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Everything posted by Raquel

  1. @Leo Gura Most people are too in love with their lifes filling up as much as possible and you are asking them to empty it all? ? That's all we have been told to do with our lifes: Give a meaning. That all we know we have to do. Even us, seeking enlightenment, what is the underneath desire?! Meaning And why? What is desire of knowing this? Before starting this process would be beneficial to get rid of intention to get enlightenment. That's another distraction
  2. Like the one of the man that projects about the projection..and so on. Powerfull indeed.
  3. Before. Is part of the process. Pranayama means "the control of life force", which is breath, so it can be translated in breathing exercises, but it's so much more than that. I would recommend you to read a bit about it and fully understand it and why is so amazing. The book "Asana Pranayama Mudra Bandha" from Swami Satyananda Saraswati, have a very good section about it and gives all the instructions for the different techniques. I don't know any videos but I guess is the best way to understand the techniques if you can't learn it from a teacher. But start from the easier ones, first what is yogic breathing. Once you understand it, you can learn Kapalbhati and do at least 40/50 breaths. When you finish, breath normally and then inhale and hold the breath in as much as possible with your eyes closed. Exhale and hold the breath out, as much as possible. Inhale and exhale normally and at this time see how your body feel, the heat that this created inside you. - don't practice this if you have hearth problems or high blood pressure. -After you can start Nadi shodhana with alternated nostril breathing and inner retention at least 10 rounds and keep your focus between your eyebrows. When you finish, rest your hands on your lap, keep your eyes closed and meditate. This is a basic sequence , you can increase the times and engage bandhas and mudras as you master your practice. Do in the morning (not at night) and no food on your stomach or at least just 3 hours after eating.
  4. Depend on your skills... some are volunteers in ashrams, yoga schools, retreats, etc.. as desingers, photographes and video editers, yoga teachers, or just running daily tasks..Some make some money advertising themself's and do in all sorts of things like organizing cacao ceremonies, sound bath, acroyoga, Qi gong, doing massages, selling handmade stuff.. you name it. Being involved in a retreat or ashram (as student or volunteer) I think is a good way to start because they will guide you a bit and you will be more involved with other people..and then when you feel you understand better the enviroment you can go your own way..
  5. @Bebop yes is so worth it. If you need any advice on something feel free to message me.
  6. @Prabhaker well I always ate with too much flavour actually and about celabacy, the main idea is that you can channel sexual energy in a powerfull creative way, instead of "give it all away". No teacher told me to stop having sex but to use that energy wisely. I understand your point. You can find teachings and teachers that you don't agree or have incoherent aproaches everywhere in the globe... I just listen.. make my choices, extract and recreate what makes sense for me.
  7. It wasn't roses at all... and I guess depends a bit where you live... I couldn't be in Delhi for long.. I was scammed twice Still doesn't mean people don't have a lot to learn in India
  8. ? Towards the end the "Heyy" is more enthusiastic ? why would be that?! .. Funny but also shows all the effort this guy puts in his channel.
  9. Did you already finish it? I think the purpose of this video is advertising the course. He claims that it covers. I don't know if in a direct or indirect way. You can always ask the organization.
  10. Hello everyone, Well, family... as Eckart Tolle said "If you want to know how enlightened you are, go spend a week with your family". This couldn't be more painfully true (at least in my case). So long story short: I'm 29 years old, I grew up in a small town in Portugal with a very closed mind community, but my parents were quite open so I had a pretty normal childhood. Went to university far from home, work since I'm 18, lived by myself since I'm 20 years old in different places in Portugal. In my mid 20's decided to live abroad.. did lots of different stuff, lived in 4 countries.. basically every time I feel too comfortable my mind says "It's time to go" and I destroy the nest and through myself in whatever opportunity might come with no financial support from family or with fancy jobs. This to say.. I have no problem with detaching from fears. I feel always pretty excited about life, even when challenges come.. except when I come to visit my hometown and my parents!! This last week for example I came to Portugal and decided to spend some time with my mum on her holidays, since my dad works away and my siblings as well. Even though I try to be very present and aware with her this always end up bad bad bad... Some of her reasons are because she is unhappy, very needy, trapped in her own mind and ego and unable to see any possible resolution for her life situation.. believe me I try. Now my problem: Every time I come here I literally feel waves of low frequency paralyzing my hole body I dont want to call my old friends that grew up with me (or maybe I do but cant be bothered to talk with them) I dont want to leave the house and feel uncomfortable just by walking around, I feel that my parents mindset and problems suffocates me, a part of me becomes fearful and unable to feel happy. I'm very aware of all my inner child challenges. I been there and worked it. I also know this my projection of reality but still hurts.. this self comes and brings everything I thought I was not anymore. I keep thinking about this over and over trying to break through but I cant see any progress. Would like to know if you guys also struggle with family situations more than anything and what are the "strategies" that you use to overcome this feelings. Thanks xx
  11. @gian Thank you, appreciate it .. Family is this structure that seems to makes us all constantly engage in repetitive patterns (dysfunctional or not) over and over again, that we want to fix, but this intention ends up generating a lot of tension internally..trying to work through all the little things.. its exhausting and most of the times feels like a total failure. There is improvements though and I see that this is bubbling up due to my personal growth..This is part of IT...My mind saying "You need to face this! Stay here and deal with it". The taking action as you said. Otherwise I would be somewhere else doing something that makes me feel good, not even considering that this is a "problem to solve". Anyways, as Kurt said and well we are all "under the spell of human feelings and universal problems. None of this is personal, and they (family) are here like everyone to work out their issues"... Cheers !
  12. @kurt That was way better than going to a therapist. ☺ Writting about it and reading your words was already a great way to feel lighter and more centered. Will keep you advices. Thank you
  13. Thank you @kurt I do agree with you in everything and I can identify those aspects in me. The thing that is more dificultt to control is the need to control... I mean I keep trying to correct myself internally and in my behaviour and trying to make a counscious interaction hoping that will change this vibration between me and my mum and also hoping that this will help her feel happy...which doesn't happen! I end up feeling anxious, hearth gets tight from feeling so much her internal pain that I just want to curl up as you said. It's being tough weeks, feels like I was closed in a dark room, but absolutely agree that is a gift at the same time...slowly bringing some candles to the dark room.
  14. Will add to my list to watch later, thanks. I take the opportunity to share one of my favorite documentaries about spirituality, in case you never saw it give it a try https://veilofreality.com/2013/11/04/love-reality-and-the-time-of-transition-video-2/
  15. There is a lot of gurus and spiritual teachers married or in relationships. You don't choose this or search or avoid... You happen to find a match or you don't. Through my "awakening" I came to see that love becomes so different.. and pure that you dont have need of a romantic love. As you become this state you are open to a truth conection without wrong intentions and that will only work with others that can "see" the same. Then magic happens and everything flows, is always easy and is just awesome. If it feels like this for you and both share the same preferences in life, working towards the truth, then will be blissful. Of course you are also challenge not to get too dependant, too emotionally attached, too comfortable, too picky, judgemtal, etc etc which is a great way to do a constant "enlightenment test"..Unless you want to leave alone pretending not to be human and not being upset by the world outside ?
  16. @Xunzer That happened with me as well. The best advices I got from it: Sleep better or take a nap if you can during the day; Don't eat before meditation but also don't meditate if you are too hungry; Meditate less time and gradually increase it as you get less tired; Choose a time to meditate that you feel you are fresh and have more energy, for example for me works great around 9am and 5pm but thats according with my present life routine. Sometimes I take a cold shower before meditation, really helps me.
  17. Interesting! This strokes my silly ego a little bit haha. I ticked all the boxes, expect the intermittent fasting.. which makes sense, have to search more about it. When you say "always have a backup plan" ... Also not good at those, at least not consciously.
  18. Hi guys, I have been thinking about the concept of LOVE. Some might say love is a projection that we make of ourselves in others..we mirror our internal world on others and that generates feelings, like love, towards them. This means we dont love others, we are in love with ourselfs. Some might say, we are all connected and love is what expresses our bind. Love and fear are all that guide us and if you choose love your life expandes. Ok my question: is love towards others real or a manifestation of our ego? This question arise while I was trying to help a friend dealing with a non corresponded love. Would like to read your opinions on this subject. Thanks
  19. @Salaam really nice. I share the same opinions about relationships. Respecting each other individuality is one of the things I most see couples struggling with..and from there triggering other problems. Very strong and wise woman you have there. Suffering is a great "teacher". It really deepens us to search for ways out of that dark place in our mind and body.
  20. What I came to realize is that words are not enough in quality and quantanty to express meanings and interpretations of Love. We need a new language to comunicate True Love. Is beyond all we can say in words.
  21. Hi there, I struggled to find a yoga teacher on youtube that would fit my expectations towards yoga as well. Recently I found this one and have been my favourite. Is called free yoga tv. You can find very complete classes (up to 1h full class) and choose from beginners, intermediate or advanced.
  22. Hey guys I decided to make a new topic about this because I found this documentarie very important. Is the best doc on the enlightenment subject that I ever saw. Not amazing in therms of production but really valuable information... Is called Love, Reality and Time of Transition https://veilofreality.com/2013/11/04/love-reality-and-the-time-of-transition-video-2/ Take the time to see it. If you did see it, please share your thouthgs about it or related subjects.
  23. @Salaam thank you for your words. Let us know the link to the podcast
  24. Style it doesn't mean being fashion. Style is the expression of your preferences and what you want to show to others. Even minimalist is a style and is saying to the world "I don't care"... Every style can have its pitfalls...depends on how important this is for you. I think that sometimes the problem with clothing is the exuberant amount of clothes that people buy and with so low quality made in this so well know shops. "The true cost" is a good documentarie about the subject