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Everything posted by leandro

  1. I agree 100%. I've had chronic neck and back pain that has been affecting my posture and gait for about 1.5 years. Last year was the worst part as I had no clue what was happening to me and I reached an ultimate low low low point. However, eventually I decided to change myself from the inside out and step by step improved by changing lifestyle habits and seeing various doctors untill we found out how to treat my problem. I always refer to last year as the worst and best year of my life as it forced me to grow so much. After you get through the hard part the other side is brighter than you can imagine. Seriously you have no idea, its almost as if someone hands you over HD glasses and you notice and appreciate things you never did before. Not only that, you become energized in a way. It gives you a new hunger and thirst to truly live your life to the fullest. Its like your core is taken, put into an oven, all the uneeded crust and garbage on the outside burns off. Your core comes out new, brighter, stronger, and happier. This is exactly how I found out about Leo's video on youtube, started mediating, and now I just joined his forums. Once you go through something like that and you come out on the other side, you'll realize its a precious gift. I empathize with you 100%, its scary especially if no one around you hasn't been through something similar and they struggle to understand. Hang in there buddy :), one step at a time.