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Everything posted by Raphael

  1. 18 November 2020 Wake Up Time: 05:45 AM (objective 5:30 AM - 6:00 AM) In Bed Time: 11:45 PM (objective 9:00 PM - 9:30 PM) ❌ 45 minutes of Doing Nothing Before Going To Sleep Work Sessions: 08:57 AM - 09:24 AM I had a call Focus: 3.5/5 Duration: 27 minutes 10:40 AM - 12:00 AM I did an SEO analysis and sent it to a potential client Focus: 3/5 Duration: 1 hour 20 minutes Deep Work Sessions: 12:08 AM - 12:36 AM I fixed a small issue Focus: 3.5/5 Duration: 28 minutes Average Focus: 3.33 / 5 (objective at least 4 / 5) Total Work Duration: 2 hours 25 minutes, including 28 minutes of Deep Work (objective 0 minutes) Total Reading Time: 0 minutes (objective 0 minutes, I'm not reading anything currently)
  2. Bernie Sanders said that free health care for all is a human right. Why is it? I didn't understand at the beginning, so after thinking by myself I came to the conclusion that the function of government is to create a fair society for all citizens that covers all their basic needs. It's not fair that some people are disadvantaged because they don't have the money to pay for medicine and doctors when they have health issues. Are there some other components that I'm missing here? I would like to know your thoughts on this.
  3. 17 November 2020 Wake Up Time: 06:38 AM (objective 5:30 AM - 6:00 AM) In Bed Time: 09:50 (objective 9:00 PM - 9:30 PM) ✅ 45 minutes of Doing Nothing Before Going To Sleep Work Sessions: 04:32 PM - 04:50 PM I started to verify a website state Focus: 3/5 Duration: 28 minutes Deep Work Sessions: 08:50 AM - 10:18 AM I did some changes on the header and worked on the responsive design of the home page, but damn... this network is so slow it's like hell on earth. Focus: 3.5/5 Duration: 1 hour 28 minutes 10:39 AM - 12:04 AM I worked on the responsive design of the home page Focus: 3.5/5 Duration: 1 hour 25 minutes 12:11 AM - 12:55 AM I completed the design of the home page Focus: 3.5/5 Duration: 44 minutes 01:51 PM - 03:07 PM I continued the design work, I got a new message from another potential client Focus: 3.5/5 Duration: 1 hour 16 minutes 03:20 PM - 04:31 PM I worked on improving the design Focus: 3/5 Duration: 1 hour 11 minutes @Raphael Great work Raph! Average Focus: 3.33 / 5 (objective at least 4 / 5) Total Work Duration: 6 hours 32 minutes, including 6 hours 4 minutes of Deep Work (objective at least 6 hours) Total Reading Time: 0 minutes (objective 0 minutes, I'm not reading anything currently)
  4. Allow you to feel the pain and sadness, let it go through you, let it shock your body until it gets to your bones. You will feel the pain whether you allow it or resist, but you will go through it faster by allowing it.
  5. Beautiful stage blue Judaism to appreciate
  6. Beautiful stage blue Hinduism to appreciate
  7. Beautiful stage blue Christianity to appreciate
  8. It could be fun to do it with the MBTI too.
  9. Beautiful stage blue to appreciate here.
  10. Ok. Stage Blue: Allahu akbar. Thank you Allah, thank you, you are so great. You are the only one that exists, all other gods are false gods. You know what needs to be done, you know what challenges to put in front of people so that they grow, thank you so much Allah, you are so magnificent, you are the only true one. Allahu akbar.
  11. 16 November 2020 Wake Up Time: 05:54 AM (objective 5:30 AM - 6:00 AM) In Bed Time: 11:20 (objective 9:00 PM - 9:30 PM) ❌ 45 minutes of Doing Nothing Before Going To Sleep Deep Work Sessions: 08:11 AM - 10:06 AM I started doing design improvement on a WordPress website for a new client Focus: 3.5/5 Duration: 1 hour 55 minutes 10:25 AM - 12:01 AM I continued the design improvement Focus: 3.5/5 Duration: 1 hour 36 minutes 12:08 AM - 12:55 AM I continued the design improvement Focus: 3.5/5 Duration: 47 minutes 01:51 PM - 03:46 PM I work on a new home page design. I got interrupted in the middle Focus: 3.5/5 Duration: 1 hour 55 minutes 03:54 PM - 04:54 PM I almost completed the home page design Focus: 3.5/5 Duration: 1 hour @Raphael Awesome work! Keep it up! Average Focus: 3.5 / 5 (objective at least 4 / 5) Total Work Duration: 7 hours 13 minutes, including 7 hours 13 minutes of Deep Work (objective at least 6 hours) Total Reading Time: 0 minutes (objective 0 minutes, I'm not reading anything currently)
  12. Stage Blue: Allahu akbar!
  13. 15 November 2020 Wake Up Time: 06:08 AM (objective 5:30 AM - 6:00 AM) In Bed Time: 09:35 (objective 9:00 PM - 9:30 PM) ❌ 45 minutes of Doing Nothing Before Going To Sleep Work Sessions: 09:10 AM - 11:42 AM I finished writing an SEO contract and sent it to the client. Focus: 3.5/5 Duration: 2 hours 32 minutes Average Focus: 3.5 / 5 (objective at least 4 / 5) Total Work Duration: 2 hours 32 minutes, including 0 minutes of Deep Work (objective 0 minutes) Total Reading Time: 0 minutes (objective 0 minutes, I'm not reading anything currently)
  14. 14 November 2020 Wake Up Time: 05:48 AM (objective 5:30 AM - 6:00 AM) In Bed Time: 10:05 PM (objective 9:00 PM - 9:30 PM) ❌ 45 minutes of Doing Nothing Before Going To Sleep Work Sessions: 09:23 AM - 10:35 AM I started to write a list of improvements that I will do on a client website Focus: 3/5 Duration: 1 hour 12 minutes 11:05 AM - 12:04 AM I continued adding items to the list of improvements and also searched for SEO contract templates Focus: 3/5 Duration: 59 minutes 01:35 PM - 03:16 PM I did a little setup and then had a pretty long call with a client Focus: 3.5/5 Duration: 1 hour 41 minutes 03:30 PM - 04:54 PM I started to write an SEO contract Focus: 3.5/5 Duration: 1 hour 24 minutes Average Focus: 3.25 / 5 (objective at least 4 / 5) Total Work Duration: 5 hours 16 minutes, including 0 minutes of Deep Work (objective at least 6 hours) Total Reading Time: 0 minutes (objective 0 minutes, I'm not reading anything currently)
  15. 13 November 2020 Wake Up Time: 05:33 AM (objective 5:30 AM - 6:00 AM) In Bed Time: 09:55 (objective 9:00 PM - 9:30 PM) ✅ 45 minutes of Doing Nothing Before Going To Sleep Work Sessions: 09:33 AM - 10:43 AM I made a detailed reply for a client Focus: 3.5/5 Duration: 1 hour 10 minutes 11:00 AM - 12:13 AM I made a few checks and searched for jobs online Focus: 3/5 Duration: 1 hour 13 minutes 01:26 PM - 02:27 PM I responded to a potential client and sent a proposal. I don't know why, but searching for opportunities and sending proposals stress me out Focus: 3/5 Duration: 1 hour 1 minute 02:30 PM - 03:59 PM I searched for more projects and sent a few proposals Focus: 3/5 Duration: 1 hour 29 minutes I still have some difficulties to work properly. It's maybe related to the end of the year period, I'm usually quite lazy during November/December when the temperature starts to raise. Average Focus: 3.25 / 5 (objective at least 4 / 5) Total Work Duration: 4 hours 53 minutes, including 0 minutes of Deep Work (objective at least 6 hours) Total Reading Time: 0 minutes (objective 0 minutes, I'm not reading anything currently)
  16. It seems like many people have some stage red shadows in the US. Maybe 1/4 of the country. The lack of education is also frightening for a supposed developped country.
  17. 12 November 2020 Wake Up Time: 06:34 AM (objective 5:30 AM - 6:00 AM) In Bed Time: 09:15 (objective 9:00 PM - 9:30 PM) ✅ 45 minutes of Doing Nothing Before Going To Sleep Work Sessions: 09:23 AM - 10:40 AM I searched for new projects. I distracted myself a bit near the end Focus: 3.5/5 Duration: 1 hour 17 minutes 11:12 AM - 12:32 AM I sent a few proposals, but also got interrupted one time, and switched from time to time to LinkedIn conversations Focus: 3/5 Duration: 1 hour 20 minutes I still have difficulties to work. I feel some fear. Average Focus: 3.25 / 5 (objective at least 4 / 5) Total Work Duration: 2 hours 37 minutes, including 0 minutes of Deep Work (objective at least 6 hours) Total Reading Time: 0 minutes (objective 0 minutes, I'm not reading anything currently)
  18. I'm afraid of people.
  19. What am I afraid of?
  20. It was a genuine question, not an intent to put someone down or shame someone. Of course I already have my own opinion, but I wanted to get more perspectives to see if I missed something and to get a more complete overview.
  21. Yeah, true. It's similar to a backslash when we try to change a bad habit.
  22. 11 November 2020 Wake Up Time: 05:41 AM (objective 5:30 AM - 6:00 AM) In Bed Time: 10:00 PM (objective 9:00 PM - 9:30 PM) ✅ 45 minutes of Doing Nothing Before Going To Sleep Work Sessions: No work for today Average Focus: ~ / 5 (objective at least 4 / 5) Total Work Duration: 0 minutes, including 0 minutes of Deep Work (objective 0 minutes) Total Reading Time: 0 minutes (objective 0 minutes, I'm not reading anything currently)