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Everything posted by CuteCornDog

  1. It's not an overnight process. Takes time just like losing weight, growing food, etc.
  2. I feel you. All I want to do is lose my virginity and then die. PEOPLE AREN'T NICE! PLAIN AND SIMPLE!
  3. Nonsense is a better word. Second, I'd love to know how long Leo plans on keeping this forum in existence. Forever. Yes or no? I know Facebook's not going to exist forever. I have complete respect for this forum. It doesn't trigger suicidal thoughts or anything.
  4. In the past, I feel the world was depressed. Now, I feel it's leaning in the direction of sadness? I never got on medication when I needed to the most, and I'm also not going to face my deepest fears of rejection.
  5. It's never the answer. The more comfortable you look. The more uncomfortable you are mentally.
  6. Justice > Peace The way this forum treated me July 1st 2016. Unaccceptable.
  7. I come up with bad ideas for conversation all the time, and most people are unaware of it, or they don't believe me. I don't know what to do. I'm sick of being stressed out all the time. I have no one I can depend on. Everyone just goes on about their day instead of making a difference.
  8. I don't get meditation, but I get skating, and planning on starting. I don't know how to break the news to people without them over reacting. I wish they'd stay out of other people's business, and stop projecting. Mainly my mother. Brother too. Father as well. Entire family is crazy. THEY SERIOUSLY MAKE ME THAT UNCOMFORTABLE DOING ANYTHING. PEOPLE WHO DEFEND THEMSELVES ARE LOSERS TOO.
  9. Being desperate. Thanks for the reply though. Especially tonight when I posted this thread. My profile on here says I trolled people on here one day when I didn't. The entire forum ganged up on me, and the way I replied to it was really really personal. It sickens me when people with bad conversation skills experience misunderstandings like that.
  10. Being assertive is more ideal than being aggressive.
  11. I find being honest with myself works the best for me, but only with myself. NO ONE ELSE.
  12. Have you watched Connor Manning videos?
  13. I'm Enneagram Type 2. Have you visited
  14. I'm embarrassed. I didn't know squat about a lot of things.
  15. Not everyone has 24/7 access to water. I do! Not everyone has the kinda self-esteem I have either. Not everyone has two Computers they have 24/7 access to. I do! EVEN IF IT'S JUST FOR TYPING! The dog in my icon liked me the most. He knew what all humans were thinking before they thought it. Barking ability. My Computers do what they're supposed to do MOST OF THE TIME! Not everyone has as many clothes as I do. Many people afraid to talk to their neighbors. I'm not! Most neighborhoods are dangerous. Mine is not. I'm great with words, especially editing them.
  16. I'm full of it. Who knows where I'd be right now without medication? How do other members here deal with it?
  17. Omar Mateen ran over the dog in my icon. September 2015! Deeply offended by he's just a dog statements. This dog would lick me daily. I went over the top with affection towards him. I almost never noticed it, but everyone else did. Everyone told me that he liked me the most. I openly deeply affection towards him, and cared too much about my relationship with him. Willing to hurt anyone who had intentions of hurting me. He's an INTP. Found out this AFTER HE DIED! Yeah animals have MBTI Personality Types too. Bill Gates is an INTP human.
  18. Okay. It's 6:10AM. I just woke up. The dreams I had inspired the words used in the title of this thread. Random Acts Of Kindness! Overrated! Once again! Dreams told me to use these words as well. First set of random words. I appreciate a lot. Second sets of random words. Can't stand. A random act of kindness to me is a random act of being normal. A random act of good faith is a random act of helping another person heal emotionally. What does this forum think about that? The way others have treated me emotionally, and even that one day on this forum, yeah. Surprised one member's not banned on here honestly. I can understand why that day, but why allowed to post NOW?
  19. The dog in my icon. Getting a tattoo of his face on my right arm one day.
  20. We'll see how they do with my birthday cake of his face on it. At Publix!
  21. The only thing I care about regarding this forum is me allowing it to teach me everything I'm going to know about getting picked Jury Duty wise.
  22. A women is not a paid actor. She's a paid actress. Saw this on a bus Downtown when it pulled into the station as I was waiting for another bus to show up. A Cop with Orange County Sheriff's Office is not a police officer. They're a deputy sheriff. My mother used the two words, "police officer", to refer to an, "Orange County Deputy". Stuff like this makes me cringe.
  23. All I have to say in response is that your intentions are good, and I have Borderline Personality Disorder. That's why language mistakes bother me.