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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. @Sugarcoat you can be thankful later. Because this may explode big time into drama, lol.
  2. Mmm, I really don't want to get involved in this but I think you're being offensive, disrespectful, out of the line, unpleasent and not even aware of it. (You'll know what I meant by it)
  3. Wow. Strong statements. And how come you're so sure your perception and understanding is correct?
  4. Please... you're being hurtful by writting such things for no reason
  5. This is like shooting yourself in the foot. But for fun
  6. I'll just let it pass.. have no energy for anything now.
  7. What? What did I just read ? Haha, exacly.
  8. ? yea it's very inspiring. That's what I meant by "entering that holy place" btw. An open heart would be another way of saying it. That's what real christianity is all about really. (Since you're such a fan of christianity I brought it up...)
  9. You should touch that holy state of an open heart everyday. In whichever way
  10. I would've liked to see that, lol.
  11. Haha, what? Is this for real? ?
  12. You can make cringe youtube videos aswell.
  13. It's really beautiful and holy almost. Once a foreigner tip me 50€ when I was a waiter. It's quite a feeling. I hugged him aswell lol.
  14. Lol this guy is really good. I watched other videos on his channel aswell.
  15. When something triggers you, it's a good opportunity to look within to see what illusions you're protecting. And when you make that growth your presence becomes useful to others to make that growth aswell. This place is good for getting every button touched. It's a good place to witness many different shades of ego. Good place to practice forgiveness.
  16. @Sugarcoat "what you seek is seeking you — Sugarcoat." Now that sounds more like it. @Buck Edwards yea
  17. Omg ? I've been trying to find it for few years now haha.
  18. Hmmm. I realized my last comment may have had an unpleasent impact on some people. I should've thought this through better ? I apologize
  19. True. It's like writting a signature quote below forum acc . No matter what one writes there it becomes irrelevent and stale after a few days lol Tho I occasionlly get to see some dope tattoos on people.
  20. I would just ask, if she herself likes her tattoo. And if she says yes, then I'd say "I'm glad for you". And if she says no, "just laugh it off and let her know you still support her" And if she insists on knowing YOUR opinion about the tattoo. Say "what you do with your body doesn't matter to me, because your real beauty is of the Spirit and not of the body. And THAT beauty is eternal and untarnishable" Then you will be officially declared a spiritual chad
  21. The explanation for noobs I heard once is that. When one enters a deep samadhi state. The surge of energy and light of god is so powerful it sustains the body
  22. @Princess Arabia you enjoy channeled material? There's nothing of a higher quality and more entertaining then this channeled material below. Thought you might resonate with. It's the Peak.