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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. Goenka style? If you could remain aware and observant during the midst of anxiety and socializing. It would change your relationship to anxiety and how express yourself. Anxiety would just become something that's there but it doesn't cripple or limit you. There would be more distance between you and anxiety. And your socializing would change. You'd no longer need to worry about what to say as the words would naturally arise from the space of awareness.
  2. I love this guy. If you really want to know what it means to be mature. Spend some time alone in nature by yourself. It will make you grow some balls right away. Physically, psychologically, emotionally, spiritually and on every level you will reach next level of maturity altogether. But this guy.... he's just on a different level altogether. So fascinating to watch him...
  3. ? No.., I'm just immature. ? Okey let me try to be serious now and contribute something of benefit to humanity. I guess the only thing I can offer is my observation that what you write is almost incomprehensible more then half of the time and I have doubts whether or not it's even coherent and logically consistent. But maybe I just lack brains to understand your profound wisdom. But I wonder. Were you trying to reach people with your wisdom and shed some light on the matter. Or were you trying to sound and appear as profound and complicated and smart as possible. Because if your intention was the later, you did a great job. But if your intention was the former... then..? I assume if one was really interested in sharing wisdom and reaching out to people. That one would try to simplify what she says as much as possible and try to make herself as clear as possible so that more and more people could get it and benefit from it. And would not be so concerned with sounding smart and epic all the time. Tho there's nothing wrong with that also.
  4. Here's an alternative view. Life is like an ocean, those who can surf are having a good time. Those who don't are being crushed by the waves. And the whole point of this physical existence in this domain is to learn to surf the waves, to learn the lessons a soul is meant to learn to overcome the misery, to rise above the ocean, to rise the conciousness above the ego-mind etc.
  5. Aaaah... Mr nobody's? Somehow this reminds me of the days when a teacher would ask me something in the middle of the class and realization would dawn upon me that I didn't hear a single thing a teacher was speaking of ? and then I would try to answer something clever ?
  6. : ) I like your self-awareness
  7. True in most cases I would say. Sex is potentially much more intimate. However, it's possible to have an eye gaze more intimate then sex imo. It's possible to hold hands with more love and closeness then clapping two bodies into each other.
  8. I personally thought reflecting that there's no difference between different manifestaion of love could provide some relief on this matter. Tho if i was to aim for genuine practical advice. Then only discovery of god's love in daily moment to moment awareness can liberate a person from clinginess and attachments of another person. But that's even more outlandish then my previous comment
  9. ? Okei so... if you say you agree that love can manifest in different ways. Then isn't it ridiculous that people are counting bodies and not counting every other moment of intimacy and love? People should count those aswell lol. Why is one more important then the other?
  10. Lol. That's good one. Show what? That holding hands, an intimate eye gaze, a loving embrace is the same as sex? How am I supposed to show that... you're either get the point I'm trying to make or not lol. Maybe I could add an argument in my favor why it is so. Love and intimacy can have many expressions. Sex is only one of them. Mmmm.. so. To connect this to op's thread. If a person is counting another's body count you might as well count how many times a woman had an intimate eye gaze or a loving hug... ugh... please get what im trying to say lol. im enjoying a bit of this kind of texting I'm not offended
  11. How is that connected to what I sayed? Maybe I should clarify what I meant. My point was that the act of holding hands, a loving kiss a cheek, an intimate eye gaze and sex is ultimately a different expression of the same thing. So... I struggle to see what giving up sex has to do with any of this.
  12. Regarding the body count topic. You can realize there's really no difference between a hug, an intimate eye gaze and sex. Perhaps reflecting on it could help you find some acceptance. But most people can't handle the idea that their partner is having a funny convo with an opposite sex. Let alone the other stuff
  13. You can only lose this attachment and clinginess if you're drinking the fullfilment and love of god directly from the source. Then the need to cling to others is gone. Then you can be fully intimate and and loving with all beings and have no attachment to anyone. It sounds nice in theory but in practice good luck ever getting there. Tho it's possible.
  14. Wow. That's really commendable. I heard this one could be problematic...
  15. Oooh you're reading Quran. That's a pleasent surprise. I've never read it but I believe that holy books have mysterious power to influence lifes.
  16. Wishing for miracles eh.. what kind of miracle are u expecting to happen?
  17. good things do happen in life tho. It is better to keep oneself open so you don't end up rejecting god's gifts of life out of grumpiness, haha.
  18. To have no self doubt. Could be bc of competence or stupidity or enlightenment (not caring about anything)
  19. @at_anchor a soul can always move towards a brighter future no matter how dark his current situation is. A proper guidence, grace and support is available to you all the time. But it's up to you to begin to say yes to it.
  20. Sorry, I meant the highest level of good life and bliss. Not christianity. My bad.
  21. The link I gave offers online consultations btw.