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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. Yes i agree. A healthy mindest to have is. "don't make any conclusions about what you experience. Maybe it's real Maybe it's not. As far as i know. Something is happening. Let me to just fully allow it and experience what is happening with full embrace. That way one discovers a space inside that is beyond all."
  2. It doesn't matter if it's real or not. The solution is the same. Whether is god or demon, Angel or devil, sadness or bliss, extacy or agony. Simply allow. Be the presence that allows all things and is beyond all things.
  3. When does a handshake, sqeezes all life out of other person's hand.
  4. This is actually a good advice. Also spend some time in nature/forest/jungle by yourself with a tent or something similar. You'll grow some balls in no time. Being in nature has a mysterious way of taking out all the whimping out of you.
  5. The basic logic is that if you cook food and leave it. By the end of the day or next day it's no longer good to eat. But if you process it with chemicals it can last for years. So that's the amount of bs is being put into it. It's basically fake food. Probably without all those sweeteners and flavor enhancing chemicals the food would taste like paper.
  6. Stillness, detachment, dicipline, awareness, sharp intelect, critical thinking, right brain hemisphere is seen as a masculine side of human spirit. Devotion, love, compassion, healing, relationships, playfulness, art, left side of brain hemisphere are seen as feminine side of a human spirit. When you have both, you are a wholesome human.
  7. Nobody is 100% good And nobody is 100% bad Rather then worrying if some place is a cult or not. Think what percentage of it is good and what percentage of it is toxic.
  8. There would be free cookies
  9. AI is like having all the answers to every problem. But I don't think that's helpful in cultivating critical thinking, cultivating penetrative insight into various topics. Not helpful in sharpening your logic and intelect. Not helpful in developing your brains in any way I believe. But maybe I'm missing something idk
  10. What is a successful education anyways? What is an educated person? Somebody who has an encyclopedia inside his head?
  11. I didn't do anything that was not allowed. I played a fair game. Anyway. People define honesty in many different ways. My definition of honesty was the same from the start: "being true to your feelings" it's a legit definition. Not some twisted corrupt one.
  12. Possible. I'm kinda floating right now not sure what's going on.
  13. Yea I get it. I would do the same. In my definition of honesty she was still honest. Her honest feeling was to escape. So she followed her honest desire to become free from the situation. And did whatever had to be done. See what I did there?
  14. Being honest may get you to be judged. So what? Are you not allowed to be yourself anymore?
  15. Wait that was too confusing. "If you sacrifice your true feelings and your authentic self because you're afraid to be judged so you seek to fit into an insane world. Then... what's the point.?" Maybe that's clearer.
  16. What about this. "If one is afraid to be judged and choses to betray her true feelings to conform to others to not be judged. Then that is worse then being judged for being honest."
  17. Mmm articulation of what you're trying to express is a bit muddy and hasty and a bit hot/triggered I would say. Makes it hard to follow. But some things I was able to follow. Mhm. I think you could find examples where someone was honest and it inspired in others respect and admiration. Some people value others who are capable of honesty. I like this. It's kinda still honesty tho.
  18. But the best way to win someone's trust is by being honest and not wearing dozen of masks. So it's still pays to be honest.
  19. I think if you're a women and you're just honest about what u want. It will work 100% of the time. If you're a man. You have to win her trust. And the game begins
  20. I think these days you could find people straightforward and honest like you described and who found success.