place of peace and serenity regardless of the spiral dynamics stage. You can just sit in the corner, close your eyes and use this time to mindfully observe yourself or practice your non-judgement and unconditional love towards all those spiral blue people regardless of what how limited you consider their worldview to be. A lot of what the pastor preaches actually makes sense to me. Lots of Christian values are genuine and useful for basic moral development. You don't need to take on any of the holly bs storytelling. But there are lessons to learn even at church. I also kinda like the singing, I never participate but it grounds me and I feel at peace at the end. Maybe negotiate with your mom to go twice a month for her sake Don't try to change her, love her for who she is. She gave you life and good health, don't push her into something that is threatening to her whole identity. Not everyone is supposed to climb the spiral.
  7. @soos_mite_ah yes sweet potators are much better. Yes there is lot of nonsense on the internet. And this is just my biased opinion but anyone tells you fruits and vegetables are bad for you generally has no idea what they are talking about. I've spent around 5 years and close to 4000 hours dissecting nutrition for myself and am yet to find evidence that they are bad flr anyone although some people can either be allergic or intollerant to some. The first means they need to avoid those for life, the second that their gut needs fixing.
  8. I wouldn't do that. Fruit sugar does not behave the same way as isolated table sugar. Fruits has loads of beneficial polyphenols especially helpful in pcos (as per your journal). I actually wouldn't limit your fruit intake if I were you but maybe don't go crazy on bananas and dried fruits. Try some new low GL fruits like pears, plums, grapefruits, oranges and lots and lots of berries. swap it for dairy free dark chocolate. Nothing wrong with having that unlikely to be an issue if you only have it so rarely Not at all, eat all the vegetables you can. The more fibre you eat the better. Don't worry about sugar in vegetables seriously. The only one I wouldn't go crazy with are potatoes.
  9. I dunno, Matt Walker quotes some serious research in his book. Ofcourse science rarely has all the answers but deliberately cuttin one's sleep short you're burning your longevity candle from both ends. That also applies about too much sleep. Somewhere around 9 hours + the curve bends the other way and the longer you sleep the worse it is for your health especially the Cardiovasc. system.
  10. I saw this years ago but damn...... good thing there are lots of cocoa spreads with no palm oil, no dairy, little sugar and lots of hazelnuts. They cost 4 times as much but are worthy the sin
  11. The stress of thinking it is impacting you will damage your mental health much more. Fear drives your amygdala to override your prefrontal cortex along with hippocampus. Your memory and rational thinking go south when you live in fear. Start letting go of that fear. Keep letting go until it does not bother you anymore. Unless you have a cabin in the woods you cannot escape emf. Tinfoil hats don't work
  12. Forget mind games. Manipulation always backfires in the end. Either be at least partially honest or forget dating at all
  13. If you study history you will notice a similar pattern repeating itself over and over again especially in the European history. What Romans did 2000 years ago is not that different to how British treated people of India and Oceania and not different to how Hitler treated people in Eastern Europe. Our technology has evolved by as humans our mindsets are pretty much similar in that most people are driven by wealth, power and status. Instead of hitting brick walls with Trebuchet we now hack each other's websites, lead pseudointellectual debates and launch airstrikes on civilian objects in the name of democracy and freedom. But we haven't really changed that much. The motive of greed, deception and manipulation are the same.I find it fascinating that the more I study european history the more of these similarities are popping up. If everything seems pointless you may as well just sit on a couch 24/7. Maybe it would make for a nice life but enlightened or not, there is a lot of fascinating stuff to explore even if in the grand scheme of things nothing make sense you still have to spend your time doing something for the next 80 years. Find a way to serve the humanity in the most meaningful way.
  14. Not really. There are few benefits of red wine in tiny amounts but I believe there is a long-term cost of drinking even small amounts. Alcohol damages microbiome, separates tight junctions of the gut, depletes glutathione, damages mitochondria and messes up with central nervous system. If you still need it i'd at least stick to some high quality vine possibly from organic produce but if you want the benefits of resveratrol find some good red grapes and bunch of berries
  15. that's it! "I am here to serve those who need me."
  16. damn, that is A GOAL. What's your business if I may ask?
  17. What's the rest of your diet, exercise, lifestyle like? A good diet and active lifestyle can provide you with more energy and drive than a cup of coffee every hour. Just saying Green tea is probably the best alternative if you are looking for something with exceptional health properties and a mildly stimulating effect. Yerba Mate tea may be nice as well.
  18. ofcourse I deleted my last comment as it was more heated than I intended it to be. There is always a remedy if you get mistreated and we can revoke penalty points that were given wrongly. Since none us are "professional mods" we are bound to make mistakes at some point
  19. I did not have you in mind Preety no need to take everything personally. I have seen people (not you) report ridiculous things They get banned from visiting the forum forever under this account. They can still create a new account of course and can still view content under anonymous. You will not see people who get banned in your notifications.
  20. I don't want it to sound like mods are some sort of dam here but you guys would see many more trolls popping up here if all of us stopped banning them. Some of them are clever before we find them but I'd say around 20-30 trolls a week are banned and kicked out. They get their access blocked completely. But secondly, we rely on everyone else to help us by reporting trolls. Any user can report a suspicious account and we will investigate, Anytime someone reports, each case is considered individually and taken care of even if you don't get a response although we like to respond to people who report trolls where we can. A lot of people have a huge victim mindset and report other users for childish offences. There are loopholes and many bots have crawled around, some for weeks but generally, the team is working fairly well to catch the majority of offenders. In terms of users who were banned, there would have been a warning. Many of them. We work on 20 point system and a typical offence awards you 1-3 points so you would have to be ignorant for a very long time repeatedly. Anybody who gets banned through getting 10 warnings deserves to be kicked out
  21. drop this shit, there is no such thing as alpha male only a harem of immature boys chasing their own tails
  22. anaemic, polluted and fat
  23. Hey, just found your journal. Wanted to wish you all the best on the healing journey. PCOS is not nice but I think it can be dealt with by taking great control of your diet. Thought I'd add a few helpful tips If this is not encouraged, please delete anytime, no offence taken. 1. I'd definitely recommend eating brassica vegetables every day. They are incredible for balancing your oestrogen elimination. When you prepare them, chop them first then set aside for 15 minutes to allow for the formation of Indole-3-Carbinol and Sulforophane. All brilliant stuff for female hormone balance and liver health (sex hormones are made here as well) 2. A good set of probiotics to support microbiome so that eliminated oestrogens aren't reabsorbed 3. Miso soup (home-made) daily reduces the effect of beta-glucuronidase, a type of enzymatic bacteria that "reopens" a detoxified oestrogens 4. Myo-Inositol improves blood sugar balance and insulin signalling. This can make a tremendous difference to you. 5. Tofu or tempeh several times a week has beneficial phytoestrogenic effects that help your oestrogen receptors rebalance their oestrogen docking. Very very beneficial in case you have a bit of oestrogen dominance (or lack thereof) 6. Flax seeds (2tbsp ) ground, daily. 7. Also I'd be very careful with oils. Good fats from nuts, avocado, seeds, some eggs and olive oil but defitely careful with animal fats and cheap plant oils, they damage blood sugar balance, a key factor in PCOS 8. for breakfast try something with slower glucose release for better blood sugar balance. Something like buckwheat with berries, banana, nuts and seeds. The insulin response is gentle and much better than for example a toast (even gluten-free) Good luck!
  24. It may be worth considering getting an endoscopy just to check if there isn't any ulcer in the stomach on duodenum. But you may need a specialist approach here doesn't seem like something that a single herbs is going to fix.