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Everything posted by LiakosN

  1. What kind of self inquiry did you use ? I am currently using Byron Katie's...
  2. I've started my noporn campaign on 1/1/2017 ?.. I still struggle with no MO though...
  3. @Psyche_92 Good job man kerp it up.. I am 14 months without porn.. ? I am on day 4 or 5 on MO
  4. I am in a relationship for 7 months now and girlfriend said to me that she is still waiting from me to hear that I love her.. She had also asked me 3 times "do you love me" when she gets emotional and don't feel good (about her health). How would you explain this ?
  5. No, I have not.. The thing is that I sometimes have the urge to tell her that " I love you " but i stop it and i don't articulate it.
  6. Heu guys.. Since ive stopped watching porn for 7 months and since ive started meditate for 1 year daily I've noticed that i lost sexual desire.. Is it normal?
  7. I stutter. I feel i am an idiot. I feel that other people make fun of me when I stutter. I feel frustrated. I feel something is wrong with me. I feel I am problematic. I am afraid of doing things: e.g make a phone call to a stranger or approach a stranger. I get sweaty easily, my heart beats fast, I get anxious. My chest and belly are tensed. My self-esteem is low because of stuttering. I speak nervously, loudly. I feel inferior from other people. I feel that no one listens my words. I am jealous of people that can speak fluently. I try not to stutter. I try to find other words in order not to stutter. I am not spontaneous when I speak. I feel like I am loosing some opportunities.I don't accept myself. I can not feel at easy because I am constantly thinking of stuttering. I think that women won't like me. I think that men will make fun of me. I am afraid of asking questions or to speak in the class. I don't speak a lot. I stay quiet. I get all tensed up! I can not love myself for being 'different'. I suffer. Thank you for reading my post. I feel like I need to share my thoughts and emotions. I can't find the cause of stuttering. I need help
  8. @Lorcan I know Demosthenes and his 'problem'.. My origin is Greek ?
  9. @Mighty Mouse When I feel anxious I stutter. Otherwise I speak fluently ??
  10. @Mighty Mouse I just want the stuttering to fade away. That's all.
  11. @Mighty Mouse This doesn't help me that much. Thank you for reading the post though my friend
  12. I've stolen a chocolate from a super market one year ago. I put that chocolate unconsciously inside my pocket and I did not pay for it. In order to be true to my karma should I buy a chocolate from another supermarket and return it or is this a bullshit I am thinking of? Thank you in advance!
  13. Do what it feels right to you. Tell the truth and suffer the consequences of your actions.
  14. Thank you so much for the replies. I thought that my post would seem silly. But, in all honesty, I was thinking about it till now. I'll forgive myself and detach from it. Thanks you!!!
  15. @Shroomdoctor @Shin Well basically it is simple but it needs practice: when you are about to cum (when you feel like you are close to ejaculate) then squeeze your glutes and the base of your penis hard simultaneously. Or you can contract your penis and your anus simultaneously. Either way it will do the trick Remember to breath deeply throughout the intercourse and as you 'ejaculate' up your spine. To me it felt like (while i had my eyes closed) like I lost myself for a sec and I saw bright light while my eyes were closed. I was laughing so much
  16. I am on nofap and yesterday i ejaculated up the spine twice! It felt soooooo fcking amazing I felt like I lost myself for some seconds!
  17. @Greatnestwithin Hey buddy, nice idea thank youuu! ?
  18. @YaNanNallari Indeed it has a big impact.. But I don't feel like returning it back.. ? I am afraid of karma though
  19. What is this and how did you get it out of your system?
  20. Hey guys, I just have a weird sense of smell with my girlfriend when she is in all 4 position.. How can i say that to her ?
  21. @Michael569 Hahaha you made me laugh Thanks! Yes, it's a simple trouble
  22. @Barbarian Number 8 No problem, you are welcome! Now, I am currently out of porn for more than 365 days. Man, I do enjoy every woman's presence and I feel that i can connect deeper with women that with men. I feel more myself with women. When I have sex with my girlfriend it's very intimate. Give it a try and let me know your results as well
  23. As I am becoming more conscious I've discovered that I have low self esteem issues. Especially when i am dealing with hot women. Which are some practical ways to raise my self esteem? Thanks
  24. Hope it gives you some motivation next time you meditate