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Everything posted by Raphael

  1. Do you guys see letting go of anger or other difficult emotions as a try and try again process until we succeed? Like if someone would want to learn drawing, the person would try and fail a lot of time until succeeding.
  2. It makes perfect sense and I see it in myself too as I also did dumb stuff because I was ignorant. But it's so difficult to accept when it happens to us.
  3. 13 July 2020 Wake Up Time: 05:30 AM (objective 5:30 AM - 6:00 AM) In Bed Time: 09:30 PM (objective 9:00 PM - 9:30 PM) Work Sessions: 08:55 AM - 09:05 AM: I started doing research on Twitter API, then got interrupted by a client. Work Duration: 10 minutes 09:05 AM - 09:52 AM: I had a call with my client. Work Duration: 47 minutes 10:15 AM - 11:34 AM: I went through the Twitter application process and started to read their legal agreement. There might be a few things that could get me into trouble, but I'm not sure so I'll see after submitting the application. Work Duration: 1 hour 19 minutes 11:41 AM - 12:28 AM: I completed the reading of the Twitter agreement. Again I might get into trouble with one thing. Work Duration: 47 minutes 07:50 PM - 08:10 PM: I took some notes on an SEO course. Work Duration: 20 minutes Deep Work Sessions: 01:18 PM - 02:28 PM: I went back working on my client's project, but I'm having a lot of strange bugs. Deep Work Duration 1 hour 10 minutes 02:33 PM - 04:16 PM: I fixed the bugs and added more functionalities. I had some parasite thoughts. Sometimes I have a few words that come from my mouth, they are unrelated to the project, they are just the thoughts that I'm not able to let go. Deep Work Duration: 1 hour 43 minutes @Raphael Good job, you were quite concentrated today and worked properly. Continue! Total Work Duration: 6 hours 16 minutes, including 2 hours 53 minutes of Deep Work (objective at least 6 hours) Total Reading Time: 0 minutes (objective 0 minutes, I'm not reading anything currently)
  4. @Amit Thank you too Take care of your mind when used properly it becomes an invaluable asset.
  5. 12 July 2020 Wake Up Time: 05:35 AM (objective 5:30 AM - 6:00 AM) In Bed Time: 09:20 PM (objective 9:00 PM - 9:30 PM) Deep Work Sessions: 08:51 AM - 09:40 AM: I added more security to the social logins and started to work on the recently viewed items. Deep Work Duration: 49 minutes 10:10 AM - 10:55 AM: I managed fake user ids. Deep Work Duration: 45 minutes 11:02 AM - 12:16 AM: I implemented redux to deal with the recently viewed items. Work Duration: 1 hour 14 minutes 01:54 PM - 02:52 PM: I made an API call and then discovered some new strange bugs. Deep Work Duration: 58 minutes 03:18 PM - 04:16 PM: I fixed one of the bugs, I will wait for the other one as it is dependent on a third party service so maybe they will fix it later. I got distracted a few times. Deep Work Duration: 58 minutes @Raphael Good, with what you worked on today and yesterday it makes enough work for a full day. Bravo Raphael Total Work Duration: 4 hours 44 minutes, including 4 hours 40 minutes of Deep Work (objective 0 minutes) Total Reading Time: 0 minutes (objective 0 minutes, I'm not reading anything currently)
  6. @Patrick Lynam @Boethius I found out these techniques too by doing some research and I see the potential. But as @JosephKnecht said, it looks more like transmutation like using a punching bag. It seems for me more important to empty the source so that it doesn't sink anywhere.
  7. Yes, I sense that it's for satisfying my ego. From my ego perspective, it matters because the payoff would be a feeling of satisfaction and superiority. I always had a lot of trouble forgiving people. If someone does a very dumb and hurtful thing only one time to me I usually not express any emotions but cut the person completely out of my life by ignoring him/her. I'm conscious that it's not healthy. Also, I usually want to have my revenge on that person and then accumulate anger.
  8. By Leo Gura, in China Will NEVER Outpace The US. See Full Post.
  9. Saturday 11 July 2020 Wake Up Time: 06:01 AM (objective 5:30 AM - 6:00 AM) In Bed Time: 09:10 PM (objective 9:00 PM - 9:30 PM) Deep Work Sessions: 09:36 AM - 10:39 AM: I completed the reviews modal. Deep Work Duration: 1 hour 3 minutes 11:21 AM - 11:52 AM: I don't even remember what I did, but my laptop freezed and the electricity was down. Deep Work Duration: 31 minutes 14:38 PM - 03:40 PM: I got back to work on my personal projects and I'm now getting replies from Instagram. Deep Work Duration: 1 hour 2 minutes 03:48 PM - 04:28 PM: I worked on the data format, I got an insane amount of unrelated thoughts. Deep Work Duration: 40 minutes A client asked me to work on Sunday, so I choose to change my organization and work less today to have some energy for tomorrow. @Raphael Congratulations for waking up early! You just need to do a little effort to stay focused during the day and it will be f****** awesome! Total Work Duration: 3 hours 16 minutes, including 3 hours 16 minutes of Deep Work (objective at least 6 hours) Total Reading Time: 0 minutes (objective 0 minutes, I'm not reading anything currently)
  10. If I'll become moderator this place would become an authoritarian dictatorship to fulfill my own selfish interests, so it's better if I avoid this position for now
  11. 10 July 2020 Wake Up Time: 06:03 AM (objective 5:30 AM - 6:00 AM) In Bed Time: 09:05 PM (objective 9:00 PM - 9:30 PM) Work Sessions: 09:41 AM - 10:26 AM: I started this day by a call with my client. Work Duration: 45 minutes 04:10 PM - 04:52 PM: I had another call with my client. Work Duration: 42 minutes Deep Work Sessions: 11:02 AM - 12:47 AM: I added the recaptcha to the subscribe form and also corrected an API call bug caused by special characters. Deep Work Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes 01:54 PM - 03:04 PM: I worked on the description area of the product detail page. Deep Work Duration: 1 hour 10 minutes 03:14 PM - 04:04 PM: I worked on the reviews modal and almost finished it. Deep Work Duration: 50 minutes 07:44 PM - 08:39 PM: I added Facebook social login and registration. Deep Work Duration: 55 minutes @Raphael That's good Also If you can manage to start earlier and be a little more focused it would be even more awesome! Continue the great work Total Work Duration: 6 hours 7 minutes, including 4 hours 40 minutes of Deep Work (objective at least 6 hours) Total Reading Time: 0 minutes (objective 0 minutes, I'm not reading anything currently)
  12. 09 July 2020 Wake Up Time: 06:55 AM (objective 5:30 AM - 6:00 AM) In Bed Time: 09:10 PM (objective 9:00 PM - 9:30 PM) Work Sessions: 09:07 AM - 09:47 AM: I did some research and one correction. I got distracted by Facebook at a moment. Work Duration: 30 minutes 03:25 PM - 04:40 PM: I worked on the SEO course. Work Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes Deep Work Sessions: 08:29 AM - 09:02 AM: I did a few corrections. Deep Work Duration: 33 minutes 10:11 AM - 11:36 AM: I went back to work on my personal project and started to get statistics from the Instagram API. I also got interrupted by some text messages from a client at a moment. Deep Work Duration: 1 hour 25 minutes 11: 45 AM - 12:51 AM: I continued the work on the statistics. Deep Work Duration: 1 hour 6 minutes 01:56 PM - 03:14 PM: I finished getting the stats for the comments, I still have work to do on the replies. Deep Work Duration: 1 hour 18 minutes @Raphael That's good Raphael You maybe took a little too much time to get out of bed in the morning, but you worked properly and smoothly and was very productive today. Continue! Total Work Duration: 6 hours 7 minutes, including 4 hours 22 minutes of Deep Work (objective at least 6 hours) Total Reading Time: 0 minutes (objective 0 minutes, I'm not reading anything currently)
  13. My Philosophy My philosophy is a combination of the above ones. The Journalistic Philosophy fits me the most because I have to switch from time to time from shallow work to deep work and I also get interrupted by clients when I'm working. I also like the ideas of the Monastic Philosophy because I'm very good at what I'm doing and I need to do some efforts to eliminate shallow stuff of my life. The Rhythmic Philosophy has good arguments too as everything becomes easier when someone has healthy habits so that the person doesn't even have to think about doing something and making the necessary efforts, but just do it naturally. I need to do some efforts to make my work sessions more regular so that I wake up, start working, end working, and go to bed at the same time every day. I also need to eliminate more shallow stuff out of my life like social media, watching the news, and spending too much time listening, thinking, and discussing politics. This is currently not in accordance with the phase of life that I'm in.
  14. Depth Philosophies (from Deep Work: Rules For Focused Success In A Distracted World - Cal Newport) The Monastic Philosophy Maximize deep efforts by eliminating or radically minimizing shallow obligations Clarity helps to eliminate the thicket of shallow concerns that tend to trip up those whose value proposition in the working world is more varied Practitioners of the monastic philosophy tend to have a well-defined and highly valued professional goal that they're pursuing, and the bulk of their professional success comes from doing this one thing exceptionally well. The Bimodal Philosophy Divide your time, dedicate some clearly defined stretches to deep pursuits and leave the rest open to everything else The bimodal philosophy believes that deep work can produce extreme productivity only if the subject dedicates enough time to such endeavors to reach maximum cognitive intensity The minimum unit of time for deep work in this philosophy tends to be at least one full day During the deep time, the bimodal worker will act monastically — seeking intense and uninterrupted concentration. During the shallow time, such focus is not prioritized The Rhythmic Philosophy This philosophy argues that the easiest way to consistently start deep work sessions is to transform them into a simple regular habit. The goal is to generate a rhythm for this work that removes the need for you to invest energy in deciding if and when you're going to go deep Implementations: Chain method: a simple scheduling (do the work every day), with an easy way to remind to do the work (big red Xs on the calendar) Set a starting time for deep work every day. Eliminating the simplest scheduling decisions (when to do the work), also reduces the barrier to deep work By supporting deep work with rock-solid routines that make sure a little bit gets done on a regular basis, the rhythmic scheduler will often log a larger total number of deep hours per year The Journalistic Philosophy Shift into a deep mode on a moment's notice This habit requires a sense of confidence in your abilities - a conviction that what you're doing is important and will succeed
  15. Work Deeply (from Deep Work: Rules For Focused Success In A Distracted World - Cal Newport) We have a finite amount of willpower that becomes depleted as we use it Our will is like a muscle that tires When we stay distracted our willpower decrease until we lose the ability to work at all The key to developing a deep work habit is to move beyond intentions and add routines and rituals to your working life designed to minimize the amount of the necessary willpower to transition into and maintain a state of unbroken concentration Smart routines, rituals, and a quiet location for deep work requires much less will power to start and keep going
  16. 08 July 2020 Wake Up Time: 06:00 AM (objective 5:30 AM - 6:00 AM) In Bed Time: 09:30 PM (objective 9:00 PM - 9:30 PM) Work Sessions: 08:26 AM - 09:39 AM: I had a call with a client. Work Duration: 1 hour 13 minutes Deep Work Sessions: 11:07 AM - 01:02 PM: The client's project is almost completed, but there are still a few things to do. I was distracted during this session because I was talking to my sister at the same time. Deep Work Duration: 1 hour 55 minutes 08:50 PM - 09:17 PM: I fixed a few small bugs. Work Duration: 27 minutes @Raphael Remember what you want, focus on it and it will manifest. Take care ♥️ Total Work Duration: 3 hours 35 minutes, including 2 hours 22 minutes of Deep Work (objective 0 minutes) Total Reading Time: 0 minutes (objective 0 minutes, I'm not reading anything currently)
  17. I had an experience like this. For 18 months I worked in a company of ~20 people and was the only one to have some different origins, and yes I felt excluded and attracted some comments based on my origins. I also experienced a clash between stage blue and orange, most people in the company where at blue where I was mostly at orange. It was an emotionally difficult situation but was not the first time that I felt excluded based on my appearance. It helps to do perspective switch exercises to experience and understand the pain in other groups.
  18. 07 July 2020 Wake Up Time: 08:10 AM (objective 5:30 AM - 6:00 AM) In Bed Time: 09:30 PM (objective 9:00 PM - 9:30 PM) Work Sessions: 02:50 PM - 03:48 PM: I had a call with a client. Work Duration: 58 minutes Deep Work Sessions: 11:28 AM - 12:27 AM: I fixed a few bugs. Deep Work Duration: 59 minutes 01:46 PM - 02:50 PM: I worked on the forgot password page then got interrupted by a client. 1 hour 4 minutes 04:03 PM - 04:47 PM: I almost finished the retrieve password page. Deep Work Duration: 44 minutes. 07:51 PM - 09:11 PM: I completed the retrieve password page, did the reset password page, and a few other fixes. Deep Work Duration: 1 hour 20 minutes I almost didn't sleep of the entire night. My mind was too agitated and because of that, I woke up very late. I'm also overblown, I consume too much information, and my usage of screens before going to bed is not healthy. @Raphael I see a recurrent pattern in you, you usually have one week of progress and one week down. Those downs are fine, it's just homeostasis playing in. Accept those moments, they are necessary for your progress. Total Work Duration: 5 hours 5 minutes, including 4 hours 7 minutes of Deep Work (objective at least 6 hours) Total Reading Time: 0 minutes (objective 0 minutes, I'm not reading anything currently)
  19. Hello, I recently started to change my meditation habit and tried the strong determination setting technique. I used to meditate for 1 hour every day and found this technique much more powerful. I couldn't stay for 1 hour, the maximum that I did was 35 minutes. Now I just have one question: When Leo said to not move at all during the session, is it really literally? Can I swallow my saliva or should I drop it on the floor? Can I blink? Should my entire body be completely like a stone without any tremor?
  20. Putting Too Many Weights To My Feets I notice that often time I put myself in very difficult situations, much more difficult than I can handle. I think that I usually do that because I want to grow and get toughed up to handle more difficult life challenges. There is some truth in this perspective, but there is also some false. The true part is that we need challenges to evolve in order to be competent in dealing with and evolving in life. The false part is that too many challenges can put someone extremely down so down that the person will not even be able to recover in the future and be negatively impacted for years or decades or maybe even for life. I also think that I put myself in difficult situations because of a stage orange mentally. In previous situations, I wanted to be seen as macho and strong, and result-oriented, as the guy who can achieve everything by itself without the help of anyone. This is not the case. That has never been the case of any human being who ever existed because we are all intimately interconnected. To evolve properly through life, one's needs to set calibrated challenges and proper expectations. Not enough challenges will make him/her lazy and incompetent, too much challenges will damage him/her.
  21. 06 July 2020 Wake Up Time: 05:33 AM (objective 5:30 AM - 6:00 AM) In Bed Time: 09:25 PM (objective 9:00 PM - 9:30 PM) Deep Work Sessions: 11:25 AM - 01:03 AM: I changed social login icons, but I was quite distracted looking at the actualized.org forum. Deep Work Duration: 1 hour 38 minutes 02:26 PM - 03:29 PM: I worked on the product page. I was distracted because I was listening to Leo at the same time. Deep Work Duration: 1 hour 3 minutes 03:35 PM - 04:46 PM: I continued the design of the product page. I was distracted because I was listening to Leo at the same time Deep Work Duration: 1 hour 11 minutes 07:40 PM - 08:11 PM: I created the payment validation page. I was distracted because I was listening to Leo at the same time. Deep Work Duration: 31 minutes @Raphael Ok Raphael, I get it, you got lazy and got distracted notably on this forum. That's the reality, so let's accept it. Now, for tomorrow, just remember, the important thing is to immediately get focused on what you want to do in your life when waking up. Just stay focused and do what's necessary. Take care ♥ Total Work Duration: 4 hours 23 minutes, including 4 hours 23 minutes of Deep Work (objective at least 6 hours) Total Reading Time: 0 minutes (objective 0 minutes, I'm not reading anything currently)
  22. Maybe because it is the case Having regular sleeping hours is difficult especially for people who have an overactive mind. I personally struggle with that, but the thing that really helps is to stop all electronics 1 hour before going to bed which I struggle with. Thanks for your encouragement! I hope that you will get your life together too
  23. @Robi Steel I'm surprised to find Trump supporters on this forum. How did you discover actualized.org? What value do you find here?
  24. @Nak Khid Yes, I know, that's in a case if I want to meditate with the eyes open. Thank for the other advices by the way.