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About wonderman26

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  1. listen to my advice im sure it will help you
  2. personally I use to have social anxiety myself and I went to get treatment at a local university where they where doing a studies on social anxiety there by if i join in I get the free treatment. To tell you this the treatment was really hard, it wasn't easy especially if you have serious social anxiety. Since my lvl of anxiety wasn't that high I was able to get through with the treatment. I would suggest seeking a psychologist or therapy which were most of my treatment come from. if you don't have any money then look online to see if there were any sort of social anxiety studies being done nearby your area. I did it just by googling it one day and I can tell you that It was interesting but there were the good and bad side of it. Joining this study actually self improve myself which now I can talk to anyone, I have gotten my college degree, and I found myself a girlfriend
  3. yea i know right, probably nothing really. i did not has any at all today
  4. I do curious about whether if leo has read any books on emotional intelligent, so far i have been reading online article or I just google it. there is a lot of blog out there about this. I know that you are asking about a book I will let you know if i see of any
  5. Hi guys/leo, has this happen to any of you guys on here which after listening to one of leo's video I get a nightmare