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Everything posted by CuteCornDog

  1. REALLY care about me and REALLY on my side with everything, I would refuse to leave them alone. Anyway, they're the type of people who will laugh at the youngest member of the family solely for being upset.
  2. Great. Thanks for asking.
  3. I think you're an ESFJ, and TheArchfiend and iJustine are both INTP's.
  4. I saw this the day it came out.
  5. I know what it's like to be taken advantage of.
  6. My mom goes above and beyond to cause emotional problems for other people. I was about to start a thread about this, but thought I'd reply here instead considering the subject line.
  7. Crazy mom sticks her nose where it doesn't belong. Trying to pick my friends for me.
  8. There is nothing more challenging to me than trying to get my mind off of negative things.
  9. I appreciate this post.
  10. I'm afraid I'm going to piss someone off on this forum and get banned.
  11. Can you change your personality? No. Are you going to find a person who likes you for who you are? Yes. I hope this posts make you happy.
  12. You need friends. To be honest, I'm pissed at most of mine.
  13. Me. I got drunk in California in 2012, and a lot of people remember me saying things I don't remember saying.
  14. I want to talk about this subject. I know I'm not the only Floridian on this forum. Also, it pisses me off when I read MY old posts on this forum, and notice grammatical errors.
  15. Long story. Right now, I'm just trying to make sure I get the right amount of sleep at night. Before I start applying for jobs again. Sleep is so much important to me right now. All I care about right now. Sleep. My appearance has changed for the better recently because of the amount of sleep I've gotten.
  16. I refuse to accept support from my family because they think there's something wrong with me when it's all them. I won't allow myself to be the scapegoat.
  17. Have you ever considered becoming a Lawyer? Seriously dude, based off your posts, you'd be very good at it I think. Better than me.
  18. The more a person or an animal is taken care of, the more likely they are to fear death.
  19. I had a face-to-face experience in 2015 where one female didn't appreciate the friend zone. I told her no on day one, and she wouldn't listen. She moved back to her home state as a result of that.
  20. Forums like this are way better than Social Media I think. I remember the internet before Myspace was around.
  21. I think you need Therapy. I think that's nicer than telling you to calm down because you obviously have serious anger issues. You're really really scary. What I think.
  22. Yikes. I've never had anything like this done to me before. I would be so be scared too.
  23. Your English is annoying, but you seem like a good person.
  24. Your English is annoying, but you seem like a good person.