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Everything posted by CuteCornDog

  1. I ruined a 32 year old male's Law Enforcement career. Blame my family for me being too overwhelmed to say that until right now.
  2. I find Socionics easier to understand than MBTI.
  3. We're insecure. I have Borderline Personality Disorder, Language Processing Disorder, Homosexual OCD, and dyslexia.
  4. There are a lot of things to consider. Not knowing the right people, not talking about the right subjects, etc.
  5. The way they make my back feel. I experience back pain daily as a result of mental stress caused by them. They're divorced by the way. My father. Mentally abusive and sexually needy by choice. ESFP. Dangerous with words, especially regarding food. My mother. Emotionally demanding and verbally abusive. ENTP. Gross with animals, especially regarding food.
  6. I can't because I don't have a job. I wish I could because my house's a house bully and my brother's a house annoyance, and the dog is a house stalker.
  7. My mom is only unfunny because she silences me and then smiles as a result of that. Her mouth breathing is something else too.
  8. I can relate.
  9. Every memory I have of my family members are them bringing me down. I hate them not giving me any privacy. It's becoming more and more discomforting. They don't realize how annoying they are.
  10. I seriously feel it is. Stalking is why I refuse to what people say about Donald Trump. Stalking is why he won despite all the negative things they say about him. More likely to be stalked than anyone else that's ever going to be president while most (if not all) of us are alive.
  11. Yes it is unfair.
  12. Sheriff's Office visit went well.
  13. I can't afford professionals. Otherwise, I'd go to them. I had free Therapy in 2014 and 2016. Spoken to other free Therapists before too. Spoken to more than two paid Therapists not in sessions.
  14. If you already know who I am on this forum, please forget about everything I've posted before today. Homosexual OCD was a serious problem for me for years. My friend made me feel insecure about my sexuality up until recently. He didn't realize he was doing it either. He's totally the person I would marry but he is a he and not a she. His appearance and the way he behaves towards me.
  15. I think I know who that dude is. Surprised he's not making MBTI videos if and only if he's the person I think you're talking about.
  16. I diagnosed myself with Language Processing Disorder sometime after 2013 because of the way I am with text on the Computer. I'm a lot better than I used to be.
  17. You don't know what the hell happens in this house daily. If I ever meet you in person, you're getting arrested. Because of the way you just replied to me.
  18. You guys don't understand MBTI.
  19. Going to the sheriff's office tomorrow. During business hours. Sick of the way others have been treating me my whole life.
  20. I'm an ENTJ. So is the moderator that messed up my account. cetus56 is an ESTJ. Leo is an ESFJ. Mad Max ISFP! Loreena ISFP! Visitor ISFJ! ajasatya ENFJ! Wisdom divided by 16.
  21. MBTI is wisdom into 16 categories. I find it extremely accurate.
  22. Dyslexia is a mental disorder that affects your ability to read a book. Who diagnoses this? Psychotherapists. Language Processing Disorder is a mental disorder that affects your ability to talk to your family. Who diagnoses this? Neuropsychologists once you get to know them. Borderline Personality Disorder is a mental disorder that affects your ability to work a job. Who diagnoses this? Neuropsychologists at the beginning of you getting to know them. Bipolar I is a mental disorder that affects your power over other people. Who diagnoses this? Psychiatrists. Everything I've diagnosed myself with. I simply don't have enough money to have professionals diagnose me the right way. Plus a lot don't do what they're supposed to do. I'm not as stable as everyone thinks I am, and no one has any empathy for me when it comes to touching. Mental Health Professionals are scam artists if you ask me. Doctors who are not Mental Health Professionals are people who go far with school. I'm NOT one of those people, but I respect them. They don't do well with the opposite sex like me. I do well with making the opposite sex appreciate me aesthetically. INFJ's. Make the best Psychotherapists. ESTP's. Make the best Neuropsychologists. ENTJ's. Make the best Psychiatrists. INFJ equals my neighbor Mike. ESTP equals my neighbor Donna. ENTJ equals me.
  24. I'm not as nice as I used to be, and it's only getting worse. Thought I'd create this thread to help myself. I have a roof over my head! I'm not dead. No broken bones. All I can think of right now. Going to try to sleep. Currently on medication for Bipolar I!
  25. I have a crazy older brother, and I don't know how to control my emotions.