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About Raquel

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  • Birthday 10/03/1987

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  1. Before you buy some useless gift with a bigger package than goods, or before you get a plastic bag to carry your products for 2 minutes of its (longer than yours) lifespan...or before you consume whatever it is!!! I hope you can take a moment (like when you get all high state of awareness ) and take responsibility for your own "invisible" pile of rubbish. Dear Santa, for this Christmas I wish Contentment to all ✨✨
  2. It is true that some people get it straight away and others don't.. The factors involved in this are enoumerous and arguable... I can say from observation that some people are just not interested at all (or should I say their ego) and neither ready. The same way not all people can ge it as naturally, patanjali YS also mention that there is 3 types of practitioners: light, middle and intense... And of course this will add up in there journey to enlightenment. From a vedic point of view, human life has the sole purpose of self realization, so understanding this teachings are related with the soul stage on the wheel of rebirth (samskaras). You would be attached to the wheel of death-birth until you fully realize It.
  3. Ask yourself several times a day "what is happening right now?". If you practice meditation, you might know by now that a constant state of awareness, is more important than your formal meditation session.... and that is because, being centered in awareness no matter what, IS what will truly harmonize your life. Simply because your emotions, problems and behavioral patterns cannot dominate you the same way anymore This question is meant to develop your awareness without having to sit or be alone for it, you only need to save some minutes, several times a day and the more you inquiry the easier will be for you to observe without judgments, recenter yourself into a expanded state of awareness and see reality as a soft touch of god. Sold it? Sorry if it seems that easy!
  4. Some further inquiry on that... How can we tell what is oneness? How can you know that, that is not a dualistic experience? How can you know what is the ultimate reality? There is no ultimate reality, there are many ultimate realities as there are humans to reflect on them. Beyond that there is nothing else for us. If you can strech your mind a little further with those experiences then that becomes the extent of ultimate reality for you. And that depends on the extent of your acceptance... When the mind merges in infinity who is going to experience oneness? Who is going to see whom? How can you know the known by which you know everything?
  5. Hey, I didn't want to be picking on the negative here, but I really think it's important to take a second to take a very very important note ,that is meant to be constructive: You want results, work for them! Dedicate yourself a lot! have discipline, lot's of it! Don't be lazy, the great teachings we take from anything comes from the moments we are struggling or trying to master something! When you do, do it without expectation, without waiting for reward, just do it because you know and feel that that's what you meant to do! Hey everyone, cut a bit with the fast rewards mindfullness... go for a slow no rewards emptiness ... Doesn't even have to sound good! Sorry this isn't about you as you see...
  6. Knowning to act is also a skill you can develop. But that means you have to put yourself "out there", out of your mind mainly. Engaging in groups and communities with those action skills is a good way to start. You can get really inspired by people you interact on a daily basis. Monkey see monkey do, you know.
  7. Hi, I thought would be interesting to share our thoughts, content, books, projects, life stories etc about society models. I dont know about you guys, but living in the big city in a cozy apartment where I dont even know my neighbors but I "know" people over a screen, tells me that something is really wrong. I changed that lifestyle and I have been experimenting with community living and shared work that benefits the group. Which can be difficult to switch to but now it fully fits me. I know that this also wouldn't suit everyone.. What is the human ecosytem that you live in and what would you change? Just listen this podcast and it's really interesting and worth to check.
  8. I assume that you want to do karma yoga in a ashram, or do you want to pay for a program and join in? I would start by just going and spending some time in rishikesh (or wherever), rent a room and explore. Go to the ashrams, go to different yoga classes and everything that you feel drawn to... its super easy to connect with people and places once you are there and easier to find what is it that you are looking for. Also consider how much flexibility will you need to feel comfortable. Some ashrams can be a bit to strict about rules or "monastery" kinda style. If you never been in india before either you might just want to take your time to get to know the culture before. This is a decision that I would only make after spending some months analysing it and in India. Do your research "in loco". What works for me might not be the right place for you.. it really depents on your personal preferences and mindset.. Trust your intuition
  9. I think you are being too carefull for no reason... I have no patience for games and go around in circles. Ye are two adults. You know whats happening and he also knows it, so just be honest. If he is conscious enough he will see that truth is the most attractive thing in a person. Give yourself some real focus, be fully present, detach from the conditioning of that interaction and see it from what really is. Rather than from a emotional and wavy state of mind. Than your intuition will know what to do exactly with no doubts..
  10. Spirulina is the best!!!
  11. Does also have the same benefits for women? I have been told by doctor that is not as beneficial for women. I don't know lots about it but I did my research and there are different opinions. I think the best is just try it out. Im in my fourth day of intermittent fasting, having dinner at 6 and skipping breakfast. So far I feel pretty tired after eating and also not very focused before my meal. Do you have any suggestions for good teas and supplements while fasting? Thanks
  12. Hi guys, I starting doing intermittent fasting and would like to know what sort of teas or supplements would be best. Last times I only had water with a pich of sea salt. Some believe that if you have tea and supplements you are breaking your fasting..others don't.. Which are the ultimate nutritional needs while fasting? Thanks!
  13. So many.. But at this moment I have been drawn to ancient teacher like patanjali. I'm carefully studying and decoding the meaning of the yoga sutras of Patanjali. It's so mindblowing that this human being that lived 2000 years ago, compiled the most rich guidance to reach awakening, and that this have been practicied for over 5000 years.
  14. @Spacious no. Its eyes closed. But if you are not a totally beginner you dont need this. You can use any mantra, as long as you know its purpose: focus of the mind so you can achive meditation. Focus and meditation are diferent.
  15. I did this course 6 years ago and it was very good for me as a beginner because it was 5 days one to one talking about meditation, questioning and correcting my meditation practice which as so great. And you can always recycle it for free. Besides that TM has manily a great marketing, is crazy expensive and yes they give you a mantra that is supposed to suit you. But then I discover that they only have a few mantras in the catalogue.