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Everything posted by CuteCornDog

  1. What kinda Doctor do you want to become?
  2. I think SAT and College are necessary for high paying jobs. I don't care if they're crap or not. I'll do them if that's what it takes to get me a better job.
  3. I know that my past had bad things in it too but like Leo said, it definitely looks like nice in retrospect. I trusted people more and was completely unaware of a lot of things. I was happier though and people who remember me from my past think so too.
  4. MBTI does not describe everything about a person and some of you are not even typed correctly.
  5. @ActualizedDavid Are you feeling guilty about anything you've done to people have loved you in the past? I wouldn't feel that way unless I felt guilty about the way I was with people who loved me in the past.
  6. I have a hard time motivating myself to say what I'm thinking out loud sometimes. I'll think something and not have the energy to articulate it.
  7. That sounds fun. I haven't picked any of the the three therapists I had more than one session with. Two of them were free. The other one was ten dollars per session.
  8. I did and it was invaluable. I'm not going to give up though. Probably the counselors.
  9. When I first read the title of this thread before reading your post, I thought I was going to say yes but I'm going to say no.
  10. Who cares if you are gay or not?
  11. This is something you shouldn't worry about. I look younger than my age too and it doesn't bother me.
  12. I see relationships and humans as worthless except for stuff that's sexual. Seven years ago, I wasn't this way. I got along a lot better with people when I was younger and wasn't judgmental. What happened was that I cared about people that ended up taking advantage of me and lost my confidence when those relationships ended.
  13. I didn't come on here to do school work. As for taking what people say personally and playing the victim, you seriously don't realize how traumatized I am from everything that's ever happened to me. This board has been the exact opposite of helpful since the day I signed up for it.
  14. I would like to learn how to drive but I'm finding myself unable to focus on the driving book long enough. I can only memorize short amount of times at a time. I want to know the material. Not memorize answers to practice driving tests online.
  15. I thought people on here were going to be encouraging. Not reinforce negativity.
  16. The first paragraph makes sense. The second paragraph makes sense too. As for the third paragraph, it seems like everyone on this board has something bad to say in response to me. I didn't expect that when I signed up. I expected people to be more understanding. Not to treat me badly. I don't have anything else to say.
  17. You don't know what I'm talking about with the ego crap.
  18. I changed my avatar because I wanted to.
  19. I think you're the one who lacks empathy for me. I have been extremely nice to people and they haven't been that way towards me. Big ego? I've met some people with big egos and I'm not one of them.
  20. I don't believe good things exist in other people except for stuff that's sexual. I get zero enjoyment out of connecting with anyone and don't think this is ever going to change.