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About Meretagh

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  • Birthday 04/30/1999

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    Czech Republic
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  1. @hyruga would you share some links? I only found a 15min compilation
  2. Hi, I'm going to attend college with the subject programming. I'm sure I'll find it interesting, but it's completely unrelated to my Life Purpose - visual art. Maybe there are degrees more related to my LP, like graphics, but I'm afraid with that I'll be making very little money and won't ever be able to move into my LP fully. I want to do it because it gets a lot of money, at least in my country, and I'll be able to save up and focus on my LP. But I have a terrible feeling on the inside about the idea. Do you have any thoughts or advice? Thanks a lot
  3. I'm about halfway through the core concepts, so right now there are 6 more books there to read. All more or less about how to put Life Purpose in practice, into real life. And since I don't even know what my Life Purpose is, I just can't get myself to read them. For example, all the exercises with visualization - I don't even have anything to visualize yet, so I always wonder whether I should even do these exercises. My question is, for those who finished the course: is reading the books before you know your direction really worth it? Isn't there something I can do specifically to find my purpose? I know Leo adresses it in the intro, but I just can't get my mind around it.
  4. True Detective, Black Mirror
  5. surely todays video will be a Reaction to 50 million views, so he has to wait you know
  6. Seems like you just haven't contemplated it enough for it to stick...
  7. @Mastral Yeah well tommorow I'm planning on doing 75 gram raw millet... not sure if oral or rectal administration though. Do you guys know where in Europe I could get some rice ?
  8. I feel like this is worth posting about just because of how spontaneous and trivial action led into a relatively big experience. REPORT: After 20 minutes of do nothing meditation I went on my couch and ate a bowl of honeyed oatmeal. It was 9 pm and I was very tired. I started feflecting on how stressful the day was and some wrongdoings from others. Then I started staring at things, having this feeling like I just woke up and that a bit like I don't really know where I am and such - which is not too uncommon for me. Then I closed my eyes, laid my head back and started to look at the blackness before my eyes. I looked at it as a whole, at its center, at its 'borders'. After some time (maybe 10 minutes) I started feeling this specific feeling that the blackness is extremely small and extremely huge at the same time (what I just described is common experience for normal people, especially before falling asleep, here people wrote about it). I gradually started feeling like bigger and bigger field of awareness. Sometimes there was a 'pull' of enormous space in some direction, usually behind my head. After some more time the peak expereince happened - I felt my body disintegrating, rather quickly, and it scared me, but I was telling myself to calm down and surrender to it and that I don't care, if I die (I even wanted to but also felt sad for leaving my story here). My body started shaking and I started breathing fast and deep. I (or the body) was getting ridiculusly tiny while my awareness (or I) expanded extremely, as if into the whole universe. Throughout this there were feelings of euphoria, unimportance of 'my life', laughing at the way I percieve life, ceaseation of time and sort of feeling like I'm the things in the room I was in. At the same time I still had thoughts and heards sounds around me - but maybe not at the very peak. Then it just went away, not by me doing anything - it just wore off. It seems strange, that this happened, because right now I have a terrible lifestyle and am more unconscious than usually, even dropped daily meditation from 60 to 20 minutes. Though this seemed very radical to me, the everyday life after the experience seemed to not change almost at all. Btw when in the past I inquired into 'what do I want right now', the deepest answer was 'to become a peaceful, energetic white light' - and at points this experience kind of seemed to be reaching that. I plan on trying this 'technique' more over the following days, so if I get more experiences like this I will post them in reply. Hope this hleps somehow
  9. cognitive style - INTELLECTUAL organizational style - FLEXIBLE energy style - INTROVERTED stress management style - REACTIVE interpersonal style -COMPETITIVE openness imagination - HIGH artistic interests - HIGH emotionality - HIGH adventurousness - AVERAGE intellectual interests - HIGH liberalism - HIGH conscientiousness self-efficacy - AVERAGE orderliness - AVERAGE dutifulness - LOW achievement-striving -AVERAGE cautiousness - LOW extraversion friendliness - LOW gregatiousness - LOW assertiveness - AVERAGE activity level - LOW excitement seeking - HIGH cheerfulness - AVERAGE neuroticism anxiety - AVERAGE anger - AVERAGE depression - HIGH self-consciousness - AVERAGE immoderation - HIGH vulnerability - HIGH agreeableness trust - LOW honesty - LOW altruism - LOW cooperation - LOW modesty - LOW sympathy - LOW Well, well, well... seems like I'm not very agreeable
  10. I find that many games have a specific meditative quality to them, that other media (like films, or books) don't have. It's the way that they actually make you enjoy being aware of what you see. (although books and films have their own unique meditative qualities too) The biggest one for me was Witcher 3, the landscapes, the music, the kind of hollow parts in the story, which were for me most enjoyable. Skyrim was simillar, Minecraft is really calm in its simplicity and the music, definitely Dragon Age Inquisition, Bioshock Infinite, Life is Strange, Assassin's Creed Syndicate. And just any games, that are kind of solid, calm and pretty. But I personally couldn't play them in order to meditate. It's just a fascinating and enjoyable effect.
  11. @Dragallur The point is that all the models I mentioned are ones that we intuitively assume are true (not necesarilly theoreticly - that's irrelevant here) and so they are how we view world by default. So the whole point is that you do the thought process that I wrote and there should happen an unresolvable conflict. At least that's what happened to me. I mean I assume that since I have a very strong 3D model of reality by default that others do too. Edit: the 3D model of reality is simillar to Leo's naive model of reality (or maybe the same, idk)