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Everything posted by LiakosN

  1. Some women prefer assholes because assholes seem the have confidence, but when women are in relationship with them they are empty inside. So they will not keep a relationship with them. On the other hand, nice guys seek approval/love and they can not set boundaries or say no. Women see nice guys as needy. Have a balance between being an asshole and a nice guy.
  2. Just go all in and fcking do it. I always do this
  3. @Ether By OCDP I mean Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder. It is when you are obsessed with controlling everything, you have problems with morality you always save money etc. Check out Wikipedia. It's on of the most dense egos.
  4. @Ether Did you really has been diagnosed with OCDP disorder? How did you manage to break that dense EGO?!?!
  5. @Ether I'd like to mention that my brother has been diagnosed with Obsessive-Compulsive Personality disorder and my mother with mild depression. I must been enlightened then
  6. @Paulus Amadeus I am a 27-year-old-donkey and I still live with my parents and my older brother, without a job! I am peaceful most of the time. Does this mean I am enlightened ? D:
  7. Here is an interesting Report:
  8. How can I know if my meditation is coming from my ego, in other words, how do I know if my ego is meditating and how do I know if my meditation is coming from the "higher" Self? I am using breathing meditation for almost 2 years.
  9. I just LOVE that some women smell like the "1st day of the spring"
  10. Today I said that I'll meditate without a stop watch for half an hour.. In the end I meditated for 1 hour and it felt like 20 or 30 minutes. I
  11. I don't know why but this breathing Xtechnique seems easy for me. 35 minutes seems like they past way too fast. Today will be my 7th and last day of this technique.. Seems like it works for me. A lot of anger is coming up but I stay calm
  12. @Echoes Oh, wow! I think I am meditating, because I want to prove myself that I have the discipline to do it. I also meditate to tell to others that I do it so they will admire me more. I meditate to achieve liberation. I meditate so that I will feel superior and more "spiritual" than others. I am fking feeding the ego I don't know. I am aware of this thought and I am witnessing me. Isn't this a strange loop ? I guess that psychological time refers to the thoughts (mainly images) that come to the mind that is projecting to the future or goes back into the past memories. What do you think ?
  13. I'll suggest to do it. Nothing wrong about it. Please feel free to post your experience!
  14. @Privet am meditating I am witnessing my own thoughts. I am aware of the process of meditation. But I don't know what I mean when I say "I"..
  15. @Privet I do not agree with you. I've heard in one of adyashanti's retreats on YouTube that the ego is meditating in some cases.
  16. @Truth What do I need to check for the ego? @NahmYes, I am constantly in a state of duality. Hmm my experience of being seperate has a lot of fear, anxiety, need for approval and control, need to be the best by judging. I feel that people should treat me better and a lot more.
  17. @Meta-Man Tolle also said that walls were breathing Hahah
  18. When I find myself thinking too much I say to myself: OK, Ilias, think MORE, think MORE! Paradoxically I am thinking less. Any explanation?
  19. I am seeing my girlfriend for 9 months now, but virtually we see each other maybe 10 or 15 times per month. She is beautiful and I’ve started loving her but there are some issues in our relationship. First of all, I want to mention that I am meditating the last 18 months every day for almost an hour. My girlfriend disagrees with meditation and she believes that it will be an obstacle for our relationship, because while I am meditating and she calls me I do not pick my phone in order not to stop my practice. So, one day she might want help and I will not respond immediately. I understand this to a point. I’ve told her that if you want something important call me 2 or 3 times straight and I’ll respond. Another issue is that when I told her that I am going to take some magic mushrooms (which I did and I haven’t told her) she became very cold and distant for some days. She believes that if you have someone close to you that you (truly) love you should not depend on substances/drugs. Oh, by the way, she always mentions love and that love is the ultimate purpose in life (despite the fact that she knows nothing about spirituality). And that’s true. She wants me to say that I love her, which I did the last 3 days I told her 2 times that I love her. And that love came after eating magic mushrooms, because I was afraid of telling her that. She also wants me to do things for her (e.g to make a little present and give it to her). From the time we’ve met I tell her almost every time we meet how beautiful her eyes or hair or eyelashes or ears are and when I like something on her I tell her. She also wants me to express to her every thought (that makes me suffer). But, I am using Byron Katie’s ‘Work’ to deal with me thoughts and feelings. I tell her how I am feeling or what I am thinking, but not all my thoughts. And she said to me: I want me to open your heart to you, but I can’t, because you don’t open your heart to me. I tell her a lot of my thoughts and actions such as: I send a message to that girls yesterday or I am masturbating when we don’t have sex watching pornstar pictures or I was addicted to porn. Once I told her that if I had 1 hour to see you or to meditate I would meditate. And she felt very sad. When we met she was afraid of telling her parents that we hang out. We were on her parents’ house once when they were on vacation and her sister called her. Her sister asked her if she was alone and my gf said that yes she was. But I was with her. And they started a phone fight because her sister didn’t believe her. Today I wanted to have sex with her and she told me that she had period (her last period ended 10 days ago). By the way, I am 26 and she is 24 and our sex life is bad. When we had sex for the first time she didn’t even know what sex was all about. Anyway, long story short, I am thinking of breaking up, but her personality seems awesome for me because we can talk for a lot of things. She thinks that I don't love her and I do not know what I am doing wrong. What do you think ? Thanks !
  20. @tsuki Thank you tsuki for taking time to read my issue. I agree with your statements about love, but i do not agree with the one that says: love is not caring.. Love is care!
  21. @aurum It's pretty difficult.. Thank you aurum.
  22. @Spiral But if what I wanna say is she/he is disgusting but I change my words to sound more "beautiful", is this spontaneity?
  23. The fact is that you are not brutally honest, as you claim to be. Have you ever read Brad Blanton's Radical Honesty? If you hurt peoples feelings by being truly honest that is not your own fault, but it's their responsibility of how they feel. I would say no. Good relationships are based on honesty.
  24. You mean physical appearance, right?
  25. @Leo Gura some emotions happen (e. g.) because I want reality to be different than it is, am I right?