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Everything posted by Raphael

  1. Many life purposes are about helping people that we wouldn't like to live with.
  2. 04 October 2021 Wake Up Time: 06:05 AM (objective 6:00 AM - 6:30 AM) In Bed Time: 11:03 PM (objective 10:00 PM - 10:30 PM) ✅ Stretching after waking up ✅ Cold shower after waking up ✅ 1 hour of meditation ❌ No distractions until 7 PM ❌ 1 hour of random journaling before going to bed
  3. Anytime that I talk to someone, I just talk to myself. Any advice that I give is an advice that I give to myself which is why giving advice can be so powerful. By taking the time to think through stuff and giving quality advice, I'm helping myself and progressing in life if I then take actions of course.
  4. Yep, I'm not weird. I'm normal in my own way just like everyone is normal in their own ways.
  5. Ok. Things are getting back to normal. This insight felt like a system shock. I literally felt it in my brain, especially in the left hemisphere. It felt like some parts of my brain were rearranging themselves and bleeding at the same time to handle this insight. My left arm also felt a bit numb at a moment. Things are fine now.
  6. I don't know what is happening, but after I had this insight I felt like my brain exploded. Something feels weird currently, like really weird.
  7. For as long as I can remember I always felt weird. I feel like I was born weird. I've just contemplated the following question: "What is wrong with me?". The answer that came to my mind is: "Nothing. I just convinced myself that something was wrong with me".
  8. Being a winner is all about attitude. Someone can have nothing in life and struggle enormously but still be a winner.
  9. I feel that I can grow enormously by sharing high quality thoughts on this forum about issues that I have some familiarity with. I can get enormous value by going deep and giving very specific advises that clicks in someone's mind. Also, by helping people, I'm basically helping myself and growing. I'll try to do a bit of that when I'll have some empty time.
  10. I'm a bit like a walking paradox. I feel paradoxical, my brain functions in a paradoxical way, and my thoughts are paradoxical.
  11. 03 October 2021 Wake Up Time: 05:40 AM (objective 6:00 AM - 6:30 AM) In Bed Time: 10:10 PM (objective 10:00 PM - 10:30 PM) ✅ Stretching after waking up ✅ Cold shower after waking up ✅ Shadow Work ~ No distractions until 7 PM (Doesn't apply on Sunday) ✅ 1 hour of random journaling before going to bed
  12. So... I have been throwing out emotions in the previous posts and it feels great. I will start to analyze, self-reflect, and find new meanings next time.
  13. Emerald, Trauma Explained - How Trauma Works in the Body, Sep 17, 2018 It's time to dive deep into myself and heal my childhood traumas and young adult traumas. I'm already practicing forgiveness, breathwork and I have some calls here and there with Nahm. I'm adding journaling here as another healing method on this journey. Most of the traumas that I have are low to moderate traumas, I have very few intense traumatic episodes. Many of them are what I consider psychological abuse. So... I wasn't tortured, I wasn't raped, I wasn't repeatedly beaten by my parents (even if it happened a few times and I'll share about it). I actually feel a bit of shame for not having such huge traumas and sharing an incredibly dramatic story where I would fix myself, but this is how it is. I think that in ~ 2 years, I will be able heal most of my childhood traumas. I'm not sure about how comfortable I will be here because I'm usually quite reserved. It is possible that I'll journal about the most uncomfortable things in private or talk about it with Nahm. Objectives Exploring my shadows Understanding myself Becoming more authentic Reducing bitterness Reducing fear, anxiety, sadness, etc. Improving positivity Improving happiness Improving mental clarity Improving emotional mastery Improving my functionality in life Deepening the connection with the feminine Solidifying Green values (love, empathy, compassion, showing vulnerabilities, etc.) I will use this document to have more formatting options and model connections between my psychology and my experiences. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1E-vT1JqTxMAdvVkcBxsOiXhNpgzt5LqWJ5Vwpz50H58/edit#gid=0 This journal will be ongoing as long as necessary.
  14. Exploring My Relationship With My Body: "It Doesn't Hurt You Because You’re Not Fat" /!\ Warning: The emotions shared here are just repressed emotions that needed to be expressed. They aren't a personal attack against anybody and don't represents how I interact with people. The first time that I went to a psychologist was when I was 14. My main teacher noticed me in the classroom and was a bit concerned because I was quite lonely and wasn't interacting that much with other kids. She talked with me at the end of a class, asked me how I was feeling, asked me what was my experience, noticed that I was quite skinny... like her... then decided that I should see the school psychologist. I went to the psychologist and she had a folder with information about me since I was 4 years old. I remember her showing me some drawings that I did when I was 4 - 5 years old. She asked me if I remember these drawings, I responded that I know that they are mine because I remember my style when I was around that age but don't remember them exactly. The session continued, we talked about my family, we talked about my dad, we talked about school, we talked about my grades, then she asked me a question on my physical appearance: "How do you feel regarding your physical appearance?". I remember responding: "I don't know. When I look at myself in the mirror, I see myself as fine but people always tell me that I'm skinny.". We talked a bit, then she told me something like that: "You know there's a lot of people who would like to be like you.". I responded: "How much?". She said: "3/4 of the world's population.". I didn't respond to her, but I was like: Really??? So... I get highly criticized and humiliated by literally everyone in the school and now you are telling me that 3/4 of the world's population would like to look like fucking skeletons?! Really?! Well... if this is the case why do I get so many critics based on my physical appearance? Why do I experience so much hate for looking how I look? Why everyone points fingers at me because of my body? And it's not like one or two specific individuals, but it's everyone: boys, girls, family members, strangers, and even teachers. I remember having a history teacher who made some remarks on my appearance during this school year, he was basically saying that I was skinny and that was wearing glasses and that because of that it was motivating other boys to bully me. I didn't understand what was the problem. I didn't understand why some people would be mean to other people just on the basis of physical appearance. People don't look the same, so what’s the problem? Why should it be a motivation to target someone? It didn't make any sense to me. I remember being with my sister and my mother one day and my sister told me something like this: "In all cases, it doesn't hurt you because you’re not fat.". Oh yeah... really??? Well... you know what? I would have preferred to be fat. Because at least fat is normal. And because at least when you are fat you have other fat friends that you can relate to. Because when you are born with a naturally very skinny genetics YOU HAVE ALMOST NO ONE THAT CAN RELATE TO YOU AND THAT CAN UNDERSTAND YOU. DON'T EVER TELL ME THAT YOU WANT TO BE SKINNY BECAUSE THIS IS COMPLETE CULTURAL BULLSHIT/NONSENSE FOR ME. Believe me, you won't like to be skinny.
  15. For as long as I can remember I have always been hypersensitive to noises. Noises annoys me, they makes me sad, depressed, angry. I cannot handle loud environments, they completely overblow me and drain my energy. They are currently constructions around me and this is very difficult for me to work and concentrate. Is there something that I can do to be more at peace with noises around me? Does someone have similar experiences? Is it a biological a thing or can it be trauma related?
  16. Earphones with loud relaxing music are currently working well when they are noises around me.
  17. I'm basically afraid of my power and my potential. I deeply know that I can transform myself and transform the world by setting an intention and starting doing it.
  18. I have the capacity to solve any problem in the universe. I know that because this is what happens when I set an intention and do it, this is what happens when I trust myself and trust my intuition. Everything becomes effortless when I trust myself.
  19. I currently eat 19 eggs per week. I eat one egg every day in the morning + 4 eggs three times per week. What could be the consequences for my health?
  20. Yeah, I have a screwed self-image. I'm not as bad as I think I am.
  21. 02 October 2021 Wake Up Time: 06:05 AM (objective 6:00 AM - 6:30 AM) In Bed Time: 10:18 PM (objective 10:00 PM - 10:30 PM) ✅ Stretching after waking up ✅ Cold shower after waking up ✅ 1 hour of meditation ✅ No distractions until 7 PM ✅ 1 hour of random journaling before going to bed
  22. I have a pretty negative self-image. Generally, people have much better opinions of me than I have of myself.
  23. 01 October 2021 Wake Up Time: 06:05 AM (objective 6:00 AM - 6:30 AM) In Bed Time: 10:01 PM (objective 10:00 PM - 10:30 PM) ✅ Stretching after waking up ✅ Cold shower after waking up ❌ 1 hour of meditation (did 40 minutes) ✅ No distractions until 8 PM ❌ 1 hour 15 minutes of random journaling before going to bed (Did 1 hour) The season is changing, I am going to wake up earlier than before. I will change No distractions until time from 8 PM to 7 PM. Maybe I'll journal a bit less too, 1 hour seems enough.
  24. 30 September 2021 Wake Up Time: 06:17 AM (objective 6:00 AM - 6:30 AM) In Bed Time: 10:23 PM (objective 10:00 PM - 10:30 PM) ✅ Stretching after waking up ✅ Cold shower after waking up ❌ Healing ~ No distractions until 8 PM (Doesn't apply on Thursday) ✅ 1 hour 15 minutes of random journaling before going to bed (Did 30 minutes)
  25. @lxlichael Thank you