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Everything posted by Damien96

  1. Hi guys I wanted to write about an experience I had while listening to Leo's video 'Neti Neti method', since I'm not quite sure to understand what happened, and readers of what I'm about to describe might I've been meditating for a little more than a year now, testing with the do nothing technique, mindfulness and finally STS. For the past few weeks I've been watching some videos about enlightenment and it made me somehow more focused on the matter. Even though I had been practicing the Neti Neti method a some months ago (When Leo released the video), I stopped because I was living a life transition, entering college and thought that I wouldn't have time to keep doing meditation + enlightenment inquiry. I kept up with my daily meditation routine though, while increasing the time of the sessions. Then, a few days ago I had an insight about identity: while I was sitting and thinking of my own life story, I thought it literally was just a succession of images that were being 'scrolled' in my head. Then one idea just hit me: Is there any difference, if I tend to identify with anything in the first place, to identify with that succession of images or a simple feeling in my back for example? I came to the conclusion that no, there isn't. And I felt that realization kind of opened my mind somehow. This evening, I felt like going back to the Neti Neti video of Leo, and as the first words were spoken about 'you not being an experience at all' I got shivers all over my body. So I immediately focused on the video and started following the guided meditation. At the end of the video when the 'kicker' got in, I felt like having a micro glimpse of 'nothingness', I then had a feeling of spreading through space a little and all of my body tensed up like crazy: I was crying and breathing at a very fast pace at the same time. The tension in my hands is the thing that shocked me the most: They were all curled up, and I could hardly move my fingers. Then the tension melt down a few minutes later, and I feel quite relaxed right now, as I'm writing. That's it for the story, I hope I didn't wrought too much and that someone out there might have had a similar experience or knows about what I'm talking about Leo if you read this thank you for your video man It actually produced something in me, now is the time to know what exactly... haha cheers Damien