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About Joel3102

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  • Birthday 07/17/1995

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    Perth, Australia
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  1. He might be impeached if Dems take the house. He’ll have to do something really fucked up for the GOP Senate to convict him though. I reckon his approval ratings will start to plummet once the honeymoon is over
  2. It’s akin to the upheaval that the printing press caused in Europe, leading to the 30 years war etc
  3. Hmmm depends on your timeframe. If you’re investing for 10+ years S&P500 will be fine. Always goes up ~10% in the long run. If you need it in 4 years then maybe not
  4. Lol that helps 😂 The question is, will America learn its lesson that mindless populist rot isn’t actually superior in the end?
  5. @Leo Gura I’m in a cynical doom spiral right now after this Trump stuff. Astonishing that after everything he’s done (coup attempt), he got re-elected. The worst part is family members who you previously saw as reasonable go along with him and make excuses. Genuinely baffling. Is there gonna be a reckoning?
  6. Why all this talk of “Russia’s backyard” without regard for what Ukraine actually desire. They desperately want to join the western sphere, via economic arrangements. And Putin wouldn’t let them, so his puppet in 2014 got overthrown by the people and he invaded.
  7. @Leo Gura Valid point, I can’t imagine how hard it’d be to leave that success on the table. I think you could have an awesome conversation with him. You disagree more on metaphysics than politics do I reckon set up a conversation based on that
  8. @Leo Gura In one of Destiny’s streams, he mentioned he had a nightmare that all his counterparts were all part of the YouTube game and it was all a joke, and he felt like such a loser for being sincere lmao.
  9. Indeed he does. Disagree with him on certain issues, but he has 0 tolerance for “centrist” bs. In a similar camp as Sam Harris, who could’ve easily become an anti woke Trumper, but alienated the left and the right wing of his audience.
  10. It seems so hard for people to recognise excesses of the far left without going apologia for Trump bs. It’s baffling to think the the mainstream Dems are worse than the “anti establishment” MAGA crowd
  11. @Leo Gura I’ve become more cynical as the years have gone on. To see someone like Anna mock a “centrist” like Rubin endlessly only to be come the same. Is it pure grift maybe I’m missing something?
  12. Seems unrealistic no? A company’s goal will always be to maximise profit. Government’s role should be to keep them in check and regulate them
  13. It’s funny how he has this reputation as a cuck/beta amongst his critics. He’s banged so many hot streamer girls it’s not funny. The guy has trouble controlling his hetro impulses
  14. I’m not even American but honestly it’s gonna be so depressing if Trump wins. It feels like the illiberalism and fascism of MAGA is genuinely a threat to the western world. Will there be a reckoning or silver lining? It just feels like half the country is so far gone in their media echo chambers, distrusting absolutely anything that’s mainstream that we’re fucked.