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Posts posted by Greatnestwithin

  1. 2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    @thedoorsareopen You just need to work on constructing a material life worth living. This is where life purpose, career, relationships, family, art, and education come into play.

    What you need is not God but construction of a rewarding and meaningful life.

    @Leo Gura what is that for you these days Leo? Has new aspiration come to your heart, new areas of life to deepen etc?

  2. 13 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    If you follow my work then you should know that obviously I recommend the opposite.

    There is no existential difference between hate, abuse, and anything else.

    You are the problem.

    I was not abused.

    Everything is love, if you just take your ego out of it.

    If you regard sex with adults as love, obviously sex with children is also love.

    Just notice your biases.

    @Leo Gura this is gonna be taken out of context and you know. People here don't actually appreciate the truth you are sharing here. 

  3. 11 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Terrible logic.

    @Leo Gura you want others to think for themselves ( However that turns out to be) but then you spill out comments like this, which I can only imagine how that might be feeling like for a Young person.

    If you want to encourage young people to think by themselves and form they own thinking we must welcome It and work with them to guide them towards your insights and how you arrived at them.

    I know you care about impact and developing people which I so so honor and respect about you AND you impact ends the moment people get close to what you have to offer. And they will open and close to the extent to which your communication lands in a way in which they can receive It. That's how much power and impact you yield❤️ no judgment over here. Loving you!

  4. 35 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Obviously Destiny has to hold strong mental attachments to do the job he does.

    If he realized Awakening he would have to quit his job. Who is Destiny debating?! Himself! He has to deny that.

    @Leo Gura you mentioned on your blog you have a video on how to distinguish low and high cognitive development, when can we look forward to it?

  5. 8 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    This is where training and growing some balls comes in.

    The reason women get horny for guys is because they crave leadership. When you fail to lead you make her vagina dry. Nothing is more pathetic than a man who cannot claim his vagina.

    What is the contradiction? One turns into the other.

    @Leo Gura he means both. Like he wants a long term partner and the ability to simply fuck anyone he wants.

  6. 23 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    It's hard to say.

    He seems to have access to a very unique state of consciousness, but I wouldn't necessarily say it is the channeling of some objective being across the universe. It could just be that he's in his own kinda dream state.

    @Leo Gura meaning within this (our dream) we simply don´t have access to other beings, aliens etc? as like there are some rules to the dream we are in and some "objetive" stuff will never be possible

  7. 32 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    A human is in different emotional states through life and day to day.

    Humans are not right and wrong guys per se, they can be the right guy on the right day and the wrong guy on the wrong day.

    Maybe this cop's dog died that day or his wife cheated on him? You have no idea.

    @Leo Gura yes AND we hold police to a higher level of standars and rigour because of the power they do have. 

    They should be getting training to learn how to regulate themselves. This kind of behavior can't simply be ok. Regardless of how they feel or how their personal Life is going. We hold them to a higher standars