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About Relinquish

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    Sydney, Australia
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  1. You are aware. You perceive 'ever-changing form'. You seem to be (or have) a particular living body/mind, that exists along with many other different living body/minds in a fundamentally non-living reality that is completely different to what You are. However, isn't this living body/mind that you seem to be (or have) just as much a part of the 'ever-changing form' that is 'perceived' by what You are as all the other living body/minds and the vast multiplicity and diversity of non-living forms that surround them are? Because 'ever-changing form' is 'the perceived', NO part of it at all (such as ANY body/mind, ANY subpart or 'owner' thereof, or ANYTHING else) can actually BE what You are (that is, a 'perceiver'). That is to say, in truth, to be able to perceive is to be unable to be perceived, because to be able to be perceived is to be unable to perceive. Therefore, AS a 'perceiver', You are absolutely changeless and formless. As such, in truth, You have no location or edge, and so You do not begin or end. You are infinite and eternal, as the One unthreatenable Emptiness itself. You are Pure Awareness; the one and only Perceiver that ever TRULY exists. The ultimately singular, ever-changing form known as 'the universe' is in fact, as a whole, Your only REAL Organism, and as such is an inseparable aspect of Your Being. It gets it's characteristic asymmetrical structure simply from the fact that it is essentially the inseperable opposite of Your ever-changless and formless Awareness, which is, by it's very nature, perfectly symmetrical. Yet, in order to be coherent enough to be perceived at all, It has a natural 'fractal' inclination to It's perfectly asymmetrical form. ALL apparent 'things' and 'events' are as they are simply because they are all 'parts' of this one Universal Organism. Some of the 'nerve ends' of the Organism are of such an extreme level of physical complexity that they have the natural capacity to become 'hypnotized' by their surroundings. This hypnosis makes it seem to these 'nerve ends' as if there is a uniquely isolated, finite and temporary consciousness functioning within each one of them, which in turn gives rise to the illusion that they are the autonomous originators of their own particular movements. As such, the absolute harmony that naturally exists between all the 'parts' of the Organism (and therefore, the Organism itself) is impossible to be seen by these hypnotized nerve ends. In it's place is seen a situation that seems confusingly fragmented, hostile and threatening. Seeing this, the hypnotized nerve ends are bound to suffer. But this harmony certainly IS Here and Now, outside of the hypnosis, ever-patiently awaiting 'our' realization of (and resting in) it. In this resting, there can be no suffering. Thanks for reading. Peace.