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Everything posted by Greer

  1. Hey guys, I'm purchasing Leo's LP course and am starting a mastermind group to help with accountability, feedback and support. If you haven't heard of "masterminds" before, you can google it - there's heaps of info out there. Essentially, I'm looking for 3 PEOPLE who: Are willing to commit to a 1 hour / week meeting (using the zoom platform ) mastermind-style format (i.e. each person has 10-15 mins to go over where they are at, what they are learning, request for feedback/suggestions); Consider themselves relatively advanced and committed to their journey of enlightenment; Want to follow the course in their own time but take the time required to IMPLEMENT the exercises/processes rather than just listening to it all in 7 days (which I could probably do lol); Are looking for accountability, support and honest feedback with the course (so that it doesn't just become another course they have sitting on their computer they never actually finish! - I've got a few of those lol) Can start on 1st July 2016. Will commit for 3 months (with option to continue on another 3 months if we want/need it). If you want to get a feel for me and whether you think you would like to join me, check out the short vid I have uploaded to introduce myself here. Please comment below if you are interested introducing yourself and what you are looking for so that we can get cracking!
  2. Hey everyone, I'm new to the forum and have been listening to and acting on Leo's podcast almost every day since I discovered them 1.5 months ago. I'm so grateful for the time Leo has invested in them! This post is about using DMT as a means of exploring consciousness / reality. I've got a friend who has had it about 50 times and I'm considering taking it myself with the intention of deepening my experience of consciousness/All that is. I used to party quite a bit but now am only interested in taking something as a conscious/spiritual act with a clear intention. I'm interested if any of you have taken DMT and whether you had any negative experiences/effects? I took Acid a few times and remember just wanting it to end but feeling trapped in it, and likewise used to smoke a bit of pot and would enjoy it initially and then become pretty paranoid. My 'drug days' were in my mid-late 20s however and I am now in my mid 30s and have invested a lot of time/energy in my spiritual growth/consciousness expansion and sense that DMT could be a really eye-opening experience. I feel myself a bit 'caught' on the mind telling me 'it might go pear shaped' - and my heart encouraging me to 'give it a go / play with it / see what happens'. I generally live from my 'heart' but/and I'm a Mum of 2 young girls however and now apply a lot more consideration before taking on 'risks'. I'd love to hear your thoughts/experiences. Cheers from Australia Greer.
  3. Yes @Meave I agree - the stage of ones journey no doubt effects the experience and ongoing effects on the journeyer. I've resisted up until now as I could tell there was an element of it wanting to be a free ticket/pass in to extremely heightened states of awareness. I now see it as a 'deepening' rather than a 'distraction' @khalifa - I've experienced multiple states of awakening throughout the past 5 years and can now attain them relatively easily and see using DMT with clear intention, respect and surrender as a way of bringing in yet another perspective/dimension to explore higher and higher / deeper and deeper realms... oOo...
  4. @Meave - thank you. Yes this was one of the first videos i watched on it. I've since seen DMT: The Spirit Molecule which was awesome. Thanks for posting Have you tried it yourself?
  5. @Kenya thanks groover! @ElenaO @knopochka-13 @quantum = awesome - I think it will be fine re timezone differences. I'm used to working with people in Europe. Often your morning, my evening works or the other way around. Do you want to all send me your email address via a private message and we can go from there. I've got one other person who is already happy to do it to (he is in Quebec - that might be a bit tricker but we will give it a go) so I will send us a group email to agree a time.
  6. @Friend thanks for posting - I can't actually read the screenshot. Would you mind posting the browser link please? I had a meditation experience last month where I experienced me as not me - I was complete awareness - and I had zero identification with the legs I saw in front of me - I didn't even think "they are not my legs" or even label them as "legs"... they just 'were' - as was the chair, the carpet etc. ... It's this state that I'm interested in but/and in a 'outer space' kind of realm... seeing bands of energy etc. etc. which I become aware of sometimes as I am drifting off to sleep - as in, I'm seeing them, and then think, "Oh - wow - I'm seeing bands of energy... who is seeing bands of energy"... Anyhoo - thanks so much once again everyone for your time and comments. Cheers.
  7. @Arik thanks - I'm taking on board everything you are saying. You are right - and if I'm completely honest, I do see it as possibly 'shortcutting' my journey... yet I'm also intrigued by the experience itself having watched the clip @David1 posted before and several others like it... I'm trying not to over analyse it all - ye olde 'mind' keeps creating thoughts and as I type this, I realise the first step in my decision is actually to observe my thoughts on it all... I listened to Leo's "rationalism" podcast this morning.... which reinforces the whole notion of 'rationalising' a decision is absurd in itself. ! Ahh... the journey continues
  8. @LionFish thanks for your comments and sharing your experiences. I appreciate that.
  9. @khalifa yeah I think @ChimpBrain is right - "how your mind distorts reality"...
  10. Awesome @ProblemSolving . I find a big difference in my energy levels based on the type of "energy" I put in to my body so enjoy working out what types of foods really work for you and give you the right "ooomph" you need for your amazing runs you are now doing! Well dome ??
  11. @Philip awesome! I'm In Australia so cost in Aussie dollars is also more than US and having read your comment above I've just decided to purchase. Thanks for the inspiration!
  12. @ProblemSolving I'd recommend listening to Leo's videos on the root cause of addiction and removing "shoulds". i agree with @David1 comments re exercise too. Perhaps a blend of cardio, weighs and yoga would be a dynamic blend for you. Starting with just one of the above - the one that draws you the most - is the perfect place to start
  13. I used to teach choreographed yoga at gyms for many years and have since stopped and now take people for 1:1 sessions on the beach. I get a motor inspiration from ekhartyoga - check out their website. You can get a trial month for about $1 and can then sign up monthly or yearly if you like it. Enjoy!
  14. I'm vegan for very similar reasons @vizual - great response but/and Ye olde teeth thing got me interested in the topic many years ago so must admit it was one of the first things to question the "normality" of eating meat.
  15. Hey @bernieboy20 , I suggest being cautious of the belief that you 'need' the financial independence in order to improve the world. perhaps 'cautious' isn't the right word - but awareness of this belief is important. I totally get where you are coming from and I too am working towards financial freedom so as to enable a future where I am not bound by 9-5 for the rest of my life. I 'quit' that lifestyle upon going on maternity leave with my first baby and have vowed to never go back. For me, becoming aware of the 'freedom' that is so essential to me has been really helpful and I focus daily on the infinite aspects of freedom I already have in my life - e.g. I can choose what I wear, whether I have tea or coffee, whether I sit or stand, whether I speak or stay silent, whether I respond or not respond to this post! By becoming conscious of what one is 'really' seeking, we get the surprise benefit and delight of recognizing we already have it! I hope this helps