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Everything posted by Salvijus

  1. Nice Now that is interesting and honest perspective to read. I feel inspired to propose a few ideas for contemplation tho. First. Is Sadhguru (or any enlightened being for that matter) in need of self love to begin with? Or physical wellbeing doesn't matter to him. Perhaps body is just an instrument to him to do certain work. So as long as it is functional it is good enough. So he patched up a few holes in the instrument here and there with painkillers and whatnot. And it's all good. Perhaps he doesn't take the deterioration of the body very seriously. Only to the extent it is needed to do the work he's doing. Just an alternative perspective for contemplation here.
  2. Mmm... I believe if you payed more attention next time you'd realize just how much you misinterpreted the whole messenge around sleep.
  3. I replaced the word lack with forgetting. Almost the same thing as you. Only love is real, yes. But I don't call mirages as reality too. That's what calling fear love amounts to basically.
  4. Wherever you see any of those energies at play, there love is Forgotten and veiled by illusions. And these illusions are being accepted as reality. A mirage is not the reality. Fear is never the truth. Only love is truth. Ignorance and illusions and fear are the forgetting of love/of reality.
  5. Illusions are not the truth Frustration is not peace Judgement is not acceptance Condemnation is not forgiveness Belittling is not appreciatelion Contraction is not openness. Greed is not sharing Control is not faith Manipulation is not trust And so fear is not love, for all these are synonymous All these are but a lack of love
  6. I meant to say fighting and defending your perception over others is futile because everyone sees according to their own level of development, self-awareness and purity of mind. And it's bad taste to impose your view on others anyway. I believe encouraging/fostering/promoting deeper self-reflection, deeper contemplation, deeper awareness, deeper honesty is the only worthwhile thing to do. And this will naturally lead in better judgement and perception of the situation. Plus it's not confrontational. We all get to be friends that way, yey!
  7. Everyone should judge for themselves. Everyone will have their own perception and it's okay. 100 people will have 100 different perceptions of the same person based on their own level of insight and wisdom. I'm not interested in debating who has the most accurate perception of the situation. I'm rather interested discussing and exploring topics that foster self-reflection, contemplation, intellect, challenge our ego etc. That way it's much more fruitful.
  8. It is good that you have your own perception. Everyone is free to have their own opinion of a person based on their level of understanding and perception. This is good. And I'm not interested in interfering with that. However there some topics that I find interesting that have potential for exploration and new insight. Like: the differences between slavary and volunteering, or the beauty of a devotee and surrender, the role of a shepherd on one's path and its depth and possiblities etc. This is where the gold of discussion is to me.
  9. "About volunteers not being payed" The thing is. Sadhguru himself is not being payed. All the resources are being invested in to fulfill the Vision that includes a better life for All on the planet. The ones that are being payed and benefited by their work are us actually. The lazy grumpy people complaining on the internet.
  10. I don’t think I was trying to say, becoming hospitalized is good for humanity. I don't know why you credit that unto me.
  11. This thread is about yoga vs psychedelics? 😮 What? :D... I don’t know what ad hominem means but Yea this is not cool.
  12. "you can't pour from an empty cup" What if. Service to others is what fills your cup with insane amount of love?
  13. No I wouldn't. But again... No one knows what caused the bleeding. You're jumping to conclusions too fast that it was the overworking. Wow. Okay... Tcare
  14. Mmm... If your definition of a workaholic is someone who is relentless in his pursuit of helping others. Then... Why such a negative connotation? It should be a positive thing.
  15. I agree here. And perhaps he is doing it sustainably. We don't know what caused the brain bleeding. Perhaps he was doing all things good and well and something just happened.
  16. Oh that old phylosophical game... Yea I know. Service is the most Devine selfishness there is. Because you serve the yourself which is the whole LIFE. Indeed selfish.
  17. True. True. And I do acknowledge these to be valid ways to live as well. But what if.... There is nothing more fulfilling than to be of service in life? Perhaps that is what is driving an enlightened mind to be of such intense service. Perhaps that is the wisest thing one could do or be in samadhi would be the other extreme.
  18. I'm somehow skeptical it was the work that caused it. I would rather wait for more info of what really happened
  19. By doing something else... I believe. And perhaps we won't agree on this. But I believe there is nothing else to do after enlightenment except: 1. Be in samadhi. 2. Be of service. That something else can be ego-pampering time only. And an enlightened mind would not be doing that. Or at least that's what my logic says.