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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. He can bring one into Shiva consciousness. And Shiva is an alien. So alien consciousness is his main teaching
  2. You serve the purpose of life each time you chose love over fear. Because life is an expression of love. When you align yourself with it. You align yourself with the Grand Purpose. You're no longer lost doing who knows what.
  3. Yes ai will make survival for an artist more difficult. Unfortunate. I can emphasize. But it doesn't change the fact that art is deeply meditative and spiritual in nature. And all forms of spirituality are about transcendce and God. Not about survival.
  4. Guilt/shame/unworthyness/self-judgement is an act of whipping yourself. Caused by the belief that some part of you has no right to exist. The reason some people feel guilt and others don't. Because it's entirely your choice to whip yourself or not. The whip is in your hands. You can whip others with your judgement. Or you can whip yourself. Or you can put the whip of judgement down, laugh and enjoy life like a sane person.
  5. @Danioover9000 Art is meditation not a profession. Expressions of the heart belong to no one but God. Because that's the source of all inspiration. So this piracy thing is just another ego game. A real artist is in a trance where God is pouring himself through via whatever format. Be it a simple smile, or a massive symphony, it's the same. Such an act is a celebration of life. Egoic concerns have no room in this dance of joy. You're conflating art with ego. Ego will definitely have a hard time when Ai comes. But that's good. Whereas heart's desire to celebrate life no one can take it from you. So there's nothing to worry about.
  6. I see art as an expression of the heart. Heart simply longs to to find expression not out of fear of death but out of sheer longing to expand and become a medium through which God's inspiration is just flowing through and is being expressed through whatever form it is available. Even if it is just a simple gesture or gaze. If it's an expression of the heart. It is art. Everything else is just ego. Wanting fame, money etc. Ego and art can overlap. But they have nothing in common.
  7. Art was never about survival.
  8. Ho ho ho Christmas vibes already I think the one who made the most progress is Leo actually.
  9. "A vibe or behavior that makes another person feel unsafe gets labeled as creepy" Maybe that's the right definition
  10. This video can give you many insights into Christianity. This guy also has an interesting book on inner teachings of Christianity.
  11. It's hard to appreciate the wisdom in that teaching at first glance. It's something that have to study deeper to really understand why it makes so much sense.
  12. I think yes. I think the only thing that cannot be replaced by AI is a spirittual teacher. Because the real value of a spiritual teacher is his energy, grace and transmission that is vital for spiritual growth. I doubt that's possible for a computer to do.
  13. Yea but that's very advanced. Desire for a special relationship is rooted in some sense of lack. But transcending it... Not everyone is that serious to go down that road
  14. I want to attempt to say something useful even tho I didn't quite get what's the problem clearly. I think for a relationship to be successful one needs trust, honesty, respect, self-awareness, don't be a vampire, be the one who emimates joy instead trying to squeeze joy out of others. And maybe some other qualities that I can't think of right now aswell. Maybe if you cultivate these things, your capacity to connect with others will increase more and more. However that is still not a guarantee for finding a gf. But there can't be a healthy relationship without these qualities imo.
  15. It depends how you view it. When you consider that everyone there has chosen to participate in the activity of their own free choice. When you can feel that everyone there is being treated with utmost respect, love, gratittude. When the atmosohere is full of brothethood and desire to make positive change in the world. Then it's the most beautiful thing. And anyways. Sadhguru himself is the biggest slave out there. Offering himself more than anyone else out there. We should be greatful for every person who serves The Whole without trying to serve their own little selfs
  16. It could be a product of love, goodwill and many kindhearted people aswell who are willing to give their time, effort, resources to make something wonderful happen.
  17. @Sugarcoat drill this into your head that you have the power to let go of the whole universe. Especially fear(self preservation) driven bahvior. Regain your POWER woman. "Powerrr, power is goo_ood Ye ye Ye, Na na na Na na na Fuck yea" ~psalm of David.
  19. @Sugarcoat you're very intelligent and smart person and you write many insightful things. But since the day I remember you, you've always had funny ideas about no self from who knows where you get these ideas lol. But these need to be corrected because it's getting out of hand in ridiculous proportions.
  20. I want to correct your understanding a bit. First. No action is automatic. All actions are driven by something. What is driving the action to resist the sinking? What is driving the desire to maintain the little self? I will give you a clue. It's fear. Second. You can 100% overcome it. You have all the power in the universe to go beyond all fear driven bahvior. Third. How? Simply by allowing. By becoming a master of allowance. Here's how it's done: 1. Become aware of fear and the resistance. YOU CAN DO THIS! 2. ALLOW that energy with open heart and opem arms. 3. Breathe and abide... 4. Done. You're healed. Peace is restored and fear no longer rules your mind. Amen.