Light Lover

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Everything posted by Light Lover

  1. @Soulbass thankyou!
  2. @Arcangelo and @Baby Zen thankyou very much for sharing your diets, extremely insightful. I will try to exercise what all of you on this thread have suggested, I have alot to work on now, I can see how all of your diets most certainly vary from my own so I must be doing something wrong. @Baby Zen It's interesting you mentioned lentils as well as I love the taste of them thankfully so I would happily eat them whenever, green tea and olive oil are also very nice. I will see what I can do with them.
  3. Thankyou @Shiva that is interesting...I will most certainly research what you have. And thankyou Charlotte, sorry the computer won't let me tag you in this Interestingly I have been having lots of dried fruit recently for the first time and I can honestly say I have found all of them totally delicious and they taste like they do alot of good as well, so that is progress I suppose.
  4. @Leo Gura Please come to England, I would 100% go and see you and I know some of my more spiritually minded friends would be on board as well, I think you would get a great reception over here!
  5. @Charlotte I haven't changed my diet too much yet except for experimenting with different foods, spices and powders which all are apparently very good for you, thankyou for asking, unfortunately alot of the time the stuff that is the best for you tends to taste awful, at least for me, but I am very fussy eater, it makes it much more difficult for me to change.
  6. @Ali123 I think this is good news! It shows progress, and 7 months is a key turning point so I think that this is normal, your mind is 'resisting' what is happening, the changes you are making to your conciousness, this happens with everyone who meditates for months on end! I had something like this, but not exactly the same, but just so you know you are not alone, for me I had depression come up, addictions, mental turmoil and restlesness during meditation and some truly awful sessions, all around the 7 month mark, just before it all went after my conciousness finally raised to the point where I was basically in the meditation state throughout the whole day and the problems went! You are getting all of this out of your system, so it will come to the surface, this is healthy and normal, my advice would be to just continue doing what you are doing, I wouldn't meditate lying down personally because I think it sets off the need to sleep in your mind, but as long as you personally feel you are still getting through the sessions OK then that is fine I guess, you got to do what you got to do to get through each session, if that means changing your position and going to other measures you deem neccessary, then that is what you got to do. As for changes, you won't notice any changes yet, that is how the process works, if you keep at it you soon will. If you feel demotivated to do it, just do it for the minimum time you normally do it for during the day and stick with that for now to save your energy, for example, just 30 mins a day, or 20, as long as you keep at it and are doing it daily as you know, that is the main point. I am sure you can find some way to keep yourself motivated to do it, you got to ask yourself what is making you do it in the first place and use that to guide you. I do hope this helps, I have been where you have been, and I can say if you can just hold onto it for a little longer your will be living in inner peace every day and it will be a part of your being.
  7. @LiberatedMonkey thankyou for asking this question, I was thinking of asking it on here but sometimes I explain things very badly and in a confusing way! Thankyou Leo as well I think your response was the best personally for this question, I am sure you would agree Liberated Monkey! At the moment for example I am actually working a full time job (my first) and plan too for a fair few months so I can build up some 'saftey net' cash so when I go back to my life purpose work, I will have some money there to help me out if something goes wrong with my health or someone else's health, so I am just using it as a tactical move. Also, because it is customer service based, I am actually building up alot of confidence and experience with people/ gaining people skills, which is probably one of the best things about having a job, to be fair. So it a double bonus!
  8. Thankyou everyone else who has replied on this post since the start of September, I have been finding this very helpful indeed. You are all very helpful.
  9. Just a simple question, the more time I have been spending with women, I am thinking that it is a sub-concious attraction in her brain, and that to trigger it you have to show that you are manly, unaffected by most things, and able to protect her, that is what a woman finds attractive, it seems. Or that you just have to be yourself, uncaring and relaxed around the girl, which she will also find attractive? I am sure you all have opinions on this, especially those who have years experience with women either through just associating with them or sexual relationships. So, what would you all say a woman actually wants in a man, put as simply as you can, from your personal experiences with them?
  10. @Charlotte, @InfinitePotential, @Wolfram Volpi and @Esoteric thankyou for your time and advice, this is very helpful
  11. @7thLetter @Finland3286 thankyou so very much for your time and help
  12. @sargam thankyou this is helpful.
  13. Thankyou so very much @kev014, @Mirror of Confusion, @Michael569 (your's was especially interesting, never knew about what the Greek populace were like health wise), @Feel Good and RabbitHole (Sorry can't link your name it the site won't let me lol). You all know alot about Health and I am extremely appreciative for you to be giving your advice and experiences to me, I have learnt a hell of alot reading your post. At the moment I am pretty much a Vegetarian anyway as I said, haven't eaten red meat in years now, but still do have chicken and fish every few months as a treat for myself as I do enjoy the taste still. I will see what I can do to transition, for now I suppose all I can do is just experiment with all you guys and the internet has given me and see what works for my body, it is going to take fucking forever though, now I can see what Leo meant when he said how long it takes to find your perfect diet, godamn lol. @Joseph Maynor
  14. @Feel Good thankyou very helpful and @ChimpBrain as well. Well I am 19, 5 foot 7 (average height) and exactly 10 stone (140 ibs) which is apparently just right for my age. Goal wise well...I just feel like my current diet isn't what is right or neccessary for the body, of course I will keep eating fruit daily, but yeah I need to know something to replace my toast in the morning and just want a blueprint to completely revamp my diet which might help slim out my body more (be rid of moobs totally for example and minor double chin and just feel cleaner and healthier). For example I want to know what to eat in the morn, how much of it to eat, and the same applies to dinner and eating at night (or if you are supposed to eat at night at all) and how much you are supposed to eat during the day. I am totally new to all of this as I said as none of it has ever been taught to me and on the internet there are too many conflicting opinions, like for example a lot of sites that I would normally disagree with you guys and say that wheat is great for your body etc...has lots of fibre and shit in it, but other sites say it is bad for you. I do eat a pretty much organic diet on everything that I stated about just you know, all org fruit, vegetables, toast etc.
  15. @Viking this is one of the BEST questions that I have seen for a LONG time on this forum (IMO) Great for someone to finally be addressing this! Sexuality is such a vast, deep and interesting topic and homosexuality is rarely mentioned on the forum! OK, so I would say 3 things 1: it COULD be OCD as @Consept said, I would know as I used to have extreme terror and panic sometimes whereby I was doubting that I was straight and had no control over turning gay if I kept thinking about it and that the worrying thoughts in itself would change my sexuality (this was before mindfulness rid me of this horrible curse), if this is the case then to put it simply you have NOTHING to worry about, it is impossible to change your sexuality through thoughts or even through actions, there may be people of the same sex that you find deeply attractive and this transcends the boundaries of gender, but this in itself is not going to change deeply and genetically what is natural for you, whether it be straight or gay Trust me on that. 2: I think that you are straight yes, but maybe with slight bisexual tendencies that sometimes boil to the surface and you resist them, I don't think it is OCD or fear of your father's rejection personally, they are lots and lots of tests that you can do for yourself but you have to be honest and open about it, questions like, would you make out with someone of your own sex if you found them very attractive etc....tons of these questions to help reveal if your thoughts are just fear or are legitimate. 3: Your dad doesn't have to know about your sexuality or sexual tendencies if you do have some homosexual ones, I would never discuss personal things like that with any of my family unless it was an emergency. P.S I am straight but have bisexual tendencies and urges just so you know (find some men attractive, would be willing to experiment with some friends, watching male on male caressing can turn me on sometimes), and it never even crosses my mind, I don't even need to accept it, it causes me 0 anxiety totally, because for me this feels normal and healthy, I don't think it it possible for someone to be 100% straight with 0 desire at all for any sort of same sex activity ever, I have fantasies thinking about my friends and alot of people admit to that, both men and women! I watch straight porn as well only, don't like lesbian or gay porn, straight porn turns me on because I feel like I am pretending to be the man, you know? Maybe that is the same for you, most men I know watch different types of porn as well, mostly lesbian but yeah, I have always found lesbian porn to be boring. If this persists I would recommend trying out something with a guy possibly. Doesn't have to be sex, just maybe some touching and stuff, see if you like it? Everyone else on here seems to recommend this as well, maybe it could put this demon at rest at last. Although I for one would recommend doing this as a last resort as you may regret it and feel it was a silly thing to do as you already knew you were straight etc and might feel like it was an avenue that didn't need exploring. Also if you are bisexual or gay then of course that is great as well, no problem at all It's all good. That is my whole view on the thing, just my perspective!
  16. @ExodiaGearCEO this is a really damn good question and one that hasn't been asked on the forum! The key I would say would be too just talk to her normally, girls love that, when you don't show your nervousness and just talk to her like a girl you aren't attracted to, this will show that you are talking to her on an equal footing/with respect! You are not alone with this, it is a psychology thing of course, once it gets into your head that you are attracted to this girl, you start stuttering, feel more nervous, I have it right now the exact same situation exactly interestingly, although maybe not as bad as yourself.
  17. @Echoes great question, well it depends on what you can afford, I live in the UK and use 'faith in nature' on my hair and body products which as @Michael569 said has no SLS, parabens etc and also makes your hair looks glistening and proper unlike when you use the other non-organic stuff. I mean for me it barely costs more than buying normal stuff as you can usually find their products on clearance on different stores, for example, I spent £7 on this coconut FIN product for hair and it has lasted me the whole year so far (and I wash my hair with shampoo every 3-4 days or so), so it is incredibly cheap really! If you are washing your body and hair every day however (not needed) then it will become very expensive I would imagine lol. I also use 'natura siberica products' for my shower gel/body wash and this also makes your skin feel properly healthy!
  18. It could just be a phase! I went through this as well during my meditative stages, where I will still yet to have a raising in conciousness, it seemed my laziness and anxiety and all that had gotten worse, and of course I realised that the reason it was getting worse was that it was being gotten rid of so it was coming up to the surface! Do you meditate? You are not alone, I can defintely relate to this, maybe change your diet as well, that could increase your mental energy! @Viking
  19. I have some excess fat on my face and a bit of a double chin despite being just about in the healthy weight range, when I have exercised before via cardio (no weights or muscle building) it has only taken off weight from my body area/torso etc..., my fact always seems to mantain the same amount of weight, anybody have any advice on how to tone up the face so it has little to no uneeded fat and also to completely remove the double chin. Can't find advice online about it.
  20. Everyone on this fucking post, 'Don't worry about it all men are polygamous that's fine', facepalm and cringe overload. Sometimes I think some of you on here are just here to troll people and not answer their questions honestly and seriously.
  21. @Feel Good yeah I was seriously considering something to do with sweating/ a sauna and was surprised no one else mentioned it, I would imagine that if I used it in correctly, correct timings/in co-operation with exercise then it would truly transform my body! Thankyou
  22. Do I need to study politics for personal development as to better understand and have a comprehensive understanding of the ego and history and also so I can understand if politics is really neccesssary for society to function and if so which idea works (Socialism/Conservatism etc...)? Or is it just pointless to research this topic at all? Thankyou
  23. Anybody on here been in a relationship for a really long time and can share some of there tips on it? How they have sustained it for so long that is.
  24. @shahryar thankyou for the advice
  25. @Mirror of Confusion thankyou for the share.