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Everything posted by Raphael

  1. Nobody Thinks Independently Nobody really thinks independently, our thinking is mostly determined by the environment in which we grow up and our life circumstances. Conservatives are conservatives because they needed to adapt their environment in order to survive. Democrats are democrats because they needed to adapt their environment in order to survive. We think we think independently, but it's not really the case, our independent thinking is dependent on a good living environment.
  2. Deep Work Is Meaningful Cal Newport, Deep Work: Rules For Focused Success In A Distracted World, 2016
  3. Understanding Attention Residue When we switch from Task A to Task B, our attention doesn't immediately follow A residue of our attention remains stuck thinking about the original task. This residue gets especially thick if our work on Task A was unbounded and of low intensity People experiencing attention residue after switching tasks are likely to demonstrate poor performance on that next task. The more intense the residue, the worse the performance The solution to avoid attention residue is to take a small break between two tasks, 5 - 15 minutes should be enough.
  4. Imagination And Big Picture Thinking To Accomplish Projects I found out that this is critical to think about the final result before starting to take action. Example: If we are building a Note-Taking App, we need to imagine and draw the app on paper before starting the development. Then, we need to list all the features. And then think about the different steps necessary to achieve the project. Thinking that way creates a path to achieve results. Without a set of steps, it's difficult to know where to start and where to go. Where with a clear path we know what direction to take. Of course, this idea needs to be balanced. Nothing will always be clear on the path and many times starting new experiments are necessary to succeed.
  5. Leaning Through Intuition: An Idea Warning: This is a recent idea that I had. I didn't think deeply about it, the following content probably lacks some depth. We can use intuition in order to learn and discover things more effectively. This is done by implying new possibilities, for example: When an essay, if a person is used to follow a particular structure, it's possible to use intuition by asking ourselves: What if we change this or that, or use these words to make the content better? In programming, if a code is slow to execute, instead of searching for a solution on the web, it's possible to use intuition by asking ourselves: What will change if I remove this or that? What would be the difference if I do it completely differently? When building a new house, we can ask ourselves: What would happen if we use very varied materials and assemble them in unusual ways? Maybe we will create something great and original. Using intuition in learning is about envisaging new possibilities rather than repeating existing patterns.
  6. Why We Are Addicts Most people have at least one major addiction in their lives that they use to deal with nasty emotions like fear/anxiety/anger. I noticed that my dad and grandma needs to eat when they are stressed or angry. I personally use unconscious youtube videos or porn to deal with these moments, but I'm trying to avoid them now. These addictions are here to prevent people from exploding. If they were not using these addictions they would experience a crisis because they would have to let all their emotions get out. Letting emotions get out is a nasty process, but this is the spiritual process.
  7. Anger Is A Self-Defense Mechanism Anger is a self-defense mechanism in order to hide fear and traumas. People who are very reactive, gets easily angry, and criticize others a lot are that way because they went through a lot of traumatic events and are incapable to properly recover. The more angry they are, the more incompetent they are and the more difficult it is for them to recover. Trump, Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Kim Jong-Hun, criminals, rapists, terrorists are all traumatized kids. Their brain got so shell shock at a point in their life that it's now impossible for them to recover and work properly. The only thing that they can do after that is to share they traumas with the world.
  8. 21 April 2020 Wake Up Time: 05:58 AM (objective 5:30 AM - 6:00 AM) In Bed Time: 09:10 PM (objective 9:00 PM - 9:30 PM) Work Sessions: 08:51 AM - 09:50 PM: I had a communication with a client and analyzed some issues on a website. I distracted myself on actualized.org/forum and youtube.com. This was a very shallow session. Work Duration: 43 minutes. 10:28 AM - 12:50 PM: I trained myself on SEO, I read an article and added meta titles and meta description to webpages. It wasn't really deep work as I was not dealing with a complex issue. Work Duration: 1 hour 22 minutes. 05:35 AM - 06:17 PM: I searched for clients and send two new proposals. Work Duration: 52 minutes. Deep Work Sessions: 02:20 PM - 04:02 PM: I worked on a validation function, but got some issues that I still didn't fixed. Deep Work Duration: 2 hours 22 minutes. 04:28 PM - 05:31 PM: I made the validation function work and created a commit. Deep Work Duration: 1 hour 3 minutes. I thought I would end up my day early (around 4 PM - 5 PM), but it didn't happened because I got troubles getting started in the morning. I distracted myself a little too much between work sessions. Total Work Duration: 6 hours 22 minutes, including 3 hours 25 minutes of Deep Work (objective at least 6 hours) Total Reading Time: 37 minutes (objective 30 minutes - 1 hour)
  9. 20 April 2020 Wake Up Time: 06:20 AM (objective 5:30 AM - 6:00 AM) In Bed Time: 09:30 PM (objective 9:00 PM - 9:30 PM) Deep Work Sessions: 12:30 AM - 01:24 PM: I worked on a web component: Deep Work Duration: 0 hours 54 minutes. 02:20 PM - 04:42 PM: I continued the work on the web component and I also had some issues with content translation. Deep Work Duration: 2 hours 22 minutes. 05:02 PM - 06:15 PM: I did a lot of good progress, the component is almost finished. Deep Work Duration: 1 hour 13 minutes. Today's day's beginning has been pretty sloppy. I woke up late because I went to bed late yesterday and didn't sleep well, I also procrastinated in the morning by spending time on the internet. I found it difficult to get started, but I finally began to work. Fortunately, the work went smoothly today even if I didn't work a lot. Total Work Duration: 4 hours 29 minutes, including 4 hours 29 minutes of Deep Work (objective at least 6 hours) Total Reading Time: 33 minutes (objective 30 minutes - 1 hour)
  10. 19 April 2020 Wake Up Time: 05:40 AM (objective 5:30 AM - 6:00 AM) In Bed Time: 10:00 PM (objective 9:00 PM - 9:30 PM) Work Sessions: No Work For Today Total Work Hours: 0 hours (objective at least 6 hours) Total Reading Time: 0 minutes (objective 30 minutes - 1 hour)
  11. 18 April 2020 Wake Up Time: 05:50 AM (objective 5:30 AM - 6:00 AM) In Bed Time: 09:10 PM (objective 9:00 PM - 9:30 PM) Work Sessions: 04:30 PM - 05:13 PM: I searched for clients online and send a few proposals. There's much less projects available than before, probably because of the pandemic . Work Duration: 43 minutes. Deep Work Sessions: 08:19 AM - 09:51 AM: I did some SEO training, but I not sure if I did it right. I was focused. Deep Work Duration: 1 hour 32 minutes. 10:12 AM - 11:54 AM: I continued the SEO training, I was a little confused. I got distracted by some negative thoughts and look at actualized.org forum at a moment. Deep Work Duration: 1 hour 42 minutes. 01:11 PM - 02:36 PM: I searched for a pretty sans-serif font and worked on an HTML/CSS form validation. Deep Work Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes. 02:46 PM - 04:04 PM: I worked on some data structure in order to flexibly create forms. I got some negative thoughts. Deep Work Duration: 1 hour 18 minutes. Total Work Duration: 6 hours 30 minutes, including 5 hours 47 minutes of Deep Work (objective at least 6 hours) Total Reading Time: 30 minutes (objective 30 minutes - 1 hour)
  12. @Raptorsin7 I think I don't properly relax because when I'm not working I spend time being distracted on the internet. It makes me lose time and then I put pressure on myself and feel ashamed. It's the first time that I hear this, it's very insightful. Do you think that proper relaxation leads to proper discipline?
  13. 17 April 2020 Wake Up Time: 05:40 AM (objective 5:30 AM - 6:00 AM) In Bed Time: 09:24 PM (objective 9:00 PM - 9:30 PM) Deep Work Sessions: 09:22 AM - 10:05 AM: I did some HTML & CSS fixes, but got distracted by some thoughts and also searched for a plugin in the middle of the session. Deep Work Duration: 1 hour 17 minutes. 10: 23 AM - 12:35 AM: I worked on an HTML & CSS dropdown menu, but I realized at the end that I did it the wrong way. I now need to start over. I a lot of parasite negative thoughts and got interrupted at a moment. I lacked focus. Deep Work Duration: 1 hour 12 minutes. 02:10 PM - 03:45 PM: I completed the dropdown menu, but still got distracted by negative thoughts. Deep Work Duration: 1 hour 35 minutes. 04:50 PM - 06:08 PM: I started to learn about SEO so I read some articles about focus keywords. Deep Word Duration: 1 hour 18 minutes. Today's was a little difficult day. I spend too much time being distracted between work sessions. I watched porn and masturbated at a moment between two sessions. I also had a lot of negative thoughts, I'm not sure why but I have been getting a lot more of these since the last 1-2 weeks. It caused me difficulties to be focused. Total Work Duration: 5 hours 22 minutes, including 5 hours 22 minutes of Deep Work (objective at least 6 hours) Total Reading Time: 35 minutes (objective 30 minutes - 1 hour)
  14. A Little Of Sadness I have been feeling quite sad and had a lot of negative thoughts since the last 1-2 weeks. I'm not sure what's the main reason, but here are some possibilities: Covid-19: I didn't move out of the house since at least three weeks now so I'm always surrounded by my family Bad business results: I didn't found any new clients and didn't earn anything since the beginning of the month Work ethic work: I'm currently working on my work ethic so I'm building new habits, discipline, and concentration. To be successful I need the let go of my addictions to distractions and also porn, so I'm maybe experiencing these negative thoughts because I'm losing "a part of myself". One of these reasons is probably more important (probably "Bad business results" or "Work ethic work"), but the three are surely also intermixed together. I need to understand the issues in order to properly solve them, having an attitude of just "think positive, it's doesn't matter" doesn't solve anything because we hide the negativity with a fake layer of positivity. By doing so the issues are still operating in the subconscious mind and may come back very violently in the future. Main lesson: To fix something definitely, it needs to be fixed from the root by a deep understanding of its cause.
  15. 16 April 2020 Wake Up Time: 06:30 AM (objective 5:30 AM - 6:00 AM) In Bed Time: 09:36 PM (objective 9:00 PM - 9:30 PM) Work Sessions: 09:03 AM - 10:33 AM: I worked on my system configuration. Work Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes 10:51 AM - 12:19 AM: I configured some emails and my development environment. Work Duration: 1 hour 28 minutes. 01:23 PM - 02: 42 PM: I started to set up the CouchDB database, but got a lot of dependencies error. Work Duration: 1 hour 19 minutes. 03:15 PM - 4:25 PM: I finished the database and client project setup, I'm finally able to work without having a system that slows down (at least for the moment). Work Duration: 1 hour 10 minutes. Deep Work Sessions: 05:08 PM - 06:13 PM: I worked on an HTML dropdown menu. Deep Work Duration: 1 hour 5 minutes. 7:45 PM - 20:26 PM: I finished up with some Typescript programming. Deep Work Duration: 41 minutes Total Work Duration: 7 hours 13 minutes, including 1 hour 46 minutes of Deep Work (objective at least 6 hours) Total Reading Time: 0 minutes (objective 30 minutes - 1 hour)
  16. @28 cm unbuffed I'm asking because I personally experienced this. I was not trying to prove something, but I was just sharing my ideas or staying quiet while people were talking. Some people also thought that I was smart only by looking at my physical appearance, or maybe it's my vibe or my energy that makes them say that. All of this is funny because I don't consider that I'm smart.
  17. That's so true. I got demonized, criticized and insulted a lot in the past by mostly low stage orange/blue people for asking questions and sharing different ideas.
  18. @28 cm unbuffed Do people assume that you're smart by barely knowing you or just by looking at you?
  19. 15 April 2020 Wake Up Time: 05:38 AM (objective 5:30 AM - 6:00 AM) In Bed Time: 10:25 PM (objective 9:00 PM - 9:30 PM) Work Sessions: No Work For Today Total Work Hours: 0 hours (objective at least 6 hours) Total Reading Time: 0 minutes (objective 30 minutes - 1 hour)
  20. @Surfingthewave Thank you, I love you too. And I love everyone in this community and the entire universe too
  21. 14 April 2020 Wake Up Time: 07:00 AM (objective 5:30 AM - 6:00 AM) In Bed Time: 09:28 PM (objective 9:00 PM - 9:30 PM) Work Sessions: 9:20 AM - 10:17 AM: I reported notes from a book to my commonplace book. The neighbors started to play some loud music outside, so I closed the windows and completely locked myself in the room. I was focused. Work Duration: 53 minutes 10:35 AM - 11:48 AM: I did some paperwork. Work Duration: 1 hour 13 minutes Deep Work Sessions: 12:19 AM - 01:14 PM: I did some research on an algorithm implementation. I think I found a solution. Deep Work Duration: 55 minutes 05:10 PM - 06:00 PM: I did some coding and realized that the research that I did previously was unnecessary. I had some trouble with the new OS and was not highly focused. Deep Work Duration: 50 minutes I wasn't highly productive today. Some past traumas came back to my mind and I was a little depressed because of this. I also had performance issues with my new operating system that frustrated me a lot, I will have to change again. Total Work Duration: 3 hours 51 minutes, including 1 hour 45 minutes of Deep Work (objective at least 6 hours) Total Reading Time: 30 minutes (objective 30 minutes - 1 hour)
  22. 13 April 2020 Wake Up Time: 06:00 AM (objective 5:30 AM - 6:00 AM) In Bed Time: 09:30 PM (objective 9:00 PM - 9:30 PM) Work Sessions: 10:02 AM - 1:00 PM: I configured my new work environment. I quickly switched between tasks. Work Duration: 2 hours 58 minutes 02:40 PM - 02:56 PM: I tried to fix an issue with my AWS account, but didn't succeed. I will have a more detailed look tomorrow. Work Duration: 16 minutes Deep Work Sessions: 04:10 PM - 06:09 PM: I worked on an HTML view, I wrote its content in English and did the French translation. Deep Work Duration: 1 hour 59 minutes Getting started in the morning was a little difficult today. I was quite lazy and delayed my work, but I still managed to work for 5 hours 13 minutes which is quite close to my daily objective. Total Work Duration: 5 hours 13 minutes, including 1 hour 59 minutes of Deep Work (objective at least 6 hours) Total Reading Time: 47 minutes (objective 30 minutes - 1 hour)
  23. Distinguishing Deep Work Vs Other Work I spend a lot of time today setting up and configuring my new environment and doing some utility tasks. I quickly switched between many tasks and one thing that's sure is that all of this is not deep work and doesn't enter in this journal objective, however, that's still work. Thereby, I want to reframe my objective because work can include maintenance stuff too. The new objective of this journal is to work for at least 6 hours per day / 30 hours per week, it includes deep work and other kinds of work like maintenance stuff, networking, etc. I will now distinguish deep work and other kinds of work in my summaries.
  24. 12 April 2020 Wake Up Time: 07:00 AM (objective 5:30 AM - 6:00 AM) In Bed Time: 09:37 PM (objective 9:00 PM - 9:30 PM) Deep Work Sessions: No Deep Work Today Total Deep Work Duration: 0 minutes (objective 0 minutes) Total Reading Time: 0 minutes (objective 0 minutes)