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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. This is so good. It deserves a special place on this journal.
  2. No not really. At least I don't. Just eat fresh foods. Not cannned, not processed. Not frozen. Hopefully you're not talking about frozen vegetables.
  3. Lol. I was just about to say the same thing. @ahmet sukru Do some sort of fasting. Don't eat anything after midday, or eat only fruits for example. Being on empty stomach will force you to be spiritually mindful. Being on full stomach will draw you towards lethargy and desire to avoid any kind of spiritual work.
  4. What about those who reach the highest, top levels of performance in their field and are totally ordinary and simple people and don't think of themselves to be of high importance and are respectful to others in the competition? I always like those the most personally.
  5. @at_anchor you can write me in pm about things like that. I guess you can read whatever you resonate with. Gospel of thomas is pretty cool if you ask me. A course in miracles book itself has a seperate text accompanied with the lessons. There's very profound wisdom in there and it is very soothing. Reading a sacred text like that can wash your mind of all negativity and put into a nice state of tranquilty. Plus it has a mystical effect of grace on your life. Here's the link.
  6. Any kind of mystic, sage, shaman, prophet, daoist immortal, or any kind of spiritually evolved being from different backgrounds and traditions would be cool to meet.
  7. The more concious a person is, the more likely that one will be able to look past appearances into the glory and beauty that lies beneath the surface appearance of every individual. To the point where one becomes fully concious and feels the embrace of love towards everyone and everything because recognition of Spirit in all things becomes the only thing in one's vision that you value.
  8. In a formal way. But the practice itself is hard to explain and is too advanced. Here's another meditation I wish to write down that is very good for not getting carried away and becoming unmindful. Instead of trying to stop the activity of the mind, observe the activity of the mind. Usually people are frustrated with their thoughts and they try to look away where there are no thoughts and stay there. And it never works for long. Rather then trying to look away and ignore thoughts. Observe thoughts. Observe what your mind is doing moment to moment. Every image that comes, every fantasy that comes, every unresolved feeling that comes, every desire that comes, every intention that comes, every movement that happens. Then you can't get carried away, because you will be watching the mind wondering around. And if you're watching the mind wondering around that means you are still alert and not lost.
  9. @Sugarcoat I wish there was an emoji like this.
  10. What if I told you Jesus is alive and teaching people in person? Literally. It would blow my mind for sure. If you think that's bizzare, then you should hear the story of this guy. To destroy everything you think you know about life and christianity irrevocably.
  11. Watch the doer instead. I used this practice for many years. It's impossible to not be mindful while doing it. It's brutal for the ego. And it's 100x times more faster growth then labeling.
  12. Jesus is not a figure of past. He's still on and his work is not finnished. He's still active on the Grand Project yet to find fullfilment
  13. You fail to congradulate yourself for what you already did. The path is laid before you and all power in the universe is there to support anyone who wishes to connect to god because god wishes to connect with you. And god never fails. A smigen of your willingness is all that's needed. And you already made the first step. good things are ahead of you, you have a good reason to Rejoice:)
  14. ? Heavens are rejoicing. Congradulations on your willingness to help yourself and allow the grace of Jesus guide your steps. I hope you make use of it further to walk towards brighter future everyday and reap the benefits of walking the path to heaven. The lessons are meant to be followed one per day, and all the lessons are on the same link i gave. Celebrate today. And know the joy, the love, the glory, freedom and abundance of life lived in Grace. Amen.
  15. ? Hehehe ? Now we're talking. This may come to you as a surprise but christianity is taking a new level of manifestaion and expression in the world and not through the bible alone anymore. I would like to introduce you to a new manifestaion called "a course in miracles" the book was channeled by Jesus to Helen and everything written inside it is the pure teachings of Jesus. There are 365 lessons in it. Very simple basic lessons. 1min per day kind of lessons. Yet it contains the power to completely transform your life in miraculous ways. Here's the introduction to the course lessons: Here's a lesson number one: Here's echkart tolle speaking about the a course in miracles just for fun. It was this talk from echkart that conviced me to try the book for myself. Give a first lesson a try. If it resonates next day give a try to the second lesson. And just like that. In baby steps. You will find yourself being carried by angels of god blissfuly to heaven it's a wonderful opportunity and invitation to walk a genuine path to salvation ?
  16. It's better to think about harmony and disharmony. Being is harmony is good, and expressing yourself from the state of harmony extends harmony to others. That's good wholesome action. And it bears good fruit. A mind that is not in a state of harmony makes actions that are disturbing. Creates chaos, noise, toxicity etc. Such a mind should focus on reaching Kingdom of harmony within first. An intention and desire like that is the best possible karma that soul could make. Heaven and Earth will come to support you to carry it out. There're many options out there that are just as good. Perhaps christianity would suit you better karmicly. I know you sayed you don't resonate with it. But I could show you material that holds the power to transform one's life in mystical, miraculous ways. And not by studying books. But by receiving the grace of christ directly. Grace is always the key to salvation actually.
  17. I don't think I qualify to answer that. But... teachers say, if you take up some kind of path and follow it. Your future is bound to be brighter then the past. "Take up your cross and follow me" is a common call to everyone, by many masters and traditions
  18. Wow. That's amazing list. Minus the negative stuff. You can replace drugs for mental health into ayurvedic herbs that helps to improve the mind and balance it in a natural way.
  19. @at_anchor sorry, I'm currently on a small vacation trekking some mountains. I have little internet connection. I'll get back to your queations once I settle a bit.