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Everything posted by CuteCornDog

  1. I can't trust the people that mean the most to me in this world because I think they're all disloyal. Potential to be cool friends, but too caught trying to look cool to everyone else. It hurts wanting to spend time with people, and admitting it too. I've felt this way for years. People I REALLY enjoy bonding with. I have to say something about it today. I REALLY wish I could just not want to spend time with them, and let them go. I'm also always used to having a bunch of people around me being behaving really unacceptable towards me. Judging me and being judgmental. That's the way I get treated. I want to want nothing to do with the disloyal people, and to continue to proof the other people wrong the way I do. The person I bonded with the most disowned me, and is afraid of me today. Can't tell me how he really feels, and just wants to be famous.
  2. Hey everyone. Things are getting better for me.
  3. Does anyone else have hard feelings towards their parents? I really do. I feel like I could be further in life right now if it weren't for them. It's difficult for me to get a job because of the way they raised me. Messed up thoughts in my head. Favoring the problem child too. Difficult for me to let go of the past because of them, and to find a safe job. Mother is worse than father. Brother is also older than me.
  4. I have concluded that I let my emotions control my actions. This is not good. Why I was considering suicide even though I decided against it already. The past few years have been really bad for me. Living in an abusive environment plus been unable to bond with other people. Parents divorced. Friendships starting and ending. Legal crap too. Unable to get a job as well. Best pet I'm ever going to have died.
  5. I don't know how to meditate. It seems too difficult to me. Posting a thread like this was really helpful for me. Thanks for the response.
  6. I don't care for this world. You all are power hungry. Staff on here warning me one day when I didn't do anything wrong. The amount of things that have happened face-to-face. I could go on. Why do you all treat me like crap? No one deserves that, ESPECIALLY SOMEONE AS KIND AS I USED TO BE. I want to move on. I'm tired of this.
  7. I appreciate staff for posting in here. I really don't like the way people treat me. Staff recognized that.
  8. It's tough living through the things I've lived through, but you're right. I don't know what to do about it. You're right I can't go around blaming others for everything. I'm just not happy the way I used to be. What did I do to become a victim of people who abuse others in social situations? How can I change that? Questions I'm asking myself now.
  9. If only other people weren't passive-aggressive towards me.
  10. I feel like sharing this with my parents who couldn't be more clueless, and annoying. 1.) They're really mean to me for no reason. 2.) They lack respect for me because of my age. 3.) They have bad intentions with other people's social reputations. 4.) They think they're cool when they're the exact opposite. 5.) GOOD Therapists don't trust them. 6.) They're passive-aggressive, especially in regard to anger, and have illegally recorded my voice multiple times. 7.) They're unhealthy humans overall. 8.) They suck with big decisions. 9.) They're never changing 10.) They're impatient.
  11. My mom cares too much about the things I do when it's just me in the room.
  12. I don't understand why I feel this way. She's not doing anything remotely annoying. When I'm around her, and everything LOOKS fine, I get this way.
  13. You want to know what the problem is? My crazy mother has nothing better to do than to judge her children. She won't let me do anything because she's too busy spoiling my older brother who can't hold a job. This thread is simply me sharing my emotions with the world.
  14. I think the world would be a better place if all truck drivers, bus drivers, train drivers, pilots, etc were all medicated or had glasses. I'm looking forward to getting my license soon. Still unemployed unfortunately. It's been a while since the 711 I'm trying to get a job at has hired anyone.
  15. I have Borderline Personality Disorder and Bipolar Disorder. I'm on Lithium right now. The personality disorder is not a big issue NOW. Was when I was younger. Edit: I guess no one cares. It's been 9 hours, and no reply.
  16. No. Why would I be? The truth is that my mother feeds me the most, and my eating habits are hurtful. That's why she causes me the most stress. My body needs to be completely still when I need eat. No being jumpy. Honestly, she gives me the necessary privacy THESE DAYS, but she didn't when I was younger. Up until today, I ate food like I'm a little kid because she pretty much bullied me to death. For real she finally moved on, and found something better to do than focus on me when I eat.
  17. @HII Unintentionally caused me stress.
  18. You want me to be honest with everyone. I can think of more reasons to be mean to everyone than the other way around. I have been bullied my whole life by my crazy mother who everyone thinks is nice.
  19. Glad I have shelter, and legs. Glad I live in Florida. Glad I live in Orlando. Glad 711 is interested in hiring me. Glad I know how to take care of myself. I could go on, except for the fact that I'm running out of energy.
  20. Some people look like nerds with glasses. One day, the entire world is going to be full of people who are on either on medication, or wear glasses. Have to in order to drive. I'm 27 years old, and I've never driven before. Going to start soon. Also, if glasses make you look like a bully. That's a positive thing.
  21. Refusing to talk about something that's going to cause you long-term bad luck is wise.