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Well it's about time to recognize that deep down there is a desire to cope with the pain and the resentfulness is just an ineffective way of achieving nothing. It's unhealthy for you. And you lash it out on others. And it becomes is unhealthy for everyone. The solution is in a 180° opposite way. That is the only way to make progress.
To be treated as if you're inferior and unworthy to talk to can be painful. One thing is it makes you resentful. Another thing is you want to avoid being hurt again so you created this mindset to create distance and protect yourself. But let it sink in. "holding grudges are just unwillingness to experience pain in its fullest" instead of becoming more resentful become more vulnerable and feel the pain that is behind the bitterness fully. And it will heal your mind.
Holding grudges is just unwillingness release to the pain. Whatever hurt you experienced this far, the solution, the release and the healing is waiting for you on the other shore. Where judgements are layed aside. And the ancient song of the heart resounds again.
Today is an auspicious day. Feeling blessed by the love and presence of Andrea bocelli during today's concert. A huge honor and gift to behold him Thank you Lord Amen
Body is intelligent. It knows what it needs to survive. You don't need to understand intellectually that it is time to go to sleep. Body knows it's time for sleep by itself and tells you. Same way body knows what to eat and when to eat it and how much to eat. The body tells you this info from moment to moment. Just the same way body knows with whom to reproduce to give rise to healthy offsprings. Body will tell you very clearly what to go after. Based on this you could draw conclusions. Is your body an intelligent being or no longer intelligent? Is your body feeling sleepless till 5am? Does your body crave food that has zero nutritional value? Does your body tell you to go after people that are not valid for reproduction? (Children, old people, your relatives... Animals, table Etc.) My belief theory is that people are becoming more and more distant from nature and more and more unnatural. Body has lost all sense of what it is supposed to desire to survive because it is losing its connection to nature. Living in fake environments. Breathing air conditioned air. Walking on concrete. Being bombarded with frequencies all the time that are not of this earth etc.
Okei I think i made some progress contemplating this. Energies that serve the ego are anger, avoidance, resistance, fear etc. Energies that serve the survival of the body are hunger and sexual arausal. Energies that serve God and Truth is love. Anger, resistance, fear are all psychological produced by the mind. Hunger and lust is chemical based, produced by the body. Love is of God.
Why do human beings feel arausal? Whhhhhhyyyyy Open question Because every other energy like anger, sadness, fear, joy has an explanation.
I would use that money on a meditation retreat perhaps. Or travel with more pilgrimage oriented mindset.
You're never without an opportunity to cultivate your spirit. Each situation and each moment can be used to bring more and more light into your life. And that's the only thing worth doing in life anyways.
I'm not sure if this can be answered with words. As the question "what is love" hardly can be answered with words. It has to be a direct experience perhaps to really get a satisfying answer.
I mean trees and plants have desire. If you put a plant on a windowshell, it will direct its leafs to face to sun to get maximum sunlight. It is by the power of desire that it moves. It has a desire to get sunlight, therefor it moves. Without desire nothing can move. It is the energy, the Shakti of creation that makes everything happen. And this desire is life force. It is intelligent. It is of God. And it is love.
Aversion is a desire to avoid, a desire to "push away" , it is a desire to protect the ego. Ego corrupts the pure desire of love which is to expand and embrace everything and turns it for its own selfish goals to protect itself. The desire/intention to protect the ego produces fear, resistence, avoidance, doubt, aversion, sense of danger etc. Nobody's. The flow of desire energy is simply flowing through an empty body vessel. Ego on the other hand is that thing that is blocking the flow and corrupts the pure stream of God's love energy for its selfish purposes. When the ego is removed. The perfect flow of God's love, perfect heart's desire energy is flowing ceaselessly. Then that one becomes an empty vessel where God's will is being expressed through that particular body and that particular vessel becomes a perfect servant of God. Perfect servant of Love. Yes. I think these above answers should give some insight into the other questions you've raised aswell.
Here's a more esoteric way to answer the same thing. "you manifested the rising of the arms" the only way to manifest anything into existence is through the power of desire. You manifested your whole reality and experience by the power of desire alone. The entire universe is just a manifestion of God's desire. Desire alone creates. And desire is love. Desire is kundalini. Life is desire. All movement is desire. Desire is everything. Desire is love.
It's almost synonimous with desire. We intend to do something because we want something before the intention. That's impossible. Without a motivating factor. Without desire we can't even blink. There are many subtle muscles that we contract and release inside our body to fart. Every single muscle that we move is done by the power of desire. Nothing in life happens without the energy of desire. Or you can call it intention. But desire is even before the intention itself. Or it is synonimous with the word intent. Desire is the energy that runs everything. Even the heart beat, even the growing of a tree is done by the same power. It is the life force itself (it gets esoteric if we were to go deeper)
Actually here's a short proof of it. The only way to make any action is by the power of desire. Desire can take two forms. 1. desire to expand or 2. desire to contract. 1. desire to contract comes out of fear, because of ego trying to protect itself. 2. desire to expand is just our souls natural longing for God and infinity that is simply there all the time. These are the only two actions possible. Love or fear. Resistance or surrender. Control or trust. Smile or frown. Seek or allow. Letting go or holding tight.
The idea to rise your arms probably has arisen either as 1. an attempt to find a flaw in the theory or 2. to test the theory and dig deeper into it out of curiosity. 1. There could've been egoic resistance to accept opposing person's views. So ego out of fear not to be seen as weak/wrong and "less knowledgeable" makes an attempt to find a flaw in the subject just so it wouldn't need to accept the opposing views and could maintain its position and identity that it is used to. And that way we can see how a seemingly innocent action was actually motivated by resistence to accept something and behind resistance there will be fear always. Ooooorrrr 2. The seemingly innocent action could also boil down all the way to love. Perhaps there was a genuine curiosity and interest to expand the understanding of the subject. A genuine thirst to know more. And to explore it further. And the idea to rise arms was just an extention of a genuine desire to know more. Then it is driven by pure uncorrupted desire of the heart. (love). One thing's for sure. Nobody can perform an action without a motivating factor being there first. And there are only two motivating factors. Love and fear. But the actual proof why it is so would be quite difficult to write it down and would probably be very long. Maybe some day.
Salvijus replied to PurpleTree's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
The practice of self-awareness that I like to do is whenever I experience any negative emotion (frustration, impatience, envy, discomfort, anxiety, attachment, avoidence etc.) I try to explain how it came into being and trace it back to its source. One thing that is helpful to know is that its source is always fear. So for example some information has triggered you, the game is, can you trace it back to fear that caused the trigger to emerge? . This practice has increased my understanding how the ego functions on a much deeper level. And it's very rewarding practice because you get to learn a lot about yourself aswell, and why you respond the way you do. -
Salvijus replied to Ash55's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
This word "narcissistic" is unnecessarily judgemental aswell. Just say "some parts of her leadership were ego driven, and some parts were actually done in good faith" or something like that. And also it's worth keeping in mind that there's hardly anyone on this planet who has not a sting of ego driven behavior in their psyche. So we are all cult leaders in our own right by that definition. "uni dressing is a cult behavior". Sloppy... -
Every action that is driven by fear, ego, illusion, compulsiveness is not a product of infinite intelligence, peace, love, wisdom, wholeness. But lack thereof. One's depth and scope of awareness determines whether you will be a conduit and an expression of Truth and love. Or will you be an expression of falsity and ego. (Trying to formulate these ideas into a satisfying clean way)
Yea I find it very easy to believe that none are fully enlightened here on earth. It's almost an impossible achievement.
I like this quote. "there are no enlightened people, there are only enlightened and unenlightened actions" There are only two ways to perform an action, either from love or from fear, either from illusion or reality, either from inclusiveness or exclusiveness, either from compulsiveness or consciousness. The only way to act out of love is if your awareness is in alignment with love, is in alignment with Truth and wholeness and inclusiveness. And the only way to act out of fear, illusion, compulsiveness, exclusiveness is if your not aware. Not fully aware at least. That's why I would put all those examples you gave under one umbrella: "not fully aware" If looked at this purely from theoretical level I doubt there is anyone who can find a flaw in the reasoning above. I don't think there is one. It simply makes too much sense.
Love behaves very diferenetly then fear based ego. Love would never do what ego and fear tries to do. For it would no longer be love then and you could not call that an enlightened/truthful/conscious action anymore. In other words, you can't perform unconscious actions driven by fear, illusion and ego and claim to be conscious at the same time. Not sure what to say about those examples tho. They were not fully enlightened maybe would be the easiest explanation. Or there are missing pieces to the story. Or somebody misunderstood, misinterpret, misjudged a particular behavior etc.
Salvijus replied to Ash55's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Iabeling something as "cult" is so sloppy. It doesn't point to anything specific and yet comes with strong negative connotations. And the word comes often from the effort to tarnish someone's image which is a sign of sneaky ego at play. Better is to avoid that word entirely and be specific about what behavior exactly can be observed in a person or organization that was not healthy, that served ego and not the truth. And not be derogatory about it. But more like an innocent observation. That way the topic becomes much more rewarding and fruitful.